ORD1997938COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 ORDINANCE #938 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING YAP OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO EA to EA/OIP (Public Boat Ramp) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : rezoned from EA to EA/OIP: SECTION 1: The following described property is hereby Described as those lands found in the SW W and SW W of the SE $6 of Wisconsin as follows: from the junction of the pavement of the Section 33, T 5 N, R. 20 E, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Muskego Canal, SW an along the west bank of said canal approx, 160 southern edge of the north bound lane of STH 36 and the west bank of feet to the northern most point of the old railroad abutment, thence S. 240 degrees W. along the toe of the old railroad grade 340 feet, thence N 350 degrees W To the junction of the western edge of the existing access road and the southern edge of the pavement of S T.H. 36, thence north 30 degrees east 470 feet to the point of beginning. declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall SECTION 2: The several sections of this ordinance are be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, sections, or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any other ordinance whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 22nd DAY OF JULY , 1997. First Reading: 07/08/97 ATTEST : Published on the 31st day of JULY , 1997. A .. _.