ORD1991705AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO ORIIINANCE #705 AN ORDINANCE 'ro AMEND THE ZONING IMP (RS-1 /RS-2,fB-2 /W TO RS-3 OPD) OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (Lake Forest Subdivision - Terra Development) ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO rezoned from RS-1 /RS-2fB-2/\1 to RS-3 (OPD): SECTION 1: The following described property is hereby UGbL DESCRIF'tION: Shds Barnlllv (Phase ?hat p~~t 01 the Southeast l/4 rmlon of the Southwest 114 of S&im 8 the Southwest l/4 sdoa and the Southmat 1/4 section or the southeast U4 of Sectlun 8 and the Northrest 1/4 don end the No~easc V4 #ecrlon of the Northenst U4 Seciloo 17, Town 5 North; knge 20 East, In the Clty of .Muskcl(o, Wankesha County, Wtrcnnsln, belnl more parIicnhrly bounded and described as fouowar Commeddug nt the Sonlh U4 mmer of snld Sectlon 8; Thence North 88' 18' 33" IIast along the Sonth llne or Sonthes.lt :U4 or snld Scetlon 8, 61888 feet lo the plnce nr bcgiMlng of lands harlnak deaalld Rnnnlng thence North 29' 16' OQ' West, 32.78 reel tn R p1nQ Thencs North 48' 46' 43" West, 8108 feet (0 a point; Thenca N,orth 79. S7 48" West, 8154 kt tn n pin(; Ihence Nod 87' 08' 31' West, 107.03 feet (0 a poht; Thence North 76' 49' 00" Wnt, 134.88 reet to a pols@ Thence Nod 62' 24' ,24" West, 135.69 feet lo'. point; Thence Sonth 89' 40' 49' We$& 218.47 hekt to a polnq Thence North 83' 211 00. West, 104.72 feet lo n pnlnl; ?heam North 60' 4V W West, OOAB ret In n pliitl lheacc Nnrlh 09' 47' 09" \kt, 12736 feet to n polnt; IBence North IW* 30' 00" fist, 12100 kt to a print on Ihc nrc nr a curve+ Thence Northeasterly, 20.07 feet dung the nre or ~ld CII~ whose center lie3 10 Ihe Elst, whnse mdlus Is 60.00 ret and wlme ehnrd hcnrs North 09' Os' 00" Fmt, 1998 kt to n polnt; Thma Nurth 71' 20' 00" West, 120.0 feet In n pnlnl: Thence Nurth 20' mence Sonth 77. 26' 40" Eist, !PIA7 &et lo R pnlnt; Ilwnce Nnrth 14- 22' M' End, 16' 31' East, 75.24 leet tn a point: lkence Nnrlh 54" 17' 15' Fagr, 13S23 Re1 III n polnl: 1n.61 kel to a pobQ Thence Nnrfh :C6' 36' 18" East, 60.83 Ice1 In (I pnlnl: Ihcnce Nnrlh S' 02' 43' East, 2439 Ten to a pint; Ihencc Norlh 01' 42' 3ff Wcst. 120.00 fcrt 11) n pnlnl~ Thence South 67. 57' 36- I'n!:t, 36.336 reel to m Imlnl; Thence Snulh 07' 5.3' 24" Fnsq 17731 feet lo n polnc: Thencc Sonth 3R" 17' 0.2" Wesl, 142.87 reel 141 n pnlnt; lhenec: lo a pllnt; thence Sonth 44' 31' 46" Ens& 66.00 Tee( In n pnlnc; llwnce South 81' 52' 3' !hth 23' 31' 26 West, 114.02 feet Lo n pain(; Ihrnce Snuth 29" 16' 01." Wc*t, 6.536 Irrt hgt, 72.21 let lo a poln!; Thence Snu111 86' JR' 00" Fnnl. 127.44 feet In n pnlnl: ll~cnce South 72' 09' 2!T Enat, U7.00 reel: III n pint; 'Ihcnce South 62' 00' 00' Fmt, 126-16 rrei tn a polnc; Thence Snulh 49' 36' 00' Fnsl, 126-36 feet In n ping lhcnce Snuth 37' I? 00" Enst, 12636 fret ID n pnlnt; 'lh,inee Snlrth 33' OS 01 Fnst, 87.50 Tee1 In D pint: Thence Nurth 63' 12' 47" East, WPO feet IIJ a Imlnl; 'Ihcnce North 86' 57' 13" F&, 108.90 kt In a poinq Thence Sotlflt !!so 20' 00" Fnst, 120.00 kt IO a pint: 'Ihcncr Snwh 26' 4Y JY Enst. 120.04 rwt tn n point; Illence Nnrfh 69' 00' 00" Fnst. 120.00 rccl 111 n pnlntt lhence South 76' 29' 26- Tmc., 82.20 Ret In n plnlr Iheacc South 60' 56 00" Fnsl. declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, sections, or portion thereof of other ordinance whose terms are in conflict with the provisions the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 2: The several sections of this ordinance are SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, execution of Subdivider's Agreement and Final Plat by the City and publication. Passed and approved this 22nd day of January , 1991. CITY OF MUSKEGO ATTESh WAYNE G. SALENTINE, MAYOR . \ COMPlON COUNCIL - ORDINANCE 8705 AN ORDINANCE TO Ilf4E:JD THE ZONI OF THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 (RS-I /3S-2/B-2/W TO Forest Subdivision - THE COE~~N\COUNCIL OF THE CITY WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOW \ SEC'rION 1: The following is hereby rezoned from RS-1 /X!S-2/B-2/'W to part uT the Srulhrcst 1/4 nnd\the S~o~~ibearl \ Sccliun 8 the Suulhwest 114 sccliun nnd the :iuulhensl 114 section or the Smalhensl 1/4 or Secli~on 8 nnd Ihe Nurthwcsr 114 secliurhd the Nurlhenrl 114 scctlun uI lhe Nurthwst 114 1 Seclilrn 17, Tuwn S Nurth, Range 20 Wisnrnsin includlng thereto Oull111 I pnrticulnrly hrundcd nnd described as firllun Cwnmencing nt the Suuth 1/4 Scctl~on 8, sniJ pin1 nlw king lhe Nurth 01' 26' 35' to n pint in lhe 68' 17' 22' Fnsl nlmg the Suuth line uf "Il!llendnle Ileighls" 2216.48 feel 111 n prlnl king lhc Nurthwest orrner 111 Certified Survey hlnp No. 2840; 'Illen& Srulhenslcrly 101.24 feel along: the Ibsl line of mid Oullul 1 nnd the )arc of n cume wh~oy cenlcr lies (I) the bsl, whvse rndlur Is 230.00 reel nnd whose chd knrs South 14' 19 07" lhsl, 100.42 reel 1u ll~e Suulhenrl cnrner ursaid Oull~rt I; Thence &ruth 88' 17' 2ZA\Yerl, 2I.Y2 feel 11) the Snulhwcst curner ut mid Oull~ol I; Thence .511ulh 01' 4.2' 311" bs!, 262.00 lee1 III the \ 38' West, 120.00 feet 111 a 142.87 feel lu n prlnl; Thence South 23' SI' 26 West, 114.02 feel 29' 16' 01' West, 65.86 ret In n print; Thcnlce Suulh 44' 31' pin(; Thence South 81' 52' 34' limsc, 72.21 fml lo n pior; Thence South 86' 48; 00' East, 127.44 reel tu a prinl; Thenee Suulb 12' 09' 2:;' Enr~ 127.00 r-t (0 a prlnl; ncnp Such 62' 00' 00' Enst, 12656 feel In a puinl; Thence S~outh 49' 36' 00" Enst, I2636 PI lu n prinl; 7hence Suuth 37' 12' 00' Eassl, 12636 feel IO n prinl; l'hence Srulh 33' 03' 03' K.ns1. 87.50 feel 11) D prlnl; Thcnm North 63' 12' 47' bst,145.901eel UI m plnl;,T%enct lo n prlnl; Then- South 26' 45' 4P hsr, I2O.W feel 111 a prlnl; 1hcnr-e Nudh 69' 00' North 86' 57' 1J' Ihsl, 108.90 reel IU n pinl; Thence Suuth 55' 20' 00' ffimt, 120.00 ret 00" &st, 120.00 fcel Io a prinl; Thence South 76' 29' 26' LSI. 82.20 reel lo m win(: I_ ' Ordinance #705 Page Two e Thence Soulh 60' SO' 00' East, 95.00 fccl LO a pin(; Then- South 22' 01' 35' East, 43. 48' 42' WCSG 101.41 rekt u1 win(; Thence South 41' 45' 21' WCSL, 201.~4 ret a 101.62 Ice1 tun pint; Thence South 01' 40' 00" Earl, 95.00 feel 111 n pin(; Thence Swlh West, 72.90 ret LO a plin(; Thenrr South 45. 36' Is' Well, 115.00 feel 111 a potn(;/Ilwnce pin(; Thence South 42' l8"\(t5" Easf llti.45 reel 111 a pllnt; Them South 39' 34' 11' Smth 44' 14' 04" b51, 37539 @I (0 a pint In n curve and the North line 111 Jqnesville had; Thence Suuthwtskrly, 45.03, reel a111 Jancsvillc Road; whose center Iles,tu the whwc chunl hrs South 45' 38' ST5" H Thence South 43' 52' 27' Easf 2 South 46' 07' 33" West alnng the Nnrth I the Nurth line or Jonesvlllc Rund, 2 curve, whose ccnler lies 111 lhe Southwe knrs Nurth 55' 01' 57" Wcsf 14536 rcc said curve, wbnsc ceukr lies tu the Nurt heors Ntlrth 37' 37' 593" West, 152.9 west, I 19.66 reel 111 o plint 111 curve; 'r lwinl or hginning. declared to be severable jurisdiction to be inval shall be declared by a d urt of competent decision shall apply on thereof directly specified in the validity of all other p the ordinance which shall remain other ordinance whose t of this ordinance are h conflict. this ordinance are SECTION 3: This o from and after its passage Passed and approved day I of \ , 1991. /\ CITj OF MUSKEG0 ATTEST : / -T*ii City C er WAYNk G. SALENTINE, MAYOR \ PUBLISHED THIS I / DAY OF I 19-. STATE OF WISCONSIN ) Milwaukee County ) ss . COMMON COUNCIL AMENDED CITY OF hfIlRKRPA ORDINANCE # 706 -~ """I" 1 ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE MUSKEGO (RS-l/R9-ZB-2/W TO R9-3 OPD) (Lake Fomst Subdivision - Terra Develovment) ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE T( -~ 1 ZONING MAP OF THE CITY -OF MUSKEGO (R9-1/R9-ZB-2/W TO R9-3 OPD) (Lake Fomst OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN THE-CO&ON COUNCIL OF THE CITY As FOLUIWS: SECTION 1: The following described pmmy is hereby rezoned fmm RSI/Rs2/ E-2W to RS3 (OPD): LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Single Family (Phase I): the Southweat 1f4 of Section 8 the Southwe& That Part of the Southeast 114 seetion of the Southeast 114 of Seaion 8 and the 114 section and the Southeast 114 seetion of section Ofthe Northeast 1/4 Section 17, Tom Northwest 114 aection and the Northeast 114 5 North Range 20 East. in the City of being more particularly bounded and Muskego, Waukesha County. Wisconsin, described as follows: said Seetion 8; Thence North 88' 18' 33" Commencing at the South 114 mmr of East along the South line ofSoutheast 1f4 of -id S&h 8. 618.88 feet to the place of beginning of lands hereinaRer described: Running thence North 29 18' 00" West, 32.78 feet to a point; Thence North 48' 46' 43" West, 81.08 feet to a point; Thence N& 79" 57' 48" West, 81.64 feet to a point; Thence North 87' 08' 31" West, 107.03 feet to a point; Thence North 76" 49' 00" West, 134.88 feet to a point; Thence North 62" 24' 24" Week 135.69 feet to a point; Thence South 89" 4(Y 49" West. 218.47 feet to a point; Thence North 83" 21' 00" wept, 104.72 feet to a point; Thence North 60' 40' Wed. 80.00 feet to a point; Thence NO* Thence North 89" 30' 00" East. 125.00 feet 09' 47' 09' West. 127.66 feet to a point; to a point on the arc of a me; Thence Northeaeterly, 20.07 feet dong the arc of said curve whose center lies to the E-, whose radius in 60.00 feet and whose chord barn North 09" 05' 00" East. 1998 feet to point; Thence North 71" 20' 00" west, 120.0 feet to a point; Thence North 20" 16' 31" East, 75.24 feet to a point; menee NO* 54" 17' 15" E&. 135.23 feet to a point; Thence South 77" 26' 40" Emt. 91.67 feet to a point; Thenee north^ 14" 22' 04" East, , 153.01 feet to a point; Thence North 26" 36' 28" 02' 43" East. 24.39 feet to B paint; 18" East, 60.83 feet to a point; Thence North Thence North 01" 42' 38" West, 120.00 feat tu a point; Thence South 67" 57' 36" Eaet, 24" E&. 177.81 feet to a point; Thence 363.36 feet to a point; Thence South 07" 53' South 38" 17' 02" West, 142.87 feet to a point; Thence South 23" 51' 26" We&, 114.02 feet to a point; Thence South 29' 16' 01" West. 65.86 feet tu a point; Thence South Thence South 81" 62' 34" East, 72.21 feet to 44" 31' 46" East, 66.00 feet to a point; a point; Thence South 86" 48' 00" E&. 127.44 feet to a point; Thence South 72" 09' 25" East. 127.00 feet to a point; Thence South 62" 00' 00" East, 126.36 feet to a point; Thence South 49" 36'00" East. 126.36 feet to a point: Thence South 37" 12' 00" East. 126.36 feet to a point, Thence South 33" 03' 03" East. 87.50 feet to a point; Thence North 63" 12' 47" East, 45.90 feet to a point; Thence North 86" 47' 13" East, 108.90 feet to a point; Thence South 55" 20' 00" East, 120.00 feet to a point; Thence South 26' 45' 49" East. 120.04 feet to a point; Thence ,North 69" 00' 00" Ea. 120.00 feet to a point; Thence South 76" 29 60" 50' 00".,E@t. 95.00 feet to a point; 26" East. 82.20 feet to a point; Thence South Thence South 22" 01' 33" East. 101.62 feet to 95.00 feet-to a point; Thence South 43" 48' n point; Thence South 01' 40' 00" East, South 41" 45'. 21" West, 201.84 feet to a 42" West. lOL4l feet to a point; Thence point; Then- South 42":.JS,i$V;g~t, 116.45 feet to a point;.Thence South,.,S$94' 1:" * Judith Ziolkowski being duly sworn, doth depose md say lhal he is an authorized represenlalive of The . . F~Iv+.c~u .SUI\, . . ....... a newspaper published at ... Mukegs. ........ Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the anneied is a ftae copy, laken from said paper, was published therein on . .. ....................... .......................... . ...... dP ' ........................ ........................... .... a'."" (liigned) BOOKKEEPER. .... a'."" (liigned) U BOOKKEEPER. - West, 72.90 feet to a point;. Thence:South 45" 36' 18' West, 115.00 f&'W a point; Thence 'huth 44' 14' 04" East, 375.29 feet to a point in a me and the North line of Janesville Road; Thence Southweeterly, 45.03feetalongthean:ofsaidmeandthe North lire of Janesville Road; whose center lies to .the Southwest, whom radius in 2707.40 .reat and whose chord tears South 45" 38' 57.5" Went. 45.03 feet to a point of tangency; Thence South 46" 07' 33" West along ths North line of Janesville Road. 253.50 feet to a point; Thence South 43" 52' 27" East, 27.00 feet to a point; Thence South 46" 07' 23" West along the North Line of Janesvilh Road, 29.46 feet to a point; Thence Il'orth 43'52' 27" West. 95.73 feet to n point of curve; Thence Northwesterly. center lies to the Southwest, whose radiua in 146.29 fwt along the arc of said ewe. whose 375.58 feet and whose chord bears North 55" 01' 57" West. 145.36 feet in a pint of tangency:, Thence North 66' 11' 27" West. 119.66 firt to B point of curve; Thence Northwer,terly, 119.66 feet dong the an: Of &d ewe, whom center lies to the North- east, whose radius is 160.00 feet and whwe chord bars ~~~th 37" 37' 59.5" West. 00" Weat, 993.39 feet to the point of 152.97 fmt to a point; Thence North 29" 16' beginning:. Contahiig 32.52087 ms. more or lees. SECTION 2: The several sectiona Of this ordinanw are declared to be severable. If gny sectLon or portion thereof shall be declared by a deciaion of a court of amp- tent jurisdiction to be invalid. unlswful, or unenforwable, such decision shall apply only to the specific &ion or portion thereof r,pejfied in the decision. and not ~! validity of all other pmvisiona, aeetions, ,m portion thereof of the ordinance which shill remain in full fprce and effe?. Any other ordinance whose tern mdict with the pmvisions of thin ordinanee are hedy repealed as to those terms that conllict. full Tom and efkt fmm and ita SEmIoN 3: This ordinance shall be in paasage, execution of Subdivider's. merit and Final Plat by the C~ty and publicatim. p& and approved this 22nd day Of January, 1991. CITY OF MUSKEGO WAYNE G. SALENTINE. MAYOR