ORD1993778AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #770 AN ORDINANCE TO REPEAL AND RECREATE CHAPTER 6 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (Emergency Government, formerly Civil Defense) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Chapter 6 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin, entitled "Emergency Government" formerly entitled "Civil Defense" is hereby repealed and recreated to read as follows: 6.01 POLICY AND PURPOSE. administration of all necessary functions, other than functions for (1) Emergency Government is the preparation for and the which the military forces are primarily responsible, to minimize and repair injury and damage resulting from disaster caused by enemy attack, sabotage, or other hostile action, or by fire, flood or other natural causes that normal government can not administer. (2) Emergency Government once initiated shall be responsible for the : (a) Continued functions of normal government; (b) Minimize the effect of the emergency upon the citizens of the community; (c) Commence emergency repairs to enable restoration of vital public utilities and facilities; Emergency Government; State Division of Emergency (d) Coordinate the response with the County Office of Government; and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. the Governor under provisions of Wisconsin Statute Chapter (e) Request a declaration of a "State of Emergency" from 166. 6.02 DIRECTOR OF EMERGENCY GOVERNMENT: (1) Appointment. (a) The Emergency Government Director shall be appointed by the Mayor subject to confirmation by the Common Council Common Council. He shall take and file an official oath. and shall receive such salary as may be authorized by the (b) Deputy and Assistant Directors may be appointed by the Director, subject to the approval of the Mayor and the Common Council as may be deemed necessary, and such determined by the Common Council. appointees shall receive such compensation as may be (a) The Director shall be the Executive head of the Emergency Government and shall have direct responsibility for the organization, administration and operation of the Emergency Government subject to the direction and control of the Mayor and the Common Council. (a) Develop emergency plans consistent with the City's needs and County, State and Federal plans. (b) Direct local training and exercising programs. (c) Cooperate and coordinate with the County Director of (d) Prepare and submit any requests and documentations 6.03 UTILIZATION OF EXISTING SERVICES AND FACILITIES. In preparing and executing an emergency government plan, the Director shall utilize the services, equipment, supplies and facilities of the existing departments and agencies of the City to the maximum extent practicable; and the officers and personnel of all such departments and agencies are directed to cooperate with and extend such services and facilities to the Director. (2) Authority of the Director. (3) Duties of the Director. Emergency Management. necessary for Emergency Government operations. 6.04 EMERGENCY REGULATIONS. emergency for which adequate regulations have not been adopted by Whenever necessary to meet an the Common Council, the Mayor, or in his absence the Director of Emergency Government, may by proclamation promulagate and enforce such orders, rules and regulations relating to the conduct of persons and the use of property as shall be necessary to protect the public peace, health and safety, and preserve lives and property and to insure the cooperation necessary in emergency government activities. Such proclamations shall be posted in 3 public places and may be rescinded by the Common Council by resolution at any time. 6.05 MUTUAL AID AGREEMENTS. The Director Of Emergency Government may, subject to the approval of the Common Council, enter into mutual aid agreements with other political subdivisions. Copies of such agreements shall be filed with the County Director of Emergency Management. 6.06 DECLARATION OF EMERGENCIES. A Declaration Of an Emergency may be made by the Governor, by the Mayor or the Director of Council. Emergency Government in the absence of the Mayor, or by the Common The Director of Emergency Government shall issue all necessary proclamations as to the existence of such state of emergency and shall issue such disaster warnings or alerts as shall be required in the emergency government plan. Such state of emergency shall continue until terminated by the issuing authority, provided that any such declaration not issued by the Governor may be terminated at the discretion of the Common Council. delay any member of the Emergency Government organization in the 6.07 VIOLATIONS. No person shall willfully obstruct, hinder or enforcement of any order, rule, regulation, or plan issued pursuant to this chapter or do any act forbidden by any order, rule, regulation, or plan issued pursuant to the authority contained in this chapter. chapter or any order, rule or regulation made hereunder shall be 6.08 PENALTY. Any person who shall violate any provision of this subject to a penalty as provided in sec. 25.04 of this Municipal code. J Ordinance #770 to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall be SECTION 2: The several sections of this ordinance are declared declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be only to the specific section or portion thereof directly invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply specified in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, sections, or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any other ordinance whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 12TH DAY OF JANUARY , 1993. First Reading 12/22/92 LJ ATTEST: 12792 jmb Published on the 21st day of January, 1993. J CITY OF MUSKEc;o -Official Notice COMMON COUNCIL AMENDED ORnlNANCR W77U AN ORDINANCE TO REPEAL AND RE- CREATE CHAPTER 6 OF THE mCI- PAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO - " -. . - . - - .. . . . "._.. "_, THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO. WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN . SECTION 1: Chapter 6 of the Municipal AS FOUOWS: "Code of the Citv of MuskeEo. Wisconsin. en- titied "Emergency Govern&& formerly en- titled "Civil Defense" is hereby repealed and recreated to read as follows: 6.01 POLICY AND PURPOSE. tion for and the administration of all neces- (1) Emergency Government is the prepara- saryfunctions, otherthan functions forwhich the military forces are primarily respcnsible , to minimize and repair injury and damage re- sulting from disaster caused by enemy at- tack, sabotage, or other hostile action, or.by fire, flood or other natural causes that normal government can not administer. (2) Emergency Government once initiated shall be responsible for the: (a) Continued functions of normal government; (b) Minimize the effect of the emergency upon the citizen8 of the community; restoration of vital public utilities and (c) Commence emergency repaira to enable facilities; County Office of Emergency Government: (d) Coordinate the response with the State Division of Emergency Government: and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. (e) Request a declaration of a 'State of Emereend from the Governor under ~rovi- '6.02 DIRECTOR OF EMERGENCY sions of Wkonsin Statute Chapter 166. GOVERNMENT: (1) Appointment. (a) The Emergency Government Director shall be appointed by the Mayor eubject to confirmation by the Common Council and shall receive such salary an may be author- ized by the Common Counc& He shall take and file an official oatli. (b) Deputy and Assistarit'Directors may be appointed by the'Director, subject to the ap- proval of the Mayor and the Common Council as may be deemed necessary, and such ap pintees shall receive such compensation as may be determined by the Common Council. . (a) The Director shall be the Executive head of the Emergency Government and shallhavedirectresponsibilityfortheorgani- zation, administration and operation of the Emergency Government mbject to .the direc; tion and control of the vayor and the COUP mon Council. - (2) Authority of the Director (3) Duties of the DGe&r. (a) Develop emergency plans consistent with the City's needs and County, State and Federal plans. prograIIlS. (b) Direct local training and exercising (e) Cooperate and coordinate with the County Director of Emergency Management. .L (dl Prepare and submit any requesta and documentations necessary. for Emergency Government operations. 6.03 UTILIZATION OF EXISTING SER- VICES AND FACILITIES. In Dremrina and executing an emergency govininentidan, the Director shall utilize the services. equip ment. supplies and facilities of the existing departments and agencies of the City to the maximum extent practicable; ed the officers and personnel of all such departmenta and agencies are directed to cooperate with and elrtsnd such services and facilities to the Director. J 6.04 EMERGENCY REGULATIONS. Whenever necessary to meet an emergency :for which adequateregulations have not been or in his absence the Director of Emergency adopted by the Common Council, the Mayor, Government, may by proclamation promula- gate and enforce such orders. rules and reg- ulations relating to the conduct of persons and theuse ofproperty an shall be necessary and preserve lives and property and to insure to protect the public peace, health and safety, the cooperation necessary in emergency gov- ernment activities. Such proclamations shall be posted in 3 public places and may be re- scinded'by the Common Council by resolution 6.05 MUTUAL. AID AGREEMENTS. The Di- at any time. rector of Emergency Government may, sub- enter into mutual aid agreementa with other politid aubdivisions. Copies of such wee- menta shall be filed with the County Director of Emergency Management. 6.06 DECL4RATION OF EMERGENCIES. A Declaration Of an Emergency may be made by the Governor, by the Mayor or the Director of Emergency Government in the absence of the Mayor, or by the Common Council. The Director of Emergency Government shall issue all necessary proclamations as to the existenceofsuchstateofemergencyandshall isriue such disaster warnings or alerts 88 shall be required in the emergency govern- ment plan. Such state of emergency shall continue un- til terminated by the issuing authority. pro- vided that any such declaration not issued by theGovernar may be terminated at the din- &tion of the Common Council. 6.07 VIOLATIONS. No person shall will- fully obstruct, hinder or delay any member of the, Emergency Government organization in the enforcement of any order, rule, regula- tion, or plan issued pursuant to this chapter ordoanyactforbiddenbyanyorder,rule,reg- dation, or plan issued pursuant to the au- thority contained in this chapter. 6.08 PENALTY. Any person who shall vi* late any provision of this chapter or any or- der, rule or regulation made hereunder shall be subject to a penalty a8 provided in see. 26.04 of this Municipal code. ordinance are declared to be severable. If any SECTION 2 The several sections of this section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision ofa court ofcompetentjurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, sections, or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any other ordinance whose terms are in did with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed an tothose terms that conflict. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in full fame and effect From and after its passage and ~.~ ~ ~ ~ publication. DAY OF JANUARY, 1993. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 12TH Wayne G. Salentine, Mayor First Reading 12/22/92 AlTEST ~~ City Clerk Published on the 21st day of January, 1993. 12/92jmb