(Plum Creek Addition No. 1 Subdivision)
RS-2 to RS-2/0PD
from RS-2 to RS-2/0PD:
SECTION 1: The following described property is hereby rezoned
PLUM CREEK ADDITION NO. 1, being a subdivision of part of the Northeast Quarter
(NE 1/4) and the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4),
and part of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) and the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of
the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section 17, Township 5 North, Range 20 East in
the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as
Commencing at the South Quarter (1/4) corner of said Section 17, thence South
87'07'25'' West along the south line of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of said
Section 17, 64.990 feet; thence North OOO57'49" West 69.174 feet to the north
Waukesha County Registry, on August 28, 1981 and to the place of beginning of
line of Woods Road as recorded as document no. 1165922 in reel 465, image 779,
the lands herein to be described: thence continuing North OOO57'49" West
449.682 feet; thence South 88O17'14" West 175.253 feet to the northeast corner
of Parcel B of Certified Survey Map No. 1040 as recorded as document no. 739744
in volume 7, pages 41 and 42 of CSM's, Waukesha County Registry on June 2, 1992
and to the southeast corner of platted PLUM CREEK, being a subdivision in part
of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) and the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of the
Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of said Section 17 as recorded as document no.
Ol"35'49" West along the east line of said subdivision 677.956 feet; thence
1802084 in volume 46, pages 256 and 257 on January 11, 1993; thence North
North 63"27'11" West along the east line of said subdivision 201.551 feet;
thence North 09°24'52" West along the east line of said subdivision 162.630
thence North 02°15'47" East along the east line of said subdivision 59.509 feet;
feet; thence North 23°07'46" West along the east line of said subdivision
feet; thence North 86°10'05" West along the east line of said subdivision 61.736
182.491 feet to the north line of said subdivision and the north right-of-way
line of Bendingbrae Drive; thence South 66'52'14" West along the north line of
said subdivision and the said north right-of-way line 217.280 feet to the
beginning of a curve of radius 330.000 feet, center of which lies to the south;
thence southwesterly along the north line of said subdivision and said north
right-of-way line and along the arc of said curve 37.542 feet, the chord of said
arc bearing South 63°36'41.5" West 37.522 feet; thence South 88"18'06" West
along the north line of said subdivision 21.307 feet; thence North Ol"O5'08"
West 328.049 feet; thence South 87O57'38" West 135.538 feet; thence North
01°04'07" West 199.316 feet to the meander line of an unnamed tributary to the
Muskego Canal; thence North 89O41'53" East along said meander line 586.497 feet;
thence South 89"04'02" East along said meander line 151.792 feet; thence South
11O39'44" East along said meander line 126.309 feet to the northeast corner of
meander line 94.868 feet; to the northeast corner of Lot 112; thence South
Lot 113; thence South 04O41'40" East along the east line of Lot 113 and said
thence South 40°48'34" East along the east line of Lots 112 and 111 and the said
10°01'52" West along the east line of Lot 112 and said meander line 44.313 feet;
meander line 154.888 feet to the northeast corner of Lot 110; thence South
to the northeast corner of Lot 109; thence South 40°47'10" East along the east
44'30'41" East along the east line of Lot 110 and said meander line 60.054 feet
Ordinance #E31 Page 2
line of Lot 109 and said meander line 120.862 feet to the northeast corner of
Lot 108; thence South 39O14'54" East along the east line of Lot 108 and said
meander line 125.582 feet to the northeast corner of Lot 107; thence South
37O07'46" East along the east line of Lot 107 and said meander line 105.000 feet
to the northeast corner of Lot 106; thence South 31°56'06" East along the east
line of Lots 106 and 105 and said meander line 150.454 feet; thence South
to the northeast corner of Lot 104; thence South 46O40'59" East along the east
55O44'09" East along the east line of Lot 105 and said meander line 74.034 feet
Lot 103; thence South 42O48'13" East along said meander line 175.143 feet;
line of Lot 104 and said meander line 101.882 feet to the northeast corner of
thence North 89O01'29" East along said meander line 229.890 feet; thence South
82"39'22" East along said meander line 355.415 feet: thence South 77°24'18tt East
thence South 88O35'07" West 209.100 feet; thence South 00°58'31" East 798.581
along said meander line 277.605 feet; thence South OO"58'31" East 152.216 feet;
feet to the north right-of-way line of Woods Road as recorded as document no.
thence South 88O35'07" West along the said north right-of-way line 250.942 feet;
1165921 in reel 465, Image 778, Waukesha County Registry on August 28, 1981;
thence North 01°24'53" West 280.401 feet; thence South 88°35'07" West 615.000
feet; thence South Ol"24'53" East 262.960 feet to the north right-of-way line of
Woods Road as recorded in said document no. 1165922: thence North 89°30'00" West
along the said north right-of-way line 341.525 feet (recorded as 345 more or
less) to the place of beginning.
meander line. Containing 2,033,894 square feet or 46.69179 Acres of land more
Containing 1,969,449 square feet or 45.21233 Acres of land as measured to the
or less as measured to the approximate centerline of the unnamed tributary to
the Muskego Canal.
Beginning at the southeast corner of Outlot 3; thence North 89°30'00" West along
the north right-of-way line of Woods Road 16.014 feet; thence North 5b042'34"
East 19.299 feet to the west right-of-way line of Plum Creek Boulevard and to
the beginning of a curve of radius 150.000 feet, the center of which lies to the
east; thence southerly along the said west right-of-way line and along the arc
of said curve 10.736 feet, the chord of said arc bearing South 00°38'09" West
10.734 feet to the place of beginning.
Beginning at the southwest corner of Outlot 4; thence North 01°24'53" West along
the east right-of-way line of Plum Creek Boulevard 3.343 feet to the beginning
of a curve of radius 150.000 feet, the center of which lies to the west; thence
northerly along the said east right-of-way line and along the arc of said curve
thence South 57°10'03" East 20.576 feet to the north right-of-way line of Woods
7.678 feet, the chord of said arc bearing North 0Z052'52" West 7.677 feet;
Road; thence North 89°30'00" West along the said north right-of-way line 16.822
feet to the place of beginning.
declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall
SECTION 2: The several sections of this ordinance are
be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply
only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified
provisions, sections, or portion thereof of the ordinance which
in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other
terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are
hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict.
shall remain in full force and effect. Any other ordinance whose
Ordinance #E31 Page 3
from and after its passage and publication, and upon adoption of
SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect 0 Resolution #53-94, approving the final plat and subdivider's
De c figelis, Mayor
First Reading 2/22/94
Published on the 17th day of March , 1994.
Milwaukee Counly 1
) ss.
" .........
being duly swcrn,
doth depose and say Ihal he is an aulhorized representative of
The.. . Muskcgo .SUII.. ....................
Wisconsin and that an advertisemenl of which the annexed is a
true copy, taken horn said palm, was published therein on
a newspaper published d ... htskego. ..............
.......................... .~n.a~.&. .G!%./.??V' /
.. ...........................
Subscribed and sworn to before me this ... .G? ?.e day
of ..
My Commission expires,. ..... APRIL 6. 1997
Official Notice
AS FOLLOWS SECTION 1: The following described prop
arty ia herebv rezoned from RS-2 to
subdivision of part of the Northeast Quarter
(NE V4) and the Southeast Quarter (SE V4)
of the Southwest Quarter (SW 114). and part
of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) and the
Southwest Quarter (SW V4)ofthe Southeast
Quarter (SE ll4) of Section 17, Township 5
,Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and
"" -- ~~-~~ .
7 Commencing at the South Quarter (V4) ' cornerofsaidSaetion17,thenceSouth87°0T 24. West along the south line of the South-
west Quarter (SW ll4) of said Section 17,
64.990 feet; thence North 00' 57' 49" West
69.174 feet to the north line of Woods Road as
recorded as document no. 1165922 in reel
465, image 779, Waukesha County Registry.
on August 28,1981 and to the place of begin-
ning of the lands herein to be described:
thence continuing North OO' 57' 49" West
449.682 feet; thence South 88" 17' 14" West
B of Certified Survey Map No. 1040 as re- 175.253 feet to the northeast corner of Parcel
corded as document no. 739744 in volume 7.
pages 41 and 42 of CSM's, Waukesha County
Registry on June 2.1994 and to the southeast
corner of platted PLUM CREEK, being a sub-
division in part of the Northeast Quarter (NE
Southwest Quarter (SW Y4) of said Section
volume 46, pages 256 and 257 on January 11,
17 as recorded as document no. 1802084 in
east line of said subdivision 677.956 feet
1993; thence North 01' 35'49" West along the
thence North 63" 27' 11" West along the east
line of said subdivision 201.551 feet; thence
North 02O 15' 47" East along the east line of
said subdivision 59.509 feet, thence North
09" 24' 52" West along the east line of said
subdivision 162.630 feet; thence North 86'
10' 05" West along the east line of said subdi-
vision 61.736 feet; thence North 23" 07' 46"
West along the east line of said subdivision
sion and the north right+f-way line of Ben-
182.491 feet to the north line of said subdivi-
dinghrae Drive; thence South 66' 52' 14"
West along the north line of said subdivision
feet to the beginning of a curve of radius
and the said north right-of-way line 217.280
thence southwesterly along the north line of
330.000 feet, center ofwhich lies to the south;
said subdivision and said north rightd-way
line and along the arc of said NNe 37.642
feet, the chord of said arc bearing South 63"
36' 41.5" West 37.522 feet; thence South 88'
18' 06" West along the north line of said sub-
division 21.307 feet; thence North 01' 05' 08" Weat 328.049 feet; then
West 135.538 feet; thence
7' 38"
We& 199.316 feet to the moa
~ndamed triib~tary to the ~~kelio%aa~l;
Of an.
t- North 89- 41' 63" East said
mdinder line of 586.497 feet; then& South
89" 04' 02" East along said meander line
along said meander line 126.309 feet to the 151.792 feet; thence South 11' 39' 44" East
said meander line 94.868 feet; to the north-
West along the east line of lot 112 and said
meander line 44.313 feet; thence South 40"
48' 94" East along the east line of Lob 112
and 111 and the said meander line 154.888
South 44" 3W 41. east along the east line of
LotlllO and said meander line 60.054 feet to
the hmtheast mrner of Lot 109; thence hth
400 /47' IW ~ast along the east line ofht 109
and said meander line 120.862 feet to the
14'64" East along the east line of Lot 108 and said meander line 125.582 feet to the north-
46*East along the east line of Lot 107 and
sst corner of Lot 107; then- South 37" 07'
said meander line 105.000 feet to the north-
east -er ofht 106; thence South 31" 56'
06" ~ast along the east line of Lob 106 and
105 and said meander. line 150.454 feet;
.then= So$h 55" 44' 09" East along the east
line ofLot 105 and said meander line 74.034
rdtothemrtheastmerofLot 104; thence
46- 4~ 59" East dong the east line of
described as follows:
Lot 104 and enid meander line 101.882 feetta
tbe northeast mrner of Lot 103; thence South
42" 48' 13" East dong said meander line
175.143 feet; thence North 89O 01' 29: East
along said meander line 229.890 feet; thence
South 82' 39' 22" East along said meander
line 355.415 feet; thence South 77" 24' 18"
East along said meander Line 277.605 feet;
thence South 00" 58' 31. East 152.216 feet;
thence South 88O 35' 07" West ~09.100 feet;
thence South 00" 58' 31" East 798.581 feet to
ded m document no. 1165921 in reel 465,
tbe north right-of-way of Woods Road as re-
Image 778. Waukesha County Registry on
August 28, 1981; thence South 88" 35' 07" Weat along the said north right-of-way line
.-280.401 feet; thence South 88O 35' 07" West
250.942 feet; thence North 01- 24' 53" West
615.000,feet; thence South 01- 24' 53" East
262.960 feet to the north right-of-way line of Woods-Rod ae recorded in said dmument,no.
tranded as 346 more or less) to the place of
the said north right-of-way Line 341.525 feet
Containing 1.969.449 square feet or
45.21233 Acres of land as meanured to the
meander line. Containing 2,093,894 square
feet or 46.69179 Acres of land more or less as
measured to the app-ate centerline of
the unnamed tributary to the Mubego
Beginning at the southeast mer of Out-
lot 3 thence Nmth 89' 30' 00" West along the
north right-of-waylineofWoods Road 16.014
to the west right-of-way line of Plum Creek
Boulevard and to the beginning of a curve of
the east, thence southerly along the said west
radius 150.000feet, thecenterofwhiehliea to
ri&t-of-way line and along the are of said
curse 10.736 feet, the ehord of said arc bear-,
ing South 00" %'OF West 10.734 feet to the
place of beginning.
lot 4; thence North 01" 24'53" West along the
Ekgmnmg at the southwest mer of Out-
east right-of.way line of plum Creek Boule-
vard 3.343 feet to the beginning of a rn of
the west, thence northerly along the said east
right-of-way line and along the are of said
North 02- 5X 52" Wfat 7.677 feet thence
Son& 57" 10'03" East 20.676 feet to the north
right-of-way line of Woods Road; tbence
Nortb 89O 30' 00" West along the Baid north
right-of-way line 16.822 feet to the phce of aeginniw. SECTION 2 The several seetiom of this
ordinance are deelared to be severable. If any
section m portion thereof shall be declared by
a dedsion of a murt of competent juriediction
to be invalid, unlawful. or unenforceable,
sucb decision shall apply only to the specilk
section or portion thereof didly specified in
the decision, and not affect the validity of all
other provisions. sections, or portion thereof
of the ordinanae which shall remain in full
force and e8&. Any other ordinance whose
terms are in conflict with the provisions of
terms that conflict. SECTION 3 This ordinance shell be in hrll
publicetion. and upon adoption 6pwIution 4."
IdJean K MaRnda
City Clerk
IdDavid L. De Anrrelis