ORD1990683COMMON C0Uh:CIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #683 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (Wanasekfbhlf - RS-2/B-2 to 1-1 - .. " ~. ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO rezoned from RS-2/B-2 to 1-1: SECTION 1: The following described property is hereby PT NW 1 14 :SEC 1 T5N R20E COM NW COR S 2251.26 FT E 1386 FT N & PT NW 1 /4 SEC 1 T5N R20 E EX 2251.26 FT W 1386 FT TO BGN VOL 5551235,6141364, 6631484 6731388 7451121 795/1&8 1167172 833167 EX VOL 121 3/278-280-282 CERT SURV 1011 50, 151 EX V6711712 5/85 SECTLON 2: The several sections of this ordinance are declared to be severable. 'If any section or portion thereof jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such shall be declared by a deckion of a court of competent decision shall apply only tm3 the specific section or portion thereof directly specified :in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, sections, or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any other ordinance whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 3: This ordin.3nce shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. Passed and approved this J&th - day of Ju lv , 1990 . - CITY OF MUSKEGO ATTEST : PUBLISHED THIS 19th DAY 01; jz JUlV I 19* J STATE OF WISCONSIN I ) ss. Milwaukee County ) CITY OF MUSKEG0 Official - Notice COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND ORDINANCE # 683 OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO THE ZONING MAP (WanaseWolf - RS-2/B-2 to 1.1 THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY AS FOLLOWS OF MUSKEGO. WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN property is hereby rezoned from RS-2A-2 to SECTION 1: The following described 1-1: COR S 2251.26 FT E 1386 FT N 2251.26 FT PT NW 114 SEC 1 T5N R20E COM NW W1386FTTOBGN&FTNWi/4SEC1T5N R20 E EX VOL 5551235, 6141364. 6631484 6731388 7451121 7951148 1167172 833167 EX VOL 1213/278-280-282 CERT SURV 101150, 151 EX V671/712 5/85 ordinance are declared to be severable. ,If SECTION 2: The several sections of this any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of compe- tent jurisdiction to he invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof affect the validity of all other provisions, directly specified in the decision. arid not sections, or portion thereof of the ordinance Any other ordinance whose terms am in which shall remain in full force and effect. conflict with the provisions ofthis ordinance are hereby repealed as ta those terms that conflict. SECTlON 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and aRer its passage and publication. 1990. Passed and approved this 10th day ofJuly. /slWayne,G. Salentine CITY OF MUSKEGO ~udith Ziolkowski being duly sworn. doih depose ad say that he is an authaized representative of a newspaper published at.. . Muskega.. ............. Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a true copy, taken from said paper. was published therein on The. .klp~ke.gq .SUP.. ........................ ........................... ........................... .......................... .......................... ... ..... ....................... (Signed). BOOKKEEPER, "-- MY Commission expires ..... AP.RLL .ll ..... 19 .9.3 .. ATPEST: 1dJean K. Marenda Citv Clerk Mayor PUBLISHEDTHIS 19th DAY OF July, 1990. iz