ORD1993798COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #798 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 9, SECTION 9.0& (1,) , OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO REGARDING THE ADOPTION OF STATE LAWS (Re: Drug Paraphernalia) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Chapter 9, Section 9.001 (1) of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin, is hereby repealed and recreated to read as follows: 9.001 (1) STATE LAWS PROHIBITING CERTAIN OFFENSES ADOPTED Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Code, the current and future statutory provisions of Sections 48.983, 134.66, 134.71, 161.41(3), 161.573, 161.574, 161.575 and Chapters 939 through 947, Wisconsin Statutes, describing the State, and cross reference contained therein to other and defining regulation against the peace and good order of exclusive of any provisions therein relating to penalties sections and subsections of the Wisconsin Statutes, to be imposed and exclusive of any regulations for which the statutory penalty is a term of imprisonment, are adopted and by reference made a part of this Code as if fully set forth herein. Any act required to be performed or prohibited by any current or future statute incorporated herein by reference is required or prohibited by this Code. Any future amendments, revisions or modifications of the current or future statutes incorporated herein are uniform statewide regulation of peace and good order of the intended to be made part of this Code in order to secure State. SECTION 2: The several sections of this ordinance are declared declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall be only to the specific section or portion thereof directly invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply specified in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, sections, or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any other ordinance whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 25TH DAY OF MAY , , 1993. David L. D6 Angelis, Mayor First Reading 5/11/93 Published.on the 3rd day of June, 1993. STATE OF WISCONSIN ) Milwaukee Counly ) 1 ss. OfficWtice COMMONCOUNCIL-CITYOFMUSKEGO ORDINANCE #798 ~~S~~IC)N~.~~~[~,.OFTHEMUN~CIPAL ANORDINANCETOAMENDCHAPTER co~~~E.oF.~..c.~~oFMvsKEGORE GARDING THE ADOPTION OF STATE LAWS D the Municipal Code of the City of Muakego, Wisconsin, is hereby repealed and recreated to read aa follows: TAN OFFENSES ADOPTED 9.001STATELAWSPROHIBITINGCER videdinthisCode,thenvrentandfuhvesta- (1) Except as otherwise specifically pro- tutory provisions of Sections 48.983. 134.66, and Chapters 939 through 947, Wisconsin 134.71, 161.41(3). 161.573. 161.574, 161.576 Statutes, describing and defining regulation kainst the peace and good order of the State. other sections and subsections of the Wiscon- and mom referenm cont+ned therein to sin Statutes, exclusive of any provisions therein relating to penalties to be imw-?d and exclusive ofany regulations for which the statutory penalty is a term ofimprisonment. are adopted and by reference made a part of this Code as if fully set forth herein. Any act required to be performed or prohibited by any mentor future statute incorporated herein by reference is required or prohibited by this Code. Any future amendments, revisions or tutes incorporated herein are intended to be modifications of the current or future sta- msde part of.tbie Code in order to ~eture uni- form st.ate*de regulation of peace and gmd order of the State. ordinance are dedared to be severable. If any SECTION 2: The several sections of this section orportion thereofhall bedeclared by a decision of n court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable. mch decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in other provisions, aections, or portion thereof the decieion, and not affect the validity ofall force and effect. Any other ordinance whose of the ordinance which shall remain in full terms are in conflict with the provisions of thisordinanceareherebyrepealedastothose terms that cnnflict. foreeandeffectfmmandafferitspsssageand SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 26TH Id David L;De Angelis Mayor First Reading 6/11/93 DAY. OF MAY, 1993. AlTEST Id Jean K Marenda W93jmb City Clerk Published on the 3rd day of June. 1993. Judith Ziolkowski being duly sworn, dolh depose and say lhal he is an authorized represenlalive of The.. . J~ILS~CM~~.S~II~.. ................... a newspaper published al ... Pl~ske~o. ............. Wisconsin and lhal an adverlisemenl of which the annexed is a true copy, laken from said pafw, was published therein on ........................... ........................... . JUN 3 1993 ........................... ........................... ......................... ...... (Signed) BOOKKEEPER. My Commission expires,. . APRIL 6. 1997