ORD1993810COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #E10 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO RSM TO B-4 Kurer/Bushberger and RSA TO B-4 Fethiere THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : rezoned from RSM to B-4: SECTION 1: The following described property is hereby Tax Key #2198.998 All that part of the East 1/2 of the NW 1/4 of Section 10, T5N. RZOE, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said 1/4 Section running thence West along the North line of said 1/4 Section 448.65 feet to a point; thence South and parallel to the East line of said 1/4 Section 1276.18 feet to the place of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South and parallel to the East line of said 1/4 Section 114.13 feet; thence S 32' 55' 30" E, 94.20 feet to a point in the centerline of C.T.H. "L"; thence N 57' 04' 30" E along said centerline 263.56 feet; thence N 32O 55' 30" W, 190.00 feet; thence S 57'04' 30" W, 201.53 feet to the place of beginning. from RSA to B-4: SECTION 2: The following described property is hereby rezoned Tax Key X2198.995 All that part of the East 1/2 of the NW 1/4 of Section 10, T 5 N, R20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said 1/4 Section 2 running thence West along the North line of said 1/4 Section 448.65 feet to a point; thence south and parallel to the East line of said 1/4 Section 1010.65 feet to theplace of parallel to the East line of said 1/4 Section 379.56 feet; thence beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South and L; thence S57O 04' 30" W, 90.64 feet to a point; thence N 32O 55' S 32' 55' 30" E, 94.20 feet to a point in the centerline of C.T.H. 30" W, 123.08 feet; thence North and parallel to the East line of said 1/4 Section 400.03 feet to a point; thence East at right angles to last named line 83.94 feet to the place of beginning. Ordinance #E10 I Page 2 '0 declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, sections, or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any other ordinance whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 3: The several sections of this ordinance are SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 1993 CITY OF MUSKEG0 David L. De Angelis, Mayor First Reading 8/10/93 ATTEST : City Clerk 8/93 jmb Published on the of day , 1993. STATE OF WISCONSIN ) Judith Ziolkowski being duly sworn, Milwaukee County ) .. .................... ) 5s. dolh depose and say lhal he is an authorized representative of a newspaper published al ... Mltskego. ............. ? The Mt~.~kcg~.Su~t. Official Notice Wisconsin and that an adverlisemenl ot which llle annexed is a SFP 2 1993 ....... ................ OF MUSKEGO ................. ". - ,, TO B-4 Kurer/Bushbereer . THE COMMON COUNCIL OFTHE CITY and RSA TO B-4 Fethier; AS mr,MwS: OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN. DO ORDAIN " SECTION 1: The following described prop. erty is hereby rezoned from RSM toB-4 if the RSM properly cnn only be developed so as to following condition is met The remaining include no more than 18 living units: Tax Key R2198.998 Section 10, T5N. RZOE, in the City of Mu- AllthatpartoftheEast1/2oftheNWU4of skego. Waukesha County, Wisconsin, 1 bounded and described as follows: Commenc- ingattheNortheastcornerofiaidU4Section running thence West along the North line of said 1/4 Section 448.65 feet to a point; thence South and parallel to the.East lineof said 114 of the land to he described; thence contiiuing Section 1276.18 feet to the place ofbeginaiog South and parallel to the East line of said l/4 Section 114.13 feet: thence S 32- 55' 30" E, 94.20feettoepointinthe~centerlieofC.T.H. "L";thenceN57"04'30"Ealongsaidoenter- line 263:56 feet: thence N 32" 65' 30" W. feet to the place of beginning. . 190.00 feet: thence S 57" 04' 30" W, 201.53 erty is hereby rezoned from RSA to B-4: SECTION 2: The following described prop- Tax Key 62198.995 AllthatpartoftheEastUZoflheNWU4of Section 10, T 5 N, R20 E, in the City of Mu- bounded and described as follows: Cammenc- skego, Waukesha County; Wisconsin ing at the Northeast wrner of said U4 Section 2 running thence West along the North line of said U4 Seetion 448.65 feet to a point; thence South and parallel to the East line of said 114 ofthe land to be described; thence continuing Section 1010.65 feet to the place ofbeginning Section 379.56 feet; thence S 32" 55' 30" E, South and parallel to the East line of said U4 94.20feettoepointinthecenterlineofC.T.H. L;thenceS57"04'30"W,90.64feettoapoint; thence N 32- 55' 30" W. 123.08 feet; thence North and parallel to the East line of said U4 Section 400.03 feet to a point; thence East at the dace of beeinnine. right angles to last named line 83.94 feet to ......................... ...................... ........................... ...... .. &""" (Signed) BOOKKEEPER, Subscribed and sworn lo belore me lhis ... .%&. .. day My Conmission expires" ...... APR I L 6, 1997 .- ~. -. ~__~~ ~ ~. ~ ~~~~~ . other pro-om, dons, or portion of the ordinance which shall remain infull roe and effect. Any other ordinance whose terms are in wdict with the pmvisions of this ordinance ere hereby repealed 88 tothose terns that conflict. foraeaodPffeetfrDmRndaReritspassageand SECTION 4: Tbiaordinance shall be in full publieation,butiftheeonditionstatediuSec- tion 1 above is everviolated. this ordinance is null and wid and the prior RSM zoning BB set forth in Section 1 and the RSA zoning as set forth in Section 2 is in full force and effect. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 24TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1993. CITY OF MUSKEGO Dahd L. De Angelis Mayor First Reading 8/10/93 . ~~ ~ ATTEST City Clerk Published on the 2nd day of September, 1993. W93jmb