ORD1991726AMENDED J COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSXEGO ORDINANCE #I26 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO RS-I/RS-Z/B-Z/W to RS-3/0PD -- Lake Forest Addn. #1 I THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION 1: The following described property is hereby rezoned from RS-l/RS-Z/B-Z/W to RS-3/0PD: "Lpke Forest", being n subdivision of thnt part of the Suuthmt 1/4 and the Southenst U4 sdon of the Southwut U4 of Sdlm 3 the Suuthmst U4 mUon nnd the Southeast U4 SCCUOE or the Southenst 114 of Sfetiun 3 and the Northmt U4 section and the Northemst U4 sstlon or the Yorthenst U4 Section If, Town 5 Yonh, Rnnge 20 Enst, in the Citp of Muskego. Waukesha Countp, Wisconsin including thernto Ourlot 1 ol Certified Surne? .Mop No. 2540, being mom particnlarl? bounded and ducrilml as lollows: plnce of beginning of lnnds herelnafler described: Cornmencine nt the South U4 cnrncr of said Sectioo 3, snid point also being the \ dsnid Section 3, 269421 feet to the Southwest comer of said Section 3 and the Southenst Runninc thence South 88' 38' 03" West nlong the South llne or the Southmt U4 cnrner of Ynller Vim Bcighu" 8 recorded subdlvision plaq Thence .North 01' 26' 3r West dong the Wut line at the Southwest U4 ol Ssrioo 8, 1533.i7 kt to a point in the South line of "Hillendale Hcighu" n recorded subdlvislon plaq Thence .North 88' 17' 22. East ah5 the South lioe of "Ellleadale Heighrc' 2216.49 feet to a point being the Northwest corner ol Certfied Surre?. Mnp No. 2840; Thence Southcnsterl? 10134 feet whuse mdius is ?20.00 leet and wbose chord bears South 14' 19' 07" !kt, 100.42 feet to alung the I5131 line of said Outlot 1 nnd the nrc of a cum whose center lies to the !kt, Swthwest comer of said Outlot 1; Thence South 01' d2' 38" Gost, 262.00 feet to the the Southenst corner of Jnid Outlot 1: Thence South 88' 17' 22' Wesr, -1 ' 92 feet to the Southwest corner ol CertiDed Survel Map No. 2840; Thence Nonh 88' 21' 48" Enst, 605.00 43" West, ?4OJ9 feet to a point In the North line or Snnctueq Drive: Thence South 26' feet 10 the Southenst curner of raid Certified Survey Map No. 2840; Thence South 28' 02' 36' 13" West. 60.93 feet lo the South tine of Sanctueq Drlrr, Thence South 14' 22' 04. west. 153.01 reel In m poinq The& North 77. 26' 40" West, 91.67 feet to n puioq.nence South 3' 17' 1Y !kt I3523 leet to n point Thence South 20' 16' 31" West, 7524 feet Suuthmsterfr, 10.07 leet along the arc of snid curve, whose center lies to the Southenst, la a point Thence South 71' 20' 00' !&st, UO.00 feet to LI point in n cnme: ?hence whose radius is 60.00 leet and whose chord beDn South 09' 05' 00. West, 19.98 ret to J point: Thence South 89' 30' 00' Wa& U5.00 leer to n poius Thence South 09' 47' 09. Enst U7L6 reel Lo n point Tnence South 60' 40' 00. Enst, 30.00 feet IO a poinr; Thence Struth 33' 21' 00' Enst. 104.2 ret to a poinq Thence Nonh 89' 40' 49' Enst, 218.47 r& 00" Enst, 135.98 feet to a point: "hence South 97' 08' 31' East, 107.03 ret to a polnt; tn n poink Thence Suuth 62' 24' 24' Enst, U5.69 f&t to a poiaq Thence South 76' 49 Thence Soulh 79' a7 UT %st, 3154 feet to a poi04 lllencc South 48'16 43' bst, St08 leet tn a point: Thence South 29' 16' 00" East, 323 feet to n point In the Suuth line of the Suuthnur 114 nl Seedon 3: Thence Soutb 38' 1.9' 33' Wesq 615.38 feet to the point of beginning. Excepting fhcrermrn those pa- hemalorn dedlmted for publtc~ucet purposa J Ordinance #726 Page 2 declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall SECTION 2: The several sections of this ordinance are be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified provisions, sections, or portion thereof of the ordinance which in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other shall remain in full force and effect. Any other ordinance whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. effect from and after its passage and publication, and upon adoption of Resolution #271-91. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 22ND DAY OF OCTOBER , 1991. SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and CITY OF MUSKEG0 tine, Mayor ATTEST : Published on the 31st day of October , 1991. 979 1 COMMON COUNCIL AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZON-' ORDINANC?E # 726 ING MAP OF THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 RS-l/RS-2/I" to RS-3lOPD- .- Lake ~ ~" ~ ~ ~ Forest Addn. # 1 THE COMMON COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO.ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS property is hereby mzmed from RS-1m-Y SECTION 1: The follohng described B-2Mr to RS-30PD part ofthe S.outhwest 1/4 and the Southeast "Lake Forest", being a subdivision of that 1/4 section ofthe Southwest 114 of Section8 .. the Southwest 1/4 'eection and the Southeast and the Northwest 1/4 section and the 1/4 section of the Southeast 114 of Seetion 8 Northeast 1/4 section of the Northeast v4 Section 17, Town 5 North, Range 20 East. in the City of Muskego. Waukesha ,,County; Wisconsin including thereto Outlot 1 Of Certified Survey Map No. 2840, being more particularly bounded and described aa- follows: said Section 6, said point ala0 beingthe place Commencing at the South 114 corner Of of beginning of lands hereinabr, described: Ruing thence South 88" 38' 03" west. along the South line of the.Southwest.l/4 of, corner of said seetion 8 and the Southeast said Section 8.2694.21, feet to the Southweat subdivisiqn plat; Thence North 01" 26'"35" comer of Valley.View. Heights" a reeded West along the.West line of the'Southw6et 114 of section 8;1333:77feet to a po5t in+- South .line of, "Hillendale Heights" a recorded subdivision plat; Thenin North. 88" 17' 22" East along the South line of, "Hillendale Heights' 2216.48 feet to 8 yint being the Northwest corner of Certified survey Map No, 2840; Thence Southeaebrb 101.~4 feet along the East line of said Outlot 1 and the of a de whose center lies to the East,, who& radius ,is 230.00 feet and whose chord bears South 14" 19' 07" East. IOO:CZ teet to-~ Sovtheaet corner. of said. outlot I; 'Fhence.&utb &E@%&"r!Y% d&ot g~:$ence s&&"oI~' k21 88' &as$; 262.00 feet ~ tb' thw 6wt' ,pmar',of Certified Survey Map No. 2840; Tlience North 88" 21' 48" East, 605.00 feet to the Southeast corner of said Certified Survey Map No, ~ 2840; Thence South 28" 02' 43" West, 240.39 feet to a point in the North line of Sanctuary drive;^ Thence South 26" 36' 18" West, 60.83 feet tn the South line of Sanctuary Drive; Thence South 14" 22' 04" West, 153.01 feet to a point; Thence North 77" 26' 40" West, 91.67 feet to a point; Thence South 64" 17' 15" West, 135.23 feet to a point; Thence South 20" 16' 31: West. 7524 feet to a point; Thence South 71' 20' Thence Southwesterly., 20.07 feet &ng the 00" East.120.00 feet to a point in. a cyme; aic of said curve,'whose center lies to the Southeast, whose.radius 'is:60.80 fe&"d 19.98 feet to a point; Thence South 89" 30' whose chord hears South 09" 06' 00" West, 00" West; 125.00 feet. to 'a~ point; Thence South,OSt 47'091 Bast 127:56 feet to a point Thence South 60" 40' 00," East, 80.00 feet to a point; Thence South 83" 21"'OO,"'-East. 104.72 feet to. 8' point;. Thence North 89" 40'49" East, 218.47 feet.ta a point Then- South 62: 24' 24" East 135.69 feet.to a point; Thence South 76' 49' bo" Eait, 134.88 feet to a:pojnt; ThThsnce~South 87: 08' 31" East, 48" East, 81.54 feet to a point; Thence South 107.03 feet to a point; Then? South 79" 67' 48" 46: 43," :East, 81.08 .feet to a point: 'peiice South 2y 16' 00" East. 32.78 feet to a point'in the South line ofthe Southeast 114 of Section 8: Thence South 88' 18' 33" West. 615.88.feet to the. Doint~ofbegjMing. 21.82 feet to tbe SOuhhWB~~~P of i ................... a newspaper published al ... Musk ego ............... Wisconsin and that an adverlisemenl 01 which the annexed is a ttue COPY. taken from said paper, was published therein on ........................... .......................... ..... * /qy&/9/. ......... ........................... .......................... " 3,. ?.&. .... ..... * BOOKKEEPER. My Commission expires'. ., ....... .APR 1 L 31. . 19 .93 COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #726 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP' \ RS-l/RS-Z/B-2/W to RS-3/0PD -- Lake Forest Addn. tl OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO \' ORDAIN AS ~ : The following described property is hereby S-I/RS-2/B-2/W to RS-3/0PD: , , .. "Lnke Forest", being n subdivision of Sntiun 3 and the t 114 sectlon and the Northeast U4 sectlon of the Northenst U4 plnce of beginning of lnndr corner of said Section 8 and the Southeast South line nf 'Eillendnle Heights' a Enst dong the South Ilne ar "Blllen ights" 2216.48 ret IO a point being the nhng the brt line of sald Outlot 1 nnd t Southwest corner of mid Outlot 1; Thence ' 42' 38" East, 262.00 feet to the ary Drive: Thenee South 26' whuse rndius is 60.00 Ieet and whose chord bars South 09' wut, 19.98 ret to South 09' 47' OY Thence South 79' aT 4g East, 8154 feet to n pine Thence South 48' Ieet to a poinl: Thence South 29' 16 00" East, 3278 feet to a point in Iwginning.