ORD1992771COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #77 1 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO RS-2 to RS-2/0PD -- Plum Creek THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, FOLLOWS : SECTION 1: The following described property is rezoned from RS-2 to RS-2/0PD: DO ORDAIN AS hereby PLUM CREEK. 'being a subdivision of p?rt of the Noriheas: Quarter (NE 1/4) and the Southenst Ouorter (SE 1/4) of the Soutltwest Ounrter (S'N 1/4) of Section 17 Township 5 North, R~~~~ 20 East. City of Muskego. 'Waukesha Cou?ly. Wisconsin. bounded and dsscribed as follows: olona the south line of said Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) 1342.185 feet to :he west line of the East 1/2 of soid Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Southwest Quafler (SW lja): thence South 88'18'06 West Southwest Quarter: thence North 01'04'07' West along the said west line 518.523 feet to the extension of the north line af Certified Surrey -Map No. 1478 os' recorded os document no. 300573 in volume 10. pages 62 and 63 of CSM's. Waukesh County Ergistry an October 25. 1971; thence North 88';i'14 Ecst along said extenstion which lies to the northeost cnd :o the place of beginning of the lands herein to be described: thence northwesterly 31.431 feet to the center li-e of Woods Rood and the beginning of a cure of radius 488.730 feet. center of along said center line and C-c of soid curve i76.120 feet. the chard of scid orc bearing North 11'2A'li.S- West along the said west line 213.661 feet to the north right-of-wcy line of proposed Plum Creek 175.166 feet to the west lire of :he Eost 1/2 of said Southwest Quarter jS'N 1/4): thence No?,h 01'04'0i' West Poad and the south line extended of Certified Survey Mop No. 6@28 os re:lrded as document no. 1756192 in VOlUmE 57. ?ages 150 - 1.54 of CSM's. Waukesha County Zegistry on August 6. 1032: thence North 88'52'14- East along said north right-of-way line and south line of soid CSM 40.000 feet to the southwest corner of Lot '4 0: said CSM and east right-of-way line of Woocr Road: thence continuing North 88'52'14' East olona the said north ricnt-of-way line and said south line o! Lot 4 5.535 lee! to the beginning of a curve line ond along the arc of said curve 60.408 feet. the chord of said arc beoring South 79'25'25- East 60.000 of radius 150.000 feet. the -enter of which. lies to the south: thence southeosterly along the said north right-of-woy feet to the beqinning of a r*',erse CUNB of rodius 100.000 feet. center 01 "nich lies to he north: thence south- easterly along :he said no<, right-of-way and along the OK of said curve 33.894 feet. the chord of said arc West along tha east line of soid Lot 4 152.567'feet to the northeast comer of said Lot *: thence North 8i.43'09' beoring South 77'65'55.5- ;-st 33.732 feet to the southeast corner of said Lot 4: thence. North 07'07'46- East along the south, line oi Lot 3 56.44i feet to the southeast corner oi Lot 3: :hence North 01'04'07 West along the eost line of Lots ;-3 of said CSM 264.414 feet to the south linr of Certified SurJey Map No. 6757 as recorded as document no. T732163 in volume 56. pages 249 - 251 of CIY's. Woukesho County Registry on May of said CSM: thence North C1'04'OT West along the east line of said CSM 382.914 feet to the northeast corner 14. 1992: thence North 88'55'5X East along the south line of soid CX 6?.160 feet to the southeas: corner of said CSM: thence North €8'18'16- East 292.079 feet to the north right-21-way line of proposed Plum Creek Eoad and the beginnin? of a cuwe of radius 330.000 feet. center of nnich lies to the south: thence north- easterly aiana the said nor3 right-ai-way line and along the arc of said curve37.542 feet. the chord of soid arc line 217.280 feet: thence So,Jth 25'07'66- East 182.691 feet: thence South a6'10'05' East Si 736 feet: bearing North 65'36'41.5- E:st 37.522 feel: thence North 6652'14- East .along the said north right-of-way West 59.500 feet: thenci Sodth 65'27'1 1. East 201.551 feet: thence South 31'3.5'60" East 677.958 feet to thence South 09'24'52" East 162.630 leet: thence South 13'51'54- West 90.433 feet: thence South 02'15'47 Of CSM's.. Woukesha County ?egistry on June 2. 1992; thence South 88'17.i' West along the north the north line of Certified Survey Map No. 1040 as recorded as document ;IO. 739744 in volume 7. pages 41 and 4-2 line of ,Parcel A and B of scid CSM and along the nortti line of said CSM lio. 1478 and its extension 1071..465 :eet to the place of beginning. Containing a gross area as meosured to the center line of Woods Road and the west line of the East !/2 oi 1.043.240 square feet (23.049 acres) of land and a net area of 1.027.643 square feet (23.501 pcres) of land. 0 DEDICATING the west 40 !eet of the oforedescribed lands 01 which 33 feet has previously been dedicated for right-of-way purposes of Woods Rood. Ordinance #771 Page 2 declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall SECTION 2: The several sections of this ordinance are be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, sections, or portion thereof of the ordinance which terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are shall remain in full force and effect. Any other ordinance whose hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication, and upon adoption of Resolution #284-92, approving the final plat and subdivider's agreement. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 25TH DAY OF NOVEMBER , 1992. CITY OF MUSKEG0 First Reading 11/10/92. ATTEST: 11/92 Published on the 3rd day of December , 1992. STATE OF WISCONSIN ) Milwaukee County ) )SI. CITY OF MUBIKEGO Off iwotice COMMON COUNCIL ORDINWCE 1771 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF .. .. . .. . 7"~ ,:$ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOOKKEEPER,