ORD1999991COMMON COUNCIL- CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #991 AN ORDINANCE TO REPEAL AND RECREATE CHAPTER 6 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT (Formerly Emergency Government) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Chapter 6 of the Municipal Code (Emergency Government) of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin is hereby repealed. SECTION 2: Chapter 6, of the Municipal Code (Emergency Management) of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin is hereby created to read as follows: 6.01 PURPOSE AND GOALS A Municipal Emergency Operations Plan (MEOP), as adopted by Resolution of the Common Council, has been developed to provide procedures for the government of the City of Muskego to respond to various types of emergencies or disasters that affect the community. It provides a link to procedures that will be used by county government since the City of Muskego is pari of the county emergency management program. This municipal plan is to be used in conjunction with the Waukesha County Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). The municipal plan will be maintained in accordance with current standards of the Waukesha County EOP and in accordance with the municipal government. Review of this municipal plan shall be accomplished concurrently with the county plan. 6.02 SITUATION AND ASSMPTIONS Several types of hazards pose a threat to the lives, property or environment in Waukesha County. These hazards are outlined in Waukesha County Hazard Analysis. A copy of this is located in the County Emergency Operations Center (EOC). Hazard analysis assists in the assessment process in determining the level of risk an emergency poses as well as the level and scope of response necessary. 6.03 CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS (1) Municipal officials have primary responsibility for disasters which take place in the municipality. They will activate the appropriate municipal agencies to deal with the disaster. The Emergency Management Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the response of municipal officials and agencies and coordinating the response with county officials if county assistance is necessary. Activation of the MEOP will be the decision of the Police Chief or person in the line of succession if the Police Chief cannot be reached. (2) Whenever necessary during a declared emergency, the Mayor or designee may by proclamation promulgate orders, rules and regulations relating to the implementation of the MEOP Ord. #991 Page 2 0 (3) Actions that the City should consider if this municipal plan is activated include, but arc not limited to: (a) Assessing the nature and scope of the emergency or disaster (b) Coordinating a response (c) Activating the EOC, located at City Hall (d) Fonvarding the local state of emergency declaration to the Waukesha County Emergency (e) Municipal emergency response officials and agencies respond according to the checklists (0 Mayor issues directives as to travel restrictions on local roads and recommends protective actions (g) Mayor may call an emergency meeting of the Common Council when feasible to provide Management Office. outlined in the MEOP. if necessary. necessary resolutions for the operation of municipal government as well as implementation of the MEOP. (h) Notifying the public of the situation and appropriate actions to take. (i) Keeping county officials informed of the situation and actions taken. (4) If municipal resources become exhausted or if special resources are required, request county assistance through the Waukesha County Emergency Management Director. If assistance is requested, the Waukesha County Emergency Management Director will assess the situation, make recommendations, and utilize county resources as directed. Refer to the Emergency Management Plan for specific instructions. (5) If municipal and county resources are exhausted, the County Emergency Management Director can request state assistance tbrounh the State Division of Emeraencv Government. - -. 0 6.04 ORGANIZATION (I) The City of Muskego’s Municipal Emergency Management Team (MEMT) is comprised of a Core Team as well as elected officials, facilities, essential services, and support services. Please refer to the City of Muskego Emergency Management Plan as to the organization of the MEMT (2) The Core Team is comprised ofthe Emergency Management Coordinator, the Mayor, as well as key officials and department heads. The Emergency Management Coordinator is appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Common Council. The Public Information Officer and Communications Officer are appointed by the Mayor. The rest of the Core Team is comprised of the Police Chief, City EngineerBuilding Inspection Director, Fire Chiefs of both Muskego Volunteer Fire Company and Tess Comers Volunteer Fire Department, Public Works Superintendent, and the Public Utilities Superintendent. The purpose of the Core team is to assess the disaster, organize, and then implement a response to the disaster. Refer to the City of Muskego Emergency Management Plan as to the organization of the Core Team. (3) The Damage Assessment Team collects data for the purpose of assessing damage inflicted upon persons and property within the City. The Damage Assessment Team consists of the Finance Director, City Assessor, City EngineerBuilding Inspection Director, Public Works Superintendent, and the Public Utilities Superintendent. Please refer to the City of Muskego Emergency Management Plan as to the organization of the Damage Assessment Team. Elected officials include members of the Common Council as well as the Waukesha County Supervisors that represent the City. Facilities include any public buildings which would be utilized as needed in response to the emergency. Essential services include all utilities and necessary services Ord. #991 Page 3 0 provided to the citizens Muskego that are not directly provided to them by the City. Secondary staff, support and services are county and state agencies as well as private sector organizations that are utilized as needed when the plan is implemented. Please refer to the City of Muskego Emergency Management Plan as to secondary services. 6.05 RESPONSIBILITIES AND TASKS Attachments A-M of the City ofMuskego Emergency Management Plan list the emergency responsibilities of key officials in the City of Muskego. Please refer to the plan as to specific responsibilities. 6.06 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (I) Additional support from Waukesha County Agencies will be obtained by the City of Muskego Emergency Management Team with advice from the Waukesha County Emergency Management Coordinator. (2) Mutual Aid Reciprocal Agreements Current mutual aid agreements will be fostered and maintained by the Muskego Police Department, the Muskego Volunteer Fire Company, and the Tess Comers Volunteer Fire Department. Activation of those agreements will be at the discretion of the Police Chief or his designee as well as the chiefs of the Muskego Volunteer Fire Company and Tess Comers Volunteer Fire Department, or their designees. (3) Support from Private AgenciesNolunteer GrouDs Support and resources from private agencies and volunteer groups will be utilized as needed by the Emergency Management Core Team. (4) Support from State and Federal Agencies ~~ Information and assistance in securing state or federal support may be obtained by contacting the County Emergency Management Director. Requests for National Guard assistance should be channeled through the County Emergency Management Director to the DEG Regional Director to the DEG Administrator. 6.07 PLAN DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE (I) The City of Muskego EOP Development Team is comprised of members of the Core Team The Emergency Management Coordinator is responsible for soliciting input from members of the Core Team in the development and maintenance of this plan. (2) This Team meets on an as-needed basis or as determined by the Mayor. The Team reviews incidents, changes and new information and makes revisions in this plan. (3) This Team also conducts after-action reviews of all exercises and major incidents. 6.08 VIOLATIONS @ No person shall willhlly obstruct, hinder or delay any member of the Emergency Management Team or associated members or agencies in the enforcement of any order, rule, regulation, or plan issued pursuant Ord. #99 1 .~ Page 4 e 'y) to this chapter or do any act forbidden by any order, rule, regulation, or plan issued pursuant to the authority contained in this chapter. 6.09 PENALTY Any person who shall violate any provision of this chapter or any order, rule or regulation made hereunder shall be subject to a penalty as provided in Sec. 25.04 of this Municipal Code. SECTION 3: The several sections of this Ordinance are declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, sections, or portion thereof of the Ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any other Ordinance whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND .2PPROVED THIS 27th DAY OF 1999 UULJ ATTEST, First Reading: 0711 3/99 Published this 5th day of August , 1999 7/99 jm ) ss. Milwaukee County 1 Official Wtice, / COMMON COUNCIL. CITY OF MUSKEGO AN ORDINANCE TO REPEAL AND ORDINANCE 11991 MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF RECREATE CHAFTER 6 OF THE MUSKEGO EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT (Formerly Emergency Government) MUSKEGO, WAUKESHACOUN?"I. WISCONSIN. THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS. SECTION 1: Chapter 6 of the Mumcipal Code (Emergency Government) of the City of Muskego, Wisconsm is hereby repealed (Emergency Management) of the City of Muskego. SECTION: Chapter 6, of the Munictpal Code Wisconsin is hereby created to read as follows: § 01 PURPOSE AND GOALS A Munielpal Emergency Operations Plan IMEOP!. as adopted by Resolution of the Common Council. has been developed to provide procedures for the government of the.Clty of Murkego 10 respond to various types of emergencies or disas- ters that affect the community. It provides B lmk to procedures that will be used by county government since the City of Muskego 1s part of the county emergency management program. This munmpal sha County Emergenq Operations Plan iEOPI. plan is to be used in conjunction with the Wauke- The mumcipal plan will be maintained in accor- dance with current standards of the Waukeehn County EOP and in accordance with the municipal government, Review of this municnpnl plan shnll be accomplished concurrently with the ciunty plan -NAND ASS- Several types of hazards pose a threat to the lives, property or environment in Waukesha Coun- ty, These hazards are outlined ~n Waukerha Coun- ty Hazard Analysis. A copy ofthns is located in the County Emergency Operations Center iEOCI. Haz- ard analysis assists in the asses~ment process in determining the level of risk an emergency poses 8s well as the level and cope of response necessary 11) Municipal ofilcials have primary respons>b>l- Ity. They will actwale the appropriate municipal ity for disasters which take place in the municipal- agencies to deal with the disaster. The Emergency Management Coordinator is responsible for coordi- nating the response ofmunicipal oficisls and age". c~es and coordinating the response with county dT- eials ifcounty ass~stance is necessary Activation of the MEOP will be the decision of the Police Chiefor person in the line of BUCC~SS~O~ if the Police Chid cannot be reached. 12) Whenever necessary during a declared emer- gency. the Mayor or designee may by proclamation promulgate orders. rules and regulations relating to the implementation ofthe MEOP. I31 Actions that the City should consider if thls municipal plan is activated include. but are not lim- ited to: gency or dlraster ial Assessing the nat& and sc'ope of the emer- (bl Coordinating a response (cl Activating the EOC, located nt City Hall loration to the Waukesha County Emergency Man. Id) Forurarding the local state or emergency dec- agement Office. (el Municipal emergency respopse oficials and agencies respond according to the checklists out- lined in the MEOP. lions an local roads and recommends protective ID Mayor issues directives 8s to travel restric. acttons if necessary. (g) Mayor may call an emergency meetmg of the Common Councd when feasible to provide neces- eary resolutions for the operation of municmpnl gov- ernment as well as implementation ofthe MEOP. appropriate aetmne to take ii) Keeping county oficials informed of the mtu- ation and actions taken. (4) Ifmunicipal res.ources hecome exhausted or if special resources are required. request county assisfsnce thmugh the Waukeeha County. Emer- gency Management Director. If BBsiStanCe IS requested, the Waukesha County Emergency Man- agement Dnrector will assess the situation, make directed. Refer to the Emirpency Management recommendations. and utilize county T~SOUIF~S as (h) Notifying the public of the situation and ~~~~~ ~ .~ Plan for specific instructions. exhausted. the County Emergency Management 15) If munie~pal and county resourc~s are Director can request state assistance through the State Div~.lon ofEmergency Government. 6.04 ORGANIZATION (1) The City of Muskego's Mumcipal Emergency Management Team (MEMTI IS compnred of a Core as as elected oni~ials. racilit~s, essential ~erwcea, and support ~ervi~e~. Please refer to the Cmty of Muskego Emergency Management Plan as to the organization of the MEMT. (2) The Core Team is comprised of the Emer- CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE Suzanne Sobczyk being duly sworn, doth depose and say that she is an authorized representative ofThe MUSKEGO SUN, ~ a newspaper published at MUSKEGO, Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a true COPY, taken from the said paper, was published therein on ..................... ............................ .... 5 .................... ........ ... ................................................ (Signed).. ... ........ EPER ........... gency Management Coordinator, the Mayor. 8s well as key afiicials and department heads The Emer- gency Management Coordinator is appointed by the , Pubhc Information Ofieer and Communications , Mayor and approved by the Common Council. The : . ~- Oficer are appointed by the Maynr The rest of the Core Team is comprised of the Police Chief. Cmty Engineermudding Inspection Director. Fire Chiefs of bath Muskego Volunteer Fm Cbmpany and Teess Corners Volunteer Flre Department. Public Works Superintendent. and the Public Utllitier Superin- tendent. The purpose of the Core team is to assees the disaster. organize, and then implement a response to the disaster. Refer to the City of Muskego Emergency Management Plan as to the organization afthe Core Team. (31 The Damage Assessment Team ealleets data for the purpose of assessing damage inflicted upon persons and property within the City. The Damage Assessment Team eoasists of the Flnanee Director. City Assessor. City EngineerlBuilding Inspection Director, Public Works Supenntendent. and the Public Utilities Superintendent. Please refer to the City of Muskego Emergency Management Plan as %am to the organization of the Damage Assessment ""I ..., -. ... Requests for Nntmnnl Guard aS61stnnce should be channeled through the County Emergency Man- agement Director to the DEG Heponnl Director to the DEGAdrninistrator b!AN€E 6.07 PLAN DEVELOI'MENT AND MAINTE- is comprised of members of the Cure Team The iI)TheC~tyofMurkegnEOPOrvelupmentTeam, Emergency Management Coordinator IS renponrl- ble for sol~citmg input from members 01 the Core Te3~ I" the development ant1 mnmtennnce this plan <letermined by the Mayor The Team reviews mci. (2) This Team meets on an ns-needed bnrie or as dents. chnnges nnd new dormation and makes revisions ~n lhlr plan. 131 This Team illso conducts after-xtmn rewews D. . i "" Elected oficials include members of the Com- ' mon Council as well as the Waukerha County Superviaore that represent .the City. Facilities include any public buildings whxh would be uti- i lired as needed in response to the emergency. *, Essential services include all utilities and neces- sary services provided to the citizens Muskego that are not directly provided to them by the City. and state agencies as well'ae private sector organi- Secondary staff. supper¶ and senices arc County znt~ons that are utilized as leeded when the plan is implemented. Please refer to the Clty of Muskego Emergency Management Plan as to secondary ser- vices. gency Management Plan list the emergency respon- Attachments A-M d the C~ty of Muskego Emer.. .ibilities of key onicials in the Clty of Muskego. please der to the plan as to spectfie responsibili.: tmes. Agencies will be obtained by the Clty of Musk% ill Additional support from Waukerha County Emergency Management Team wmth advice fran the Waukesha County Emergency Managemen ofall exercises and mapr mcldentr. 6.08 VIOLATIONS delay any member af the Emergency Management Np person shall willfully ohstmet. hinder or Team or asiocinted members or agencies m the enforcement any order. de. regulation. issued pursuant to this chapter ur do any act for- bidden by any order. rule. regulation. or plnn issued pursuant to the nuthorityconfained in this chapter. this Chapter or my order, rule or regulatiaq made Any person who shall violate any provision of hereunder shall he subject to a penalty as provided I" Src. 25 04 ofthis Mumcipal Code nnnce are declared to be severable. If any sectton or SECTION 3. The several sectms of this Ordi. portion thereof shall be declared by a decmon of u court of competentluri~dlction to be invalid. unlaw. ful. or unenioreeuble. such decision ahall apply only to the 3pecrfic sectmn or portion thereof directly specified in the decmian. and not affect the validity of all other provisions. sections. or partmon thereof of the Ordmnnce which shall remain in full force and elfect. Any other Ordmance whose terms are in conflict with the provisions ol this Ordinance are 6D9, hereby repealed a. to those terns that eonfllct and effect from and after 11s passage and publica- SECTION 4' This ordnance shall be in full force tmn. JULY, 1999 PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 27th DAY OF CITY OF MUSKEGO ATTEST Clerk.Trensurer David L~. De Angelis. Mayor LEGAL 2