ORD20001019COMMON COUNCIL -CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #IO19 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 17 (ZONING ORDINANCE) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO TO REPEAL SEC. 2.02(.5)AND SEC. 6.03(1)D. AND CREATE SECTION 6.14 ENTITLED FIRST AMENDMENT PROTECTED ADULT-ORIENTED ESTABLISHMENTS THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Chapter 17, Section 2.02(.5) and Section 6.03(1) D. of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin are hereby repealed in their entirety. SECTION 2: Chapter 17, Section 6.14 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin is hereby created as follows: 6.14 FIRST AMENDMENT PROTECTED ADULT-ORIENTED ESTABLISHMENTS (1) FINDINGS OF FACT The Common Council finds that Adult-Oriented Establishments, as defined and otherwise regulated by the City in its Adult-Oriented Licensing and Regulation Ordinance, require special zoning in order to protect and preserve the health, safety, and welfare of the City. Based its review of studies conducted in Phoenix AZ, Garden Grove CA, Los Angeles CA, Whittier CA, Indianapolis IN, Minneapolis MN, St. Paul MN. Cleveland OH, Oklahoma City OK, Amarillo TX, Austin TX, Beaumont TX, Houston TX, Seattle WA, and the findings incorporated in City of Renton v. Playtime Theaters, Inc., 475 U.S. 41 (1986), Coleman A. Young v. American Mini-Theaters, Inc., 427 US. 50 (1976), the Common Council finds that there is convincing evidence that the secondary effects of Adult-Oriented Establishments include an increased risk of prostitution, high-risk sexual behavior, crime, and other deleterious effects upon existing businesses and surrounding residential areas, and decreased property values. The Common Council intends to control the impact of these secondary effects in order to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the citizenry; protect the citizens from increased crime; preserve the quality of life; preserve the property values and character of surrounding neighborhoods and areas. It is not the intent of the Common Council to suppress any speech activities protected by the First Amendment, but to enact a content-neutral ordinance which addresses the secondary effects of Adult-Oriented Establishments while providing an outlet for First Amendment protected activities. Ordinance #IO19 Page 2 (e) In order to minimize and control the secondary effects of Adult-Oriented Establishments upon the City, it is the intent of the Common Council to prevent the concentration of Adult-Oriented Establishments within a certain distance of each other and within a certain distance of other specified locations which are incompatible with and would suffer from the secondary effects of Adult-Oriented Establishments. 0 0 (f) Based upon its review of materials linking alcohol consumption and high- risk sexual behavior and materials linking alcohol consumption and crimes such as sexual assault, the Common Council finds that a geographic separation of Adult-Oriented Establishments from alcohol beverage licensed premises is warranted. (2) LOCATION OF FIRST AMENDMENT PROTECTED ADULT-ORIENTED ESTABLISHMENTS (a) The First Amendment and other provisions of the United States Constitution, as interpreted by the United States Supreme Court and other courts, require that Adult-Oriented Establishments, as defined and otherwise regulated by the City, are entitled to certain protections, including the opportunity to locate in the City. Therefore, if an Adult- Oriented Establishment License has been granted by the City, and if all the requirements of this Section of the Zoning Code are met, an Adult- Oriented Establishment shall be an allowed use in the 1-1 and 1-2 zoning district(s) and shall be a prohibited use in any other zoning district. No other requirements of the Zoning Code need be satisfied, but for those required in order to obtain an Adult-Oriented Entertainment License from the City. (b) Adult-Oriented Establishments shall be located at least 1,000 feet from: 1 any residential district line, playground lot line, or public park lot line: 2. any structure used as a residence, place of religious worship, public or private school, or Youth Facility as defined in the City’s Adult-Oriented Establishment Licensing and Regulation Ordinance: 3. any other structure housing an Adult-Oriented Establishment; 4. any structure housing an establishment which holds an alcohol beverage license. (c) Distance requirements are to be measured in a straight line in any direction regardless of intervening structures, from the structure housing the Adult-Oriented Establishment to the above residential district boundary lines, to the lot line of any lot used for a park, playground, or the lot line of any structure listed in 2(b),(c) and (d), above. Ordinance #IO19 Page 3 (d) The measurements from a structure shall be taken from the farthest point a structure extends in the direction of the measurement, including overhanging roofs or similar projections. (e) For Adult-Oriented Establishments located in conjunction with other buildings and clearly separate from other establishments such as in a shopping center, measurements shall be taken from the boundaries of the space occupied by the Adult-Oriented Establishment. (f) For any Adult-Oriented Establishment located above ground level in a multi-story structure and clearly separate from other establishments within the structure, the distance measurements shall be taken from the ground floor public entrance/exit nearest the Adult-Oriented Establishment (excluding emergency exits). (9) A licensed Adult-Oriented Establishment is not disqualified from holding an Adult-Oriented Establishment License by the location subsequent to the grant or renewal of its license of any of the establishments described in 2., above, within 1,000 feet of the licensed premises. This provision applies only to the renewal of an existing license and does not apply when an application for a license is submitted after a license for that location has not been renewed or has been revoked. SECTION 2: SEVERABILITY The sections of this Ordinance are declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in such decision, and shall not affect the validity of any other provisions, section or portions thereof of the Ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 4: EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance shall take effect upon passage and publication as provided by law. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF MARCH ,2000, AlTEST. First Reading February 22, 2000 Published this gTH day of March, 2000. I STATE OF WISCONSIN) ) ss."' Milwaukee County 1 OffJaJNgtice .- .COMMON COUNCIL -.ClTV OF MUsKROn .I ~ ~ AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 17 OllolNANCE XlOlS IZONING ORDINANCE) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MI ISKFCCI TO REPEAL ~ -REATE SECTION 6.14 ENTITLED FIRST AMENDMENT PROTECTED ADULT-ORIENTED ESTABLISH. MENTS MUSKEGO SUN, a newspaper published at MUSKEGO, Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a true copy, taken from the said paper, was published therein OK THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO. WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ~ ~~ Section 6.03(1) D. of the Municipal Code of the City SECTION 1: Chapter 17. Section 2.02(.5) and entirety. ofMuskego, Wisconsin are hereby repealed ~n their SECTION 2: Chspter 17. Section 6.14 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin is hereby created as follows: 6.14 FIRST AMENDMENT PROTECTED ADULT-ORIENTED ESTABLISHMENTS. .~ ,. L! ,. -a (1) FINDINGS OF FACT (8) The Common Council Gnds that Adult-On. ented, Estabhhments. as defined and otherwise regulated by the City in its Adult-Orienyd Litem. ing and Regulation Ordinance, require B ecml zon. safety. and welfare of the City. ing in order to protect and preserve tk health, lbl Based its review of studies epnducted in Pbrenk AZ. Garden Grove CA, Lo8 Angeles CA, Whittier CA. lndianapohs IN. Minneqpdtla MN, St. Amarillo TX. Austin TX .Beaumoot TX, Houston Paul MN. Clevelsnd OH. Oklahomi City OK. TX. Seattle WA, and the finding8 in&'wrated in City of Rentan v. Playtime The~ters. Id*.. 475 U.S. 41 (19861, Cbleman A. Young Y. American Mhi-The. eil hds that there ie convincing evidence that the atem, he., 427 U.S. 50 (1976). the Cidmon Coun- secondary etkteof AddtQtienttd Estabhshments sexual behavior. crime, and other deleterious. include an increased risk of prostitution. high-risk effects upon existing businesses and surrounding residential areas, and decreased propertyvalues. impact of these secondary efIecu in orde? toprotect (E) The Common Council intends to ,control the the hedth, safety, and welfare ofthe citizenry: pro- quality of Life. preser~e the property values and teet the citizens from increased crime; preserve the character of surrounding neighborhoods and areas. suppress any speech activitm protected by the (dl It is not the intent of the Common Council to First Amendment. but to enact a content-neutral ordinance which addresses the secondary effects of Adult.Oriented Establshments while providing an outlet far Firsthendment protected activities. ondary elfects 01 Adult-Otiented Establishments le) I" order to minimize and control the set. eil to Prevent the concentration of Adult-Onented upon the Gty, it is the intent of the Common Coun- Establishments within a certain distance of each other and within a certoin distance of other speci- fied locations which are lncompatlble wlth and would suffer from the secondary effects of Adult. Oriented Establishments. alcohol Consumptmn and high- nsk sexual behavior IO Based upon its review of mnte;ials linking and materials linklng alcohol consumption and crimes such as sexual assault. the Common Coun. cil finds that a geographic separation ofAdult-Ori- ented Establishments from alcohol beverage licensed premrsee is warranted. (2) LOCATION OF FIRST AMENDMENT PRO- TEC~ED ADULT-ORIENTED ESTABLISH. MENTS the United States Constitution. as interpreted by (a)The Fmt Amendment and other provisions of the United States Supreme Lour1 and other courtn. reqvlrr that AdulL-Oriented Establishments. as defined and otheGire re&.ated by the City, are entitled to certain protections, lncluding the oppor- Ornented Establishment L~cense has been granted by the City, and if all the requirements of this Sec- Esboblishment-shall be.an-allowed use in the-p;? .- tion of the Zoning Code are met: an Adult-Oriented and 1-2 zoning district(s) end shall be a prohibited use ~n any other zoning district. No other require- ments of the Zoning Code need be satirried, but for those requwed in order to obtain'- Adult-Otienfed Entertammen1 License from the City located at least 1,000 feet from: tb) Adult-Onented Establishments shall be line. or public park lot line; 1. my residential distnct line. playground lot 2. BnyhtrYctUre used as B resndence, place ofreln. Facility as defined in the City's Adult-Oriented gious worship, public or private school, or Youth Establishment Lieensmg and Regulation Ordi- nance; 3. any other ptructure housing an Adult.Orient- ed Eatablnshment, 4. any structure housing an establishment which tunity to locate in the City. Therefore. if an Adult. ,., .. ., . holds an alcohol beverage license. a straight line in my direction regardless Of inter- (c) Distance requirements are to be measured in "ening struct.ures. from the structure housing the Adult-Oriented Eetablishment to the sbove re& dential district boundsry lines. to the lot line of any lot used for a park. playground. or the lot line of any structure listed in 2(b).lel and (d). above. taken from the fanhest point a structure extends in (d) The measurements from a structure shell be the direction of the meaaumment,'includ% bver- hanging roofs or similar projections. (e) ForAdult.Oriented Estabhhmenrs located in conjunction with ather buildings and clearly sepa- rate from other establishments such as in a shop- ping center. measurements shall be taken fmm the boundaries ofths space occupied by the Adult-0"- ented Establishment. (0 For any Adull.Oriented Establishment loeat- ed above ground level in a multi-story structure within the structure. the distance meaSUrements and clearly aeparste fmm other establishments shell be taken from the grovnd floor public entrance/exit nearest the Adult-Oriented Estab- lishment (excludingemergency exits). not disqualified from holding an Adult-Oriented Ig) A licensed Adult.Otiented Eetablishment is Establishment License by the location subsequent ti the grant or renewal of its license of any of the establishments described in 2.. above. within 1.000 only to the renewal oC M existing license and does feet of the licensed premises. This provision applies not apply when an appl!Cati& for a license is suh- mitted after a license for that location has not been renewed or has been revoked. this ordinance are declared to be severable. If any SECTION 2: SEVERABILITY The sections of section or portion thereof shall be declared by a offompetentjunsdlcrion to be invalid, unlaw- ful or unenforceable. such decision shall wply Only to the sedion or portion thereof direttly swcified in such decision. and shall not affect the balidity of any other provisions. beetion Or portions foice' &d e&C. bJro;dlnances Or wrts of ordi- thereofofthe Ordmance which 5h.U r:m.ain in full nanees inconsistent or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. Thls ordinance shall take effect upon 'paisage SECTION 4: EFFECTIVE QbTE and publication 88 provided by law. MARCH, 2000. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 2ND DAY OF David L. DeAngeliP. Mayor CITY OF MUSKEGO AWPST. Jean K. Marenda. City Clerk