ORD20021092COMMON COUNCIL -CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #1092 .AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (Martin Estates.RCE to RCEICOPD) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO,WISCONSIN,DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1:The following described property is hereby rezoned from RCE to RCEICOPD: Part of the SE Y.and NE Y.of the SW Y.of Section 7,T5N R20E,City of Muskego,Waukesha County,Wisconsin,commencing at the NE corner of the SW Y.of said Section 7 being the point of beginning;thence S 860 55'15"W,825.00 feet along the centerline of Field Drive; thence S 000 56'41"E,2654.45 feet;thence N 87019'13"E,825.00 feet to a point being the SE corner of the SW Y.of Section 7;thence N 000 56'56"W,2,660.20 feet to the point of beginning.Said parcel contains 50.33 gross acres,more or less. SECTION 2:The several sections of this ordinance are declared to be severable.If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid,unlawful,or unenforceable,such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision,and not affect the validity of all other provisions,sections,or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and ~effect.Any other ordinances whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance ,are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 3:This ordinance is in full force and effect from and after passage and publication subject to approval of the final plat,Developer's Agreement and Letter of Credit for Martin Estates. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 26th DAY OF Februarv ,2002. CITCO:~~~ (~ David L.De Angelis,Mayor First Reading:1/22/02 Deferred:2/12/02 ATTEST: (ê{flr'-C~Published this 7th day of March,2002 CI 11O2jmb Þ STATE OF WISCONSIN)Suzanne Sobczyk b't;"2;duly sworn,doth depose and )ss.say that she is an au ;zed representative of The !'aukee County)MUSKEGO SUN,a newspaper .,.published at MUSKEGO, Official Notice Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed COMMONCOUNCn.is a tme copy,taken ITom the said paper,was published <;,~~g:=therein on AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ,....................... ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO rr\(Martin Est.tes .RCE to RCEICOPD). . THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THEClTY OF M(c.H ............... ~~'WISCONSIN,DO ORDAIN AS FOL- ",,~~;;~~~Z:~~~~:i~~g~~'dPertyis "...................... Pm of the SEI/hnd NE 1/4 oftheSW 1/4 of Seeti""7,7SN R20E,City of Muskego,WaukoÓhaCounty,W,scnnsin,commencing at the NE eom"of ............ u,..SW 1/4 of said Seetion 7 being the point of beginmDg;then",S 8S'SS'15"W,82S,00 feet along the",ntedineofF..ldDnve;th..",SOO'Sß'41"E ,....................... 2S54.45.fee~,theä,!"N87'19'13"E,82S.00feettd~~~pomt be...the SE eome'of the SW 1/40fSa"ion ~i';'>-"m"",". . 'e~'oo's S s's d s"W'2,6so.20feettOthe'POint (Signed)..ihII'U.v V.... =s g.'" pareel eontains SO.33 grossoem,more0'less.BO .PER SECTION 2,The Bev"aJ aeeti""a of this o,di. ;::::::"ib~r;h!Jt:~::r:::ab;fa"d::=o~r":Subscribed and sworn to me before this..!ti.ti.....ayay e"""ofeom.patentj.,iodidiontdbeirivalid,unJaw.Of N\.\20 0"ful,o'_n~orceable,suehdeci.rooshallapplyonly J:.~,...v.. to the specifie section 0'portion tho"'df dt.eetlyspeeifiod.in the d""sioo,a~dnot alfecithehlidity ß fJ ~aJ~::::,;':o:h\:s~':;;a:~:rt.t'~~::,~oJ ,...C~~.::... efreci..Anyoth<r...diriari..swhee"te,iris'",in Notary Pubhc,MIlwaukee County '-WJscousm My Commission expires 'f.'-:/~:-:-~)....... joGflo.~.t""finaI """"~'~otcnilii for~jj"i.iíiOÎi'I'!I$$I;IDAND""PROVED THIS AYAY oF Februa..,.,2002. CITY OF MUSKEGO David.L.De Angelis,Mayo, Fk"Resamg,1/22/02 Defe"ed,2/12/02 Published this 7tb day of Mareh 2002 ATTEST,' CI"k.TreaMe, 1/0'ljmb