ORD1997946AMENDED ORDINANCE #946 AN ORDINANCE TO CREATE CHAPTER 12.06 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 (Regulation of Taxicabs) COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 The Common Council of the City of Muskego, Waukesha. Wisconsin, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1: Chapter 12, Section 12.06 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin is hereby created to read as follows: 12.06 TAXICABS (1) REGULATION OF TAXICABS. (a) GENERALLY No person, firm or corporation shall engage in the business of operating taxicabs, limousines or other vehicles for transportation of persons for hire within the City without having a valid license from the City of Muskego for each cab or vehicle operated. Busses are excluded. taxicabs and other public vehicles under this Chapter shall be approved by the Finance Committee before a license is issued. The Finance Committee shall require the The applicant shall also file with his application the number of vehicles to be operated applicant to furnish proof that public convenience and necessity require his licensing. desires to add vehicles or to make a change in the vehicle operated under vehicles or to under the license, and the data shall be filed with the Clerk-Treasurer, If an applicant additions or substitutions with the Clerk-Treasurer, The Finance Committee, on receipt make a change in the vehicle operated under the license, he shall make and file any the date. of the application shall fix a date for the hearing thereof and shall notify the applicant of (c) APPLICATION. Application for license to operate public vehicles, taxicabs or automobiles for hire upon the streets of the City shall be made by the owner of the public vehicle, taxicab or automobile upon blanks to be furnished by the Clerk-Treasurer; and the public vehicle, taxicab or automobile, have the name of the insurance company such application shall contain the full name, address, and date of birth of the owner of carrying the insurance, the policy numbers or number, and the amount of the insurance carried, and such application shall be subscribed and sworn to by the applicant before the Clerk-Treasurer The Police Department shall conduct an investigation of all applicants, both new and renewal, to determine the suitability and character of the applicant, and shall submit a written police report to the Finance Committee. The fee for such police report shall be as from time to time established by resolution. Afler the Finance Committee has held a hearing on the application and has recommended that a license be granted, then upon payment of the license fee, as from time to time as established by resolution, to the City Clerk-Treasurer with the application, the license shall be issued by the City Clerk-Treasurer and when so licensed, there shall be delivered to the licensee a license card containing the official license number of the license. (d) The license shall annually expire on December 31, and the fee for the privilege of engaging in the taxicab business shall be as from time to time established by resolution. (b) APPROVAL OF FINANCE COMMITTEE. Applications for licenses for operation of (2) INSURANCE REQUIRED (a) It shall be unlawful to operate a vehicle for the conveyance of passengers for hire or permit the same to be operated, nor shall any license be issued hereunder until and Ord. #946 lo 'c unless the applicant for a license deposit with the City clerk-Treasurer a certified copy of the commercial automobile liability policy for the vehicles for which licenses are sought, said policy issued by a company admitted to do business in the State of Wisconsin, paying on behalf of the applicant in the amount of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) for damage to property, and One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) for injury to one (1) person and Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) for injury to more than one (1) person caused by the operation of said vehicles in the city of Muskego. (b) In consideration of issuing, said license each taxicab insurance policy shall contain a provision that the same may not be cancelled before the expiration of its term except upon thirty (30) days' written notice to the City. Every day upon which any vehicle is operated for the conveyance of passengers for hire or when taxicab or cab or similar transportation is offered to the public without an insurance policy as required herein being in effect and on file with the City Clerk-Treasurer shall be deemed a separate violation. The cancellation or other termination of any insurance policy issued in compliance with this Section shall automatically revoke and terminate all licenses issued for the taxicab covered by such insurance policy, unless another policy shall be provided and in effect at the time of such cancellation or termination. (3) INSPECTION REQUIRED (a) No vehicle shall be licensed until it has been annually examined by a reputable automobile repair facility and found to be in thoroughly satisfactory and safe condition for the transportation of passengers, clean, of good appearance and well the other provisions of this Chapter, If such examination and inspection shows that painted. The Chief of Police shall determine whether said vehicle complies with all vehicle does not comply with any of the provisions of this Section, no license shall vehicles to a reputable garage for an independent inspection at owner's expense. be issued. At the request of the Chief of Police, the taxicab owners shall take their (b) No taxicab shall be licensed until the Police Department has approved that: windshield wipers, emergency brake, directional signals, speedometer, license 1, The horn, footbrake, windshield, rear vision mirror, fenders. exhaust System, lamps, tires, headlamps. stop lamps and tail lamps are in legal working order as required by the Wisconsin Motor Vehicle Code; 2. The taxicab is in generally safe, sanitary and reliable condition. (c) The inspection required by this Section is only an inspection of the taxicabs exterior taxicab. Nothing in this Section shall be interpreted as relieving the owner or and passenger areas and shall not be a thorough mechanical inspection of the operator of a taxicab from any and all liability arising from any unsafe, unsanitary, unreliable or illegal conditions existing in this taxicab, whether or not such conditions are discovered or omitted by the inspections required herein. This section shall not be interpreted as creating a duty or liability on the part of the City of Muskego. the Police Department or any employee or agent of the city to any person. (d) Any police officer of this City may, at all reasonable times, inspect any cab or public hack under such taxicab business license and may prohibit the use of any cab which is unsafe or not in proper repair. (4) CONDITIONS OF LICENSE (a) Licenses Nontransferable. Licenses issued or granted under this Chapter shall be (b) Information Card to be Displayed. A card containing the name of the owner, nonassignable and nontransferable. license number, the number of the vehicle and rates of fare printed thereon shall be placed and at all times kept in a conspicuous place inside such vehicle. (c) Liability of Licensee. Any licensee shall be liable for any violations of ordinances or statutes by any and all persons operating taxicabs under its license. Ord. #946 0 (d) Number of Passengers. No licensee or person driving a taxicab shall carry or permit to be carried in any such vehicle more than the number of persons specified (e) Common Council May Impose Further Restrictions. Any licensee hereunder in the license applicable to such vehicle. shall be subject to such further regulations and restrictions as may be imposed at any time by the Common Council. (0 Posting Rates. Any person operating a taxicab shall, at all times, prominently post and display in the taxicab, so they are visible to the passengers therein, the rates of (g) Marking. Every taxicab shall be distinctly marked on two (2) sides, in letters not fares for the use of the cab. less than one and one-half inches (I-IP) n height, with the word "Taxicab" together with the licensee's name. (5) EXCEPTIONS This Chapter shall not apply to persons, firms or corporations engaged in the business of carrying passengers for hire both interstate and intrastate between regularly established points and on regularly established time schedules, nor to the operator of a motor vehicle engaged in the business of transporting school students for hire. (6) TAXI DRIVER'S LICENSE No person shall drive a taxicab unless he has secured a license therefor as provided in this chapter, in addition to the state chauffeurs license. The annual fee for a taxicab driver's license shall be as from time to time established by resolution. No such license shall be issued to any person who is not competent to operate a motor vehicle or who is not familiar with the traffic laws and ordinances. The Finance Committee of the Council shall examine each applicant for a taxicab driver's license to determine the competency of the applicant. No such license shall be issued except on certificate of the Committee that the applicant has demonstrated his ability to operate a motor vehicle as required in this Chapter, and that such applicant is a person of good character and moral standing. The Council may revoke any taxicab driver's license for repeated violations of traffic laws or ordinances or of any ordinance or law which might reflect adversely on the driver's character. reputation or moral standing. (7) REFUSAL TO PAY TAXI FARE PROHIBITED. No person who has been transported by a taxicab shall refuse to pay the fare for such transportation as such fare is shown on the taximeter or zone meter, or as is stated on the rate card posted in the taxicab. (8) REVOCATION OF LICENSE (a) Revocation. Licenses granted under this Chapter may be suspended or revoked at any time by the Finance Committee of the City of Muskego after a hearing for any violation of this chapter, When a taxicab license is revoked or canceled as herein vehicle for which the license has been revoked as a taxicab. provided, the City shall immediately notify the owner to cease at once to operate the (b) Appeals. Any person who received a revocation of license and objects to all or part thereof may appeal to the Common Council within seven (7) days of the receipt of the order and the Common Council shall hear such appeal within thirty (30) days of receipt of such written notice of the appeal. After such hearing, the Common Council may reverse, affirm or modify the order or determination. (9) PENALTIES AND PROSECUTION Any person who violates any provisions of this Ordinance or who shall fail to obtain a license or permit as required hereunder shall be subject to penalty as provided in Section 25.04 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego. Ord. #946 SECTION 2: The several sections of this ordinance are declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful. or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, sections, or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any other ordinance whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and afler its passage and publication. ~ PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 9” DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1997 CITY OF MUSKEG0 / ATEST. First Reading 8/26/97 8/97jm STATE OF WISCONSIN 1 Milwaukee County ) ss. _I Official Notice COMMON COUNCIL.. CIW OF MUSKEGO AMENDED AN ORDINANCE TO CReATE ORDINANCE #E346 CHAPTER 12.06 OF TAE MU~~ICIPN. CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 (Raplation of Taxicabs) The Compon Council of the City of Muskego, Waukesha. Wisconsin. do ordain as follows: SUTlQKL Chapter 12, Section 12.06 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego. Wiseonsir is hereby created to read as followvs: .. l2mxmAM 11) REGULATION OF TAXICABS. la) GENERALLY. No person. firm or corpora- tion shall engage in the business ofgperating tau. tion of persons for hire within the City without hav. cabs, l~mousines or~other vehicles for transporta- each cab or vehicle operated Busses are excluded. ing e vahd hcense from the City of Muskego for (b) APPROVAL OF FINANCE COMMITTEE. Applicetims for lieensea for operation of taxicab8 and other public vehicles undeithis Chapter shall be approved by the Finance Committee before B license is issued. The Finance Committee shall require the applicant to furnish proof that public The applicant shall also file with hie application convedience and neceesity require his licensing. the number of vehicles to be operated under the license. and the data shall be filed w-ith the Clerk. Reasurer. Ifan applicant desires to add vehicles or to make change in the vehicle operated under vehic!es or lo make a change in the vehicle operat cd under the license. he shall make and file any additions or subetitutions wth the Clerk-Tkeasur. er. The Finance Committee. on receipt of the appli- shall notify the applicant ofthe date. cation shall fu 8 date for the hearing thereof and le1 APPLICATION. Application for license to operate public vehicles, taxicabs or automobiles for the ownerofthe~public vehicle. tariesb or BYM~O. hire upon the Streets ofthe City shall be made by surer: and such application shall'eontarn the full bile upon blanks to,be furnished by the Clerk-Trea- pubhe vehcle. taxicab or automobile, have the name, address. and date of birth ofthe own'er ofthe name ofthe insurance company carrying the m6ur- mce. the policy numbers or number. and the amount of lhe insurance carried, and such applica. cmnt before the Clerk.Treasurer. The Poll& oepsrt. tion shall be subscribed and mom to by the ippli. cants, both new and renewal. to determine the suit ment shall conduct an investigatmn of all appli. submit a written police report to the Finance Com. ability and character of the applicant, ana shall mittee. The fee for such police report shall be is from time to time estabhhed by resolution. mer the Finance Committee has held a hearing on the granted. then upon payment of the license fee, as application and has recmnmended lhat a license be from time to time a established by resolution. to the CAY Clerk.Treasurer with lhe application. the license shall be issued by the City Clerk-Treasurer and when so liceneed. there shall be delivered to license number of the license. the licensee a license card containing the official ber 31, and the fee for the pnvilege of engaang in (d) The licenae shall ~nnuslly expire on Decem. the laxicab business shall be 88 fmm tme to time , established by resoluti~n. (2) INSURANCE REQU~RED . (a) 11 shall be unlawful to operate a vehicle for the conveyance ofpassengers for hire or permit lhe Same 10 be operated. nor shall any license be issued hereunder until and UD~PEB the applicant for B .Jzcen*e deposit with-@Cjty cle.rkrpress.rer a cer. tified copy of the commercial autonibbile liability policy for the vehicles for which llcenses are sought. said pollc~ issued by a xompany admitted to do business in the State of Wisconsin. Davme on behalf ~-. Judith Ziolkowski being duly sworn. doth depose and say that he is an authorized representative of The ..... .MUSKEGO. SUN. .... ............ a newspaper published at .. MUSKEGO. ............ Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which lhc annexed is a true copy, taken from said paper, was published therein on ....... .......................... ....................... ............ ..........!.. .o ...... BOOKKEEPER. SubscribeAand sworn Lo before me Illis ... I.&%. .... da,y SEPTEMBER. 1997. CITY OF MUSKEGO First Readie 8/26/97 . /d David L. De AngeIi6. Mayor COMMON COUNCIL - ClN OF MUSKEG0 ORDINANCE #946 (Regulation of Taxicabs) The Common Council of the City of Mus SECTION 1. Chapter 12, Section 12.06 Wisconsin is hereby created to read as follows: 12.6 TAXICABS (1) REGULATION OF TAXICABS. (a) GENERALLY No person, firm taxicabs, limousines or other ve icles for transportation of persons for hire within the City without having a valid licen from the City of Muskego for each cab or vehicle operated. Busses are exclud 8 d. taxicabs and other publi vehicles under this Chapter shall be approved by the Finance Committee before a li i ense is issued. The Finance Committee shall require the applicant to furnish proof that public convenience and necessity require his licensing. The applicant shall also file with his application the number of vehicles to be operated desires to add vehicles or to make a change in the vehicle operated under vehicles or lo under the license, and the data shall be filed with the Clerk-Treasurer, If an applicant make a change in the vehicle operated under the license, he shall make and file any additions or substitutions with the Clerk-Treasurer, The Finance Committee, on receipt of the application shall fix a date for the hearing thereof and shall notify the applicant of the date. (c) APPLICATION. Application for license to operate public vehicles, taxicabs or autompbiles for hire upon the streets of the City shall be made by the owner of the public such application shall contain the full name, address, and date of birth of the owner of vehicle, taxicab or automobile upon blanks to be furnished by the Clerk-Treasurer; and the public vehicle, taxicab or automobile, have the name of the insurance company carrying the insurance, the policy numbers or number, and the amount of the insurance the Clerk-Treasurer The Police Department shall conduct an investigation of all carried, and such application shall be subscribed and sworn to by the applicant before applicants, both new and renewal, Io determine the suitability and character of the applicant, and shall submit a written police report to the Finance Committee. The fee for such police report shall be as from time to time established by resolution. After the Finance Committee has held a hearing on the application and has recommended that a established by resolution, to the City Clerk-Treasurer with the application, the license license be granted, then upon payment of the license fee, as from time to time as delivered to the licensee a license card containing the official license number of the shall be issued by the City Clerk-Treasurer and when so licensed, there shall be (d) The license shall annually expire on December 31, and the fee for the privilege of license. engaging in the taxicab business shall be as from time to time established by resolution. (b) APPROVAL OF FINANCECOMMITTEE. Applications for licenses for operation of (2) INSURANCE REQUIRED (a) It shall be unlawful to operate a vehicle for the conveyance of passengers for hire or unless the applicant for a license deposit with the City clerk-Treasurer a certified permit the same to be operated, nor shall any license be issued hereunder until and Ord. #946 copy of the commercial automobile liability policy for the vehicles for which licenses Wisconsin, paying on behalf of the applicant in the amount of One Hundred are sought, said policy issued by a company admined to do business in the State of Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) for damage to property. and One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) for injury to one (1) person and Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) for injury to more than one (1) person caused by the (b) In consideration of issuing, said license each taxicab insurance policy shall contain a operation of said vehicles in the city of Muskego. provision that the same may not be cancelled before the expiration of its term except upon thirty (30) days' written notice to the City. Every day upon which any vehicle is transportation is offered to the public without an insurance policy as required herein operated for the conveyance of passengers for hire or when taxicab or cab or similar violation. The cancellation or other termination of any insurance policy issued in being in effect and on file with the city Clerk-Treasurer shall be deemed a separate compliance with this Section shall automatically revoke and terminate all licenses issued for the taxicab covered by such insurance policy, unless another policy shall be provided and in effect at the time of such cancellation or termination. (3) INSPECTION REQUIRED (a) No vehicle shall be licensed until it has been annually examined by a reputable automobile repair facility and found to be in thoroughly satisfactory and safe condition for the transportation of passengers, clean, of good appearance and well the other provisions of this Chapter. If such examination and inspection shows that painted. The Chief of Police shall determine whether said vehicle complies with all vehicle does not comply with any of the provisions of this Section, no license shall be issued. At the request of the Chief of Police, the taxicab owners shall take their vehicles to a reputable garage for an independent inspection at owner's expense. (b) No taxicab shall be licensed until the Police Department has approved that: windshield wipers, emergency brake, directional signals, speedometer, license 1, The horn, footbrake, windshield, rear vision mirror, fenders, exhaust system, lamps, tires, headlamps, stop lamps and tail lamps are in legal working order as required by the Wisconsin Motor Vehicle Code; 2. The taxicab is in generally safe, sanitary and reliable condition. (c) The inspection required by this Section is only an inspection of the taxicabs exterior and passenger areas and shall not be a thorough mechanical inspection of the taxicab. Nothing in this Section shall be interpreted as relieving the owner or operator of a taxicab from any and all liability arising from any unsafe, unsanitary, unreliable or illegal conditions existing in this taxicab, whether or not such conditions are discovered or omitted by the inspections required herein. This section shall not be interpreted as creating a duty or liability on the part of the City of Muskego. the (d) Any police officer of this City may, at all reasonable times, inspect any cab or public Police Department or any employee or agent of the city to any person. hack under such taxicab business license and may prohibit the use of any cab which is unsafe or not in proper repair, (4) CONDITIONS OF LICENSE (a) Licenses Nontransferable. Licenses issued or granted under this Chapter shall be nonassignable and nontransferable. (b) Information Card to be Displayed. A card containing the name of the owner, license number, the number of the vehicle and rates of fare printed thereon shall be (c) Liability of Licensee. Any licensee shall be liable for any violations of ordinances placed and at all times kept in a conspicuous place inside such vehicle. or statutes by any and all persons operating taxicabs under its license. Ord. #946 (d) Number of Passengers. No licensee or person driving a taxicab shall carry or in the license applicable to such vehicle. permit to be carried in any such vehicle more than the number of persons specified (e) Common Council May Impose Further Restrictions. Any licensee hereunder shall be subject to such further regulations and restrictions as may be imposed at any time by the Common Council. (0 Posting Rates. Any person operating a taxicab shall, at all times, prominently post and display in the taxicab, so they are visible to the passengers therein, the rates of (9) Marking. Every taxicab shall be distinctly marked on two (2) sides, in letters not fares for the use of the cab. less than one and one-half inches (1-1/2”) n height, with the word “Taxicab” together with the licensee’s name. (5) EXCEPTIONS This Chapter shall not apply to persons, firms or corporations engaged in the business of carrying passengers for hire both interstate and intrastate between regularly established points the business of transporting school students for hire. and on regularly established time schedules, nor to the operator of a motor vehicle engaged in (6) TAXI DRIVER’S LICENSE No person shall drive a taxicab unless he has secured a license therefor as provided in this shall be as from time to time established by resolution. No such license shall be issued to any chapter, in addition to the state chauffeurs license. The annual fee for a taxicab driver’s license person who is not competent to operate a motor vehicle or who is not familiar with the traffic laws taxicab driver’s license to determine the competency of the applicant. No such license shall be and ordinances. The Finance Committee of the Council shall examine each applicant for a issued except on certificate of the Commitlee that the applicant has demonstrated his ability to character and moral standing. The Council may revoke any taxicab driver’s license for repeated operate a motor vehicle as required in this Chapter, and that such applicant is a person of good on the driver’s character, reputation or moral standing. violations of traffic laws or ordinances or of any ordinance or law which might reflect adversely (7) REFUSAL TO PAY TAXI FARE PROHIBITED. transportation as such fare is shown on the taximeter or zone meter, or as is stated on the rate No person who has been transported by a taxicab shall refuse to pay the fare for such card posted in the taxicab. (8) REVOCATION OF LICENSE (a) Revocation. Licenses granted under this Chapter may be suspended or revoked at any time by the Chief of Police for any violation of this chapter, When a taxicab license is revoked or canceled as herein provided, the Chief of Police shall immediately notify the owner to cease at once to operate the vehicle for which the (b) Appeals. Any person who received a revocation of license and objects to all or part license has been revoked as a taxicab. thereof may appeal to the Common Council within seven (7) days of the receipt of the order and the Common Council shall hear such appeal within thirty (30) days of receipt of such written notice of the appeal. After such hearing, the Common Council may reverse, affirm or modify the order or determination. (9) PENALTIES AND PROSECUTION Any person who violates any provisions of this Ordinance or who shall fail to obtain a license or permit as required hereunder shall be subject to penalty as provided in Section 25.04 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego. 0 Ord. #946 SECTION 2: The several sections of this ordinance are declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or sections, or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any other portion thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, ordinance whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF ,1997 CITY OF MUSKEG0 David L. De Angelis, Mayor ATTEST. First Reading 8/26/97 ~ Clerk-Treasurer