ORD20011075COMMON COUNCIL- CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #I075 a AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 17, SECTIONS 5.04(4) and 9.04(4), OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (Floor Area Ratio Calculations in OLS District) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Chapter 17, Section 5.04(4) of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin is hereby amended to read as follows: 5.04 BUILDING SIZE (4) Exceptions: 1 The Board of Appeals may grant an exception to permit a building of less than the required minimum floor area where such grant would not be contrary to the spirit or intent of the ordinance, and provided the proposed building would be compatible in character and quality to the general neighborhood, and would not depreciate the property values of the surrounding area, and provided further that in no case shall a reduction greater than 25% be permitted. 2. Properties within the OLS Lakeshore Overlay District are exempt from maximum F.A.R. requirements. a SECTION 2: Chapter 17, Section 9.04(4) of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin is hereby amended to read as follows: BASIC REGULATIONS (4) Building Size Minimum Residential I Floor I Floor Area(1n Sq. FI) I I Area Ratio Single Famlly Multi per DIU 1st I Tolal Same as in underlying district SECTION 3: The several sections of this Ordinance are declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to @ the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, sections, or portion thereof of the Ordinance which Ord. #I 075 shall remain in full force and effect. Any other Ordinance whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance is hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict 0 SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 24Ih DAY OF JULY ,2001 ATTEST First Reading: 712412001 Published on the 2ND day of August. 2001 7/0ljmb PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO CHAPTER 17 PERTAINING TO 0 FLOOR AREA RATIO CALCULATIONS IN OLS DISTRICTS - JULY 2001 I 5.04 BUILDING SIZE (I) Minimum Required: Any building intended in whole or part for residential purposes shall provide a minimum floor area as hereinafter specified by the regulations for the district in which such building is located. A. The minimum required floor area is stated in terms of minimum total usable residential floor area per family in a single floor building. B. In the case of any residential building in a single family detached district, which has more than a single floor level, the total of all livable floor area which is not over any other livable floor shall be called the Principal Floor Area may be reduced 1.5 square feet for every foot added to the minimum required total floor area. C. In the case of any building designed for 2 or less dwelling units and not having a basement of at least 300 square feet in area, the minimum required floor area shall be increased by 200 square feet. D. In any case where the Principal Floor Area is less than 1000 square feet, an attached garage, breezeway, porch or other enclosed area shall be required so that the total ground area is in no case less than 1000 square feet. (Rep. & Recr. 209) (2) Maximum Permitted (F.A.R.): The maximum total floor area of the buildings on a lot shall not exceed that permitted under the floor area ratio (F.A.R.) as hereinafter specified by the regulations for the district in which such building is located. (3) How Measured: Floor area shall be measured at each level from outside of wall to outside of wall, but for the purpose of determining minimum required floor area shall not include any area having an average height of less than 7 feet basements, attached garages, open porches, attics or storage areas. Basements and attic areas shall not be included in determining permitted F.A.R. For the purposes of minimum and maximum floor area regulations, in the case of floor levels built into a hillside, the floor area subject to regulations shall be the area extending back in depth one-half the length of the exposed wall at grade. (4) Exceptions: I - 1. The Board of Appeals may grant an exception to permit a building of less than the 1 required minimum floor area where such grant would not be contrary to the spirit or intent of the ordinance, and provided the proposed building would be compatible in character and quality to the general neighborhood, and would not depreciate the property values of the surrounding area, and provided further that in no case shall a reduction greater than 25% be permitted. I 0 This district is intended to apply to lakeshore properties the specialized regulations appropriate of their unique character; with particular recognition of the disproportionately high land value of lake frontage, the problems of over intensive exploitation of such frontage resulting from excessive demand, the extreme vulnerability of lakeshore properties to nuisance and to adverse effect on property value, and the problems of pollution and public safety resulting from over use. The regulations of this district apply without specific mapping. (See Section 3.04 (4) C) BASIC REGULATIONS (See Section 5 for general enabling and qualifying language.) Min. Lot Max. Ht Max. Ht Min. Floor Min. Min. Min. All One Min. Lot Area Min. Area Accessory principal open Area floor floor floor other Side Set Per DIU Avg. offset 1st rnulti DRI floor per total Width Lot structure structure space Ratio area area area side offset Back per res DIU tl * ** ** 25 ** ** I - ** exex * Same as in underlying district. ** 213 that required in underlying district. *** Lake shore lots: See (7)E. A. PERMITTED USES BY RIGHT 1, Any use as permitted by right in the underlying basic district. 2. Public outdoor recreational facilities subject to approval by the Plan Commission of building, site and operational plans. (See Section 6.06) B. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES 1 Any accessory use as permitted in the underlying basic district. 2. Any other use normally incident or accessory to the permitted overlay use subject to approval by the Plan Commission of building, site and operational plans. C. PERMITTED USES BY CONDITIONAL GRANT 1, Any conditional use permitted in the underlying basic district. 2. Boating and yacht clubs, marinas and launching sites. 3. Private commercial and private non-commercial group outdoor recreational 4. Lake resorts and individual cabins or cottages for rental on a limited seasonal 5. Boat liveries. facilities. basis and not for year round occupancy. D. SWGLE USE 1, No lot in this district shall by deed, covenant, easement or other device or agreement hereafter provide for the permitted uses or accession or incidental uses thereto, or for right of access, by other than the owner or legally resident occupant of the premises and invited guests, except in the case of a public park or way, public utility easement, patrons of a permitted commercial use, or of a permitted organizational use. E. LAKE SHORE OFFSET 1, No building shall be permitted closer than 50 feet to the shore line of a lake shore lot except that no offset shall be required for piers, boat ramps, terraces or similar use areas and a boat house not in excess of 10 feet in height above the lowest existing grade may be permitted to within 5 feet of the shore line. (Ord. #432 - 9/28/82) c Suzanne Sobczyk being duly sworn, doth depose and say that she is an authorized representative of The MUSKEGO SUN a newspaper published at MUSKEGO, Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a true copy, taken from the said paper, was published therein on .......... ................. .... ...................................... AClrSI J ....................................... ........................................... ................... ................. Subscribed and sworn to me before this. &&.. , .day Of. ........... ........ ...) 200! .. ..O.cuaxL;.o,R. Notary Public, Milwaukee My Commission expires. 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