ORD200010100 AMENDED ORDINANCE #IO10 COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (Januszewski - RS-2 to 8-2) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN. DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The following dcscribcd propcrty is hcrcby rczoncd from RS-2 to B-2: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 4. BLOCK 5 OF "BAY SHORE HILLS". BEING A SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF THE SOUTHWEST (SW %) OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE %) AND A PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW %) AND NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE X) OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE %) OF SAID SECTION X: THENCE SOUTH 34' 36" 02' EAST 462.85 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING OF THE LANDS HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED AND TO THE BEGINNPJG OF A CURVE OF RADIUS 170.00 FEET, THE CENTER OF WHICH LAYS TO THE NORTHWEST. THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 34 339 FEET. THE CHORD OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 61' I I' 010 EAST 34.281 FEET; THENCE NORTH 55' 23" 49' EAST 152.610 FEET. THENCE SOUTH 34' 36" 11' EAST 224,580 FEET. THENCE NORTH 14' 12" Oh" EAST 146.121 FEET: THENCE NORTH 84. 00" 54" WEST 1n1.no FEET: THENCE NORTH 34' 36" 020 WEST 2sx.498 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEG INNING . SECTION 2: The scvcral sections of this ordinancc are dcclarcd to bc scverablc. If any scction or portion thercof shall bc dcclarcd by a dccision of a court of compctcnt jurisdiction to bc invalid, unlawful, or unenforccablc. such dccision shall apply only to thc spccitic scction or portion thereof d~rcctly specified in the dccision: and lnot affect the validity of all othcr provisions. sections. or portion thcreof of the ordinancc which shall remain in full forcc and cffcct. Any othcr ordinance whosc tcrms are in conflict with thc provis~ons of this ordinancc arc hcrcby rcpcalcd as to thosc tcms that conflict. SECTION 3. This ordinancc is In full forcc and cffect from and aficr passagc and publication and subject to vacation of a prior Board of Appeals' dccision that any future land division of this parccl would not bc allowed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS L DAY OF JANUARY , znnn e CITY OF MUSKEGO David L. Dc Anyclis, Mayor 0 v First Rcading: Dcccmbcr 14th. 1999. Published this 20"' day of January. 2000 12/99jmb STATE OF WISCONSM) Milwaukee County 1 ) ss. Official Notice - COMMON COmC5. CITY OF MUSKEGO Am&i SECTION 1: The ~llo& dbs:tibed propeiy is her+ rezoned fmm RS-2 8.2: i COMMENCING AT ~.SOUTHW&T cbk- NER OF LOT 4, BLOCK 5 OF .,BAY-sHORE THE SOUTHWE= (sw.24ii4j .OF 'TH~:N~RTH: HILLS", BEING A SUBDMSION OF A PART OF EAST QUARTER (NE UiJ AND A PAfiT OF TiE NORTHWESTQUARTER(NW U41ANND NORTH- QUARTER (SE u4) OF^ SAID SECTION 8, THENCE SOUTH 34' 36 02' EAST 462.85 FEET TO, THE: PLACE^ OF BEGINNING OF THE THE BEGINNING OF .A'CURVE OF RADIUS LANDS HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED AND TO 170.m FEET, m CENTEROF WHICH LAYS TO ~~ ~~ THE NORTHWEST. .THENCE NORTHEASTER- LY ALONG THE.'AFK OF:- CURVE 34.339 61' 11" 01' EAST 34.281 .FEET, THENCE NORTH FEET. THE CHOW! OF WHICH BEARS NOBTH~ 56 2T 49~EAST~i52&PWEi?T THENCESOUTH 34' 36: 11- ~i~Z24.5~ FEET THENCE,NORTH w!cy 54' WEST:IOI.WFEET ~NCE'NORTH. 14: 12"oi;:~E~T'l46.lZl~FEET,~NCE NORTH ~3C 36" 02::WST 258.498,FEET.TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING. Suzame Sobczyk being duly sworn, dolh depose and Say 11x11 she is an authorized represenlative of Thc MIJSKEGO SUN, a ncwspaper publishcd at MUSKEGO, Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the almexed is a true copy, taken from the said paper, was publistled therein on