ORD20021093~COMMON COUNCIL -CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #1093 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 18 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (Jurisdiction and Compliance /Recordation) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO,W AUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN,DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1:Chapter 18,Section 18.20(1)(f),ofthe Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby created to read as follows: (f)Sale or exchange of parcels of land between owners of adjoining property if additional lots are not thereby created and the lots resulting are not reduced below the minimum size required by these regulations,the Zoning Ordinance,or other applicable laws or ordinances when accomplished by a Certified Survey Map when not prohibited by other laws or ordinances including,but not limited to,Section 236.34(1)(e)Wisconsin Statutes.The Certified Survey Map pursuant to this subsection may be executed by the Plan Commission Chairman and other City Þ Officials without the necessity of Plan Commission or Common Council review. SECTION 2:Chapter 18,Section 18.32 (2)(f)of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby repealed and recreated to read as follows: (f)Recordation.After the final plat has been approved by the Common Council and required improvements as shall be required by the Council either installed or a subdivider's agreement and sureties insuring their installation filed,the City Clerk - Treasurer shall cause the certificate inscribed upon the plat attesting to such approval to be executed,and the City shall cause the plat to be recorded with the County Register of Deeds.The Register of Deeds shall not record the plat unless it is offered within six (6)months after the date of the last approval. SECTION 3:Chapter 18,Section 18.33 (8)of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby repealed and recreated to read as follows: (9)RECORDATION.After the certified survey map has been approved by the Common Council,the City Clerk -Treasurer shall cause the certificate to be inscribed upon the map attesting to such approval and the City shall record the map with the Waukesha County Register of Deeds at the subdivider's expense.The Register of Deeds shall not record the map unless it is offered within six (6)months after the date of the last approval.The City shall not permit the applicant,title company or any other entity to record the certified survey map. Þ f10' SECTION 4:The several sections of this ordinance are declared to be severable.If any ~section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid,unlawful,or unenforceable,such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision,and not affect the validity of all other provisions,sections,or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect.Any other ordinance whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 5:This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS ~DAY OF Februarv ,2002. CITY OF MUSKEGO ,.---"-_/ '""'"2-// ( David LDeAngelis,Mayor First Reading:2/12/02 .ATTEST: ~/(h1 (Uù2~<'---"Published this 7th day of March,2002 Cl rereasurer ( . stATE OF WISCONSIN)Suzanne Sobczyk bhng duly sworn,doth depose and )ss.say that she is an auf'zed representative of The Mliwaukee County)MUSKEGO SUN,a h."'spaper Official Notice pu?lishe~at MUSKEGO,..Wlsconsm and that an advertisement ofwlùch the annexed COMMONCOUNCIL is a true copy,taken ITom the said paper,was published ~~gr~g:~~therein on AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTERI8 """"",,"""""""""""""""""" OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF (JU'ladl~~~~n;O:~~~?c~'dation)N\Ç:&C.t\.7-.....". THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO,WAUKESHACOUNTY,WISCONSIN. DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS,. SECTION " Chapt,,'8,Section I8.2011)(Ð,of "",.."...","..".." the Munidpal Code of the City df Muakego is h",. by created to read aa follow" (f)Sale o,..change ofp...""la oflanil between """""""""""""",""""""""'" owne"of adjoIning p,operty if ,ddltiohãllo",are not th",by created and the lots ,..ultmg are not reduced below the mmlmum alze 'requIred by the.. "'gul,tiona,theZoningO'dman",ò,othe,apþlk.~ ,," able laws 0'o,dmances woeh ,""o",þllahed by a "'~Cet'H(ædSurveYMop whan not p,oOn,itedby 'the,. ~'i"<;'law'o'.o'dm , an ,""",mc ., I"ding'"butnotluniiéd , lo,(Signed)......~~...v.... ;'f ~ ' Section 2M...(IXe)W..oonsin St,.."tea.The Certl.B PER $":'fiedsurVèyMappu,suanttòthlo.ubseetionmaybe;;;C/).."'eeuted by the Plan Co=nissiòhChai,màn and ~-it!to:'?~'ro.o:'~~::~~~:~ti:;'~i::.lty of Plan Subscribed and sworn to me before tlùs.1.~aday 'g '.SECTION2,Coapte,18,Section18.82 (2)(f)of Of..~,..,,20.Q)-.. "'.the Munldpal Code of the City of.Mu.kegoia here.~A:'by repealed and , recreated t;,eOd as follow" , " ' '^~Vc (f)Reoo,dation.ARe,the final,plat baa been '-'~,^.-Ò ~'"approvedbyth , eCOmmQn " co""", iI , an , d " equired ~...." "I imp"vements ..shall bereq~"",d by the Coundl Nolary Public Milwaukee County isconsin eith"mstalled " a suWivi.",'a a"",ement and ' aute""msudng thel,;",tallaHon filed,the City , CI"k b - d T""thn""I 't hal tl._:t a.u,e t the.f"tIncate l My Commission expires .1.:.1:.1.............. ill"'"e upon e p a a =illg ,ö sUw app'ova to be ",e",ted.and the'Clty,hallcaus,the plat to be reoo,ded \Vith the County RegiBt&,ofDeeda,The RegiBt&,ofD",Mmalt no;l8:l8:l8:nl8:tunle"it MunidpålCodeofthe CltyofM~$kego;.hereby '"Pealed andri,"'..ted,~'tead aa;1<>1lo",o,' , '(9)RECORDA1'ION'Nte'to."i\Ined ",my maph"bee"i"PPl'Óved by theC<anmo;"Coúncil, tÞ'tÞ'GI!y GI"J<;-"J're".rer ahall ca.s.the ",tifl. Jate to be """"þec1 uPonÌhe map åttèãt)egto such 'pp"",aland tho'Citysmill ",,~,d the map with the WaulteahãCou'hty Registe,dflked'atthesubdl. vide,'s'expense,The Reg'",te,of Deed"hall not ,ecoid the mapunl""it isol!è,w withm six (6) months """"the date of the la,t app,oval.The City ahaU not,Pe>'hùt.íhe appllcant,'ti,",co"'pany"any oU""anHtY,tòiecdm tho"rtified'u,,"'y map. SECTION ',The ee",,<ai ,",,"ona ,,[tbi,omi. nan"are dedaredto beo""able,Ifany ,eetlon 0' portion the,eof mall,b,ded",d by a deeision of a court of ""mpetent j",lsdlction to b'invalid,unlaw- ful,oc unenf"ooable,'uohdeciaioh ahall apply only to the apedflc sec"Oh " p"tion thereof dimtly apecified m the deeiaion,and not aff~ct the validity of all othe<p,ov;.lon"tiotion""portiou tb",of of the "dmanc.which aball remain in full f"oo and effeet.Any oth"",dinanoo who..t"m,a"In con- flict with the p"visiona of thia ominanoo '" h",. by repealed as to those t"ma tbat conflict. SECTION 5,Thi,omiuan",hall be in full f"" and effect ["m and aft"ita pa"age and pubhOB' Hon. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 26th DAY OF Feb,"a..,.,2002. CITY OF MUSKEGO DavId L.DeAnge!!"May" FI"t Readmg,2/12/02 ATTEST, CI"k.T'reaaúre' Publiahed this 7th day of M"ch,2002