ORD1992773COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGOā€¯ AMENDED ORDINANCE #I13 . AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO TO COMPLY WITH COMPREHENSIVE MASTER PLAN THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION 1: The properties listed on Exhibit A-1 attached hereto and made a part hereof are hereby rezoned as indicated on said Exhibit to comply with the Comprehensive Master Plan adopted by the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego on September 15, Council. 1992 and any changes made by the Plan Commission or Common declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall SECTION 2: The several sections of this ordinance are be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified provisions, sections, or portion thereof of the ordinance which in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are shall remain in full force and effect. Any other ordinance whose hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 8TH DAY OF DECEMBER , 1992. CITY OF MUSKEGO eel,, 4 k-lLLZd Wayge G. Salentine, Mayor First Reading 11/24/92 ATTEST: Published on the 17th day of December, 1992. 11/92jmb NNNNNNNN ZNN NNN NNNNNNNP rr = ZPI-I- NNNNNNN4 44 44m NFW wwwwwwww ww 2 2www wwwwwwwm mw mwwwwwww ww wwm om4-.1-~mw4 40 wr4 :.. ........ ... ... 000 0 000 0 WPN P rr Pm ax m r. m P W Lnww4 0000 .... mmmw I- m ma .. WP 0 44 Wvlvl ... we woo 00 0 m STATE OF WISCONSIN ) ) 5s. Milwaukee Counly ) Crn"kG0 Official Notice lu, Published on the 17th day ofDerembar. 1992. ly92imb AlTACHMErn TO ORDINANCE 0173 EXHIBITA-1 Tha rdloaing properties bars ben identi. fied by the Plan Comminsioo and the Cam- mm Council oi the City or Mukcgo and should ba rezoned in order to implement the Comprehensive bod Une Plan which WYIUI adopkd on Septembv 15.1992: rAx KEY *: PROPOSED CHANGE: OWNER: ACREAGE: chard\ 75.0 2169.987. RDmRs-1 0 ME. Wsyme Bor- 2171.991. From R9-1 to ME. Robert w. Stack. 6.010 olyn Baaae. 79.930 lyo Basae lyn Basse 2172.999.FmmRs-ltoRsE,Alvin&Car. 2172.999. Fmm 8-3 to RSE. Alvin & cam. 2172.999, Fmm B-4 to ME. Alvin & Cem- 2173.990. From RS-1 to ME. Dan Q vi& 2178.997. Fmm Rs.2 to R.1. Eugene & H 2178.997. Fmm 1-1 to R-1, Eugene & H verhalen. .A4 KraWow, 16.690 Kraklnv Bonnie Kraltlow. 1.120 Dma. 9.540 . . . 2178.997.001.FromRs-2toR-1.Ri~hardQ 2223.999. From -1 to RS-2. Thelma 2223.998, Fmm RS-2toRs-2.Am.Cauege. 2223.997. From RS-1 to Rs-2. AM College 2221.997.002, Fmm Rs-l to Rs.2. Randall 2223.991.001. Fmm Rs1 ta Rs-2, Brian L 2221.998.003, Fmm Rs-I to Rs.2. Robert 2221.980, Fmm Rs-l to RS3. Bosh Con. 15.644 & Catherine Leek. ,730 Schneider. ,960 RsdUrcLcc Collins. .980 aUumon. 19.580 .. (Signed) . . ........ .. BOOKKEEPER, ~oniinancearehembyre~aledestothose terms that mnnict. fomandeRectimmandafferitapaa.agemd SECTlON3ThisardinanutahallbeiniulI publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THls 8m DAY OF DECEMBER, 1992. Weyne 0. Selentine. Mayor CITY OF MUSKEW . ."" term$ BR in mdliit with tbe pronaiona or First RLsdiog 1ma2 Id Jean K Marenda ATTEST: City Clerk ~oniinancearehembyre~aledestothose terms that mnnict. fomandeRectimmandafferitapaa.agemd SECTlON3ThisardinanutahallbeiniulI publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THls 8m DAY OF DECEMBER, 1992. Weyne 0. Selentine. Mayor CITY OF MUSKEW . ."" term$ BR in mdliit with tbe pronaiona or First RLsdiog 1ma2 Id Jean K Marenda ATTEST: City Clerk COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #I13 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP TO COMPLY WITH COMPREHENSIVE MASTER PLAN OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO THE COMMON CO OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : hereto and made are hereby rezoned as indicated on SECTION 1: listed on Exhibit A-1 attached said Exhibit to Comprehensive Master Plan adopted by the Plan of Muskego on September 15, 1992. or portion thereof shall PASSED AND APPROVED THIS , 1992. Wayne G. alentine, Mayor ATTEST : City Clerk I) 11/92 jmb EXHIBIT A-1 ATTACHMENT TO ORDINANCE #773 The following properties have been identified by the Plan Commission and the Common Council of the City of Muskego and should be rezoned in order to implement the Comprehensive Land Use Plan which was adopted on September 15, 1992: Tax Key Number Proposed Chanqe Owner Name 2169.987 From RS-1 to RSE Borchardt 2171.991 From RS-1 to RSE Stack 2172.999 From RS-1, 8-3, .S B-4 to RSE Basse 2173.990 From RS-1 to RSE 2178.997 From RS-2 and 1-1 to R-1 Verhalen Kraklow 2178.997.001 2223.999 From RS-2 to R-1 From RS-1 to RS-2 Kraklow 2223.998 From RS-1 to RS-2 Dams Am. College 2223.997 From RS-1 to RS-2 2223.997.002 Am. College From RS-1 to RS-2 2223.997.001 Leek From RS-1 to RS-2 Schnieder 2223.998.003 2223.980 From RS-1 to RS-2 Collins From RS-l to RS-3 Boehm Const. 0