ORD1999982I 0 0 COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #982 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO 1-2, RS-I/RS-3/01P, RS-IIOPD, RS-l/OED, RS-I/R-l/L/RS-2 RS-l/OIP, RS-1/A, RS-1, RS-2, RS-2/R-1, RS-3, RS-3/01P RS9/0PD, R-I, RCE, RCEIOA, RCEIOIP, EA AND ENR-1/L TO ADD THE OWP OVERLAY (Wellhead Protection District) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA, WISCONSIN DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The following described properties listed on Exhibit "A attached hereto and made a part hereof are hereby rezoned as indicated on said Exhibit. SECTION 2: The several sections of this ordinance are declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, sections, or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any other ordinance whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 3: This ordinance is in full force and effect from and after passage and publication and as well as passage and publication of Ordinance #980. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 13'h DAY OF APRIL ,1999 CITY OF MUSKEGO e David L. De Angelis, Mayor ATTEST, First Reading: 3/23/99 Published on the 22nd day of April, 1999. 3/99jrnb J ATTACHMENT TO ORDINANCE #982 EXHIBIT “A’ Rezoned from 1-2 to I-2IOWP. 2230.999.001 2230.999.002 Rezoned from RS-lIRS-3IOlP to RS-lIRS-3IOIPIOWP~ 2226.998 2226.999 Rezoned from RS-IIOPD to RS-1IOPDIOWP. 2229.039 2229.040 2229.041 2229.042 2229.043 2229.044 2229.045 2229.046 2229.047 2229.048 2229.049 2229.050 2229.051 2229.054 2229.055 2229.056 2229.057 2229.058 2229.059 2229.060 2229.061 2229.062 2229.063 2229.064 2229.065 2229.066 2229.067 2229.992.002 2229.992.003 Rezoned from RS-IIOED to RS-1IOEDIOWP. 2188.001 2188.003 2188.004 2188.005 2188.006 2188.007 2188.008 2188.009 2188.010 2188.011 2188.012 2188.015 2188.016 2188.017 2188.018 2188.019 2188.020 2188.026 2188.027 2188.028 2188.029 2191.001 2191.002 2191.003 2191.004 2191.005 2191.006 2191.007 2191.008 2191.015 2191.028 2191.029 2191.030 2191.031 2191.032 2191.033 2191.034 2191.035 2191.036 2191.037 2191.038 2191.039 2191.041 2191.042 2191.043 2191.044 2191.045 2191.046 2191.049 2191.050 2191.051 2191.052 2191.053 2191.054 2191.055 2191.056 2191.057 2191.058 2191.059 2191.060 2191.061 2191.062 2191.063 2191.069 2191.070 2191.071 2191.072 2191.073 2191.074 2191.075 2191.076 Rezoned from RS-1IR-1IURS-2 to RS-lIR-lIURS-2IOWP~ 2190.991.001 Rezoned from RS-1IOlP to RS-1IOIPIOWP. 2229.997.001 Rezoned from RS-1IA to RS-IIAIOWP. 2227.991 Rezoned from RS-1 to RS-1IOWP. 2179.994 2229.007 2229.008 2229.009 2229.012 2229.013 2229.014 2229.015 2229.016 2229.017 2229.018 2229.019 2229.020 2229.021 2229.022 2229.023 2229.024 2229.025 2229.026 2229.027 2229.028 2229.030 2229.031 2229.979.002 2229.980.001 2229.981 2229.981.001 2229.981.003 2229.981.004 2229.982.002 2229.982.003 2229.982.004 2229.983 2229.984 2229.986 2229.986.001 2229.987 2229.991 2229.992.005 2229.995.006 2229.993 2229.994.001 2229.995 2229.995.001 2229.996 2229.997 2229.998 2229.998.001 Rezoned from RS-2 to RSdIOWP. 2190.056 2190.057 2190.060 2190.061 2191.050 2191.051 2191.052 2191.053 2191.054 2191.055 2191.998.005 2229.034 2229.978 Rezoned from RS-2IR-1 to RS-21R-lIOWP. 21 90.994.004 21 90.994.005 2190.994.006 Rezoned from RS-3 to RS310WP. 2227.988 2227.998 Rezoned from RS9101P to RS910IPIOWP~ 2226.996 2226.997 Rezoned from RS910PD to RS310PDIOWP. 2191.084 2191.085 2191.086 2191.087 2191.088 2191.089 2191.090 2191.091 2191.092 2191.093 2191.094 2191.095 2191.096 2191.097 2191.098 2191.099 2191 100 2191 101 2191 102 2191103 2191104 2191105 2191106 2191108 2191109 2191110 2191111 2191112 2191113 2191114 2191115 2191116 2191117 2191118 2191119 2191121 2191122 2191123 2191124 2191125 2191126 2191127 2191128 2191129 2191130 2191131 2191132 2191133 2191134 2191135 2191136 2191137 2191138 2191139 2191140 2191141 2191142 2191143 2191147 2191148 2191149 2191150 2191151 2191152 2191153 2191154 2191155 2191156 2191157 2191158 2191159 2191160 2191161 2191162 2191163 2191164 2191171 2191172 2191173 2191184 2191185 2191188 2191189 2191190 2191191 2191192 2191195 2225.018 2225.019 2225.020 Rezoned from R-1 to R-1IOWP. 2190.995 2190.996.001 2190.996.002 2190.996.003 2191.999.001 2191.999.002 Rezoned from RCE to RCEIOWP. 2183.999 2183.999.001 2184.001 2184.002 2184.003 2184.004 2184.005 2184.006 2184.007 2184.008 2184.009 2184.010 2184.011 2184.012 2184.013 2184.014 2184.015 2184.021 2184.022 2184.023 2184.024 2184.025 2184.026 2184.027 2184.994 2184.995 2184.996 2184.998 2184.999 2186.991 2186.991.002 2187.996 2187.996.002 2187.996.003 2187.996.004 2187.996.007 2187.996.008 2187.997 2187.997.001 2187.998 2187.998.002 2187.998.003 2187.999 2188.995.009 2188.995.010 2188.995.011 Rezoned from RCEIOA to RCEIONOWP. 2186.991.001 Rezoned from RCEIOIP to RCEIOIPIOWP: 2184.028 2187.996.001 Rezoned from EA to EAIOWP. 2185.998 2185.999 Rezoned from ENR-1IL to ENR-IIUOWP. 2190.996 5 STATE OF WISCONSIN ) Milwaukee County 1 ) ss. I Off id Notice x' :. COMMON COUNEIL . CITY OF MUSKEGO AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ORDINANCE #882 ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO 1-2. RS.IIRS-3/OIP. RS-I/OPD. RS- VOED. RS.IIII-~IURSZ RS-IBIP, RS.II& w.1. RCE. RCUOA. RCUOIP, EAAND EAIR-IR. TO RS2. RS-2rR-I. RS-3. RS-BMIP RS.310PD. R.1, ADD THE OWP OVERLAY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF (Wellhead Protection District) MUSKEGO, WAIJKESHA. WISCONSIN DO SECTION 1: The following dercrnbed propeliies hsted on Exhibit "A attached hereto and made a~ Part hereof are hereby rezoned as indicated on raid ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: W"!.i*.. I^...".l. SECTION 2: The several sections of thrs ordl- name are declared to be severable. Many section or POrtmn thereof shall be declared by a dectsion of a court ofcompelentIuri.diction to beinvalid, unlaw- to the specific sectmn or portron thereof directly fd. or unenforceable. such decision tihall apply only of dl other provisions, Be~ti~~~~. or thereor rpeclfiled in the dearion, and not affect the validity -I the ordinance which shall remain tn full force d effect. Any other ordinance whose terms are in hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. nfliet with the pruvisions of this ordinance are SECTION 3: 'ThtL ordinance is ~n hll force and effect from nnd after passage and pubheation and IO. well as paeruge and publicntmn of Ordinance PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 13th DAY OF David L. DeAngelis, Mayor APRIL. 1999. ATTEST Clerk-Treasurer AlTACAMENT TO ORDINANCE m82 Rezoned from 1-2 to I-z/OWP. 2230 999 001 2230.999.002 3/OIP/OWP- 2226.998 2226.999 Rezoned from RS-IIRs-3/0IP to RS.I/RS. 2229.039 2229.040 2229.041 2229.042 2229.043 Rezoned rrom RS-1IOPD to RS-I/OPD/OWP- 2229.044 2229.045 2229.046 2229.047 2229.048 2229 049 2229.050 2229.051 2229.054 2229.055 2229 056 2229 057 2229.058 2229.059 2229.060 2229.061 2229.062 2229 063 2229.064 2229 065 2229 066 2229 067 2229.992.002 2229.992.003 Rezoned rrom RS-UOED to RS-IIOEDIOWP: 2188.001 2188.003 2188 004 2188.005 2188.006 EXHIBIT "A* 2188.007 2188.008 2188.009 2188010 2188.011 2188.011 2188.015 2188.016 2188.017 2188.018 2188.019 2188.020 2188.026 2188.027 2188.028 2188 021) 2191.001 2191,002 2191.003 2191.004 2191.005 2191.006 2191 007 2191.008 2191 015 2191 028 2191 029 2191.030 2191.031 2191 032 2191 033 2191.034 2191.035 2'191.036 2191.037 2191.038 215IL.O?9 21,91.041 .W91.042 2191.041 2191.044 2191.045 2191.046 2191.049 2191.050 2191 051 2191.052 2191.053 2191.054 2191.055 2191 056 2191 057 2191,058 2191,059 2191.060 2191.071 2191.072 2191 073 2191.074 2191.075 2191.061 2191 062 2191.063 2191-069 2191.070 2191.078 I/uRs-z/ow: 2190.991.001 ~~~ ~ ~ Rezoned from RS.Im.IIwRs-2 lo RS-Im- Rezoned from RSUOIP to RS.I/OIP/OWP. ~~ 2229.997.001 Rezoned from RS.I/A to RS-l/A/OWP: ~~ 2227 991 Rezoned rmm RS-i to.iX+-I/OWP 2179.994 2229.007 2229.008 2229.009 2229.012 2229.013 2229 014 2229.015 2229.016 2229.017 2229.018 2229.019 2229.020 2229,021 2229.022 2229.023 2229.024 2229.025 2229.026 2229 027 2229.028 2229.030 2229.031 2229.979.002 2229.980.001 2229.981 2229.981.001 2229.981.003 2229.981.004 2229.982.002 2229.982.003 2229.982.004 2229.983 2229.984 2229.986 2229.986.001 2229.987 2229.991 2229.992.005 2229.995.006 2229.993 2229.994.001 2229.995 2229.995.001 2229.996 2229 997 2229.998 2229.998.001 2190.057 2190.060 2190.061 2191.050 2191.051 Rezoned from Rs-2 to Rs.'wOWP: 2190.056 2191.052 2191.053 2191 054 2191.055 ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ Suzanne Sobczyk being duly sworn, doth MUSKEGO SUN^, depose and say she is an authorized representative of The a newspaper pubiished at MUSKEGO, Wisconsin and 'hat an advertisement of which the annexed is a true copy, take .I from the said paper, was published therein on ... ... ............ ...... ... ... ... ... . . . . . . . . EPER Subscribed and s to m efore this.. ddd .... day of.. . . . ,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . A a .................... 19 ...I. LC i ...... 2226.996 2226.997 Rezoned from RS.S/OIP to RS-~/~IP/OWP. 2191.084 2191.085 2191.086 2191.087 2191.088 Rezoned from RS-3/OPD to RS-3IOPDIOWP '191.094 2191.095 2191.096 2191.097 2191.098 -191.104 2191.105 2191.106 2191.108 2191.1og ?191.121 2191.122 2191,123 2191.124 2191.125 2191.115 2191.116 2191.117 2191.118 2191.119 191.131 2191.132 2191.133 2191.134 2191 135 191.126 2191.127 2191.128 2191.129 2191,130 2191.136 2191 137 2191.138 2191.139 2191,140 2191.149 2191.150 2191.151 2191-152 2191.153 2191.154 2191.155 2191.156 2191.157 2191.158 2191.159 2191.160 2191.161 2191.162 2191.163 2191.164 2191.171 2191.172 2191.173 2191.184 2191.192 2191.195 2225.018 2225 019 2225.020 2190.996.001 2190.996.002 2190.996.003 2191.999.001 2191,999,002 Rezoned from RCE to RCE/OWP 2183.999 2183.999.001 2184.001 2184.002 , 2184.003 2184.009 2134.010 2184.011 2184.012 2184 013 2191 089 2191.090 2191.091 2191,092 2191.093 91.099 2191 100 2191.101 2191,102 2191.103 2191 110 2191.111 2191.112 2191.113 2191.114 2191.141 2191.142 2191.143 2191 147 2191.148 2191.185 2191.188 2191.189 2191.190 2191.191 Rezoned from R-1 to R-I/OWP: 2190,995 2~84.004 2184 005 2184.006 2184.007 2184.008 ~~~~ ~~~~. 2184.014 2184.015 2184.021 2184.022 2184.023 2184.024 2184.025 2184.026 2184.027 2184.994 2186.991.002 2187.996 2187.996.002 2187.996.003 2184.995 2184.996 2184.998 2184.999 2186.991 ,2187,996.004 2187.996:007 2187.996.00s 2187.9972187.997.001 2187.998 2187.998.002 2187.998.003 2187.999 2188.995.009 2188.995.010 ~ ~~ 2188.995.011 Rezoned horn RCUOA Lo RCEIONOWP 2186.991.001 Rezoned fro~.RCUf?lP to RCEIOIPIOWP: Rezoned from, EA to ENOWP: 2185.998 2184.028 2187.996.001 2185.999 i 2191.998.005 2229.034 2229.978 2190.994.004 2190.994.005 2190.994 006 Rezoned rmm RS-2rR.I to RS-Z&C-I/OW: Rezoned from RS-3 to RS-S/OWP: 2227.988 . COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #982 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO 1-2, RS-I/RS-3/01P, RS-IIOPD, RS-IIOED, RS-IIR-IIURS-2 RS-IIOIP, RS-IIA, RS-I, RS-2, RS-2IR-I, RS-3, RS-3IOIP RS9/0PD, R-I, RCE, RCEIOA, RCEIOIP, EAAND EAIR-1IL TO ADD THE OWP OVERLAY (Wellhead Protection District) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA, WISCONSIN DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The following described properties listed on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof are hereby rezoned as indicated on said Exhibit. SECTION 2: The several sections of this ordinance are declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, sections, or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any other ordinance whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 3: This ordinance is in full force and effect from and after passage and publication and as well as passage and publication of Ordinance #980. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 1999. CITY OF MUSKEGO David L. De Angelis, Mayor ATTEST. First Reading: 3/23/99 Clerk-Treasurer Published on the day of April, 1999. 3199imb J ATTACHMENT TO ORDINANCE #982 EXHIBIT “A” Rezoned from 1-2 to I-21OWP. 2230.999.001 2230.999.002 Rezoned from RS-lIRS-3IOIP to RS-lIRS-3101PIOWP~ 2226.998 2226.999 ! Rezoned from RS-IIOPD to RS-1IOPDIOWP. 2229.039 2229.040 2229.041 2229.042 2229.043 2229.044 2229.045 2229.046 2229.047 2229.048 2229.049 2229.050 2229.051 2229.054 2229.055 2229.056 2229.057 2229.058 2229.059 2229.060 2229.061 2229.062 2229.063 2229.064 2229.065 2229.066 2229.067 2229.992.002 2229.992.003 Rezoned from RS-IIOED to RS-IIOEDIOWP. 2188.001 2188.003 2188.004 2188.005 2188.006 2188.007 2188.008 2188.009 2188.010 2188.011 2188.012 2188.015 2188.016 2188.017 2188.018 2188.019 2188.020 2188.026 2188.027 2188.028 2188.029 2191.001 2191.002 2191.003 2191.004 2191.005 2191.006 2191.007 2191.008 2191.015 2191.028 2191.029 2191.030 2191.031 2191.032 2191.033 2191.034 2191.035 2191.036 2191.037 2191.038 2191.039 2191.041 2191.042 2191.043 2191.044 2191.045 2191.046 2191.049 2191.050 2191.051 2191.052 2191.053 2191.054 2191.055 2191.056 2191.057 2191.058 2191.059 2191.060 2191.061 2191.062 2191.063 2191.069 2191.070 2191.071 2191.072 2191.073 2191.074 2191.075 2191.076 Rezoned from RS-1IR-1ILIRS-2 to RS-lIR-lILIRS-2IOWP. 2190.991.001 Rezoned from RS-1IOIP to RS-1IOIPIOWP. 2229.997.001 0 Rezoned from RS-1IA to RS-1INOWP. 2227.991 Rezoned from RS-1 to RS-1IOWP. 2179.994 2229.007 2229.008 2229.009 2229.012 2229.013 2229.014 2229.015 2229.016 2229.017 2229.018 2229.019 2229.020 2229.021 2229.022 2229.023 2229.024 2229.025 2229.026 2229.027 2229.028 2229.030 2229.031 2229.979.002 2229.980.001 2229.981 2229.981.001 2229.981.003 2229.981.004 2229.982.002 2229.982.003 2229.982.004 2229.983 2229.984 2229.986 2229.986.001 2229.987 2229.991 2229.992.005 2229.995.006 2229.993 2229.994.001 2229.995 2229.995.001 2229.996 2229.997 2229.998 2229.998.001 Rezoned from RS-2 to RS-2IOWP. 2190.056 2190.057 2190.060 2190.061 2191.050 2191.051 2191.052 2191.053 2191.054 2191.055 2191.998.005 2229.034 2229.978 Rezoned from RS-2IR-1 to RS-2IR-lIOWP. 2190.994.004 2190.994.005 2190.994.006 Rezoned from RS-3 to RS-3IOWP. 2227.988 2227.998 Rezoned from RS9101P to RSdlOlPIOWP. 2226.996 2226.997 0 Rezoned from RS-3IOPD to RS-3IOPDIOWP. 2191.084 2191.085 2191.086 2191.087 2191.088 2191.089 2191.090 2191.091 2191.092 2191.093 2191.094 2191.095 2191.096 2191.097 2191.098 2191.099 2191100 2191101 2191102 2191103 2191104 2191105 2191106 2191108 2191109 2191110 2191111 2191 112 2191 113 2191 114 2191 115 2191 116 2191 117 2191 118 2191 119 2191121 2191122 2191123 2191124 2191125 2191126 2191127 2191128 2191129 2191130 2191131 2191132 2191133 2191134 2191135 2191136 2191137 2191138 2191139 2191140 2191141 2191142 2191143 2191147 2191148 2191149 2191150 2191151 2191152 2191153 2191154 2191155 2191156 2191157 2191158 2191159 2191160 2191161 2191162 2191163 2191164 2191171 2191172 2191173 2191184 2191185 2191188 2191189 2191190 2191191 2191192 2191195 2225.018 2225.019 2225.020 Rezoned from R-1 to R-lIOWP. 2190.995 2190.996.001 2190.996.002 ~ 2190.996.003 2191.999.001 2191.999.002 Rezoned from RCE to RCEIOWP. 2183.999 2183.999.001 2184.001 2184.002 2184.003 2184.004 2184.005 2184.006 2184.007 2184.008 2184.009 2184.010 2184.011 2184.012 2184.013 2184.014 2184.015 2184.021 2184.022 2184.023 2184.024 2184.025 2184.026 2184.027 2184.994 2184.995 2184.996 2184.998 2184.999 2186.991 2186.991.002 2187.996 2187.996.002 2187.996.003 2187.996.004 2187.996.007 2187.996.008 2187.997 2187.997.001 2187.998 2187.998.002 2187.998.003 2187.999 2188.995.009 2188.995.010 2188.995.011 Rezoned from RCEIOA to RCEIONOWP. 2186.991.001 Rezoned from RCEIOIP to RCEIOIPIOWP. 2184.028 2187.996.001 Rezoned from EA to ENOWP. 2185.998 2185.999 Rezoned from ENR-1IL to ENR-IIUOWP. 2190.996