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ORD1995868COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #E68 RS-2 to RS-2/0PD (Deer Creek) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : and attached hereto, is hereby rezoned from RS-2 to RS-2/0PD. SECTION 1: The following described property, marked Exhibit 1 declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall SECTION 2: The several sections of this ordinance are be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified provisions, sections, or portion thereof of the ordinance which in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other shall remain in full force and effect. Any other ordinance whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect Resolution #137-95, approving the final plat and subdivider's from and after its passage and publication, and upon adoption of agreement. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 27TH DAY OF JUNE , 1995 CITY OF MUSKEGO 1 First Reading 5/23/95 Deferred 6/13/95 Second Reading 6/13/95 ATTEST: - Published on the 6th day of July, 1995. 5/95 jmb J EXHIBIT 1 ,I ,, '1;Noiman C. kl&sqn; .. Registered Lahd Suneyor, .. .hereby certify: ,Tllat.l hav+rveyed, divided and~mapped'all.thatpart of the SE 1/4 and SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 . of . Sectiotl .,, ..~ . 10, T5N,:R20E; City of'Muskego;Waukesha County, Wisconsin, more fully described .. , . is follows: .. - . . I A. ,I:I. 1 ' , .. .. 'Conltriellcingat:UleSW corner of &id'Section''lO; thellce'N:0lo-l3'-07"W., along the west line of siid'SW l,/4, 25.00 feet to the point of begihning of.the hereinaner dkribcd lands; tIw1cc ~N.O10-.13'-07!'W.,.continuing alo~~g the west line ofsaiil SW 1/4 and centerline of Lamon Road, 325.89 feet'ioh poinl; tllence N.880-4G1-53"E., 40.0O'feet to n point; thence N.5I0-59'-00"E., 145.40 feet to a pojiit;jthenci N.3O0-29'-'l5"E.;244.12 feet to a point; thence N.7Oo-00'-48"E., 467.33 .Leet to. i~poiit; thence N.G4"-59:-40t'E., 79.25 feet to a point; thence N,74"-08'-49"E ..., 248.14 ket &a pdnt; thence N.79O-I2'-37"E., 127.07 feet to a point; ;hence N.87°-32'-42"E., 140.25 fee? to. a 'point on the westerly righbof-way line of Pvklatld Drive, said point being known as. Refereilce Point "A"; tllence S.010-46'-25"E., along said westerly.right-of-way line, '385.25' deflec!ion point of said righf-cif-way line; thencc S.01°-16'-20"E., continuing along said ridlt-of-way line, 492.67 fcet to a'point.lyirig 011 the northerly line-ora 50 foot widc WEPCO right-of-way; thence S.88"-15'-34"W;,-along said northerly right-of-way linc, 1309.57 fect to a point on the west-line of tllc SW ll4'of'said Section 10 and the place of beginning. Said .lands cbn!aining', 916,899 square 'feet (21.049 acrcs). Dedicating therefrom the westerly ,40.00 feet for piiblic road ilk .Also including all that part of the SE 1/4'aild SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 10, T5N, WOE, City.of Muskego;, Waukesha Couniy,:Wisconsin, more fully described as follows: Comrnenqing at the aforemention$ Refere,nce Pokt ".A"; thence 5.87"-41'-38"E., 60.15 feet to :a,point ol!;ihe; e,asterly rigl1t-of-way ljne of Parkland Drive,'and the point o'f beginning of the hereinafter described lands';, the11ce'N~88~-13'-3~E.,;'129.13 feet io a point;.thence N.41'-35'- :.02"E., 296.72'fdt b a point;-thence S:89"-54'-48"E:;.394.81' feet to a point on the westerly line of Lake Point Es!a!es West; therice along the westeiIy and:soulll westerly lines of said Lake Point Estates West.on the'following describd'courses; thence S.2O0-I8'-39"E., 383.94 feet to a point; .ihenCe.S.740-47'-55"W., 555.79 feet to a poini; thence, S.71"-48'-OOW., 322.06 feet.(recorded 0 & 322.68 feet) IO a point .on the e+sterly,'right-of-way line of Paikland Drive, kid point being .thc terminus-bf said westerly and souU~.wc'sterly, lines of Lake Point Estates West; thencc N.01"- 46+-251Wi, alongmid easterly riglit-of-way fine, 381:.23 feet to.Ule phce of beginning. Said lands containing 332,506 square feet (7.640 acres). , ' <, ~ I. STATE OF WISCONSIN ) Milwaukee County ) ss. Official Notice - COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE t868 ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE RS2 to W-UOpD (Deer Creek) -~:,.;:zz:+, MUSKEGO THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE OF MUSKEGO. WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN i. AS FOLLOWS: SECTION.1: The followingdeeaibed prop- erty, marked Exhibit 1 and attached hereto. is hereby rezoned from RS-2 to RS-WOPD. SECTION 2: The several sections of this section or portion thereofshall be declared by ordinance are declared to be severable. If my a decision ofa court ofcompetentjurisdiction to be invalid. unlawful. or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in other provisions. sections, or portion thereof the decision, and not affect the validity of all of the ordinance which shall remain in full terms are in conflict with the provisions of force and effect. Any other ordinance whose this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. foreeandeffeedfromandaReritspassagesnd SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full publication. and upon adoption of Resolution vider's aereement~ 8137-95, approvirrg the final plat end subdi- PASSED%D%PROVEDTHlS27THDAY OF JUNE, 1995. CI'h OF MUSKEGO David L. De Angelis. Mayor First Reading 5/23/95 Second Reading 6/13/95 Deferred 6/13/95 ~~ A'ITEST City Clerk 5/95jmb I. Norman C. Hanson. Registered Land Surveyor, hereby certify: That 1 have surveyed. divided and mapped all that part of the SE 114 and SW 1/4 of the SW Y4 of Section 10, T5N. R20E. City of Mu. skego. Waukesha County, Wisconsin. more fully described as follows: Commencing at the SW corner of said Sec- west line of said SW U4, 25.00 feet to the tion 10; thence N01"-13"07"W.. along the point of beginning of the hereinafter de- scribed lands: thence N.0lo-13!-07.T., wnti- nuing along the west line of SW 1/4 and cen- terlineofLannanRoad.325.89feettospoint; thence N.88"-46"53"E., 40.00 feet to a point; thenceN.51"-59"00"E.. 145.40feettoapoint; thenceN.30"-29"15"E.,244.12feettoapoint; thence N.70°-00"48"E., 467.33 feet to a point: thence N,64'-59"40"E., 79.25 feet to a point: thenceN,79"-12"37"E., 127.07feettoapoint; thence N,74"-08"4R"E., 248.14 feet to B point; thence N.87"-32"42"E., 140.25 feet toa point on the westerly right-of-way line of Parkland Drive, said point being known as Reference Point "A"; thence S.0lo-46'-25"E., along ;aid westerlyright-of-wayline.385.25feettoade- flection point afsaid right-of-way line: thence of-way line, 492.67 feet to a point lying on the S.O1'-16"20"E.. continuing along said right- of-way; thence S.88"-15"34"W.. along eaid northerlylineofa50fmt~deWEPCOright- northerly right4-way line:1309.57 feet to a point on the west.line of the SW U4 of said Section 10 and the place of beginning. Said lands containing 916.899 square feet (21.049 acres). Dedicating thereftom the westerly 4" P',.., .L r,, -..Lli. "_ . EXHIBIT 1 .. , .. . .- (Signed) BOOKKEEPER My Commission expires v . ~"~ ." ._." "C. &So Including all that part of the SE 114 and SW U4 of Section 10. T5N, R20E. City of Muskego. Waukesha County, Wisconsin, more fully described as follows: Commencingat theaforementioned Refer- ence Point 'A"; thence S.87°-41'-38"E.. 60.15 line of Parkland Drive and the point ofbegin- feet to a paint on the easterly right-of-way ning of the herein&= described lands: thence N88"-13"35"E.. 129.13 feet to a point: thence N.41°-35"02"E.. 296.72 feet to a point; thence S.89"-5<48%, 394.81 feet to a point on the westerly line of Lake Point Estates West; thenee along the westerly and south westerly lines of said Lake Point Estates West on the following described courses: thence S,20"-18"39"E., 383.94 feet to a point: thenees.74"-47"55'W.,555.79reettoapoint: s71~"~'-ooW.. 322.06 feet (worded as322,08feet)toapointontheeaster?yright- ofway line of Parkland Drive. said point be- ing the terminus of said westerly and south westerly lines of Lake Point Estates West; thence N.O1"-46"25W.. along said easterly rightof-way line. 381.23 feet to the place of beginning. Said lands containing 332.806 square feet (7.640 acres).