ORD1996888COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #888 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 17, SECTIONS 6.09(3) AND 6.09(15) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (Signs - Definitions) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Chapter 17, Section 6.09(3) of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin, is hereby amended to read as follows: (3) DEFINITIONS AND ABBReVIATIONS For the purpose of this Ordinance, certain abbreviations, terms, phrases, words and their derivatives shall be construed as specified in this Code Ordinance. Words used in the singular include the plural, and the plural the singular. Words used in the masculine gender include the feminine, and the feminine the masculine. Awning - A roof-like structure as over a window or door often running the length of, and attached to, a building's frontage and serving as a shelter. Banner - Any non-rigid temporary medium (typically, although not exclusively rectangular in dimension) onto which characters and/or symbols are applied for the purpose of conveying a message. (See 6.09(13)) Banner - Extended Display Pole Banner - A banner that is mounted on manufactured from a permanent type material and professionally poles, lights (stanchions) etc. within a property. They should be decorated. They must be mounted on hanging brackets or poles that provide safegards against slipping and twisting. For the purpose of or temporary promotions. Such signs are intended to be primarily of this ordinance they shall not be used to advertise pricing, specials a decorative nature (ie: corporate logos), and require approval per Section 6.09(13)(b) Temporary Signs having a quarterly review to determine compliance. Building Director - Building Director is the City Building Inspector or any other officer charged with the administration and enforcement of this Ordinance or his duly authorized deputy. the purpose of shielding pereons from the elements. Canopy - Any freestanding or attached permanent structure used for Display Surface - Display surface is the area made available by the sign structure for the purpose of displaying the advertising message. Electric Sign - Electric sign shall mean any sign containing electrical wiring, but not including sign illuminated by an exterior light source. Ordinance 888 Page 2 0 (i) Freestanding Sign - Freestanding sign shall mean a sign wholly supported by a sign structure, unique to that sign, anchored in the ground. (j) Ground Sign - A free-standing sign extending not more than 7 feet in total height as measured by taking the average grade elevation measured within a 50 foot circumference of the proposed sign location. Such sign is permitted to have a zero foot setback from the setback line. All such signs shall require Plan Commission approval as to location, appearance and landscaping. (k) Marquee - Marquee is a permanent roofed structure attached to and supported by the building. (1) Murals- Murals are artwork or other pictorial display judged by the Plan Commission, on referral of the Planning Director or designee, not to be signage and shall be exempt from this Section. (m) Off Premise Signage - Signs whose topic does not advertise goods, services or events offered at the property on which the sign is located. (n) Planning Director - The Planning Director or hidher deputy is the City officer charged with the administration and enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance (see Zoning Administrator). e (0) Pole Sign - Where the message area starts no lower than 7 feet in height above the ground, as measured by taking the average grade elevation measured within a 50 foot circumference of the proposed permitted per stand-alone business establishment. Where multiple sign location, and is not attached to a building. One such sign business establishments exist at one location as part of a singular or multiple building development, only one free standing sign shall be permitted (see Section 6.09(12)). For the purpoee of thle ordlnance, coloration and/or striping on free-standlng canoplee ehall to the extent allowed by 6.09(3)(e). not be coneldered pole signage and shall be permitted but regulated (p) Projecting Sign - Projecting sign shall mean a sign other than a wall sign, which projects from and is supported by a wall of a building or structure, extending out beyond 12 inches from the point of purpose of this ordinance, only one side need be counted as a side attachment, typically having 2 or more viewable sides, but for the affixed to awnings and canopies shall also be considered projecting for measuring its allowable area and sign count. Signs printed on or signs. (9) Reader Board - A sign having changeable letters used to announce special events, products, services or sales. Such a sign is not to exceed 25 percent of the area of the main identification sign and is to be part of the main identification sign face, a separate face mounted on the same structure as the main identification sign, or mounted on the building. In any case, such a sign is in the total allowable square footage calculations for all signage at a specific location as it applies to wall, projection and free standing signage. Size specifications as herein described shall not apply to sign Ordinance 888 Page 3 associated with theatres plus churches, schools, government, and other non-profit related services, clubs, and organizations except to the extent regulated by the specific zoning district in which it is located. For theatre signs see Section 6.09(3)(v) & 6.09(5)(e). Roof Sign - Roof sign shall mean a sign erected upon or above a roof or parapet of a building or structure. Sign - Sign is any medium including its structure and component parts, which is used or intended to be used to attract attention to the subject matter for advertising purposes other than paint on the and/or striping on canopies shall not be considered signage and shall surface of a building. For the purpose of this Ordinance, coloration be allowed if it contributes to the overall theme and design of the property. Sign Structure - A sign structure is any structure which supports or is capable of supporting any sign as defined in this Ordinance. A sign structure may be a single pole or may or may not be an integral part of the building. Structure - Structure is that which is built or constructed, an edifice or building of any kind, or any piece of work artificially built up or composed of parts jointed together in some definite manner. Substantial Landscape Base Area - A planting space at the base of a sign face whose cultivated area equals that of the associated sign cover at least 50% of the cultivated area. face square footage and, in which perennial vegetation and/or shrubs Temporary Signs - Temporary Sign shall include any sign, banner, pennant, valance, or advertising display intended to be displayed for a limited period of time only. Theatre Signs - A sign having changeable letters used to announce periodic events and showings pertain to the performing arts and are offered at the location where the sign is displayed. Theatre signs except to the extent regulated by the specific zoning district in shall not be restricted by size limitations as described in 6.09(3)m which the sign is located. Wall Sign - A sign painted on a building and all other signs connected to or erected against the wall of a building or structure, with the exposed face of the sign in a plane parallel to the plane of said wall where no part of the sign structure extends more than 12 inches out from the facade as measured near the points of attachment or contact to the building. Wall signs are permitted only on walls with street facings with a maximum of two building sides per building. For purposes of thia ordinance, stores/businesses in shopping centers shall count the wall facing the main customer parking area as a street facing. For the purpose of this Ordinance, canopy coloration and/or striping shall not be considered wall Signage and shall be permitted but regulated to the extent allowed by 6.09(3)(s). Ordinance 888 Page 4 i (2) Zoning Administrator - See Planning Director (Chapter 17, Section 6.09(3)(1). SECTION 2: Chapter 17, Section 6.09 (15) of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin, is hereby amended to correctly identify references for the following illustrations: "Banner" is amended from 6.09(3)(b) to 6.09(3)(c); "Banner-Extended" is amended from 6.09(3)(c) to 6.09(3)(d); "Roof Signs" is amended 6.09(3)(w) to 6.09(3)(y); "Reader Boards" is amended from from 6.09(3)(p) to 6.09(3)(r); "Wall Sign" is amended from 6.09(3)(0) to 6.09(3)(q); "Projecting Sign" is amended from 6.09(3)(n) to 6.09(3)(p); "Pole Signs" is amended from 6.09(3)(m) to 6.09(3)(0); and "Ground Signs" is amended from 6.09(3)(h) to 6.09(3)(j). be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall be declared SECTION 3: The several sections of this ordinance are declared to by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the sections, or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any other ordinance whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 12TH DAY OF MARCH F /- w*. -> USE /- David *De Angelis, Mayor ATTEST: First Reading 2/27/96 ,mdK. m4 Published on the 21st day K. Marenda, City Clerk of March, 1996. 2/96 jmb i Official Notice , I - I COMMON COUNCIL -3 JJ 15 CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #E88 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF 17, SECTION 6.09(3) AND 6.09C15) OF THE MUSKEGO ~~~ ~ ~ THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY (Signs - Definitions) WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS OF MUSKEGO. WAUKESHA COUNTY. SECTION 1: Chapter 17. Sectionfi.OS(3)of Wisconsin. is hereby amended to read as the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego, foalIowa: (3) DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS .. tain abbreviations, terms, phrases. words (a) For the purpose of this Ordinance, Fer- and their derivatives shall be construed as in the singular include the plural, nnd the specified in this Code Ordinance. Words used plural the singular. Words used in the mascu- line gender include the feminine, and the fe- minine the masculine. window or door ohn running the length of, (b) Awning - A roof-like structure as over a and attached to, a building's frontage and serving as a shelter. dium (typically. although not exclusively re- (e) Banner - Any non-rigid temporary me- ciangular in dimension) onto which charec- ters and/or symbols are applied for the pur- pose of conveying a message. (See 6.09(13) ) (d)Banner-ExtendedDisplayPoleBanner - A banner that is mounted on poles. lights (stanchions) etc. within a property. They should be manufactured from a perinanent type material and proressionally decorated. They must ba mounted on hnnging brncknta ur palos tho1 provide snrcguardu ogainsl slip- ping and twisting. For the purpose orthis or- dinance theyehall not be used toadverti~e pr- icing, specials or temporary promotions. dewrative nature (ie: corporate logos). and Such signs are intended to be primarily of a requireapprovaIperSection6.09(13)(b)Tem- porary Signs having a quarterly review to de- termine compliance. the City Building Inspector or any other of- (e) Building Director - Building Director is ficercharged with the administrationanden- thorized deputy. forcement of this Ordinance or his duly au- (0 Canopy - Any freestanding or attached permanent structure used for the purpose of shielding persons from the elements. area made available by the sign structure for (g) Display Surface - Display surface is the ths purpose of displayipg the advertising meesage. any sign mntaining electrical wiring, but not (h) Electric Sign - El&= sign shall mean including sign illuminated by an exterior light soume. shall mean a sign wholly supported by a sign (i) Freestanding Sign - Freestanding sign structure, unique to that sign, anchored in the ground. tending not more than 7 feet in total height as (i) Gmund Sign - A free-standing sign ex- measured by taking the average grade eleva- tion measured within a 50 foot circumference oftheproposedsignloeation.Suchsigni8per- mitted to have a zero foot setback from the setback line. AI1 such signs shall require Plan Commission approval as to laea1,inn. appear- ance and landscaping. (k) Marquee - Marquee is e permanent roofed StNCtW attached to and supported by the building. pictorial display judged by the Plan Commis- (I) Murals - Murnls are 'artwork or other eian, on referral of the Planning Director or designee, not to be signage and shall be ex- empt from this Section. (m) off Premise Signage - Signs whose topic does not advertise goods. services or events offered at the property on which the sign is located. (n) Planning Director - The Planning Di- rector or hidher deputy is the City officer chargedwith the administrationande~orce~ Administrator). ment of the Zoning Ordinance (see Zoning starts no lower than 7 feet in height above the (0) Pole Sign - Where the message area ground, lis measured by taking the average cumference of the proposed sign location. and , gradeelevationmeasuredwithina50footcir- is not attached to a building. One such sign permitted per stand-alone business estab- lishment.Wheremultiplebusinessestablish- lar or multiple building development, only ments exist at one loeation as part of a singu- one free standing sign shall be permitted (see dinnnce, coloration and/or striping on free- Section 6.09(12) ). For the purpose ofthis or- pole signage and shall be permitted but regu- etanding canopies shall not be eonsidered lated to the extent allowed by 6.09(3)(s). (p) Projecting Sign - Projecting sign shall jecta from and is supported by a wall of a meanasignotherthanawallsign,whichpm- building or structure. ,extonding,aut beyond 12 inches from the point ofattachment. typi- the purpose of this ordinance, only one side tally having 2 or more viewable sides. but for need be counted as a side for measuring its al- lowable area snd sign count. Signs printed on or affixed to awnings and canopies shell also be considered projecting signs. (9) Reader Board -A sign having change- able letters used to announce special events, products, services or sales. Such a sign is not identification sign and is to be part of the to exceed 25 percent of the area of the main main identification sign face. a separate face mounted on the same structure as the main identification sign. or mounted on the build- ing. In any case, such a sign is in the total al- lowable square footage calculations Cor all signage at a specific location as it applies to wall. projection and free standing signage. Size specifications 88 herein described shell not apply to sign ossociated with theatre8 nthor non-prufit rnlntrtl ~orvicm, chh, nrd plus churches. sehwls. gnvemmonl, nnd orgnnimtiom execpl t,, lhc elrhtt regulnted by tho sporificroning dinlricl in wlrich it is 10- cated. For theatre signs me Section 6.09(3)(v) & fi.OW)(e). (r) RwfSign - llodfiign shall mean n sign erected upon or above a roof or parapet of a building or SlNCtUre. structureandcomponentparts,whichisused (8) Sign - Sign is any medium including its or intended to be used to attract attention to other than paint on the surface of a building. the subject matter for advertising purposes For the purpose ofthis Ordinance, coloration and/or striping on canopies shall not be con- sidered signage and shall be allowed if it con- tributestotheoverallthemeanddesignofthe (t) Sign Structure - A sign structure is any portinganysignssderrnedinthisordinance. structure which supports oris capableofsup- A aim structure may be a sing\e pole or may ~rmaynotbeaaintegralpsrtofthebuilding. (u) Structure - Structure is that which is built or constructed, an edifice or building of any kind, or any piece of work artificially builtuporeomposedofpartsjointedtogether in some definite manner. plantingspaceatthebaseofasignfacewhosc (v) Substantial Landscape Base Area -A cultivated area equals thnt of the associated nial vegetation endlor shrubs cover at least sign face square footage and. in which pcren- 50% of the cultivated area. shall include any sign. banner. pennant. vol- (w) Temporary Signs - Temporary Sign once. or adverlining displny inlcndcd tu bo displaycd for a limited period of lime only. able letlers used to announce periodic events (x) Theatre Signs -A sign having chnnge- and.showings pertain to the performing ads and are offered at the location whore the sign iB diaplayed. Theatre signs sldl not bo ro- stricted by size limitations as described in 6.09(3)(m) except tn the extent regulated by the specific zoning district in which the sign is Iw.tna Property. .. (y)WallSign-Asjgnpninleuona~ulluln~ and all other signs connected to. or erected against the wall of a building or structurc. withtheexposedfaceofthesigninaplanepa- rallel to theplaneofsaid wall whereno parkof the sign structure extend6 more than 12 in- ches out from the facade as measured near the points of attachment or contact to the building. Wall signs are permitted only on walls with street facings with a maximum of two building sides per building. For purposes of this ordinance. storcsbusinesses in shop- ping centers shall count the wall facing the main customer parking area as a street fat- ing. For the purpose of this Ordinance. ca- nopy coloration and/or striping shall not be ted .but regulated to the extent allowed by considered wall signage and shall be perrnit- 6.09(3)(s). (2) Zoning Administrator - See Planning Director (Chapter 17, Section 6.09(3)(1). SECTION 2: Chapter 17, Section 6.09 (15) Wisconsin. is hereby amended to correctly OftheMunieipalCodeoftheCityofMuskego, identify references for the followingillustrs- 6.09(3)(c): "Banner-Extended" is amended tions: "Banner"is amended from 6.09(3)(b) to from 6.09(3)(c) to 6,09(3)(d): "Roof Signs" is amended livm (3Kp) to 6.09(3Xr); Vd Sign" is amended frum 6.09(3Xw) to 6.09(3Kp); "Reader Briards" is'amended from 6.09 (3x0) . .from 6.09(3Nn) to 6.09(3Xp); 'pole Sign" in to 6.03(3Xq); Tmjeding Sign. is amended . amended fbm 6.09(3)(m; to 6.09(3Mo); and .~GroundSigna"inam~ded~mB.O9(3Xh)to 6.09(3)(j). SECTION 3: The several sections of this otdiiance are dedared to be severable. Ifmy seetjon'w portion themfW be dednred by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid. unlawful. or unenforceable.~ such decinion shall apply ody to the specific section orprtionthemfdirecUy spedfiedin other pmvisions, sectiom. or portion (hereof the deasion. and not &ect the validity of all ;: . fom and effect. Any.other ordinance whose of the ordinance which shall remain in full ~thisordin~~areherebyrepeaIedastotbose ;terms are in Conflict with the provisions 'of terms that conflict. .2~.'!.SE~ON4:Thiaordinanoeshdhinfull ,.".-,.,*," I.. .." _I AOE .~forceandeffectfmmand&ritapassageand PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 12TH publication. DAY OF MARCH, 1996. ~ 1. .rl -. CITY OF MUSKEGO I