ORD20001045COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #I045 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 30, SECTIONS 30.09,30.091,30.l0 AND 30.11, OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (MUNICIPAL BUEDING CODE) The Common Council of the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter 30, Sections 30.09, 30.091, 30.10, and 30.1 1 ofthe Municipal Code ofthe City of Muskego, Wisconsin, is hereby amended and made a part of the Municipal Code as adopted by Ordinance #1045. SECTION 2: A copy of said Ordinance has been on file in the Ofice of the City Clerk-Treasurer and open to public inspection for not less than two weeks prior to the date of this Ordinance and said Ordinance is hereby incorporated into the Municipal Code of the City. SECTION 3. The several sections of this ordinance are declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or 0 portion thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, sections or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any other ordinance whose terms conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 4: This ordinance is in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF OCTOBER ,2000 CITY OF MUSKEGO ATTEST- First Reading: 10/10/2000 Second Reading: 10/10/2000 Published on the 19'h day of October. 2000. COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 ORDINANCE #lo45 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 30, SECTIONS 30.09,30.091,30.10, AND 30.11 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 (MUNICIPAL BUILDING CODE) The Common Council of the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter 30, Section 30.09 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin, is hereby amended to read as follows: 30.09 RAZING OF BUILDINGS (1) RAZING OF BUILDINGS The Building Inspector is hereby authorized to act for the municipality under the provisions of Section 66.05 of the Wisconsin Statutes, relating to the razing of buildings and all acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto. The Clerk Treasurer is authorized to place the assessment and collect the special tax as there in provided. (2) Before a building can be demolished or removed, the owner or agent shall notify all utilities having service connections to or within the building, such as water, electric, gas, sewer and other connections. A permit to demolish or to remove a building shall not be issued until it is ascertained that service connections and appurtenant equipment, such as meters and regulators, have been removed or sealed and plugged in a safe manner Excavations shall be filled with solid fill to match lot grade within five (5) days of removal of the structure. Any excavation shall be protected with appropriate fences, barriers andlor lights. Site restoration shall be performed pursuant to City of Muskego Municipal Code, Chapter 29, Erosion Control Ordinance requirements. 0 SECTION 2: Chapter 30, Section 30.091 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin, is hereby amended to read as follows: 30.091 DEMOLITION (1) PURPOSE AND SCOPE This section is intended to protect the Public Health and Safety during the demolition of any structure within the Citv of Muskego. (2) AUTHORITY Ord. #I015 Page 2 0 (a) The building inspector is authorized to review, impose conditions. and issue demolition permits and regulate demolition for all type A, AI, 6, 61, C, and C1 structures, as defined below. (b) The building inspection department is authorized to review, impose conditions, and issue demolition permits for Type D and Dl structures subject to Public Service Committee approval for which a written recommendation from Building inspection to the committee is required. (c) A demolition permit will not be required for Internal Demolition if associated with a remodeling permit or other permitted building improvements. (3) DEFINITIONS (a) Story: surface area of space at least 6 6" high and excludes basement or crawl spaces. (b) WDOT. State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Highway and Structure construction. (c) NR: Department of Natural Resources Administrative Codes. (d) Comm: Department of Commerce Administrative Codes. (e) Types of Structures: Type A: Storage sheds, agricultural use buildings and garages equal to or greater than 1000 sf. and less than 10 feet from property line or another structure. Type Al: Storage sheds, agricultural use buildings and garages less than 1000 sf. and equal to or greater than 10 feet from property line or another structure. Type B: Single or two family dwelling unit@) less than 3000 s.f. and less than 10 feet from property line or another structure. Type El: Single or two family dwelling unit(s) less than 3000 s.f. and equal to or greater than 10 ft. from property line or another structure. Type C: 1 Single or two family dwelling unit(s) equal to or greater than 3000 sf. and less than 10 feet from property line or another structure. 2. Three or more dwelling unit structures less than 10 feet from property line or another structure. 3. Commercial and Industrial structures 4000 s.f. and less than 10 feet from property line or another structure. Type C1: Ord. #104S Page 3 1 Single or two family dwelling unit@) equal to or greater than 3000 s.f. and equal to or greater than 10 feet from property line or another structure. 2. Three or more dwelling unit structures equal to or greater than 10 feet from property line or another structure. 3. Commercial and Industrial structures ~5000 sf. and equal to or greater than 10 feet from property line or another structure. Type D: Commercial and Industrial structures =>5000 s.f, and less than 10 feet from property line or another structure. Type Dl: Commercial and Industrial structures =>5000 sf. and equal to or greater than 10 feet from property line or another structure. (4) ADMINISTRATION OF DEMOLITION Fee Structures 1, Structures less than 5000 s.f. and less than 40 in height: $30.00 or $0.02/square foot, whichever is greater up to a maximum of $100.00. 2. Structures => 5000 square foot or => 40 in height $100.00 or $0.04/s.f., whichever is greater Field inspections required at the following events: 1 Prior to commencement for site preparation compliance a. Including sealing and locating utilities. b. Including removal of underground storage tanks and before backfilling, 2. After removal of sub structures and before backfilling. a. Including response to complaint from adjacent occupants during demolition. 3. Upon restoration and removal of final access barriers. Bonds 1 Performance bond is required for demolition of type D and Dl structures in the amount of $2.50/square foot of structure. Liability 1 The Property owner andlor their agent@) shall be responsible for all damage, losses or nuisances caused by demolition activity and restoration and maintenance thereof despite issuance and review of the demolition permit application by the city's building inspection department. 2. Insurance for bodily injury and property damage will be required as follows: a. Type D and Dl structures $1,000,000. b. Type C and C1 structures $500,000. Page 4 Ord. #lo45 (e) Schedules 1, Time for demolition from issuance of the permit to completion of site restoration shall be before one calendar year 2. Time extension may be granted for extenuating circumstances by building inspection, however, the demolition shall also be subject to any new regulations and/or conditions of the permit enacted since original issue date of the permit. 3. Actual time given from moment demolition commences to the complete restoration of the site shall be: a. 6 calendar months for Type D structures. b. 3 calendar months for Type C structures. c. 1 calendar month for all others. (9 Appeals may be sought as per City Ordinance, Chapter 30. (9) If any part of this ordinance is found to be invalid, it shall not invalidate the rest of ordinance. (5) SUBMITTALS AND SITE PREPARATION Limited access to site with 4 foot minimum height perimeter fencing will be required for demolition of Type B, C, C1, D, Dl structures. Freon removal from Type C. C1, D, Dl structures will be in accordance to Comrn regulations. Asbestos Removal from Type B, BI, C, C1, D, Dl, structures will be in accordance with DNR Sections 4.06, 4.07 and 4.08 For type B. B1, C, C1, D and Dl whose structure tax value is over $50,000 and over 50 years old will comply with COMM 53, unless waived by the City of Muskego Common Council. State Statutes to be complied with: 1 DNR NR 404(3), for secondary air attainment standards are to be met at property line if said Type D structure is within 200 ft. of the property line. 2. Dust Control for Type B, B1, C, C1. D, Dl shall be in accordance with NR 404(3) for secondary particulate emissions including; Crushed stone access drives for haul vehicles and wetting down disturbed areas as needed. A water truck and spray may be required on site as directed by Building Inspection Department. 3. Fuel tanks removal for C, C1, D, Dl structures shall be in accordance with COMM 47 4. Structure C, C1, D, Dl demolition on previous waste disposal sites shall be subject to applicable DNR regulations. Ord. #lo45 Page 5 5. Structure demolition within well head protection zones shall be subject to the City's well head ordinance regulations and said demolition plans shall meet the approval of the Utility Committee. 6. Well@) shall be abandoned in accordance with NR 507 7 Disposal Sites shall be State approved sites only for Type C, C1, D, Dl materials. 8. The following monitoring is required for Type D. Dl structures if toxicants are found or known to be present in the Structure(s). a. Air Quality; If said structure is within 200 feet of it's adjacent property lines air sampling bags shall be placed at all four compass directions at property line for the duration of demolition and be sampled once per month until demolition is complete. The operation shall not generate dust exceeding NR 404 (3) for secondary particulate levels. b. Ground water monitoring is required if the structure to be demolished is less than 200 ft from a property line in granular or silty soils or 50 in clayish soils. A monitoring well downstream of structure at property line shall be installed as per NR 507 and sampled accordingly: (i) Sample 1 week before commencement of demolition. (ii) Sample at end of demolition. (iii) Abandon the monitoring well as per NR 507 requirements. 9. Ground water monitoring is not required for internal demolition. 10. Other toxicant identification for (Type D, Dl), structures shall be removed in accordance with the applicable state and federal laws. a. The method of removal of materials on EPA and DNR toxicity list (including Lead Removal) shall meet the Approval of EPA and DNR prior to issuance of permit. b. When Toxic Organic matter is found the recommendation from recognized industrial hygienist shall be met. (e) City requirements for demolition: 1 Vibration for Type D structure demolition shall be less than 4 on Richter Scale at the nearest property line of the structure if said structure is within 100 feet of any of its property lines. 2. Adjacent structures, pedestrian and vehicular traffic shall be protected from flying debris in the demotion of Type B, B1, C, C1, D. Dl if the structure to be demolished is within a distance equal to height of structure to be demolished. 3. Flying debris protection shall be required between any structure or public passageway to be demolished. If a structure or passageway is closer than initial height of building and shall be of a height to be at least 8 ft. and withstand wind loads of 20 p.s.f. Ord. #I045 (6) PHYSICAL REMOVALS Page 6 All basement footings, floors and walls shall be removed Existing utility laterals and services shall be located and disconnected before demolition commences. A 2" x 4 post at terminal of each utility service shall be placed at the point of discontinuance. Partial removal of Type B, B1, C, C1, D, Dl structures shall require a renovation permit In addition plans to protect the occupants during demolition and renovation needs to be submitted including the continued accessibility for occupying portion of building. Internal demolition will be subject to E-1, 2, 3. The following conditions shall apply for any removal within 100 feet of another structure of a separate building user or owner: 1 Photograph or video tape all internal wall surfaces 7 days before demolition commences of adjacent building's structure so as to record pre-demolition condition. These records shall be given to the Building Inspection Department before demolition commences and kept for one full year after completion of demolition. 2. A structural engineer's report is required that will detail the protection and renovation required of the adjacent shared wall. Those recommendations will be added to the conditions of demolition permit and renovation permits. 3. Additional Permits required: a. Renovation permit; Chapter 30. b. Erosion control; Chapter 29. c. Structure; Chapter 30. d. HVAC; Chapter 30. e. Plumbing; Chapter 30 f. Electrical; Chapter 30. g. Occupancy; Chapter 30 Footings and basement walls shall not be removed if they are within 10 feet of another structure. Or portion thereof that is not to be removed. 1, Reuse of a footing and wall for another structure can be reused if inspected and approved by city building inspector Approval of haul routes, by the appropriate jurisdictions will be required for Type C, C1, D, Dl structures. Only on designated truck routes and one route from site to a truck route approved by Supt. of Public Works. The cargo of the Ord. #I045 Page 7 hauling vehicle will be required be enclosed if cargo material is under 12" in dimension. (9) The use of explosives, may be permitted by the Public Services Committee only if: 1 The structure is more than 100 ft from any property line or another structure or height of building whichever is greatest. 2. Fire department written approval and conditions are received and so Comm. 7 to be adhered to. Dust and flying debris control will be mandatory. (h) Razing by burning will be permitted only by the Fire Chief (i) All litter beyond access control fence, shall be removed before sunset of the day it is deposited. (7) RESTORATION (a) Temporary restoration is permitted if the site is to be built upon within 6 months. Temporary restoration will not require grading, leveling and landscaping of the site. 1 Use of dust proofing, waterproofing methods for temporary restoration to be approved by Building Inspection. (b) Permanent restoration will be required for Type B, 61, C, C1, D, Dl if the site is not to be built upon within 6 months of completion of demolition and Chapter 29 of City Ordinances shall apply. (c) Non-structural back fill is permitted for Type B, B1, C. C1, D, Dl and may be demolition masonry or concrete debris provided that no dimension of the material exceeds 12 inches and is not wood, plastics or steel or painted concrete. Non-structural backfill can only be used in areas not scheduled for future structures. (d) Structural back filling shall meet WDOT Sections 206, 207, 208 and 209. 1 Compression of clays or granular soils with less than 10% silts or organic material maybe 90%. However, a one calendar year wait will be required before a new structure can be built. In addition, the fill shall be mounded 6' to 12" higher than adjacent ground. 2. Native soils shall otherwise be compressed to 95% density for future new structure. (e) Grading to match surrounding slopes and grades: 1 Landscaping shall be at least 6' topsoil, seeding and mulching placed in accordance with WDOT Sections 625, 627, 629,and 630. Page 8 Permanent Erosion Control conditions of Chapter 29 of City Ordinances will be required during and after demolition. Chapter 34 of City ordinances shall apply for all C, C1, D, and Dl demolition sites. Access control for Type A, AI, E, El, C, Cl, D, Dl structures during demolition will consist of complete enclosure at least to a 4' height and for active sidewalk use overhead shielding for necessary pedestrian and vehicle movements for Type C, C1, D, Dl. Chapter 29 of City ordinances shall apply for erosion control during Demolition. After Demolition all barricades, silt fences, shields, equipment, etc., shall be removed from the site. (8) REUSE CERTIFICATE (a) The sites of previous Type B, BI, C, C1, D, Dl structures can be used for other facilities after a reuse certificate is issued by Building Inspector asserting that all conditions of this ordinance is met. (b) Site restoration may be modified or reduced if a building permit is taken out for a new structure and site development if the permit(s) are taken out before expiration of the demolition permit. In such cases, restoration will be governed by the conditions of the building and site development permit(s). 0 SECTION 3: Chapter 30, Section 30.10 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin, is hereby amended to read as follows: 30.10 INSPECTIONS (1) REQUIRED AND PERMITTED INSPECTIONS Following the issuance of any permit under THIS CODE, specific inspections are required. A list of required inspections for particular projects can be obtained from the Building Inspection Department upon request. Further, the Building Inspector may, with or without notice or invitation, from time to time and at any time, inspect the work that is the subject of the permit, to ascertain if the work is being done or executed in compliance with THIS CODE and all other applicable legal requirements. (2) PERMIT HOLDER DUTIES The permit holder or authorized agent shall notify the Building Inspection Department at such times as an inspection is required under THIS CODE. The property owner, permit holder or their authorized agent shall provide all ladders, scaffolds and other equipment required to access the area to be inspected. If, upon any inspection, it is found that a required inspection cannot be made because work to be inspected has been covered or concealed, the property owner, permit holder or authorized agent shall uncover the work, as directed by the Building Inspector, and no approval of covered or concealed work shall 0 Ord. #I045 Page 9 be given until the required inspection can be made and the work complies with the provisions of THIS CODE and other applicable state and local regulations. INSPECTION REQUESTS The Building Inspector shall respond to inspection requests without unreasonable delay. Upon inspection, the Building Inspector shall notify the property owner, permit holder or authorized agent of any defects found, approve the work or waive the inspection. (Action to waive the inspection shall be in writing by the Building Inspector). RESULTS NOTIFICATION The Building Inspector shall notify the property owner, permit holder or authorized agent of the results of the inspection on the official permit sticker that shall be posted on the premises. Surfaces unsuitable for sticker placement such as footings, foundations or other similar surfaces may require the use of lumber crayons, permanent markers or other means to record results. In cases where there is no surface suitable for the placement of stickers and where the use of lumber crayons or permanent markers would be detrimental to the surface, the results shall be forwarded either verbally or in writing to the property owner, permit holder or authorized agent. In all cases, a copy of the inspection results shall be placed in the permanent records of the Building Department. EXISTING STRUCTURES The Building Inspector shall have authority to make inspections from time to time, or as otherwise required by THIS CODE, of all existing non-commercial structures to ascertain whether the use, maintenance and occupancy is in accordance with all applicable requirements. The Fire Inspector has primary responsibility for inspection of existing commercial applications. RE-INSPECTION When violations of THIS CODE are found to exist, the property owner, permit holder or authorized agent shall cause required corrections to be made and shall contact the Building Inspection Department to arrange for re-inspection of the work. Each required inspection is allotted one (1) re-inspection; subsequent re-inspections shall result in the assessment of a re-inspection fee as from time to time established by resolution of the Common Council and listed in TABLE #I Said re-inspection fee shall be paid prior to any further re-inspections of the work. FINAL INSPECTION Upon completion of any building, structure, equipment or other work for which a permit has been issued and before same is occupied or used, a final inspection shall be made by the Building Inspector. and until such building, structure, equipment or other work for which a permit has been issued is in compliance with all applicable requirements of THIS CODE and terms of the permit, a certificate of occupancy shall not be issued and no occupancy shall be maintained. (a) If a registered architect or engineer has supervised the construction or other work with respect to which a permit was issued, no certificate of occupancy shall be issued, until such time as the architect or engineer of record has provided a certificate of compliance or completion statement to the Building Inspector The Ord. #I045 Page 10 certificate or statement shall certify that the work supervised or designed by the architect or engineer has been completed in accordance with all the terms and conditions of the permit, the approved plans and all provisions of THIS CODE. (8) FAILURE TO REQUEST INSPECTION Failure to request required inspections in a timely manner, or allowing work to be covered prior to inspection, may result in the assessment of a penalty fee against the permit holder, or owner of record; said penalty fee to be as from time to time established by resolution of the Common Council and listed in Table #1 (9) SPECIAL INSPECTION WARRANl In addition to the inspection powers of the Department under this Section, the Building Inspector or his duly authorized agent@) and the Fire Inspector(s) of the City are authorized to obtain special inspection warrants as provided in Sections 66.122 and 66.123, Wis. Stats., to ascertain compliance under this Chapter, other subject Chapters and other applicable legal requirements. (IO) BOARD OF APPEALS Any person feeling aggrieved by any order or ruling of the Building Inspector may appeal such ruling to the Board of Appeals within twenty (20) days after written notice of such ruling shall have been delivered to him. Such appeal is to be in writing, setting forth the order appealed from and the respects in which said person feeling aggrieved claims that said order or ruling is erroneous or illegal. Said notice of appeal shall be filed with the Planning Director or his duly authorized representative, who shall thereupon notify the Building Inspector of said appeal, and the appeal shall be heard at the next meeting of the Board of Appeals. The said Board of Appeals, after consideration thereof, shall affirm, reverse or modify said order or ruling. The ruling or order of the Inspector shall be enforced until changed by said Board of Appeals. 0 SECTION 4: Chapter 30, Section 30.11 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin, is hereby amended to read as follows: I 30.1 1 STOP WORK ORDER Whenever the provisions of THIS CODE or of the plans approved hereunder are not complied with, a stop work order shall be served on the owner or his representative and a copy thereof shall be posted at the site of the construction. Such stop work order shall not be removed except by written notice of the Building Inspector after satisfactory evidence has been supplied that the violation has been corrected. In the event that work continues, or stops and then again resumes after the stop work order has been posted and before the Building Inspector has provided written notice that work may resume, each day that work continues shall constitute a separate offense and the Building Inspector shall not be required to continually re- post the site. SECTION 5: The several sections of this ordinance are declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be 1 invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, Ord. #lo45 Page 11 sections or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any other ordinance whose terms conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to @ those terms that conflict. SECTION 6 This ordinance is in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS IOth DAY OF OCTOBER ,2000 CITY OF MUSKEGO A ATTEST. First Reading: 10/10/2000 Second Reading: 10/10/2000 Cover Ordinance Published on the & day of October, 2000. 0 10/2000jlnb Suzanne Sobczyk being duly sworn, doth depose and say that she is an authorized representative of The MUSKEGO SUN, a newspaper published at MUSKEGO, Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a true copy, taken from the said paper, was published therein on .................................. ., ,&WB?R ..... 1.7 ..................... ......................................... ....................................... .. ............................... (Signed). BO PER Subscribed and sworn to me before this., !.?&. .... day Of.. .............. o&. ......... ., 20.02 ,.. Notary Public,