ORD1991721AMENDED a 0 * COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #721 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (RS-2 to RSA -- Paschke) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSINl DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION 1: The following described property is hereby rezoned from RS-2 to RSA if the following conditions are met: 1. Site approval is obtained and that said site approval to be obtained will only be given for two family side-by-side row houses; and 2. That the above condition shall be included in a deed restriction to be approved by the City and recorded no later than September 30, 1991; and 3. Road dedication be made by property owner. All that part of the SW 1/4 of Section 9, and the NW 1/4 of Section 16, T5N. R20E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at a point on the South line of Section 9, also being the North line of Section 16, said point being due West of and 1054.95 feet distant from the South Quarter corner of said Section 9; thence continuing due west, along said South one-eighth line, 38.00 feet; thence N 89O 45' W. 48.00 feet; thence N 6O 0' E, line, 280.50 feet to the one-eighth corner; thence S 0' 24' 30" W, along the 54.50 feet; thence N 86O 30' E, 22.00 feet; thence N 9' 46' 30" E, 209.35 feet; thence N 21' 10' 20" W, 311.00 feet; thence N 83' 19' 30" E, 207.00 feet; thence N 79O 50' 21" E, 56.77 feet; thence N 83' 49' 00" E, 155.00 feet; thence S 3O 49' W. 566.10 feet to the place of beginning. Said land contains 4.10 acres. to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, sections, or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any other ordinance whose terms are in conflict with. the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict . SECTION 2: The several sections of this ordinance are declared SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication, but if said conditions stated above are not met within the time stated, this ordinance is null and void and the RS-2 zoning is in full force and effect. I Ordinance #721 Page 2 * PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 13TH DAY OF AUGUST , 1991. , CITY OF MUSKEG0 ATTEST : Published on the 22nd day of August, 1991. ’0 STATE OF WISCONSIN ) Milwaukee Counly ) ) ss. ORDINANCE #721 AN ORDINANCE TO MND !; ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF (RS-2 to RSA -- Paschke) MUSKEGO OF MUSKEW, YSCONSIN, DO ORDAIN^ THE COWON COUNCIL OF THE CITY FOL~wS:"- ,."*>. .* " . .- -. > SECTION 1: The following- described property is hereby rezoned fmm RS-2 to RSA if the folloying conditions are met: 1. Site approval is obtained and that aaid given for two family side-by-side row houses; site approval to be obtained will only be and 2. That tiie above condition ahall be included in a deed restriction to be approved by the City and recorded no later than September 30, 1991;.apd owner. 3. Road dedication be^ made by property All that part of the-SW 1/4 of Sdion 9, and the NW 114'of -ion 16, T5N, R20E. in the City of Muskego, WHaukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and desaibed an fol- lows: Commencing-at a poiit on the South line of Section 9. also being the North line of +oc 16. said poiat-being due Weat of and 1054.95 feet dii@nt fmm the South Quwr comer of, said, .?&ion 9; thence, continuing due west, along said South line. 280.50.feet to the oneei_ghtti corner; thence S Q?24'3@- W, along the ,oneeighth line, 38.OO.feet; thence N 89" 45'.W, 48.00 feet; then-, N 6' 0' E, 54.50.feet;.thence N 86" 30' E,, 22.00 feet; thence, N~ 9" -46'. 30"~ E, 209.35 feet; thence N 21' 10; 20," W. 311.OC~feet; thence N 83" 19' 30" E, 207.00 feet; thence N W'50' 21" E, 56.77 feet; thence N 83" 49' 00" E, 155.00 feet; thence S,3'49' W, 566.10 feet to the place of beginning. Said land contniis';l.lO.acren. ordinance are declared ta be severable. If SECTION 2: The several +om of this any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of B murt of mmpe- tent jurisdiction to be invalid, &+I, ,or unenfo+abl6, such decision &all apply ,only to +e SpecWc seetion or portioh thereof directly'n-ed in the decision.'and not dect'txe validity or'dI other broviaions, sictions. or~portioi thereof of the ordinance which &all remain in full force end effect. Any +er oenyce whme terms ~ e,~ in conflict with the pmvisioje of thie. ordinance are hereby repeal+,as.td those -s.that conflict., .' .. full 'force aid effect hin and @ar ita SECTION 3: o&an,ce shall be in paasage-apd publiytion. but if said mndi: tions atatad above mF6tm wWn *e time ahtad, thin ordinance in null and "old and &i-k%? roning + iri full force and effect- .- - ... ,,-. .. ~ " DAY OF AUGUST, 1991. PASSD AND APPROVED THIS 13TH CITY OF MUSKEGO /&'lame G. Salentine. AITEST: IdJean K M-nda The.. . hrskog!o .SUII.. ...................... Wisconsin and that an adverlisemenl of which Ihe annexed is a Cue copy, taken Irom said paver, was published lherein on a newspaper published al ... Muake~u. .............. 0; ........................... ........................... ........ - 40.6. ;4 i;. 1ggf. ....... ........................... ......................... ...... (Signed). BOOKKEEPER,