ORD20011077AMENDED ORDINANCE #I077 COMMON COUNCIL -CITY OF MUSKEGO AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH ALDERMANIC DISTRICT BOUNDARIES IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Alteration of Aldermanic Districts Pursuant to Wisconsin Statute 62.08, the boundaries of the aldermanic districts of the City of Muskego are altered to be as shown on the map attached hereto and made a part hereof and marked Exhibit "A as amended. That this alteration of aldermanic districts shall be in effect for elections beginning on January 1, 2002 and thereafter unless revised as provided by law. SECTION 2: The several sections of this ordinance are declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, sections, or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any other ordinance whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 25TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER , 2001 CITY OF MUSKEGO / David L. De Angelis, Mayor ATTEST, 0 u First Reading: 8/14/01 Deferred: 8/28/02, 911 1/01 Published this day of October , 2001 I] LEGEND Aldermanic Dirlricts City of Muskego 2000 - 201 0 Aldermanic Districts STATE OF WISCONSlr\i) Milwaukee County 1 ) ss. Suzanne Sobczyk being duly sworn, doth depose and say that she is an authorized representative of The MUSKEGO SUN, a newspaper published at MUSKEGO, Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a true copy, taken from the said paper, was published therein on . . . . , . . ,, . BO PER Subscribed and sworn to me before this. 46. .day Of. .. . , , . , .. 0- ., 20D!. . , Q?.G&-, r>. Notary Public, Milwaukee MY Commission expires. ?:! 3-9.2. Official Notice ~ ___I AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL. CITY OF Moa- AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLIS8 THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO. WISCONSIN. DO ORDAIN AS FOL IN =CITY OF MUSKEGO SECTION 1: Alterstion of Aldermanic DisVicU Muskego are sltered to be P.B ahown on the map attached hereto and made a pnrl hereof and marku Pursuant to Wiammin Statute 62.08. the boundaries of the aldermanic districts of ;he City o Exhibit "A" 8s amended. That this alteration of aldermanic diatricts shall be in effect for elections begin omm.mm *lo77 - ALDERMANIC DISTRICT BOUNDARIES ~ LOWS ning on January 1,2002 and thereafter unless rwiaed BB providedby law, SECTION 2: The several sections of this ordinance are dedared to be severable. If any seetion or pr tian thereof shall be declared by B decision of B court ofcompetent jurisdiction tc be invalid. unis?Jful. 0 unenforceable. auch deckion ahall spply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specfie, in the decision. and not affect the validity of all other provisiana, ~ections. or portion thereof of the ordi nanee which shall remh in lull force and effect. Any other ordinance whose terms are in conflict wit1 the provloions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to Ulaae terms that mdict. tian. SECTION 3: This ordinance ahall be in full rorce and effeFt from and &r its paaasge and publica PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 25TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2001. CITY OF MUSKEG( David L. DeAngelia. Mayo ATTEST. Clerk-Thasurer COMMON COUNCIL -CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #I077 AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH ALDERMANIC DISTRICT BOUNDARIES IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Alteration of Aldermanic Districts Pursuant to Wisc 002 and thereafter unless revised as provided by law. SECTION 2: Th clared to be severable. ision of a court of able, such decision full force and effect. he provisions of this ordinance c from and after its passage and publication. CITY OF MUSKEGO David L. De Angelis, Mayor ATTEST, Clerk-Treasurer First Reading: 8/14/01 Deferred: 8/28/02, 9/11/01 Published this ___ day of 2001 3 N Roads 0 water ".,""".I".l-.". "".""""".9 """,-I"- """"-."""- "Id" ".I.""" """I" 04 City of Muskego - "- RiwR u5 6 N 2000 - 201 0 Election Wards & Aldermanic Districts 07 A I