ORD20011084a AMENDED ORDINANCE #I084 COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 17, SECTIONS 2.02 AND 6.09, OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (Definitions and Signs) The Common Council of the City of Muskego. Waukesha County, Wisconsin, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1 Chapter 17, Sections 2.02 and 6.09, of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin is hereby amended and made a part of the Municipal Code as adopted by Ordinance #I 084, as amended. SECTION 2: A copy of said Ordinance has been on file in the Office of the City Clerk- Treasurer and open to public inspection for not less than two weeks prior to the date of this Ordinance and said Ordinance is hereby incorporated into the Municipal Code of the City. SECTION 3: The several sections of this ordinance are declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, sections or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any other ordinance whose terms conflict with the SECTION 4: This ordinance is in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. 0 provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 12Ih DAY OF FEBRUARY ,2002 (lf ~ David L. De A'ngelis, Mayor C1.W OF MUSW / \ c~-f~ _d.;- / David L. De A'ngelis, Mayor First Reading: 10/23/01 Deferred: 11/13/01, 11/27/01, 12/11/01 1/8/02, 1 /22/02 ATTEST, Published this 2IsT day of m, 2002 @rk Treasurer r L STATE OF WSCONSW Milwaukee County 1 ) ss. Official Notice kanne Sobczyk being duly sworn, doth depose and say that she is an authorized representative of The WSKEGO SUN, a newspaper published at MUSKEGO, Wisconsjn and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a true copy, taken from the said paper, was published lherein on ,.. ,. (SEAL) My Commission expires. "(:! 3-9.3. COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #I084 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 17, SECTIONS 2.02 AND 6.09, OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (Definitions and Signs) 0 The Common Council of the City of Muskego. Wisconsin, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1 Chapter 17. Sections 2.02 and 6.09, ofAhe Municipal Code of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin is hereby amended and mad a part of the Municipal Code as adopted by Ordinance #1084. SECTION 2: A copy of said Ordinance has peen d oqfi1e"in the Oftice of the City Clerk- Treasurer and open to public inspection foyhot less t$an,two weeks prior to the date of this Ordinance and said Ordinance is hereby incorpoiated into the Municipal Code of the City. // e are declared to be severable. If a decision of a court of competent , such decision shall apply only to d In the decision, and not affect the portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and ce whose terms conflict with the ealed as to those terms that conflict. and effect from and after its passage and publication. ,2001 CITY OF MUSKEGO David L. De Angelis, Mayor First Reading: Published this day of November ,2001 Clerk Treasurer 10I01imb COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #lo84 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 17, SECTIONS 2.02 AND 6.09, OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (Definitions and Signs) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Chapter 17, Section 2.02, of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby repealed and recreated to read as follows: 2.02 SPECIFIC WORDS AND PHRASES When used in this Ordinance the following words and phrases shall have the specific meanings as hereinafter defined: Ord. #lo84 Page 2 Acre, Gross: The total area of a parcel of land. One acre equals 43,560 square feet. Acre, Net: A measure of developable land waterways. and wetlands. area afler excluding dedicated rights-of-way, Agriculture and Related Activities: The use of land for agricultural purposes, including farming, dairying, grazing land, animal and poultry husbandry, greenhouses, and including the necessary accessory uses nurseries, livestock and poultry confinement. farm products. The use of the word “farm” for packing, treating, storing, and shipping of ‘agriculture.” shall have the same meaning as the word Average Daily Traffic (ADT): The average number of cars per day that pass over a given point. Awning: A roof-like cover that is temporary or portable in nature and that projects from the wall of a building for Ihe purpose of elements and is periodically retracted into shielding a doorway or window from Ihe the face of the building. Banner: Any non-rigid temporary medium (typically, although not exclusively rectangular in dimension) onto which characters and/or symbols are applied for the purpose of conveying a message. (See 6.09( 13)) mounted on poles, lights (stanchions) etc. within a property, manufactured from a permanent-type material and professionally Ord. #IO84 Page 3 Base Setback Area: The land lying between the edge of the existing street right- of-way line and the Base Setback Line. Base Setback Line: The line from which all corresponds to the established ultimate required setbacks are measured, which line street right-of-way line as set forth in Section 5.02(2)A. which, if occupied for living purposes, shall Basement: A story partly underground be counted as a story for purposes of height measurement. where meals and lodging are offered for Boarding House: A building or premises compensation for 5 or more persons, but not more than 12 persons and having no more than 5 sleeping rooms for this purpose. An establishment where meals are served for compensation for more than 12 persons shall be deemed a restaurant. An eslablishment with more than 5 sleeping rooms shall be deemed a hotel or motel. structure located close to the ordinary high Boat House: A detached accessory water mark and designed and used principally for the storage of boats and accessory marine equipment normally used and which typically includes a large in the daily activities of lakefront property overhead door for primary access on the side of the structure facing the water, Building: Any struclure used, designed or intended for the roofed shelter, enclosure, or protection of persons, animals or property. Building, Accessory: A building or portion of a building used for a purpose customarily incident to the permitted principal use of Ihe lot or to a principal building and located on the same lot as the principal use. Building, Principal: The building on a lot in which is conducted the principal use as permitted on such lot by the regulations of the district in which it is located. Building, Height: The vertical distance from a point on grade to the highest point measured. The method of calculatina building height is found J?, Section 17:5.03(3). r- Building Site and Operatiwan: The development plan for one or more parcels on which is shown the existing and proposed conditions of the lot, including: floodplains; topography; wetlands; vegetation; drainage; landscaping and open spaces; walkways; waterways; means of ingress and egress; circulation; utility services; structures and buildings; signs; lighting; berms, buffers, and screening devices; development; and any other information surrounding deemed necessary by the Director of Planning or the Plan Commission. Canopy: - See Awning. Civic organization: A public facility or property. Clinic, Medical or Dental: A group of medical or dental offices organized as a unified facility to provide medical or dental treatment as contrasted with an unrelated Ord. #lo84 Page 4 group of such offices. but not including bed- patient care. Density, Gross: The numerical value obtained by dividing the total number of dwelling units in a development by the gross area of tract of land (in acres) within a development. Density, Net: The numerical value obtained by dividing the total number of dwelling units tract of land (in acres) upon which the in a development by the area of the actual dwelling units are proposed to be located and including common open space and area; the result being the number of dwelling associated recreational facilities within the units per net residential acre of land. Net density calculations exclude dedicated rights-of-way, waterways, and wetlands. Development: Any human-caused change to improved or unimproved real estate that requires a permit or approval from and agency of the City, County. or State, including but not limited to, buildings or other structures. mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation or drilling operations, and storage of materials. EngineeringlBuilding Inspection Director: The City Building Inspector or any other officer charged with the administration and enforcement of the Building Code or his duly authorized deputy. Display Surface: - Display surface is the the purpose of displaying the advertising area made available by the sign structure for message. following traits: excessive pealing paint, Disrepair: Contains one or more of the eroding message@), dead landscaping (in season), missing pieces (access doors, excessive masonry decay, etc.). missing panels (message panels), andlor excessive rust. Duplex: A building containing two single family dwelling units totally separated from each other by an unpierced wall extending from ground to roof. (Cr. #205) Dust-Proofing: An application of SC-4 granular materials at a rate of 1.2 gallons asphaltic material placed on a base of per square yard for the first application, with additional applications of asphaltic rnaterial placed if deemed necessary by the City. Application of asphaltic material shall not be applied when the temperature is below 60 degrees F. (Ord. M55 - 5-10-83) residential structure designed to house a Dwelling, Single Family Attached A with private entrance, but not necessarily single family unit from lowest level to roof, occupying a private lot. and sharing a common wall between adjoining units. residential structure designed to house a Dwelling, Single Family Detached: A on all sides by a private yard. single family on a private lot and surrounded thereof designed for and occupied by 2 or Dwelling, Multiple: A building or portion apartment houses and apartment hotels. more families, including 2 family "flats", complete. independent living facilities for Dwelling Unit: A single unit providing one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating. cooking, and sanitation. Extractive Operations: The removal of rock, slate, gravel, sand, topsoil, or other natural rnaterial from the earth by ~~ excavating. stripping, leveling or any other process. ~. Family: One or more persons occupying the premises and living as a single housekeeping unit, as distinguished from a group of individuals occupying a fraternity or hotel. boardinghouse, lodging house, club, Floor Area: The square feet of floor space within the outside line of walls, including the total of all space on all floors of a building or structure. Floor Area Ratio: (FAR) The total floor area of buildings, expressed as a percentage ratio to the total area of the lot. Ord. #lo84 Floor Area, Assessed: The measurement of a structure's living area from outside wall to outside wall, inclusive of closets, storage areas, and seasonal rooms, but excluding unfinished basements, unfinished attics. and attached garages Garage, Attached: A public or private garage, the roof of which is connected to the principal building. Garage. Private: A structure in excess of 120 square feet used for the storage of private motor vehicles, and which structure is accessory to the residential use of the property on which it is located. Garage, Public or Commercial: Any garage not falling within the definition of "private garage" as herein established, and used for storage. repair, rental or servicing of motor vehicles. Gasoline service Station: A place where gasoline, kerosene, or any other motor fuel or lubricating oil or grease for operating motor vehicles is offered for sale to the public and deliveries are made directly into motor vehicles, and including facilities, for greasing, oiling, washing and minor repair of vehicles on the premises, but not including major automatic car washing or any body repair facilities. finished street at the centerline or curb as Grade, Established: The elevation of the fixed by the Engineer or by such authority as shall be designed by law to determine such an elevation. Guest House: An attached or detached accessory building used to house guests of the occupants of the principal building, and which is never rented or offered for rent. Page 5 Hard Surface: Bituminous Asphaltic Concrete or Portland Cemenl Concrete of at least 2-1/2" thickness. (Ord. #455 - 5-10-83) Highway: See Street. Major Arterial Home Occupation: A gainful occupation conducted by members of the family, within it s place of residence, where the space used is incidental to residential use and no article is sold or offered for sale except as is produced by such home occupation. Hospital: An institution intended primarily for the medical diagnosis, treatment. and care of patients being given medical treatment. A hospital shall be distinguished from a clinic by virtue of providing for bed patient care. Hospital, Animal: An establishment providing for medical care and treatment of animal pets, but distinguished from a clinic by virtue of providing for bed patient care. without meals, is offered for compensation Hotel: A building in which lodging with or and which may have more than 5 sleeping room for this purpose, but not including kitchen facilities in individual rooms. Impervious Surface: Any hard surfaced, or retain water, including but not limited to, man-made area that does not readily absorb building roofs, paved parking and driveway areas, patios, and sidewalks. Inflatable Advertising: Inflatable. See Sign, Kennel, Hobby: A non-commercial establishment associated with a single household in which dogs or other animals and pets are kept. bred, and raised. Kennel, Commercial: An establishment where dogs or other animal pets not part of the actual household on the lot on which the facility is located are raised, bred, or boarded. Land Use: A description of how property is occupied or utilized. Legal Nonconformity: The zoning status of a structure or parcel of land which, or the use of which, though legal prior to the with one or more of the provisions of this passage of this ordinance does not comply ordinance. Ord. #IO84 Limits, Highway and Street: Include all the ultimate right-of-way, encompassing the traveling portion of the highway or street, Ihe shoulders, the ditches. and adjacent dedicated areas. Lodging House: A building where lodging only is provided for compensation and having not more than 5 sleeping rooms for this purpose. Lot: A single parcel of contiguous land occupied or intended lo be occupied by such slruclures and uses as permitted under this ordinance together with the open spaces required by this ordinance, and abutting on a public street or officially approved way. Lot, Double Frontage: A parcel which fronts on two parallel streets or that fronts on the Iwo streets which do not intersect at the boundaries of the 101. Lot Area: The area of contiguous land bounded by lot lines, exclusive of land provided for public thoroughfare, but including lands located between a meander line and the Ordinary High-water Mark (OHM) of a navigable waterway. Lot Lines: The lines bounding a lot as defined herein. Marquee - Permanent roofed structure attached to and supported by the building. See also Sign, Projecting. which lodging only is offered for Motel: A building or series of buildings in compensation and which may have more than 5 sleeping rooms or units for this purpose and which is distinguished from a hotel primarily by reason of providing direct parking for, each rental unit. independent access to, and adjoining judged by the Plan Commission, on referral Murals: Artwork or other pictorial display of the Planning Director or designee, not to be signage and shall be exempt from this Ordinance. Non-Conforming Structure: A structure which does not conform to the Building Location, Height or Building Size regulations of the district in which it is located. Non-Conforming Use of Structure: An activity that was lawful prior to the adoption, revision, or amendment of the Zoning Ordinance, but fail by reason of such Page 6 conform to the present requirements of the adoption, revision, or amendment to zoning district. conform to the Lot Size Regulations of the Non-Conforming Lot: A lot which does not district in which it is located. Non-Conforming Use of Land: A use of any land in a manner where said use does not confwm to the Use, Residential Density. or Open Space Regulations of Ihe District in which it is located. Off-streel Parking Space: The area on a lot designed lo accommodate a parked motor vehicle as an accessory service to the use of said lot and with adequate access of satisfying parking requirements of lhis lhereto from the public streel. For purposes ordinance an off-slreet parking space shall be an area of no less lhan 160 square feet. Offset: The shortest horizontal distance between any structure and a lo1 line, other than a street line. Open Space: An unoccupied space open to the sky on the same lot wilh the building and no1 used for parking or driveway purposes. Outdoor Recreational Facilities: Land and structures, along with accessory equipment designed and utilized for leisure time aclivilies of a predominantly "outdoor" nature and of more specific purpose than passive park-like open areas, and further classified as follows: Public: Facilities owned and operated by a governmental agency for limited or general public use. Private: Commercial: Facililies owned and operated by an individual or group for profit as a business whether or not open to general public use. Private NonGommercial Group: Facilities owned and operated by a group for Ihe exclusive use of the members of such group and their guests and not for profit as a business. Private Residential: Facilities owned by an individual located on the same or adjoining lot to his residence, and intended solely for the use of this family and guests. Ord. #lo84 Page 7 Pennant: Tapered or dove-tailed banner, sign, streamer or flag, with or without any representation or writing thereon, and temporary in nature. National flags, flags of political subdivisions and symbolic flags of any institution or business shall not be categorized as banners. Planning Director: The Planning Director or hislher deputy is the City officer charged with the administration and enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance (also Zoning Administrator). area of a building for purposes of Primary Floor Area (P.F.A.): The floor determining required parking ratios. which area shall include only that portion of the total floor area devoted to customer service. sales and office space and shall not include warehouse, utility, hallways and other accessory space which does not generate parking demand. Private Club or Lodge: A structure or grounds used for regular or periodic meetings or gatherings of a group of persons organized for a non-profit purpose, but not groups organized to render a service customarily carried on as a business. Professional Office: The office of a doctor. dentist, minister, architect, landscape architect. professional engineer, lawyer, author. artist. musician or other similar recognized profession. Reader Board: A sign having changeable letters used to announce special events, products. services or sales. Road: Synonymous with street. Roadside Stand: A farm building used or intended to be used solely by the owner or tenant of the farm on which such building is located for the sale of the farm products raised on said farm. Rooming House: Same as Lodging House. Operations" Sand and Gravel Pits: See "Extractive any structure and the base setback line. Setback: The shortest horizontal distance Shed, Private Garden: A structure equal to or less than 120 square feet in area, which property and used for incidental storage. is accessory to the residential use of the 0 0 Sign: Sign is any medium including its structure and component parts, which is used or intended to be used to attract attention to the subject matter for advertising purposes other than paint on the surface of a building. For the purpose of this Ordinance, coloration andlor striping on canopies shall not be considered signage and shall be allowed if it contributes to the overall theme and design of the property. Sign, Abandoned: A sign which no longer correctly directs or exhorts any person, advertises a bona fide business, lessor, owner, product or activity conducted, or product available on the premises where the sign is displayed. Sign, Area: Area of copy enclosed by one continuous line, connecting the extreme points or edges of a sign. The area shall be determined using the largest sign area or silhouette visible at any one time from any point. Sign, Agricultural Produce: Signs for the purpose of advertising agricultural produce available at a roadside produce stand or farm. Sign, Awning, Canopy, or Marquee: A sign that is mounted. painted. or attached to an awning, canopy, or marquee that is otherwise permitted by ordinance. See also Sign, Projecting. Ord. #IO84 Page 8 I Sign, Directional: A sign intended solely for the purpose of directing patrons or customers to an establishment off the main traveled road and not including promotional advertising unnecessary to such directional purpose. Sign, Electric Sign containing electrical Hiring. but not including sign illuminated by an exterior light source. supported by a sign structure, unique to that Sign, Freestanding: - Sign wholly sign, anchored in the ground. Sign, Ground: Any sign, other than a pole sign, where the entire base of the sign is in contact with the ground and is independent of any other structure. Said sign shall not measure more than 7 feet in total height above grade ..... THE hCl'lE Sign, Illuminated: A sign lighled by or on or in the sign or directed toward the sign. exposed to artificial lighting either by lights Sign, Inflatable: Any display capable of being expanded by air or other gas and used on a permanent or temporary basis to advertise a product or event. Sign, Off Premise: A sign that directs or entertainment conducted, sold, or offered atlention to a business, commodity, service, which the sign is located. at a location olher than the premises on Sign, On-Site Informational: A sign commonly associated wilh, but not limited to, information and directions necessary or convenient for visitors coming on the and exits. parking areas, circulation property, including sign marking entrances direction, rest rooms, and pick-up and delivery areas. Sign, Quasi-Public Informational: Non- commercial signs of a general informalional nalure such as community welcome, safety warning, or other similar nature. Sign, Pole A sign that is mounted on a reestanding pole or other support so that he bottom edge of the sign face is seven (7) 'et or more above grade. Ord. #IO84 ~__ Page 9 Sign, Political: A temporaj sign mnouncing or supporting political :andidales or issues in connection with any lational, state, or local election. ~~ Sign, Portable: A sign that is not permanent. affixed to a building, structure. or the ground. Sign, Projecting: Projecting sign shall mean a siqn other than a wall sian. which projects from and is supported by a wall of a building or structure, extending out beyond 12 inches from the point of attachment. typically having 2 or more viewable sides, but for the purpose of this ordinance, only one side need be counted as a side for measuring its allowable area and sign count. canopies shall also be considered projecting Signs printed on or affixed to awnings and sions. Ord. #lo84 Page 10 sign, Price and Temporary Item: Rigid ;igns of a professional quality which advertise the price of a product or service Jffered on the premises or of special emporary goods or services being sold or Jffered. A "sandwich board" sign is an ?xample of a price and temporary item sign. Sign, Real Estate: A sign relating to the sale or lease of the premises, or a portion of the premises, on which the sign is located. \ \ \ \ \ \ Sign. Roof: A sign that is mounted on the roof of a building or that is wholly dependent upon a building for support and that projects above the top walf or edge of a building with a flat roof, the eave line of a building with a gambrel, gable, or hip roof, or the deck line of a building with a mansard roof. Sign, Temporary: Shall include any sign, banner, pennant, valance, or advertising display intended to be displayed for a limited period of time only. Sign, Theatre: A sign having changeable letters used to announce periodic events and showings pertain to the performing arts and are offered at the location where the sign is displayed. Sign, Wall: A sign painted on a building and all other signs connected to or erected against the wall of a building or structure. Nith the exposed face of the sign in a plane parallel to the plane of said wall where no part of the sign structure extends more than 12 inches out from the facade as measured near the points of attachment or contact to the building. Wall signs are permitted only 3n walls with street facings with a maximum 3f two building sides per building. For purposes of this jtoreslbusinesses in shopping centers shall ordinance, Zount the wall facing the main customer parking area as a street facing. For the wrpose of this Ordinance, canopy Zoloration andlor striping shall not be :onsidered wall signage and shall be Dermitted but regulated to the extent allowed 3y 6.09(3)(s). Sign Structure: Supports or materials capable of supporting any sign as defined in this Ordinance. A sign structure may be a single pole or may or may not be an integral part of the building. Solar Access: A property ownet's right to have the sunlight shine on the owner's land. of devices, structure, or part of a device or Solar Collector A device, or combination structure that transforms direct solar energy into thermal, mechanical, chemical, or electrical energy and that contributes Ord. #lo84 Page 11 significantly to a structure’s energy supply. (Ord. #411 - 6-23-81) Story: That portion of a building included between the surface of a floor and the surface of the floor next above it, or, if there the floor and the ceiling next above it. A be no floor above it, then the space between basement or cellar having one-half or more of its height above grade shall be deemed a story for purposes of height regulations. Street: A public or private right of way usually affording primary access to abutting property. Street, Frontage: A street contiguous and parallel to a traffic artery and affording direct vehicular access to abutting property. Street, Hierarchy: The conceptual arrangement of streets based upon function. A hierarchal approach to street design classifies streets according to function, from high-traffic arterial roads down to streets whose function is residenlial access. Systematizing street design into a road hierarchy promotes safety, efficient land use, and residential quality. control, channelized intersections. restricted Street, Major Arterial: A street with access traffic to and from minor arterials. parking, and lhat collects and distributes Street, Minor Arterial: A street with signals at important intersections and stop signs on the side streets and that collects and distributes traffic to and from collector streets. Street, Minor Access: The lowest order of residential street (See Street Hierarchy). Provides fronlage for access to private lots, and carries traffic having destination or origin on the street itself. Designated to should not exceed 250 ADT at any point of carry traffic at slowest speed. Traffic volume traffic concentration. The maximum number of housing units should front on this class street. Street, Collector: The highest order of Conducts and distributes traffic between residential street (See Street Hierarchy). lower-order streets and higher-order streets function is to promote free traffic flow, (arterials and expressways). Since its access to homes and parking should be prohibited. Collectors should be designed to 0 prevent use as shortcuts by now neighborhood traffic. Total traffic volume should not exceed 3,000 ADT Street, Rural Cross-section Arterial: A Major or Minor Arterial Streef characterized stormwater run-off. by the use of open ditch swales to convey Street, Subcollector. Middle order of residential street (See Street Hierarchy). Provides frontage for access to lots and carries traffic to and from adjoining residential access streets. Traffic should have origin or destination in the immediate exceed 500 ADT at any point of traffic neighborhood. Traffic volume should not concentration. Street, Urban Cross-section Arterial: A by the use of curb and gutter, catch basins, Major or Minor Arlerial Streef characterized and pipes to convey stormwater run-off. Street Line: A dividing line between a lot. tract or parcel of land and a contiguous street. Structure: A combination of materials other than natural terrain or plant growth erected or constructed lo form a sheller, enclosure, retainer, container, support. base, pavement or decoration. Structure, Principal: A structure used or intended to be used for the principal use as permitted on such lot by the regulations of the district in which it is located. Structure, Accessory: A structure or portion of a structure used for a purpose customarily incident to the permitted principal use of the lot and localed on the same lot as the principal use. Structure, Permanent: A structure placed on or in the ground or attached to another structure in a fixed and determined position, and intended lo remain in place for a period of more than 9 months. Structure, Temporary: Any structure other than a permanent structure. Structural Alterations: Any change in the substantial change in the roof structure or in supporting members of a building or any the exterior walls. Substantial Landscape Base Area: A planting space at the base of a sign face Ord. #IO84 Page 12 whose cultivated area equals that of the which perennial vegetation and/or shrubs associated sign face square footage and, in cover at least 50% of the cultivated area. Tavern: A commercial establishment fermented malt beverages and/or serving the public and offering the sale of intoxicating liquors for consumption on the premises. This definition does not include private lodges nor clubs selling fermented malt beverages and/or intoxicating liquors only to members and to guest invited by members. Trailer, House: For the purpose of this ordinance the term "house trailer" shall be defined as any shelter designed and equipped to provide sleeping and living quarters, and designed to be transported from place to place rather than to be Any such structure from which the wheels constructed upon permanent foundations. have been removed shall be construed to be a permanent dwelling structure. Trailer, Camping: Any coach, cabin, mobile home, house trailer, house car or other vehicle operating under its own power or transported by other vehicle intended for wheels or supports. habitation off the premises and mounted on with or without meals, is offered to transient Tourist Home: A building in which lodging, guests for compensation and having no more than 5 sleeping rooms for this purpose with no cooking facilities in any such individual room or apartment. Use. Accessory: A use subordinate to and customarily incident to the permitted principal use. acceptable in a particular zoning district but Use, Conditional: A use which is generally which, because of its characteristics and the characteristics of the zoning district in which it would be located, requires review on a case by case basis to determine whether it should be permitted, conditionally permitted, or denied. occupancy, activily, building or other Use, Permitted: That utilization of land by structure which is specifically enumerated as permissible by the regulations of the zoning district in which said land is located. property or structures as permitted on such Use Principal: The main or primary use of lot by Ihe regulations of the district in which it is located. Vision Setback Area: An unoccupied corner lot. as established by Section 5.02 (2) triangular space, at the street corner of a E. Zoning Administrator and Administrative designated lo administer the Zoning ofticial - The Administrative Officer term Zoning Administrator andlor Ordinance and issue zoning permits. The Administrative Official as used herein does not include the Common Council for the City of Muskego. (Ord. #663, 10-5-89) Zoning District: A specifically delineated area within the City of Muskego within uniform regulations and requirements govern the use, placement. spacing, and size of land and buildings. Zoning Map: The map or maps which are adopted as a part of this ordinance and which delineate the boundaries of zoning districts Ord. #lo84 Page 13 0 SECTION 2: Chapter 17, Section 6.09, of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby repealed and recreated to read as follows: 6.09 SIGNS (Ord #854 - 03/23/95) (1) USE RESTRICTED In any district no signs shall be permitted except as is hereinafter specified by the regulations for that district. or as otherwise regulated in this Section. All signs shall also meet all applicable structural and electrical requirements of local and state building and electrical codes. (See Chapter 30) (2) APPROVALS, PERMITS, FEES AND INSPECTION. (a) No sign shall hereafter be erected, re-erected at a new location, constructed, altered or maintained except as provided by this Ordinance (See Section 6.09(4)(c) for exceptions) and an approval and a permit for the same has been issued by the Plan Commission, Planning Director, andlor EngineeringIBuilding Inspection Director, or their designee, unless otherwise specified in Section 6.09 (6) and (14) of this Code) 1, A separate permit shall be required for a sign or signs for each business entity. andlor a separate permit for each group of signs on a single supporting sign structure. 2. Electrical permits shall be obtained from the Building Department for illuminated signs (b) Application for sign approvals and permits will be made in writing upon forms furnished by the Planning Department (for approvals) and the Building Department (for permits). Such applications shall contain, but not be limited to: 1, The location by street and number of the proposed sign structure, 2. A detailed drawing of the proposed sign and structure to a scale, 3. A landscape plan for the sign base (freestanding and ground signs) that meets the requirements as outlined in Section 17:6.11(4)(c), 4. The name and address of the owner and the sign contractor or erector 5. The EngineeringlBuilding Inspection Director may require the filing of plans or other compliance with building and electrical requirements as specified in Chapter 30.435. pertinent informalion where in his opinion such information is necessary to insure Standard plans may be filed with the Building Department. (c) The following modifications shall not require a sign permit. These exceptions shall not be construed as relieving the owner of the sign from the responsibility of its erection and Code regulating the same. maintenance, and its compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance or any other law or 1 The changing of the advertising copy or message on a painted, printed, or changeable copy sign. 2. Painting, repainting, or cleaning of an advertising structure or the changing of the which requires sign permit unless a structural change is made. advertising copy of message thereon shall not be considered an erection or alteration 3. All residential signs permitted by right in Zoning Ordinance. (d) A Plan review (approval) fee and a sign permit fee shall be paid, Ord. #IO84 Page 14 1. Fee as listed in the Schedule of Permit Fees, Table No. 1. Chapter 30. (Ord. #741 - 2. Deleted (Ord. #741 - 02/06/92) (e) All signs, together with all of their supports. braces, guys, and anchors, shall be kept in repair and in proper state of preservation. The display surfaces of all signs shall be kept neatly painted or posted at all times. (9 All signs for which an approval and permit is required shall be subject to inspection by the Zoning Administrator and/or EngineeringlBuilding Inspection Director Footing inspections may be required for all signs having footings. The Building Director or Zoning Administrator upon notication by the Building Director. may order the removal of any sign that is not maintained in accordance with the provisions of sub. (9) All signs may be reinspected at the discretion of the Zoning Administrator or (h) Appeal Procedure. Any person feeling himself aggrieved by any order or ruling of the Plan Commission, Planning Director, Zoning Administrator or EngineeringlBuilding Inspection within 30 days after written notice of such ruling shall have been delivered to him. Such Director may appeal such ruling, conditioned on the case's ripeness, to the Board of Appeals appeal is to be filed in accordance with procedures as outlined in Chapter 17, Section 3.08 of the Zoning Ordinance, in writing. setting forth the order appealed from, and the respects in which said person feeling himself aggrieved claims that said order or filing is erroneous or illegal. Said notice of appeals shall be filed with the Planning Department who shall thereupon notify the Planning Director andlor EngineeringlBuilding Inspection Director of said appeal, and the appeal shalt be heard at the next available meeting upon submittal of a completed application. The Board of Appeals, after consideration thereof, shall affirm. reverse or modify said ruling as is just. 02/06/92) EngineeringlBuilding Inspection Director (3) CERTAIN SIGNS PROHIBITED (a) Hazards or Nuisances: No sign which creales a hazard or dangerous distraction to vehicular district: traffic or a nuisance to adjoining property in the following ways shall be permitted in any 1 No sign shall be placed so as to obstruct or interfere with traffic visibility nor in such a way as to cause glare or impair driver visibility upon pub6c ways; 2. No sign shall rotate nor have or be illuminated by moving or flashing lights (exception: electronically controlled intermittent or vertically scrolling lights that form a one line messages are permitted subject to approval by the Plan Commission under 6.09(4) subject to their size not exceeding 25 % of the area of the combined square footage for both the electronic sign and main identification sign); 3. No sign shall resemble, imitate or approximate the shape, size, form or color of railroad or traffic signs, signals, or devices, nor obstruct or interfere with the effectiveness so as to prevent free ingress and egress from any door. window, or fire escape; and 4. No sign shall be attached to a standpipe or fire escape. (b) Non-Accessory Signs: No sign not directly related to the use of the premise in which it is located. except directional signs as herein provided, shall be permitted in any district. Signs showing time, temperature and similar information not related to the premises are permitted. but must be counted as part of Ihe allowable sign area. See Section 6.09(4)(a). 6.09(4)(d), and 6.09(6)(c) for exceptions to this paragraph. (c) Roof Signs: Signs whose lowest point is visually separate from and above the highest point of the roof shall be prohibited. Signs on the face of mansard or gable end shall be considered wall signs. No sign, or any portion, thereof shall be installed on or above the parapet of a flat roof. Ord. #lo84 Page 15 (d) Abandoned Sign: Such signs are prohibited and shall be removed unless an extension is otherwise granted by the Plan Commission. The property owner for said sign is located shall the Plan Commission within twenty (20) days of notice by the Zoning Administrator, receive notice from the Zoning Administrator of removal. Petitioner may bring a request to requesting an extension. If said request is denied, the sign shall be removed within twenty (20) days. If said sign is not removed within the twenty (20) day period, the City shall cause said sign to be removed by the City and the cost of the removal shall be subject to a special assessment or special charge to the property pursuant to Section 3.015 of the Municipal Code. (e) Parking of Advertising Vehicles Prohibited: Except as provided in Sections 6.09(8)(a). 6.09(8)(b). 6.09(11)(a), and 6.09(11)(b), no person shall park any vehicle or trailer on a public way, which has attached thereto or located thereon any sign or advertising device for the sole right-of-way or public property or on privrde property so as to be visible from a public right-of- purpose of providing advertisement of products or directing people to a business or activity located on the same or nearby property or any premises. This section is not intended to prohibit any form of vehicular signage such as a sign attached to a bus or lettered on a motor offered for sale from the private property of the vehicle owner or owner's immediate family. vehicle nor is this section intended to prohibit the advertising of personally owned vehicles (f) Portable Signs: Portable signs for quasi-public informational purposes shall be permitted on a temporary basis per 6.09(8)(b). (4) SIGNS EXEMPTED The following signs may be erected and maintained without permits. providing they do not constitute a hazard or nuisance: (a) Political Signs: May be erected in any district without a permit provided they are not a danger to life or property. are located on property with the permission of the property owner, and shall be limited to thirty-two (32) square feet in size. No such sign shall be placed within the limits of any street or highway. The prohibition hereunder extends to trees, utility poles. fence posts, stakes. and all other structures on which signs might be posted or placed except political signs installed or placed on motor vehicles. Any sign violating this Section shall be summarily removed by the Director of Planning or his designee. All political signs, wherever located, must be removed within 10 days afler the election for which it was erected. (b) On-Site Informational Signs: Reasonable size and necessity shall be permitted, and shall be determined by the Plan Commission with the exception of signs addressed by Title 111 ADA Section 4:30. (c) Real Estate Signs: In residential districts,said signs are Limited to 12 square feet and one sign per street frontage, and in all other districts are limited to 32 square feet. Said signs shall be removed upon sale of the property. Permanent on-site rental signs shall be limited to (d) Off-Premise Real Estate Directional Signs: Shall be limited to no more than (3) three off- premise directional signs per residential. agricultural or business property offered for sale. Such signs shall be displayed in accordance with all applicable regulations and writlen to display. Such signs shall be limited to a maximum of six (6) square feet in size. permission of the property owner on whose property the sign is located shall be obtain prior (e) Public Agency Signs: Erected by a national, state, county or municipal governmental agencies, including traffic and informational signs. (f) Residential Nameplates: Identifying owners or occupants, provided no more than two (2) are erected, each being less lhan two (2) square feet in area. Home occupationlresidential business signs shall be counted in this numerical and size limitation. 4 sq. n. (9) Agricultural Product Sale Signs: See Section 6.09(4)(0) Ord. #lo84 Page 16 (h) Interior and Inside Window Signs: Signs installed inside a building whether intended for viewing from inside or outside the building are permitted without limitation as to size or number 0 (i) Memorial signs, tablets, names of buildings and dates of erection when cut into any masonry surface, or when constructed of metal and affixed flat against the building. (i) Construction Signs: One construction sign per commercial or industrial construction project not exceeding sixty-four (64) square feet in sign area, provided that such sign may be erected upon issuance of a valid building permit. shall be confined to the site of construction. and shall be removed upon issuance of a valid occupancy permit. Pennants. banners and streamers shall not qualify as flags and shall require temporary sign approval per Section6.09(11). (k) Flags: The flags, emblems or insignia of any nation or subdivision or single corporate flag. (I) Holiday Decorations: Signs of a primarily decorative nature, clearly incidental and customary and commonly associated with any national, local or religious holiday; shall not be displayed for a period of more than one hundred twenty (120) consecutive days. (m) Inflatable Advertising: One such display, per property. shall be permitted for a period of time approved by the Plan Commission, but not to exceed eight consecutive weeks, provided the display is located outside all vision triangles and does not constitute a public nuisance. (n) Signs not visible from a public right-of-way. (0) Agricultural Produce Signs: Shall be limited to 64 square feet in area. Price and Temporary Item Signs: permitted up to twelve (12) square feet in area for each sign, provided the signs are not illuminated and no more than two (2) signs per street frontage are erected on the property, and are no closer than five feet to the property lines. Signs square footage may not be combined to create one message totaling twenty-four (24) square feet per street frontage. A twelve (12) square foot "sandwich board sign is an example of a price and temporary item sign. Said signs shall be removed at the close of business each day. a (5) NON-CONFORMING SIGN The existing lawful use of a sign at the time of enactment of this ordinance or any amendmenl thereto may be considered as a legal non-conforming use under the terms of Section 4.06 as applied to their elimination. Disrepair and/or dangerous signs shall be removed. (Ord. #398 - 08- 26-80) Exceptions to this section are as follows: (a) Off-Premise Directional signage associated with an existing business. See Section 6.09(6)(d). (6) SIGN CLASSIFICATION AND REGULATIONS (b) Signs for Conditional or Overlay Uses: Subject to the regulations set forth in Section 6.03 signs appropriate lo permitled conditional use or uses permitted in overlay districts may be district to the contrary. In establishing the size and locational requirements, the Plan permitted as determined by the Plan Commission notwithstanding limitations in the basic districts. Commission shall be guided by the requirements imposed for similar uses in any of the basic (c) Directional Signs: 1, A Sign not to exceed six (6) square feet in area indicating direction to a church, hospital, the Plan Commission. Not more than four (4) such signs may be erected within the City school or other public service building may be permitted in any district upon approval by for any business or organization. (Ord. #398 - 08-26-80) 2. A sign, not to exceed twelve (12) square feet in area, for the purpose of directing patrons or attendants to an establishment off the main traveled highway for sewice clubs, 0 Ord. #I084 Page 17 churches, or other non-profit organizations may be permitled in any district other than a residential district upon approval of the Plan Commission. 3. Signs not to exceed thirty (30) square feet for service clubs, churches or other non-profit organizations, may be permitled in any district, upon approval of the Plan Commission, provided the sign is designed with a substantial landscape base area as defined in Section17:2.02, and illumination on each side is limited to exterior lighting not exceeding seventy-five (75) watts per fifteen (15) square feet of sign area. 4. A sign not exceeding two (2) square feet in total non-illuminated copy area (two sides of copy permitted), only for the display of local religious andlor civic organization directional signage, may be permitted in the public right-of-way. Four (4) such signs per organization may be erected in the City at any intersection of an arterial and/or collector highway in any zoning district. and all signs must be located within a two (2) mile radius of the organization. Four (4) such signs per intersection shall be permitted, An individual organization may have one such sign per intersection, and shall be responsible for all costs of maintenance and removal of the structure. Such a sign shall not: Be located so as lo block the traveling public's line of vision; impede safe lraffic I. movements; interfere with the viewing andlor function of any traffic control devices; 11. Be designed or positioned so as to be misconstrued as a traffic control device. (d) For existing off-premise directional signage associated with existing businesses located in excess of 1000-feet from a collect or arterial, and when said signage is threatened with relocation or removal as result of development or redevelopment pressures, such signage may be allowed to be relocated subject to approval by the Plan Commission. As criteria for approval, the Plan Commission considerations shall include but not be limited to: 1, Site suitability as related to compatibility with proposed surroundings, 2. Structural quality and durability, 3. Conformance to current design standards, possibility of detriment to area property 4. Landscaping provided at the base of the sign. grade. Size shall be limited to twenty-four (24) square feet in area and nine (9) feet in height above (e) Setbacks and Offsets: All signs shall conform to the setback and offset requirements outlined in the Table of Dimensional Requirements, per Section 6.09(h) 1. Ground signs may be installed at the base setback line with a height not to exceed seven 2. Existing pole signs in the base setback area may be altered subject to the approval of the (0 Construction Standards: All signs or similar advertising structures shall be governed in their erection and maintenance by Chapter 30.435 the Building Code of the City. No sign or similar advertising media shall be erected without a permit as required in this Ordinance and the Building Code. (9) Height: No free standing or wall sign shall exceed the height as measured from grade, and as hereinafter specified by the regulations of the district in which it is located. and as summarized in the Table of Dimensional Requirements. per Section 6.09(6)(h). (Ord. #398 - 08-26-80) 1, In no case shall the highest point of any sign extend above the highest point of the eave line of the building which houses the business for which the subject sign advertises unless otherwise approved by the Plan Commission. values, and public safety. (7) feet as measured from grade. Plan Commission. Ord. #IO84 Page 18 (h) Area: No free standing or wall sign shall exceed the height as hereinafter specified by the regulations of the district in which it is located and as summarized in the Table of Dimensional Requirements. per Section 6.09(6)(h). 1, How Calculated: I. sign is the entire face of the sign and shall include any art work and insignia within a The area of the smallest rectangle. which comprises the sign face. The area of a single continuous perimeter, including any spacing between letters, figures, designs, and structure of the sign other than the sign base, together with any frame or other material. color, or condition which forms an integral part of the display and is used to differentiate such sign from the wall or background against which it is placed. A. For a freestanding sign, the definition of sign area does no1 include the perimeter columns and caps. architectural embellishments. base structure, and details such as decorative E. When the sign only consists of letters, designs, or figures engraved, painted, projected, or fixed on a building or perimeter wall, the total area of the sign shall be the area of the smallest rectangle within which the entire fixed lettering andlor artwork is inscribed. C. All sides of a sign visible from any one (1) location shall be measured in determining the area of the sign, except that only one (1) side of a sign shall be five (45) degrees or less. If the two (2) sides are not of equal size, the larger side measured if the two (2) sides are back to back or separated by an angle of forty- shall be measured. A back-to-back sign shall have parallel faces, separated by not more than two (2) feet. D. This area does not include the main supporting sign structure. but other ornamental attachments are to be included in determining sign area. 2. Reader boards shall not exceed 25-percent of the area of the main identification sign and is to be part of the main identification sign face, a separate face mounted on the same structure as the main identification sign, or mounted on the building. In any case, such a sign is in the total allowable square footage calculations for all signage at a specific location as it applies to wall, projection and freestanding signage. Size specifications as government, and other non-profit related services, clubs, and organizations except to the herein described shall not apply to sign associated with theaters plus churches, schools. extent regulated by the specific zoning district in which it is located. t Ord. #lo84 (i) Table Of Dimensional Requirements: Page 19 OHS 20 to 30 3’ 30 to 65 55 5% - 00s 20 to 20 3’ 10 to 45 35 3% NOTES (1) Square lootage may be increased to the second number at a rale of one (1) square loot lor each additional 10 feet of lo1 fronlage. atler Ihe first 50 feet of frontage. up to 300 feet of frontage. In addltion. square footage may be increased by one (1) square foot for every two (2) feet additional setback up from the required setback to a maximum of a 40 foot setback from the base setback line. (2) Square footage may be increased from the value found in Note 1 above a maximum of 20-percent for all ground and pole signs located on propedies abulling major rural arterial Slreels. and if said streets become urban arterials. said signs shall be deemed 10 be legal non-conforming pursuanl to Section 17:4.06. (3) Ground Signs may be localed with zero foot setback from Ihe setback line. See Section 17:6.09(6)(d) (4) Height may be increased to Ihe second number at Ihe rate 01 one (1) foot for every two (2) feet additional setback horn the required setback. (7) Institutional Signs: (a) A sign not exceeding fifteen (15) square feet in area giving the name and nature of occupancy and information as to the conditions of use or admission may be permitted at each entrance to Ihe grounds or buildings of a private institution provided the approval of the Plan Commission is first obtained that each such sign will not create a traffic hazard, is aesthetically in keeping with the character of the neighborhood and will not cause a depreciation of property values in the adjoining neighborhood. (8) QUASI-PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL SIGNS - (ORD. #792’- 04-22-93) (a) Non-commercial permanent signs of a general informational nature such as community welcome, safety warning, or other similar nalure not to exceed eighty (80) square feet in area may be erected by service clubs or other nowprofit organizations upon approval of the Plan Commission of the location, size and appearance of such sign. Any such sign may have direct constant illumination. (b) No more than three (3) non-commercial temporary signs or one temporary portable sign used for the sole purpose of advertising a special club or community event not to exceed thirty-two (32) square feet (each) in area may be erected by service clubs or other nowprofit organizations for a single event. No such sign(s) shall be erected until a Building permit is oblained from Ihe Building Department. The permit applicant must be a Muskego resident. Ord. #lo84 Page 20 There will be no fee charged for said permit and the conditions of the permit shall stipulate that no more than three signs are permitted for any single event, the maximum period a sign is to be located and that any such sign may have direct constant illumination. There shall be 0 no limit to directional signs, however, no such sign, shall exceed nine (9) square feet. RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD SIGNS Signs limited to identifying the name of the neighborhood area such as a subdivision or housing development and limited to twelve (12) square feet in area may be permitted at each entrance to the area provided the approval of the Plan Commission is first obtained that each such sign will not create a traffic hazard, is aesthetically in keeping with the character of the neighborhood, and will not cause a depreciation of properly values in the adjoining neighborhood. Such sign that is designed either as an integral part of the architecture of a building or as part of a landscape architectural feature such as a wall shall be permitted without limitation as to size if the Commission determines that the foregoing standards would be met. SHOPPING CENTEWPROJECT SIGNS A sign identifying a shopping center or grouping of stores in excess of 50,000 sq. ft. in area may the district in which they are located applicable to the height, size and location of such sign be permitted with the approval of the Plan Commission by the modification of the regulations of consistent with the spirit and intent of the regulations in that district. (Ord. #398 - 08-26-80) TEMPORARY SIGNS (a) A sign for the purpose of designating a new building or development, for promotion of a subdivision, for announcement of a special event, or for similar special informational purpose may be permitted for a limited period of time in any district with the approval of the Plan Commission and subject to the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Drawings or sketch drawn to scale showing the specific design, appearance and location of the sign shall be submitted to the Plan Commission for approval. The permitted size and location of any such sign shall be at the discretion of the Plan Commission based upon the character of the area, the type and purpose of sign and the length of time permitted. However, in no case shall the size of the sign exceed sixty-four (64) square feet. The sign is to be located on the premises involved and such sign may be permitted for a period up to one year and exlension may be permitled six month inlervals with Plan Commission approval until such time as 75-percent of development has occurred. (Ord. #406 - 12-09-80) Where the sign is not to be located on the premises involved such sign may be permitted for a period up lo nine months and exlension may be permitled for six month intervals with Plan commission approval, until such time 75-percent of development has occurred. (Ord. #433 - 06-23-81) (b) Upon approval of the Director of Planning, a sign such as a banner, sandwich board over twelve square feet, etc. for the purpose of announcing a special event or sale, or for a similar special informational purpose, may be permitted for a maximum of fifteen (15) days at a lime, renewable for up to six (6) months in any district subject to the following: 1. Drawing andlor sketch drawn to scale showing the specific design, physical and electrical installation plan, appearance, and location of the sign shall be submitted to the Director of Planning for approval. 2. The permitted size of any temporary sign shall not exceed 64 square feet. 3. Where the sign is to contain electrical service, it shall contain a recognized testing laboratory label such as the Underwriter's Laboratory, Inc.. a ground fault interrupter device (GFI). and meet applicable provisions of the City electrical code. including the 0 Ord. #lo84 Page 21 issuance of an electrical permit therefore. Installations exposed to potential wind damage shall be made secure with methods as enumerated in the City Building Code. 4. For the purpose of this ordinance they shall not be used to advertise pricing, specials or temporary promotions. Said banners are intended to be primarily of a decorative nature (i.e. corporate logos), and require approval per Section 6.09(11)(b) having a quarterly review to determine compliance. They must be mounted on hanging brackets or poles that provide safeguards against slipping and twisting. (12) STAFF APPROVALS FOR SIGNAGE (a) All applications for sign permits shall be reviewed initially by the Director of Planning, or his which, pursuant to this chapter. can be issued without review by the Plan Commission. The designee, who may issue permits for temporary or permanent signs and such other signs Director of Planning shall have the authority to deny such permits if the proposed signs do not comport with the requirements of this Section. (b) Should the Director of Planning conclude, in his discretion, that the Plan Commission should review an application for a sign permit, or should this Section require such review for a particular sign, the application will be forwarded to the Plan Commission for review at its next regularly scheduled meeting subject to receipt of a full submittal. The Plan Commission may vote to recommend approval or disapproval of the application based on the following factors: 1, The exterior architectural presentation and functional plan of the proposed sign will be not so at variance with or so similar to the exterior architectural presentation and functional plan of signs already constructed or in the course of construction in the area, or so out of harmony with the area, as to potentially contribute to substantial depreciatim in the property values of the area; 2. The proposed sign conforms to the location, size and style requirements set forth in this Section; 3. The proposed sign conforms to the city's long range planning for the area as set forth in the city's master plan as that term is defined in Section 62.23(3). Wisconsin Statutes, or relevant portions thereof; 4. The proposed sign shares similar architectural or building material features of the principal building. (c) The Plan Commission may establish guidelines which further define and interpret this Section. Those guidelines, if any, shall be made available to all applicants. (d) Upon approval or disapproval of a sign application by the Plan Commission, the application shall be returned to the Director of Planning, who shall issue approved permits or notify applicants of disapproval of their application and the reasons thereof. SECTION 3: The several sections of this ordinance are declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, sections, or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any other ordinance whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. Ord. #lo84 Page 22 PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF ,2001. ClTY OF MUSKEG0 David L. DeAngelis, Mayor First Reading: ATTEST: Cover Ordinance Published on the - day of ,2001. Clerk-Treasurer City of Muskego Plan Commission Supplement PC 164-2001 For the meeting of: October 76,2007 REQUEST: Zoning Code Amendment, Signs PETITIONER: Common Council INTRODUCED: October 16.2001 LAST AGENDA NI A PREPARED BY: Brian Turk BACKGROUND PC 164-2001 Planning staff was asked to prepare possible amendments to the Zoning Ordinance pertaining to Signs. Specifically, the amendments were developed to provide additional signable area for properties fronting on rural cross section arterial highways, where the additional width of the rights-of-way are perceived to be an issue. Staff has recommended other technical revisions, including the addition of several definitions, which do not alter the basic regulations. STAFF DISCUSSION PC 164-2001 The amendment grants a 20% size bonus for monument signs located on rural cross-section arterial highways. Based on the definition, the bonus would apply to portions of Racine Avenue, Janesville Road (short term) and Moorland Road. If these roads convert to an urban cross-section, the signs would become legal non-conforming (i.e. they are permitted to remain, but can not be altered except in conformity with the code). While this may address the specific needs of a handful of businesses, staff does not fully support this portion of the amendment. Planning staff believes that the existing sign ordinance should be fairly and uniformly applied. Portions of Section 6 which pertain to sign definitions are relocated to Section 2.02, where all other definitions are found. Portions entitled Title, Scope, and Enforcement" are deleted, as they are redundant with Section 1 of the Code (these were necessary when the sign ordinance was its own chapter of the Municipal Code). Sections pertaining to administrative (staff) approvals of signs are clarified. Finally, the Plan Commission has previously given staff administrative direction as to how sign area is calculated. Planning staff recommends that this be codified. This has been included, along with several graphics. STAFF RECOMMENDATION PC 164-2001 Approval of Resolution #PC 164-2001 RESOLUTION #PC 164-2001 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 17. ZONING PERTAINING TO SIGNS WHEREAS, At the request of the Common Council, the Planning Department has prepared revisions to Chapter 17 of the Municipal Code pertaining lo Signs, and WHEREAS, Said Code changes are prepared under the authority of Section 60.81(7) and 62.23 of Wisconsin Slate Statutes being deemed necessary lo promote the public health, safety, and welfare of the City of Muskego, and WHEREAS, A Public Hearing is scheduled before the Common Council on October 23, 2001, and THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission hereby recommends the outlined Code changes pertaining to administration of the Zoning Ordinance. Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted: Defeated: Deferred: Introduced: October 16, 2001 ATTEST. Sandi Asti. Recording Secretary e published at MUSKEGO. Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed .... ............................. .......... G fb!fuagY., . ........... ....... .............................. ......................................... ............................................... Subscribed and Of.. ................ ........... AMENDED ORDINANCE #lo84 COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 17, SECTIONS 2.02 AND 6.09, OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (Definitions and Signs) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Chapter 17, Section 2.02, of the Municipal Code of the City ofMuskego is hereby repealed and recreated to read as follows: 2.02 SPECIFIC WORDS AND PHRASES When used in this Ordinance the following words and phrases shall have the specific meanings as hereinafter defined: Ord. #lo84 Acre, Gross: The total area of a parcel of land. One acre equals 43,560 square feet. Acre, Net: A measure of developable land waterways, and wetlands. area after excluding dedicated rights-of-way, Agriculture and Related Activities: The use of land for agricultural purposes, including farming, dairying, grazing land, animal and poultry husbandry, greenhouses, nurseries, livestock and poultry confinement, for packing. treating, storing. and shipping of and including the necessary accessory uses farm products. The use of the word "farm" shall have the same meaning as the word "agriculture." Average Daily Traffic (ADT): The average given point. number of cars per day that pass over a Awning: A roof-like cover that is temporary or portable in nature and that projects from the wall of a building for the purpose of shielding a doorway or window from the elements and is periodically retracted into the face of the building. (typically, although not exclusively Banner Any non-rigid temporary medium characters andlor symbols are applied for rectangular in dimension) onto which the purpose of conveying a message. (See 6.09( 13)) Page 2 within a property, manufactured from a permanent-type material and professionally Ord. #lo84 L Base Setback Area: The land lying between the edge of the existing street right- of-way line and the Base Setback Line. Base Setback Line: The line from which all required setbacks are measured, which line corresponds to the established ultimate street right-of-way line as set forth in Section 5.02(2)A. which, if occupied for living purposes, shall Basement: A story partly underground measurement. be counted as a story for purposes of height where meals and lodging are offered for Boarding House: A building or premises compensation for 5 or more persons, but not more than 12 persons and having no more than 5 sleeping rooms for this purpose. An establishment where meals are served for compensation for more than 12 persons shall be deemed a restaurant. An establishment with more than 5 sleeping rooms shall be deemed a hotel or motel. Boat House: A detached accessory struclure located close to the ordinary high water mark and designed and used principally for the storage of boats and accessory marine equipment normally used in the daily activities of lakefront property and which typically includes a large Page 3 overhead door for primary access on the side of the structure facing the water Building: Any structure used, designed or intended for the roofed shelter, enclosure, or protection of persons, animals or property. Building, Accessory: A building or portion of a building used for a purpose customarily incident to the permitted principal use of the lot or to a principal building and located on the same lot as the principal use. which is conducted the principal use as Building, Principal: The building on a lot in permitted on such lot by the regulations of the district in which it is located. from a point on grade to the highest point Building, Height: The vertical distance measured. The method of calculating building height is found in Section 17:5.03(3). Building Site and Operation Plan: The on which is shown the existing and development plan for one or more parcels topography; proposed conditions of the lot, including: floodplains; vegetation; drainage; wetlands; landscaping and open spaces; walkways: waterways; means of ingress and egress; circulation; utility services; structures and buildings; signs; lighting; berms, buffers, and screening devices; surrounding development; and any other information deemed necessary by the Director of Planning or the Plan Commission. Canopy: - See Awning. Civic Facility - A non-commercial area developed or to be developed for public or quasi-public administrative, cultural, or recreational use. Such facililies include but are not limited to libraries, community centers, parks and playgrounds, police stations, fire stations, or city hall. Civic organization: A group of people formally organized for a common and usually community-oriented interest. Clinic, Medical or Dental: A group of medical or dental offices organized as a treatment as contrasted with an unrelated unified facility to provide medical or dental Ord. #IO84 Page 4 group of such offices. but not including bed- Application of asphaltic material shall not be patient care. applied when the temperature is below 60 Density, Gross: The numerical value degrees F. (Ord. #455 - 5-10-83) obtained by dividing the total number of dwelling units in a development by the gross Dwelling, Single Family Attached: A area of tract of land (in acres) within a residential structure designed to house a development. single family unit from lowest level to roof, with private entrance, but not necessarily Density, Net: The numerical value obtained by dividinq the total number of dwellina units occupying a private lot, and sharing a common wall between adjoining units. tract of land (in acres) upon which the in- a development by the area of theactual residential structure designed to house a Dwelling, Single Family Detached: A dwelling units are proposed to be located and including common open space and single family on a private lot and surrounded on all sides by a private yard. associated recreational facilities within the area; the result being the number of dwelling units per net residential acre of land. Net density calculations exclude dedicated rights-of-way, waterways, and wetlands. Development: Any human-caused change to improved or unimproved real estate that requires a permit or approval from and agency of the City, County, or State, including but not limited to, buildings or other structures, mining, dredging, filling, grading, storage of materials. paving, excavation or drilling operations, and The City Building Inspector or any other officer charged with the administration and enforcement of the Building Code or his duly authorized deputy. area made available by the sign structure for Display Surface: - Display surface is the the purpose of displaying the advertising message. EngineeringlBuilding Inspection Director: .. Dwelling, Multiple: A building or portion thereof designed for and occupied by 2 or more families, including 2 family "flats", apartment houses and apartment hotels. Dwelling Unit: A single unit providing complete, independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent cooking, and sanitation. provisions for living, sleeping, eating, Extractive Operations: The removal of rock, slate, gravel, sand, topsoil, or other excavating, stripping, leveling or any other natural material from the earth by process. Family: One or more persons occupying the premises and living as a single housekeeping unit, as distinguished from a group of individuals occupying a boardinghouse, lodging house, club, fraternity or hotel. Floor Area: The square feet of floor space Disrepair: Contains one or more of the following traits: excessive pealing paint, erodino messaae(s). dead IandscaDino fin within the outside line of walls, including the total of all space on all floors of a building or structure. I I ,. ~ ~~ Season), missing pieces (access doors, excessive masonry decay, etc.), missing Floor Area Ratio: (FAR) The total floor Panels (message panels), andlor excessive area of buildings, expressed as a rust. percentage ratio to the total area of the lot. Duplex: A building containing two single family dwelling units totally separated from each other by an unpierced wall extending from ground to roof. (Cr #205) ,~ ~< >~~~ asphaltic material placed on a base of Dust-Proofing: An application of SC4 granular materials at a rate of 1.2 gallons per square yard for the first application, with placed if deemed necessary by the City. additional applications of asphaltic material a Ord. #lo84 Page 5 I I FmoE AZEA KATIO (F.A.E.) = TOTAL BY~LPWCI FL-~ TOT^L UT _LeA F@"rr I9 of a structure's living area from outside wall Floor Area, Assessed: The measurement to outside wall, inclusive of closets, storage areas, and seasonal rooms, but excluding unfinished basements, unfinished attics. and attached garages. Garage, Attached: A public or private garage, the roof of which is connected to the principal building. Garage, Private: A structure in excess of private motor vehicles, and which structure 120 square feet used for the storage of is accessory to the residential use of the property on which it is located. Garage, Public or Commercial: Any garage not falling within the definition of "private garage" as herein established, and used for storage, repair, rental or servicing of motor vehicles. Gasoline service Station: A place where or lubricating oil or grease for operating gasoline, kerosene, or any other motor fuel motor vehicles is offered for sale to the public and deliveries are made directly into greasing, oiling, washing and minor repair of motor vehicles, and including facilities, for vehicles on the premises, but not including major automatic car washing or any body repair facilities. Grade, Established: The elevation of the finished street at the centerline or curb as fixed by the Engineer or by such authority as an elevation. shall be designed by law to determine such accessory building used to house guests of Guest House: An attached or detached the occupants of Ihe principal building. and which is never rented or offered for rent. Hard Surface: Bituminous Asphaltic Concrete or Portland Cement Concrete of at least 2-1/2" thickness. (Ord. #455 - 5-10-83) Highway: See Street. Major Arterial Home Occupation: A gainful occupation conducted by members of the family, within it s place of residence, where the space used is incidental to residential use and no article is sold or offered for sale except as is produced by such home occupation. Hospital: An institution intended primarily for the medical diagnosis, treatment, and care of patients being given medical from a clinic by virtue of providing for bed treatment. A hospital shall be distinguished patient care. Hospital, Animal: An establishment providing for medical care and treatment of animal pets. but distinguished from a clinic by virtue of providing for bed patient care. Hotel: A building in which lodging with or without meals, is offered for compensation and which may have more than 5 sleeping room for this purpose, but not including kitchen facilities in individual rooms. Impervious Surface: Any hard surfaced, man-made area that does not readily absorb or retain water, including but not limited to, building roofs. paved parking and driveway areas, patios, and sidewalks. Inflatable Advertising: See Sign, Inflatable. Kennel, Hobby: A non-commercial establishment associated with a single and pets are kept, bred, and raised. household in which dogs or other animals where dogs or other animal pets not part of Kennel, Commercial: An establishment facility is located are raised, bred, or the actual household on the lot on which the boarded. Land Use: A description of how property is occupied or utilized. Legal Nonconformity: The zoning status of a structure or parcel of land which, or the use of which, though legal prior to the with one or more of the provisions of this passage of this ordinance does not comply ordinance. Ord. #I084 ultimate right-of-way, encompassing the Limits, Highway and Street: Include all the traveling portion of the highway or street, the shoulders, the ditches, and adjacent dedicated areas. Lodging House: A building where lodging only is provided for compensation and having not more than 5 sleeping rooms for this purpose. Lot: A single parcel of contiguous land occupied or intended to be occupied by such structures and uses as permitted under this ordinance together with the open spaces required by this ordinance, and abutting on a public street or officially approved way. Lot, Double Frontage: A parcel which fronts on two parallel streets or that fronts on the two streets which do not intersect at the boundaries of the lot. Lot Area: The area of contiguous land bounded by lot lines, exclusive of land provided for public thoroughfare, but including lands located between a meander line and the Ordinary High-water Mark (OHM) of a navigable waterway. Lot Lines: The lines bounding a lot as defined herein. Marquee - Permanent roofed structure attached to and supported by the building. See also Sign, Projecting. which lodging only is offered for Motel: A building or series of buildings in compensation and which may have more than 5 sleeping rooms or units for this purpose and which is distinguished from a hotel primarily by reason of providing direct independent access to. and adjoining parking for, each rental unit. Murals: Artwork or other pictorial display judged by the Plan Commission, on referral of the Planning Director or designee, not to be signage and shall be exempt from this Ordinance. Non-Conforming Structure: A structure which does not conform to the Building Location, Height or Building Size regulations of the district in which it is located. activity that was lawful prior to the adoption, Non-Conforming Use of Structure: An Ordinance, but fail by reason of such revision, or amendment of the Zoning Page 6 adoption, revision, or amendment to conform to the present requirements of the zoning district. conform to the Lot Size Regulations of the Non-Conforming Lot: A lot which does not district in which it is located. Non-Conforming Use of Land: A use of any land in a manner where said use does not conform to the Use, Residential Density, which it is located. or Open Space Regulations of the District in Off-street Parking Space: The area on a lot designed to accommodate a parked use of said lot and with adequate access motor vehicle as an accessory service to the thereto from the public street. For purposes of satisfying parking requirements of this ordinance an off-streel parking space shall be an area of no less than 160 square feet. Offset: The shortest horizontal distance between any structure and a lot line, other than a street line. Open Space: An unoccupied space open to the sky on the same lot with the building and not used for parking or driveway purposes. Outdoor Recreational Facilities: Land and structures, along with accessory equipment designed and utilized far leisure time activities of a predominantly "outdoor" nature and of more specific purpose than passive park-like open areas, and further classified as follows: Public: Facilities owned and operated by a governmental agency for limited or general public use. Private: Commercial: Facilities owned and operated by an individual or group for profit as a business whether or not open to general public use. Private Non-Commercial Group: Facilities owned and operated by a group for the exclusive use of the members of such group and their guests and not for profit as a business. Private Residential: Facilities owned by an individual located on the same or adjoining lot to his residence, and and guests. intended solely for the use of this family Ord. #lo84 Page 7 Pennant: Tapered or dove-tailed banner, sign, streamer or flag, with or without any temporary in nature. National flags, flags of representation or writing thereon, and political subdivisions and symbolic flags of categorized as banners. any institution or business shall not be Planning Director: The Planning Director or hislher deputy is the City officer charged with the administration and enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance (also Zoning Administrator). Primary Floor Area (P.F.A.): The floor area of a building for purposes of determining required parking ratios, which area shall include only that portion of the total floor area devoted to customer service, sales and office space and shall not include warehouse, utility, hallways and other accessory space which does not generate parking demand. Private Club or Lodge: A structure or grounds used for regular or periodic meetings or gatherings of a group of persons organized for a non-profit purpose, but not groups organized to render a service customarily carried on as a business. Professional Office: The office of a doctor, dentist. minister, architect, landscape architect, professional engineer, lawyer, recognized profession. author, artist, musician or other similar letters used to announce special events, Reader Board: A sign having changeable products, services or sales. Road: Synonymous with street. Roadside Stand: A farm building used or intended to be used solely by the owner or located for the sale of the farm products tenant of the farm on which such building is raised on said farm. Rooming House: Same as Lodging House. Operations" Sand and Gravel Pits: See "Extractive any structure and the base setback line. Setback: The shortest horizontal distance Shed, Private Garden: A structure equal to or less than 120 square feet in area, which is accessory to the residential use of the property and used for incidental storage. 0 e Sign: Sign is any medium including its used or intended to be used to attract structure and component parts, which is attention to the subject matter for advertising purposes other than paint on the surface of a building. For the purpose of this Ordinance, coloration andlor striping on canopies shall not be considered signage and shall be allowed if it contributes to the overall theme and design of the property. Sign, Abandoned: A sign structure that prior message) afiar the previously remains on the premises (with or without the service on he premises has been advertised activity, business, product or discontinued, or effectively closed for a days. period of sixty (60) or more consecutive Sign, Area: Area of copy enclosed by one continuous line, connecting the extreme determined using the largest sign area or points or edges of a sign. The area shall be silhouette visible at any one time from any point. Sign, Agricultural Produce: Signs for the available at a roadside produce stand or purpose of advertising agricultural produce farm. Sign, Awning, Canopy, or Marquee: A an awning, canopy, or marquee that is sign that is mounted, painted, or attached to otherwise permitted by ordinance. See also Sign, Projecting. Ord. #lo84 Page 8 Sign, Directional: A sign intended solely for the purpose of directing patrons or customers to an establishment off the main traveled road and not including promotional advertising unnecessary to such directional purpose. 0 Sign, Electric Sign containing electrical wiring, but not including sign illuminated by m exterior light source. supported by a sign structure, unique to that Sign, Freestanding: - Sign wholly sign, anchored in the ground. Sign, Ground: Any sign, other than a pole sign, where the entire base of the sign is in contact with the ground and is independent of any other structure. Said sign shall not measure more than 7 feet in total height above grade. Sign, Illuminated: A sign lighted by or ?xposed to artificial lighting either by lights In or in the sign or directed toward the sign. Sign, Inflatable: Any display capable of being expanded by air or other gas and used on a permanent or temporary basis to advertise a product or event. Sign, Off Premise: A sign that directs or entertainment conducted, sold, or offered attention to a business, commodity, service, which the sign is located. at a location other than the premises on commonly associated with, but not limited Sign, On-Site Informational: A sign convenient for visitors coming on the to, information and directions necessary or property. including sign marking entrances and exits, parking areas, circulation direction, rest rooms, and pick-up and delivery areas. Sign, Quasi-public Informational: Non- commercial signs of a general informational nature such as community welcome, safety warning, or other similar nature. Sign, Pole A sign that is mounted on i freestanding pole or other support so thal the bottom edge of the sign face is seven (7; feet or more above grade. Ord. #lo84 Sign. Political: A temporary sign announcing or supporting political candidates or issues in connection with any national, state, or local election. Sign, Portable: A sign that is not Iermanent, affixed to a building. structure, )r the ground. Sign, Projecting: Projecting sign shall projects from and is supported by a wall of a mean a sign other than a wall sign, which building or structure, extending out beyond 12 inches from the point of attachmenf, typically having 2 or more viewable sides, but for the purpose of this ordinance, only one side need be counted as a side for measuring its allowable area and sign count. canopies shall also be considered projecting Signs printed on or affixed to awnings and signs. Page 9 e e Ord. #lo84 Sign, Price and Temporary Item: Rigid signs of a professional quality which advertise the price of a product or service offered on the premises or of special temporary goods or services being sold or offered. A "sandwich board" sign is an example of a price and temporary item sign. Page 10 Sign, Theatre: A sign having changeable letters used to announce periodic events and showings pertain to the performing arts and are offered at the location where the Sign, Real Estate: A sign relating to the sale or lease of the premises, or a portion of [he premises, on which the sign is located. ! \ I sign is displayed roof of a building or that is wholly dependent Sign, Roof: A sign that is mounted on the upon a building for support and that projects above the top walf or edge of a building with a flat roof, the eave line of a building with a gambrel, gable, or hip roof, or the deck line of a building with a mansard roof. Sign, Temporary: Shall include any sign, banner, pennant, valance, or advertising display intended to be displayed for a limited period of time only. e Sign, Wall: A sign painted on a buildins and all other signs connected to or erected against the wall of a building or structure, with the exposed face of the sign in a plane parallel to the plane of said wall where nc part of the sign structure extends more than 12 inches out from the facade as measured near the points of attachment or contact to the building. Wall signs are permitted only on walls with street facings with a maximum of two building sides per building. For purposes of this storeslbusinesses in shopping centers shall ordinance, count the wall facing the main customer parking area as a street facing. For the purpose of this Ordinance, canopy coloration andlor striping shall not be :onsidered wall signage and shall be ?ermitted but regulated to the extent allowed by 6.09(3)(s). Sign Structure: Supports or materials :apable of supporting any sign as defined in jingle pole or may or may not be an integral his Ordinance. A sign structure may be a ,art of the building. Solar Access: A property owner's right to have the sunlight shine on the owner's land. Solar Collector: A device, or combination of devices, structure. or part of a device or structure that transforms direct solar energy electrical energy and that contributes into thermal, mechanical, chemical, or Ord. #lo84 Page 11 e significantly to a structure's energy supply. (Ord. #411 - 6-23-81) Story: That portion of a building included between the surface of a floor and the surface of the floor next above it, or, if there be no floor above it, then the space between the floor and the ceiling next above it. A basement or cellar having one-half or more of its height above grade shall be deemed a story for purposes of height regulations. Street: A public or private right of way usually affording primary access to abutting property. Street, Frontage: A street contiguous and parallel to a traffic artery and affording direct vehicular access to abutting property. arrangement of streets based upon function. Street, Hierarchy: The conceptual A hierarchal approach to street design classifies streets according to function, from whose function is residential access. high-traffic arterial roads down to streets Systematizing street design into a road use, and residential quality. hierarchy promotes safety, efficient land Street, Major Arterial: A street with access control, channelized intersections. restricted parking, and that collects and distributes traffic to and from minor arterials. Street, Minor Arterial: A street with signals at important intersections and stop signs on the side streets and that collects and distributes traffic to and from collector streets. Street, Minor Access: The lowest order of residential street (See Street Hierarchy). and carries traffic having destination or Provides frontage for access to private lots, carry traffic at slowest speed. Traffic volume origin on the street itself. Designated to should not exceed 250 ADT at any point of of housing units should front on this class traffic concentration. The maximum number street. Street, Collector: The highest order of residential street (See Street Hierarchy). Conducts and distributes traffic between (arterials and expressways). Since its lower-order streets and higher-order streets function is to promote free traffic flow, prohibited. Collectors should be designed to access to homes and parking should be 0 8 prevent use as shortcuts by non- neighborhood traffic. Total traffic volume should not exceed 3,000 ADT Major or Minor Arterial Street characterized Street, Rural Cross-section Arterial: A by the use of open ditch swales to convey stormwater run-off. Street, Subcollector Middle order of residential street (See Street Hierarchy). carries traffic to and from adjoining Provides frontage for access to lots and residential access streets. Traffic should have origin or destination in the immediate exceed 500 ADT at any point of traffic neighborhood. Traffic volume should not concentration. Street, Urban Cross-section Arterial: A Major or Minor Arterial Street characterized by the use of curb and gutter, catch basins, and pipes to convey stormwater run-off. Street Line: A dividing line between a lot, tract or parcel of land and a contiguous street. Structure: A combination of materials other than natural terrain or plant growth erected or constructed to form a shelter, enclosure, retainer, container, support, base, pavement or decoration. Structure, Principal: A structure used or intended to be used for the principal use as permitted on such lot by the regulations of the district in which it is located. Structure, Accessory: A structure or customarily incident to the permitted portion of a structure used for a purpose same lot as the principal use. principal use of the lot and located on the on or in the ground or attached to another Structure, Permanent: A structure placed and intended to remain in place for a period structure in a fixed and determined position, of more than 9 months. Structure, Temporary: Any structure other than a permanent structure. Structural Alterations: Any change in the supporting members of a building or any substantial change in the roof structure or in the exterior walls. Substantial Landscape Base Area: A planting space at the base of a sign face Ord. #lo84 1 whose cultivated area equals that of the associated sign face square footage and, in which perennial vegetation andlor shrubs cover at least 50% of the cultivated area. Tavern: A commercial establishment serving the public and offering the sale of fermented malt beverages andlor intoxicating liquors for consumption on the mall beverages andlor intoxicating liquors private lodges nor clubs selling fermented only to members and to guest invited by members. Trailer, House: For the purpose of this ordinance the term "house trailer" shall be defined as any shelter designed and quarters, and designed to be transported equipped to provide sleeping and living from place to place rather than to be constructed upon permanent foundations. Any such structure from which the wheels have been removed shall be construed to be a permanent dwelling structure. Trailer, Camping: Any coach, cabin, other vehicle operating under its own power mobile home, house trailer, house car or or transported by other vehicle intended for habitation off the premises and mounted on wheels or supports. Tourist Home: A building in which lodging, with or without meals, is offered lo transient guests for compensation and having no more than 5 sleeping rooms for this purpose with no cooking facilities in any such individual room or apartment. 0 I premises. This definition does not include I Use. Accessory: A use subordinate to and customarily incident to the permitted principal use. Use, Conditional: A use which is generally which, because of its characteristics and the acceptable in a particular zoning district but characteristics of the zoning district in which it would be located, requires review on a case by case basis to determine whether it should be permitted, conditionally permitted, or denied. occupancy, activity, building or other Use, Permitted: That utilization of land by permissible by the regulations of the zoning structure which is specifically enumerated as district in which said land is located. 0 Page 12 Use Principal: The main or primary use of lot by the regulations of the district in which property or structures as permitted on such it is located. Vision Setback Area: An unoccupied corner lot, as established by Section 5.02 (2) triangular space, at the street corner of a E. Zoning Administrator and Administrative official - The Administrative Officer designated to administer the Zoning term Zoning Administrator andlor Ordinance and issue zoning permits. The Administrative Official as used herein does not include the Common Council for the City of Muskego. (Ord. #663. 10-5-89) Zoning District: A specifically delineated area within the City of Muskego within uniform regulations and requirements govern the use, placement, spacing, and size of land and buildings. Zoning Map: The map or maps which are adopted as a part of this ordinance and which delineate the boundaries of zoning districts Ord. #lo84 Page 13 0 SECTION 2: Chapter 17, Section 6.09, of the Municipal Code of the City ofMuskego is hereby repealed and recreated to read as follows: 6.09 SIGNS (Ord #E54 - 03/23/95) (1) USE RESTRICTED that district, or as otherwise regulated in this Section. All signs shall also meet all applicable In any district no signs shall be permitted except as is hereinafter specified by the regulations for structural and electrical requirements of local and state building and electrical codes. (See Chapter 30) (2) APPROVALS, PERMITS, FEES AND INSPECTION. (a) No sign shall hereafter be erected, re-erected at a new location, constructed, altered or maintained except as provided by this Ordinance (See Section 6.09(4)(c) for exceptions) and an approval and a permit for the same has been issued by the Plan Commission, Planning Director, andlor EngineeringlBuilding Inspection Director, or their designee, unless otherwise specified in Section 6.09 (6) and (14) of this Code) 1, A separate permit shall be required for a sign or signs for each business entity, and/or a 2. Electrical permits shall be obtained from the Building Department for illuminated signs. (b) Application for sign approvals and permits will be made in writing upon forms furnished by the Planning Department (for approvals) and the Building Department (for permits). Such applications shall contain, but not be limited to: 1, The location by street and number of the proposed sign structure, 2. A detailed drawing of the proposed sign and structure to a scale, 3. A landscape plan for the sign base (freestanding and ground signs) that meets the 4. The name and address of the owner and the sign contractor or erector 5. The EngineeringlBuilding Inspection Director may require the filing of plans or other pertinent information where in his opinion such information is necessary to insure compliance with building and electrical requirements as specified in Chapter 30.435. Standard plans may be filed with the Building Department. (c) The following modifications shall not require a sign permit. These exceptions shall not be construed as relieving the owner of the sign from the responsibility of its erection and maintenance, and its compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance or any other law or Code regulating the same. 1 The changing of the advertising copy or message on a painted, printed, or changeable 2. Painting, repainting, or cleaning of an advertising structure or the changing of the which requires sign permit unless a structural change is made. advertising copy of message thereon shall not be considered an erection or alteration separate permit for each group of signs on a single supporting sign structure. requirements as outlined in Section 17:6.11(4)(c), copy sign. 3. All residential signs permitted by right in Zoning Ordinance. (d) A Plan review (approval) fee and a sign permit fee shall be paid. 1. Fee as listed in the Schedule of Permit Fees, Table No. 1. Chapter 30. (Ord. #741 - 02/06/92) 0 Ord. #lo84 Page 14 2. Deleted (Ord. #741 - 02/06/92) (e) All signs, together with all of their supports, braces, guys, and anchors, shall be kept in repair and in proper state of preservation. The display surfaces of all signs shall be kept neatly painted or posted at all times. (f) All signs for which an approval and permit is required shall be subject to inspection by the Zoning Administrator andlor EngineeringlBuilding Inspection Director, Footing inspections Zoning Administrator upon notification by the EngineeringlBuilding Inspection Director, may may be required for all signs having footings. The EngineeringlBuilding Inspection Director or order the removal of any sign that is not maintained in accordance with the provisions of sub. (9) All signs may be reinspected at the discretion of the Zoning Administrator or EngineeringlBuilding Inspection Director (h) Appeal Procedure. Any person feeling himself aggrieved by any order or ruling of the Plan Commission, Planning Director, Zoning Administrator or EngineeringlBuilding Inspection Director may appeal such ruling, conditioned on the case's ripeness, to the Board of Appeals within 30 days after written notice of such ruling shall have been delivered to him. Such appeal is to be filed in accordance with procedures as outlined in Chapter 17. Section 3.08 of the Zoning Ordinance, in writing, setting forth the order appealed from, and the respects in which said person feeling himself aggrieved claims that said order or filing is erroneous or illegal. Said notice of appeals shall be filed with the Planning Department who shall thereupon notify the Planning Director andlor EngineeringlBuilding Inspection Director of said appeal, and the appeal shall be heard at the next available meeting upon submittal of a completed application. The Board of Appeals, after consideration thereof, shall affirm, reverse or modify said ruling as is just. (3) CERTAIN SIGNS PROHIBITED (a) Hazards or Nuisances: No sign which creates a hazard or dangerous distraction to vehicular district: traffic or a nuisance to adjoining property in the following ways shall be permitted in any 1, No sign shall be placed so as to obstruct or interfere with traffic visibility nor in such a way as to cause glare or impair driver visibility upon public ways; 2. No sign shall rotate nor have or be illuminated by moving or flashing lights (exception: electronically controlled intermittent or vertically scrolling lights that form a one line subject to their size not exceeding 25 % of the area of the combined square footage for messages are permitted subject to approval by the Plan Commission under 6.09(4) both the electronic sign and main identification sign); 3. No sign shall resemble, imitate or approximate the shape, size, form or color of railroad or traffic signs, signals, or devices, nor obstruct or interfere with Ihe effectiveness so as to prevent free ingress and egress from any door, window, or fire escape; and 4. No sign shall be attached to a standpipe or fire escape. (b) Non-Accessory Signs: No sign not directly related to the use of the premise in which if is located. except directional signs as herein provided, shall be permitted in any district. Signs showing time, temperature and similar information not related to the premises are permitted, but must be counted as part of the allowable sign area. See Section 6.09(4)(a), 6.09(4)(d), and 6.09(6)(c) for exceptions to this paragraph. (c) Roof Signs: Signs whose lowest point is visually separate from and above the highest point of the roof shall be prohibited. Signs on the face of mansard or gable end shall be considered wall signs. No sign, or any portion, thereof shall be installed on or above the parapet of a flat roof. (d) Abandoned Sign: Abandoned signs are prohibited and shall be removed, as follows. The Zoning Administrator shall give notice to the subject property owner requiring that the sign be 0 Ord. #IO84 Page 15 removed. The notice shall advise the property owner that the sign must be removed within twenty (20) days from the date of the notice, unless the property owner files a request for an extension with the Plan Commission within that twenty (20) day period. Thereafter, the sign request for extension is timely filed with the Plan Commission and the Plan Commission must be removed: (a) prior to expiration of the twenty (20) day notice period; or (b) if a denies the request, the sign must be removed within twenty (20) days of the denial; or (c) if a request for extension is timely filed with the Plan Commission and the Plan Commission grants the request, the sign must be removed prior to expiration of any extension granted. Failure to remove an abandoned sign as required herein shall be subject to all of the penalties and remedies described in Section 3.09 of this Chapter, (e) Parking of Advertising Vehicles Prohibited: Except as provided in Sections 6.09(8)(a), 6.09(8)(b). 6.09(1 l)(a). and 6.09(1 l)(b), no person shall park any vehicle or trailer on a public right-of-way or public property or on private property so as to be visible from a public right-of- way, which has attached thereto or located thereon any sign or advertising device for the sole purpose of providing advertisement of products or directing people to a business or activity located on the same or nearby property or any premises. This section is not intended to vehicle nor is this section intended to prohibit the advertising of personally owned vehicles prohibit any form of vehicular signage such as a sign attached to a bus or lettered on a motor offered for sale from the private property of the vehicle owner or owner's immediate family. (f) Portable Signs: Portable signs for quasi-public informational purposes shall be permitted on a temporary basis per 6.09(8)(b). (4) SIGNS EXEMPTED The following signs may be erected and maintained without permits, providing they do not constitute a hazard or nuisance: (a) Political Signs: May be erected in any district without a permit provided they are not a danger to life or property, are located on property with the permission of the property owner, and shall be limited to thirty-two (32) square feet in size. No such sign shall be placed within the ultimate right-of-way of any street or highway. The prohibition hereunder extends to trees, utility poles, fence posts, stakes, and all other structures on which signs might be posted or Section shall be summarily removed by the Director of Planning or his designee. All political placed except political signs installed or placed on motor vehicles. Any sign violating this erected. signs, wherever located, must be removed within 10 days after the election for which it was (b) On-Site Informational Signs: Reasonable size and necessity shall be permitted, and shall be determined by the Plan Commission with the exception of signs addressed by Title 111 ADA Section 4:30. (c) Real Estate Signs: In residential districts, said signs are Limited to 12 square feet and one sign per street frontage, and in all other districts are limited to 32 square feet. Said signs shall be removed upon sale of the property. Permanent on-site rental signs shall be limited to 4 sq. ft. No such sign shall be placed within the ultimate right-of-way of any street or highway. (d) Off-Premise Real Estate Directional Signs: Shall be limited to no more than (3) three off- premise directional signs per residential, agricultural or business property offered for sale. Such signs shall be displayed in accordance with all applicable regulations and written to display. No such sign shall be placed within the ultimate rightaf-way of any street or permission of the property owner on whose property the sign is located shall be obtain prior highway. Such signs shall be limited to a maximum of six (6) square feet in size. (e) Public Agency Signs: Erected by a national, state, county or municipal governmental agencies, including traffic and informational signs. Ord. #io84 Page 16 e (f) Residential Nameplates: Identifying owners or occupants, provided no more than two (2) are erected, each being less than two (2) square feet in area. Home occupationhesidential business signs shall be counted in this numerical and size limitation. (9) Agricultural Product Sale Signs: See Section 6.09(4)(0) (h) Interior and Inside Window Signs: Signs installed inside a building whether intended for viewing from inside or outside the building are permitted without limitation as to size or number, (i) Memorial signs, tablets, names of buildings and dates of erection when cut into any masonry surface, or when constructed of metal and affixed flat against the building. (i) Construction Signs: One construction sign per commercial or industrial construction project not exceeding sixty-four (64) square feet in sign area, provided that such sign may be erected upon issuance of a valid building permit, shall be confined to the site of construction, and shall be removed upon issuance of a valid occupancy permit. Pennants, banners and streamers shall not qualify as flags and shall require temporary sign approval per SectionG.O~(l1). (k) Flags: The flags, emblems or insignia of any nation or subdivision or single corporate flag. (I) Holiday Decorations: Signs of a primarily decorative nature. clearly incidental and customary and commonly associated with any national, local or religious holiday; shall not be displayed for a period of more than one hundred twenty (120) consecutive days. (m) Inflatable Advertising: One such display, per property, shall be permitted for a period of time approved by the Plan Commission, but not to exceed eight consecutive weeks, provided the display is located outside all vision triangles and does not constitute a public nuisance. (n) Signs not visible from a public right-of-way. (0) Agricultural Produce Signs: Shall be limited to 64 square feet in area. Price and Temporary Item Signs: Permitted up to twelve (12) square feet in area for each sign, provided the signs are not illuminated and no more than two (2) signs per street frontage are erected on the property, and are no closer than five feet to the property lines. Signs square footage may not be combined to create one message totaling twenty-four (24) square feet per street frontage. A twelve (12) square foot "sandwich board" sign is an example of a price and temporary item sign. Said signs shall be removed at the close of business each day. (5) NON-CONFORMING SIGN The existing lawful use of a sign at the time of enactment of this ordinance or any amendment thereto may be considered as a legal non-conforming use under the terms of Section 4.06 as applied to their elimination. Disrepair andlor dangerous signs shall be removed. (Ord. #398 - 08- 26-80) Exceptions to this section are as follows: (a) Off-Premise Directional signage associated with an existing business. See Section 6.09(6)(d). (b) Abandoned Signs. Abandoned signs have an adverse visual impact, create a distraction to the traveling public, and constitute a public nuisance and, therefore, are not granted legal non-conforming rights. See Section 17:6.09(3)(d). (6) SIGN CLASSIFICATION AND REGULATIONS (a) Signs for Conditional or Overlay Uses: Subject to the regulations set forth in Section 6.03 signs appropriate to permitted conditional use or uses permitted in overlay districts may be permitted as determined by the Plan Commission notwithstanding limitations in the basic district to the contrary. In establishing the size and locational requirements, the Plan Commission shall be guided by the requirements imposed for similar uses in any of the basic districts. e Ord. #lo84 Page 17 (b) Directional Signs: 1 A Sign not to exceed six (6) square feet in area indicating direction to a church, hospital, school or other public service building may be permitted in any district upon approval by the Plan Commission. Not more than four (4) such signs may be erected within the City for any business or organization. (Ord. #398 - 08-26-80) 2. A sign, not to exceed twelve (12) square feet in area, for the purpose of directing patrons or attendants to an establishment off the main traveled highway for service clubs, churches, or other non-profit organizations may be permitted in any district other than a residential district upon approval of the Plan Commission. 3. Signs not to exceed thirty (30) square feet for service clubs, churches or other non-profit organizations, may be permitted in any district, upon approval of the Plan Commission, provided the sign is designed with a substantial landscape base area as defined in Section17:2.02. and illumination on each side is limited to exterior lighling not exceeding seventy-five (75) watts per fifteen (15) square feet of sign area. 4. A sign not exceeding two (2) square feet in total non-illuminated copy area (two sides of copy permitted), only for the display of local religious andlor civic organization directional signage. may be permitted in the public right-of-way. Four (4) such signs per organization may be erected in the City at any intersection of an arterial and/or collector highway in any zoning district. and all signs must be located within a two (2) mile radius of the organization. Four (4) such signs per intersection shall be permitted. An individual organization may have one such sign per intersection, and shall be responsible for all costs of maintenance and removal of the structure. Such a sign shall not: i. Be located so as to block the traveling public's line of vision; impede safe traffic movements; interfere with the viewing and/or function of any traffic control devices; ii. Be designed or positioned so as to be misconstrued as a traffic control device. (c) For existing off-premise directional signage associated with existing businesses located in excess of 1000-feet from a collect or arterial, and when said signage is threatened with relocation or removal as result of development or redevelopment pressures, such signage may be allowed to be relocated subject to approval by the Plan Commission. As criteria for approval, the Plan Commission considerations shall include but not be limited to: 1. Site suitability as related to compatibility with proposed surroundings, 2. Structural quality and durability, 3. Conformance to current design standards, possibility of detriment to area property 4. Landscaping provided at the base of the sign. Size shall be limited to twenty-four (24) square feet in area and nine (9) feet in height above grade. (d) Setbacks and Offsets: All signs shall conform to the setback and offset requirements outlined in the Table of Dimensional Requirements, per Section 6.09(h) 1, Ground signs may be installed at the base setback line with a height not to exceed seven 2. Existing pole signs in the base setback area may be altered subject to the approval of the (e) Construction Standards: All signs or similar advertising structures shall be governed in their erection and maintenance by Chapter 30.435 the Building Code of the City. No sign or similar advertising media shall be erected without a permit as required in this Ordinance and the Building Code. values, and public safety. (7) feet as measured from grade. Plan Commission. Ord. #I084 Page 18 (f) Height: No free standing or wall sign shall exceed the height as measured from grade, and as hereinafter specified by the regulations of the distrlct in which it is located, and as 08-26-80) summarized in the Table of Dimensional Requirements, per Section 6.09(6)(h). (Ord. #398 - 1 In no case shall the highest point of any sign extend above the highest point of the eave line of the building which houses the business for which the subject sign advertises unless otherwise approved by the Plan Commission, (9) Area: No free standing or wall sign shall exceed the height as hereinafter specified by the regulations of the district in which it is located and as summarized in the Table of Dimensional Requirements, per Section 6.09(6)(h). 1 How Calculated: i. The area of the smallest rectangle, which comprises the sign face. The area of a sign is the entire face of the sign and shall include any art wo& and insignia within a single continuous penmeter, including any spacing between letters, figures, designs, and structure of the sign other than the sign base, together with any frame or other material, color, or condition which forms an integral part of the display and is used to differentiate such sign from the wall or background against which it is placed. A. For a freestanding sign, the definition of sign area does not include the perimeter architectural embellishments, base structure, and details such as decorative columns and caps. B. When the sign only consists of letters, designs, or figures engraved, painted, be the area of the smallest rectangle within which the entire fixed lettering andlor projected, or fixed on a building or perimeter wall, the total area of the sign shall artwork is inscribed. C. All sides of a sign visible from any one (1) location shall be measured in determining the area of the sign, except that only one (1) side of a sign shall be five (45) degrees or less. If the two (2) sides are not of equal size, the larger side measured if the two (2) sides are back to back or separated by an angle of forty- shall be measured. A back-to-back sign shall have parallel faces, separated by not more than two (2) feet. D. This area does not include the main supporting sign structure, but other ornamental attachments are to be included in determining sign area. a Ord. #I084 Page 19 2. Reader boards shall not exceed 25-percent of the area of the main identification sign and is to be part of the main identification sign face, a separate face mounted on the same structure as the main identification sign, or mounted on the building. In any case, such a sign is in the total allowable square footage calculations for all signage at a specific location as it applies to wall, projection and freestanding signage. All changeable copy signs approved by the Plan Commission after January 1, 2002 shall be limited to two (2) lines of text. The height of the letters installed on said signs shall conform the values associated with theaters plus churches, schools, government, and other non-profit related outlined in Table (i) below. Size specifications as herein described shall not apply to sign district in which it is located. services, clubs, and organizations except to the extent regulated by the specific zoning Reader Board Copy Size Height Requirements in Addition to Dimensional Limits. The height of the letters installed on signs shall conform the minimum values outlined below. Ord. #I084 Page 20 (h) Table of Sign Dimensional Requirements: NOTES (1) Square footage may be increased to the second number at a rate of one (1) square foot far each addilional 10 feel of lo1 fronlage. after Ihe first 50 feet of fronlage, up la 300 feet of frontage In additlon, square footage may be increased by one (1) square foot for every two (2) feel additional Setback up from the required setback lo a maximum of a 40-foot setback from the base setback line. (2) Square footage may be increased from the value found in Note 1 above a maxlmum of 20-percent for all ground and pole signs located on properties abutting major rural arterlal streets, and if said slleets became urban arterials. sald signs shall be deemed lo be legal non-conforming pursuant to Section 17 4.06 (3) Ground signs may be located with zero fool setback from the setback line. See Section 17:6.09(6)(d) 14) Height may be increased lo the second number at the late of one (1) foot for every two (2) feel additional setback from lhe required (i) Sign Size Bonus Permitted. The total area of ground and pole signs may be increased from setback. the value found in Note 1 of Table (h) above by the percent listed. DISTANCE FROM CENTERLINE TO ULTIMATE RIGHT-OF-WAY SIGN AREA ADJUSTMENT I 40' or less I 0% ~l . .~ _____ 50' 60' +lo% + 1 5% r I 100' or more I +20% I Ord. #lo84 Page 21 0 (7) INSTITUTIONAL SIGNS: (a) A sign not exceeding fifteen (15) square feet in area giving the name and nature of occupancy and information as to the conditions of use or admission may be permitted at each entrance to the grounds or buildings of a private institution provided the approval of the Plan Commission is first obtained that each such sign will not create a traffic hazard, is depreciation of property values in the adjoining neighborhood. aesthetically in keeping with the character of the neighborhood and will not cause a (8) QUASI-PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL SIGNS - (ORD. #792 - 04-22-93) (a) Non-commercial permanent signs of a general informational nature such as community welcome, safety warning, or other similar nature not to exceed eighty (80) square feet in area may be erected by service clubs or other non-profit organizations upon approval of the Plan Commission of the location, size and appearance of such sign. Any such sign may have direct constant illumination. (b) No more than three (3) non-commercial temporary signs or one temporary portable sign used for the sole purpose of advertising a special club or community event not to exceed thirty-two (32) square feet (each) in area may be erected by service clubs or other non-profit organizations for a single event. No such sign(s) shall be erected until a Building permit is obtained from the Building Department. The permit applicant must be a Muskego resident. There will be no fee charged for said permit and the conditions of the permit shall stipulate that no more than three signs are permitted for any single event, the maximum period a sign no limit to directional signs, however, no such sign, shall exceed nine (9) square feet. is to be located and that any such sign may have direct constant illumination. There shall be (9) RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD SIGNS Signs limited to identifying the name of the neighborhood area such as a subdivision or housing development and limited to twelve (12) square feet in area may be permitted at each entrance to the area provided the approval of the Plan Commission is first obtained that each such sign will will not cause a depreciation of property values in the adjoining neighborhood. Such sign that is not create a traffic hazard, is aesthetically in keeping with the character of the neighborhood, and designed either as an integral part of the architecture of a building or as part of a landscape architectural feature such as a wall shall be permitted without limitation as to size if the Commission determines that the foregoing standards would be met. (10) SHOPPING CENTENPROJECT SIGNS A sign identifying a shopping center or grouping of stores in excess of 50,000 sq. ft. in area may the district in which they are located applicable lo Ihe height, size and location of such sign be permitted with the approval of the Plan Commission by the modification of the regulations of consistent with the spirit and inlent of the regulations in that district. (Ord. #398 - 08-26-80) (1 1) TEMPORARY SIGNS (a) A sign for the purpose of designating a new building or development, for promotion of a subdivision, for announcement of a special event, or for similar special informational purpose may be permilted for a limited period of time in any district with the approval of the Plan Commission and subject to the following: 1, Drawings or sketch drawn to scale showing the specific design, appearance and location of the sign shall be submitted to the Plan Commission for approval. 2. The permitted size and location of any such sign shall be at the discretion of the Plan Commission based upon the character of the area, the type and purpose of sign and the (64) square feet. length of time permitted. However, in no case shall the size of the sign exceed sixly-four 3. The sign is to be located on the premises involved and such sign may be permitted for a period up to one year and extension may be permitted six month intervals with Plan Ord. #lo84 Page 22 0 #406 - 12-09-80) Commission approval until such time as 75-percent of development has occurred. (Ord. 4. Where the sign is not to be located on the premises involved such sign may be permitted for a period up to nine months and extension may be permitted for six month intervals with Plan commission approval, until such time 75-percent of development has occurred. (Ord. #I433 - 06-23-81) (b) Upon approval of the Director of Planning, a sign such as a banner, sandwich board over twelve square feet, etc. for the purpose of announcing a special event or sale, or for a similar special informational purpose, may be permitted for a maximum of fifteen (15) days at a time, renewable for up to six (6) months in any district subject to the following: 1, Drawing and/or sketch drawn to scale showing the specific design, physical and electrical installation plan, appearance, and location of the sign shall be submitted to the Director of Planning for approval. 2. The permitted size of any temporary sign shall not exceed 64 square feet. 3. Where the sign is to contain electrical service, it shall contain a recognized testing device (GFI). and meet applicable provisions of the City electrical code, including the laboratory label such as the Underwriter's Laboratory, Inc., a ground fault interrupter issuance of an electrical permit therefore. Installations exposed to potential wind damage shall be made secure with methods as enumerated in the City Building Code. 4. For the purpose of this ordinance they shall not be used to advertise pricing, specials or temporary promotions. Said banners are Intended to be primarily of a decorative nature (i.e. corporate logos), and require approval per Section 6.09(11)(b) having a quarterly review to determine compliance. They must be mounted on hanging brackets or poles that provlde safeguards against slipping and twisting. 0 (12) STAFF APPROVALS FOR SIGNAGE (a) All applications for sign permits shall be reviewed initially by the Director of Planning, or his designee, who may issue permits for temporary or permanent signs and such other signs which, pursuant to this chapter, can be issued without review by the Plan Commission. The Director of Planning shall have the authority to deny such permits if the proposed signs do not comport with the requirements of this Section. (b) Should the Director of Planning conclude, in his discretion, that the Plan Comrnisslon should review an application for a sign permit, or should this Section require such review for a particular sign, the application will be forwarded to the Plan Commission for review at its next regularly scheduled meeting subject to receipt of a full submittal. The Plan Commission may vote to recommend approval or disapproval of the application based on the following factors: 1 The exterior architectural presentation and functional plan of the proposed sign will be not so at variance with or so similar to the exterior architectural presentation and functional harmony with the area, as to potentially contribute to substantial depreciation in the plan of signs already constructed or in the course of construction in the area, or so out of property values of the area; 2. The proposed sign conforms to the location, size and style requirements set forth in this Section; 4. The proposed sign shares similar architectural or building material features of the principal building. Ord. #lo84 Page 23 (c) The Plan Commission may establish guidelines which further define and interpret this Section. Those guidelines, if any, shall be made available to all applicants. (d) Upon approval or disapproval of a sign application by the Plan Commission, the application shall be returned to the Director of Planning, who shall issue approved permits or notify applicants of disapproval of their application and the reasons thereof. SECTION 3: The several sections of this ordinance are declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, sections, or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any other ordinance whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 121h DAY OF FEBRUARY ,2002. CITY OF MUSKEG0 David L. DeAngelis, Mayor First Reading: 10/23/01 Deferred: 11/13/01, 11/27/01, 12/11/01 1/8/02. 1/22/02 Cover Ordinance Published on the 2 1 day of February, 2002. ATTEST.