(Fire Prevention Code)
SECTION 1: Chapter 32 of the Municipal Code of the City of
Muskego, Wisconsin, is hereby repealed and recreated.
Ordinance to Repeal and Recreate Chapter 32 of the Municipal Code
of the City of Muskego (Fire Prevention Code), and adopted as
Ordinance #682, is hereby a'dopted and made part of the Municipal
Code of the City.
SECTION 2: Chapter 32 of the Municipal Code, entitled An
SECTION 3: A copy of said ordinance has been on file in the
Office of the City Clerk an83 open to public inspection for not
less than two weeks prior to the date of this ordinance and said
ordinance is hereby incorporated into the Municipal Code of the
City. ,
SECTION 4: The several sections of this ordinance are
declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof
shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent
jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such
decision shall apply only t3 the specific section or portion
thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect the
validity of all other provi,sions, sections, or portion thereof of
the ordinance which shall rsmain in full force and effect. Any
other ordinance whose terms are in conflict with the provisions
of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that
SECTION 5: This ordimnce shall be in full force and effect
from and after its passage and publication.
Passed and approved this -l;~ day of June , 1990. -
K %& Cifl Clerk
PUBLISHED THIS 21st DAY OF u June , 19 90. -
Milwaukee County )
) ss.
Off iok+Mtice
". .~
(Fire Prevention Code)
Code of the City ofMuskego, Wisconsin. is
hereby repealed and recreated.
Code, entitled An Ordinance to Repeal and
SECTION 2: Chapter 32 of the Municipal
Recreate Chapter 32 of the Municipal Code
of the City of Muskego (Fire Revention
Code), and adopted as Ordinance # 682. is
hereby adopted and made part of the
Municipal Code of the City. SECTION 3. A copy or said ordinance has
been on file in the Oflice of the City Clerk
and open to public inspection far not less
than two weeks prior to the date of this
ordinance and said ordinance is hereby
incorporated into the Municipal Code of the
City. SECTION 4: The several sections of this
ordinance are declared to be severable. If
declared by a decision of a court of
any section or portion thereof shall be
competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlaw-
ful, or unenforceable. such decision shall
apply only to the specific section or portion
thereofdirectly'speei~ed in the decision, and
not affect the validity of all other provisions,
sections, or portion thereof of the ordinance
which shall remain in full force and effect.
Any other ordinance whose terms are in
conflict with the provisions ofthis ordinance
are hereby repealed a6 to those terms that
conflict. SECTION 5: This ordinance shall be in
full force and, effect from and after its
passage and publication.
June, 1990.
Passed end approved this 12th day of
/d Wayne G. Salentine
Id Jean K. Marenda
City Clerk
Judith Ziolkow&i being duly sworn,
(loth depose and say that he is an authorized representative of
The.. . Muskego.Sun.. .......................
il newspaper published at.. . Muskego. ..............
IYisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a
lru? copy, taken from said paper, was published therein on
........................... . JliN 2 1 ...........................
Subscribed and sworn to before me this . . , .a. L.5 k. . day n
MY Commission expirey. ...... .APR I L. 3 1. .. 19 .93 ..
. .,
(Fire Prevention Code)
SECTION 1: Chapter 32 of the Municipal Code of the City of
Muskego, Wisconsin, is hereby repealed and recreated.
SECTION 2: Chapter 32 of the Municipal Code, entitled An
Ordinance to Repeal and Recreate Chapter 32 of the Municipal Code
of the City of Muskego (Fire Prevention Code), is hereby created
to read as follows:
Fire Prevention Code
Chapter 32
32.01 General Provisions
(1) General Requirements
(2) Inspections
(3) Scope
Additiooal Codes. Adopted
(6) Definitions
32.02 Automatic Sprinkler Protection
Installation Required
Appli,:ation to Existing Buildings
Type 'J€ System & Plan Approval
Addition, Remodeling or Change of Use
Maintenance of Equipment
Stand Pipes
Hose Connections
Interim Installation
Key Vault System
32.03 Fire h Smoke Detection Systems
(1) Fire and Smoke Detection Systems
System Opertion
Plan Review Required
System Service Support
Acceptance Test Required
Lock Box Required
(9) Existing Buildings
Failure to Comply
' (10) Testing f Maintenance
Fire Prevention Code
32.04 Required Access for Fire Apparatus
(1) General Requirements
(2) Designated Fire Lanes
(3) Fire Lane Parking
Unapproved Fire Lanes
Required Access within Construction Areas
Blocking of Fire Hydrants Prohibited
Harking of Fire Hydrants
32.05 Eigh Rise Buildings
Scope of Article
Sprinklers 6 Standpipes
Fire h Smoke Detectors
5) Alarm 6 Communications
6) Standby Power 6 Lighting
Emergency Elevator Operation
Floor Level Identification
Control Station Area.
') 10) Lock Boxes for Keys for Elevators 6 Building
32.01 General Provisions; Adoption of Codes
Title. This Chapter shall be known as
Muskeao Fire Prevention Code. This Co de a
the City of
dopts NFPA 1
available latest edition Fire Prevention Code oE the National
and Codes as published in the National Fire Codes of the
Fire Protection Association, and its incorporated standards
National Fire Protection Association, the State of Wisconsin
Department of Industry, Labor and Human Relatione and listed
in Annex A of the available latest edition of the NFPA Fire
Prevent ion Code.
Violations. It shall be unlawful for any person to violate
this Chapter. A variation may be allowed by the action of
the Fire Chief in writing. Proof of such unlawful act or
failure to act shall be prima facie evidence that the person
is the owner or other person in control of the premises.
Enforcement Officials.
1. The Fire Chief shall be responsible for the enforcement of
the Fire Prevention Code. The Fire Chief may detail
2. It shall be the duty of the officers and/or inspector of
inspectors as shall, from time to time, be necessary.
the Fire Department to enforce all laws and ordinances of
the City to include the following:
a. The prevention of fires.
b. The storage, sale and use of combustible, flanmable
c. The installation and maintenance of automatic
or explosive materials.
suppression, fire alarm and other fire
extinguishing equipment.
d. The means and adequacy of exit in case of fire from
multiple family dwellings, hospital, churches,
factories, schools, hotels, lodging houses,
halls, theaters, amphitheaters and all other places
in which numbers oE persona work, live or
congregate, from time to time, for any purpose.
circumstances of fires.
e. The investigation of the origin, cause and
f. The maintenance oE fire cause and loss records.
The Fire Chief may delegate any authority under this Chapter to other
Department members and any other City department.
(a) Before permits may be issued under this Chapter, the Fire Chief
shall inspect and approve all plans.
(b) The Fire Chief or his designee shall inspect all premises on a
governing the same, as may be necessary:
periodic basis and shall enforce the laws and ordinances
(c) Whenever any inspector finds in any location combustible Or
explosive matter, dangerous accumulations or rubbish or
flammable material or obstructed means of exit, OK
obstructions liable to interfere with the operations of the
Fire Department or egress o€ occupants in case of fire, the
This order shall be complied with by the owner or occupant of
inspector shall Order the remedy of any of these conditions.
such location, subject to the appeals procedure provided for
in this Fire Prevention Chapter.
1. The service of any such order may be made upon the
occupant of premises to whom it is directed, either by
delivering a copy of same to such occupant personally or
leaving it with any person in charge of the premises or,
in case no such person is found upon the premises, by
affixing a copy thereof in a conspicuous place on the
door to the entrance of said premises. Whenever it may
be necessary to serve such an order upon the owner of
premises, such order may be served either by delivering
order or, if such owner is absent from jurisdiction of
to and leaving with the said person a copy of the said
certified m,ail to the owner's last-known post office
the officer making the order, by mailing such copy by
(a) The provisions of this Fire Prevention Code shall apply to
public property, and shall apply to all locations, except as
otherwise specified. This Chapter shall be deemed in exercise OE
the police powers of the City for the preservation and protection
of public health, peace, safety and welfare and all provisions oE
this Fire Prevention Code shall be liberally construed for that
(a) The Board of Appeals may sit in judgment on matters concerning
the Prevent on Code and its enforcement.
(a) National Codes Adopted. The appendices of the NFPA 1 available
latest edition, Fire Prevention Code of National Fire Protection
Association, are he.reby included as a part of the City of Pluskego
Fire Prevention Code save and except those portions which are
deleted, modified cir amended by this Section. The same are hereby
adopted and incorpcmrated as fully as if set out in length. Each
of the following latest codes and standards published by the
National Fire Protection Association are adopted in their
entirety as a supp1,ement and addition to the Code text of this
Fire Prevention Cocle:
- 1, -
30 0 I
7 2A
Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code
Automotive and Marine Service Station Code.
Standard for Spray Application Using Flammable
and Combustible Materials
Standards for Dipping and Coating Processes
Using Flammable or Combustible Liquids
Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and
Hose System.
Standard for Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire
Standard for the Installation of Deluge Foam-Water
Sprinkler Systems and Foam-Water Spray Systems.
Standard for Dry Chemical Extinguishing Systems.
Standard on Wetting Agents
Fire Pumps
Standard for the Installation of Centrifugal
Service Mains
Standard €or the Installation of Private Fire
Standard €or the Installation, Maintenance and Use
of Central Station Signaling Systems.
Standard for the Installation, Maintenance and Use
of Local Protective Signaling Systems.
of Relnote Station Protective Signaling Systems.
Standard €or the Installation, Maintenance and Use
Standard for the Installation, Maintenance and Use
of Proprietary Protective Signaling Systems.
Standard on Automatic Fire Detectors
Installation, Maintenance and Use of voice/Alarm
Communications Systems
Oxygen-Fueled Gas Systems for Welding Cutting
and Allied Process.
Standard for Fire Prevent,ion in Use of Cutting
and Welding Processes.
Standard for the Prevention of Dust Explosions
in Wood Working Facilities.
Standard for Parking Structures
Standard for Repair Garages.
and Protection.
Standard on Roof-Top Heliport Construction
Standard for Foam Extinguishing Systems
Standard for High Expansion Foam Systems
(Expansion Ratios from 1OO:l to 1OOO:l)
Standard on Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems
Standard of Halon 1301 Fire Extinguising Systems
Standard on Halon 1211 Fire Extinguishing Systems
Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems
Care and Maintenance for Sprinkler Systems
Standards for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems
in One and Two Family Dwellings and Mobile Homes
7 26
7 2H
Appliances for Protective Signaling Systems
Installation, Maintenance and Use of Notification
Test Procedures for Local, Auxiliary, Remote Statio
and Proprietary Protective Signaling Systems.
of Household Fire Warning Equipment
Standard for the Installation, Maintenance and Use
23 1 Standard for Indoor General Storage
231C Standard for Rack Storage of Materials
232 Standard for Protection of Records
Standard for the Installation of Blower 6 Exhaust
Systems for Duct, Stock, Vapor Removal 6 Conveying
Standard for the Installation of Equipment for the
Removal of Smoke and Grease-Laden Vapors from
Commercial Cooking Equipment.
Standard for Chimneys, Fireplaces, Vents 6 Solid
Fuel Burning Appliances.
Standard on Explosion Prevention Systems
Standard for Fire Doors and Windows
1123 Pub1l.c Display of Fire Works
1124 Hanufacture, Transportation 6 Storage Of
(a) POK the purpose of thi:j subsection, the following definitions
shall apply.
1. NPPA For the DUKDOS~S 0:: this section NFPA means the CurKent - editions of the National Fire Protection Association Codes and
. c~
2. "Approved", as applied to automatic fire sprinkler equipment and
devices, means approval by :I recognized testing laboratory.
3. "Area: means the maximum horizontal projected area on main floor of
building or structure within the exterior walls or between approved
fire walls. Approved fire !walls will not be used as a determing factor
to defray from the overall exterior walls when classifying a building
or StKUCture for the installation of an approved sprinkler system. The
square foot determination a;3 to the requirements of this ffre
be determined by the square footage of the exterior walls, and total
prevention code for the installation of approved sprinkler systems will
square feet of usable floor area.
4. "Automatic fire sprinkler equipment" means a system of piping
connected to an adequate water supply and provided with approved
automatic fire sprinklers aad/or devices so arranged and located as to
discharge water automatically to the seat of the fire. Installation
shall comply with the Natio.nal Fire Protection Codes standard for the
installation of sprinkler s:ystems.
5. "Basement" means as per state of Wisconsin Code 51.01.
6. "Fire resistive" means that type of construction in which the
construction are of noncombustible materials with fire resistance
structural members including walls, partitions, columns, Iloor and roof
ratings not less than those specified in the following table. The two
classifications are identified by the required fire resfstance of
floors as a matter of convenience.
Fire Resistance Rating of
Structural Members in Xours
Bearing walls or bearing portions of walls, exterior or
interior. I
Bearing walls and bearing partitions must have adequate
stability under fire conditions in adddition to the
specified fire resistance rating.
Nonbearing walls or portions of ualls, exterior or interior NC
NC-Noncombustible. Fire resistance may be required in
such walls by conditions such as fire exposure, location
with respect to lot lines, occupancy or other pertinent
girders 6 beams for one floor or roof only.
Principal supporting members including columns, trusses,
4 3
I Principal supporting members ind:luding columns, trusses,
girders and beams for more than one floor or roof. 4 3
Secondary floor construction members, such as the beams,
slabs and joists not a€fecting the stability of the 3 2
.Secondary roof construction members, such as beams,
purlins andslsbs, not affecting :he stability of the
building. 2 1 112
Interior partitions enclosing st:airways and other
openings through floors. 2 2
One hour noncombustible partitions may be permitted under
certain conditions. For co~aplete rating information
refer to NFPA #220.
7. "Factory, Office, and Mercantile Buildings"
All work shops including all places where manual labor
is employed, of€ice buildings, telegraph 6 telephone
numbers, mercantile esiLablishments, warehouses, and
places where not more .than 100 persons are assembled
for any purpose.
8. "Fire wall" means a wall which has a fire resistance rating
of not less than four hours, and which divides a building or
separates buildings to restrict the spread of fire. A three
foot parapet wall will be required above roof level as part
of a fire wall in all non-fire-restrictive buildings.
0 9. "Ground floor" means as per state of Wis. Code 51.01.
10. "Multifamily"
a. COMMON ENTRANCE TY:?E - Building or portion there of
containing three 01: more dwelling units, such as ten-
ements, apartments or rooming houses.
b. PRIVATE ENTRANCE TYPE - Buildlng or portion there of
containing 3 or mo::e dwelling unlts such as rowhouses,
single family attached, townhouses and zero lot line
C. ROUHOUSE - Means a place of abode not more than 3 stories
by side or back to back units.
in height, arranged to accommodate 3 or more attached, slde
11. Places of Assembly
a. "Places of assemb1:y" include, but are not limited to, all
buildings or portions of buildings used for gathering together
fifty or more persons in commercial places of assembly and one
hundred or more pe;:sons in noncommercial places of assembly.
Places of assembly shall include those facilities used for such
purposes as deliberation, worship, entertainment, amusement or
awaiting transportation.
Assembly occupancies include, but are not limited to:
(1) Theaters
(2) Motion picture theaters
(3) Assembly halls
(4) Auditoriums
(5) Exhibition halls
(6) Museums
(7) Bowling lanes
(8) Courtrooms
(9) Mortuary chapels
(10) Restaurants
(11) Churches
(12) Dance halls
(14) Skating rinks
(15) Gymnasiums
(16) Poolrooms
(17) Con€erence rooms
b. Occupancy of any room or space for assembly by less than one
hundred persons in a building of other occupancy and incidental
to such other occupancy shall be classed as part of the other
occupancy and subject to the provisions applicable thereto.
c. Educational occupancies included all buildings used for the
gathering of groups of six or more persons for purposes Of
instruction. Educational occupancies include:
(1) Schools
(2) Universities
(3) Colleges
(4) Child day care €acilities
(5) Academies
(6) Nursery schools
(7) Kindergartens
d. Other occupancies associated vith educational institutions shall
be in accordance vith the appropriate parts of this code.
Exception: Licensed day care facilities shall include those of
any capacity.
e. In cases where instruction is incidental to some other
occupancy, the section of this code governing such other
occupancy shall apply.
- 10 -
12. "Story" means that a part of a building between a floor and the
floor or roof above.
13. "Subbasement" means any level below basement.
14. "Theater" means all buiildings or parts of buildings, con-
taining an assembly hall, having a stage which may be
equipped with curtains or moveable scenery, or which is
otherwise adaptable to the showidg of plays, operas,
motion pLctures or similar forms of entertainment.
15. "Occupancy clasification" has that meaning as defined in
Chapter 4, NFPA 101, latest available edition.
16. "Special fire resistive buildings" means multi-family (both
private and common entrance) type constructed, with a 2 hour
fire wall between all common surfaces (walls, floors and
ceilings. 2 hour fire wall to extend through attic to under
side or roofing materials.
- 11 -
32.02 Automatic Sprinkler Protection
To provide the means for the automatic extinguishment of
fire in building,^ or parts o€ buildlngs which because of
their size, cone~tructlon or occupancy or lack of suitable
protective equipment, constitute a special fire hazard to
life or property OK an excessive burden upon the fire
extinguishing capabilities of the Fire Department.
Approved automatic fire Sprinkler equipment shall be
installed and maintained as follows:
(a) Factory - Office-Mercantile Buildings
(b)l Multifamily Common Entrance:
1. Fire resistive buildings
a. Basements, stairways and corridors in buildings
b. Throughout in buildings 3 stories or more.
c. Units less than 3 stories 6 less than
up to 4 stories.
be sprinkled (halls, s'tairs and basements.)
20 units will require only the common areas to
2. Non-fire resistive buildings
a. Basements. stairwavs and corridors
b. Throughout building if 3 Stories Or more.
C. Throughout building if over 3 families.
3. Special fire resistive buildings
a. Basements, stairways and corridors.
b. Units 3 stortes or over, or over 20 units will
require a sprinkler system throughout the
(b)2 Multifamily private entrance.
1. Fire resistf.ve buildings.
(4 hour fire wall between units includes walls 6
a. Throu;:hout in buildfnns 3 stories or more.
2. Special fire resistive buildings.
a. Units 3 stories and over more than 16 units
will require a sprinkler system throughout
b. Throughout in buildings 3 stories or more.
the 'building.
3. Non-fire resistive buildings.
a. Throughout buildings.
(c) Hotels and Hotels
1. Fire resistive buildings.
a. None required for single story without basement
b. Base:nents, stairways and corridors in buildings
c. Throughout in buiildings 3 stories or more.
if less than 10,000 sq. ft.
torfas or over 6000 sq. ft.in area
2. Non-fire resistive buildings
a. None required for single story without basement
b. Baselnents, stairways and corridors up to 2
c. Thro,gghout in bui'ldings over 2 stories.
if lzss than 6,000 sq. ft.
- 13 -
(d) Theaters and Places of Assembly
1. Fire-resistive buildings
b. Stage, under roof of stage, gridirons, fly
a. Throughout buildings over 8000 sq.ft in area.
galleries and bridges, dressing rooms. prop-
erty rooms and on the stage side of the
proscenium opening.
2. Non-fire resistive buildings
a. Throughout all buildings
(e) Hospitals
1. Fire-resistive buildings
a. Throughout all buildings
2. Non-fire resistive buildings
a. Throughout all buildings
(f) Nursing, convalescent, Old Age and Institutional
1. Throughout all buildings
(g) Schools, Colleges, Universities, Medical Centers,
and Day Care Centers
1. Fire-resistive Buildings
a. Basements, workshops, laboratories, stairways
corridors, janitor closets and/or storage
closets, kitchens, cafeterias, sleeping areas
and all places where combustible materials are
handled or stored including all storage rooms.
2. Non-fire resistive buildings
a. Throughout all buildings
(h) Dormitories, Fraternity and/or Sorority Houses
1. Fire-resistive Buildings
a. Linen rooms, storage rooms, boil
rooms kitchens. stairways, corri
er or he
dors and
areas where combustible~materials are handled
or stored.
2. Non -Fire Resistive Buildings
a. Throughout all buildings.
- 14 -
Hazardous Properties
1. Throughout every building which by reason of its
construction or highly combustible occupancy
adjoining property or in the judgment of the
involves a severe life hazard to its occupants or
authority having jurisdlction, constitutes a fire
2. Sample occupancies which are considered highly
Chemical Works or storage.
Linseed oil mills, storage or manufacturing
Explosive or pyrotechnic manufacturing
Linoleum and oil cloth manufacturing
Oil refineries or storage facilities
Paint shops
Pyroxylin plastic manufacturing or processing
Shade cloth manufacturing
Varnish or paint manufacturing
Solvent extracting
All occupancy involving processing,
mixin,!,storage and/or dispensing volatile
liquiis and/or toxic gases.
Air craft hangers
1. Fire Resistive Buildings
a. 10,OOD square feet or more in area.
b. Three levels or more in height.
2. Non-Fire 'Resistive Buildinss
a. 6,000 square feet or more in area.
b. Excee,iing three levels in height.
3. Basement ,~r sub-basement garages containing
spaces in excess of three (3) passenger vehicles
above or 'below other occupancies.
4. Garages u3ed as passenger terminals.
Other Properties Requiring Protection
1. Bowling alleys. Throughout buildings of 8,000
2. Restaurants
sq feet or more in area.
a. Throu.ghout buildings of 8,000 sq. ft. or
more Cloor area.
- 15 -
b. All kitchen exhaust hoods and ducts for cooking
equipment must be sprinklered or an approved
type of automatic extinguishing system
automatically shut down when fire is detected.
installed. All cooking heat sources must
3. All subbasements required throughout.
4. All buildings 35' in height above outside grade
at any point, required throughout.
Where the Fire Department finds that existing
buildings are used in whole or part in such a way as
or adjoining property, the Fire Chief may require
to constitute a severe fire hazard to its occupants
compliance with the provisions of this subchapter as
they relate to new construction.
(a) Automatic sprinkler equipment shall be installed
and connected to an adequate water supply.
Sprinkler head valves and auxiliary equipment of
standard types suitable for the individual
building shall be determined by the authority
having jurisdiction in effect at the date of
(b) No automatic sprinkler equipment shall be
have been submitted to and approved by the fire
installed or altered in a building until plans
department and city building department. Two
copies of the plans and specifications shall be
submitted for review and approval. Approved
department and the City Building Department
plans shall be stamped approved by the Fire
and the date of approval. One copy shall be
returned to owner, one copy kept on file in the
Fire Department.
(a) When a building is expanded or remodeled and
which, if the building were to be constructed
the building is of a size, a type or a use
new, the provisions will apply in accor-
dance with the following criteria:
- 16 -
1. The entire building shall be made to
conform to the requirements of this section if
more than fifty percent (50%) of the gross
exterior are3 of the building is remodeled or
added to the buildiug.
2. . Only the additional, expanded or remodeled
area shall be subject to the requirements of this
section if twenty five (25%) to fifty percent
(50%) of the gross exterior area of the building
is remodeled or added to the building
3. The requirements of this section need not
be satisfied if less than twenty-five (25%) of the
gross exterior area of building is remodeled or
added to the building.
4. In determining the foregoing percentages,
successive additions, expansions or remodeling, if
made within the life time of the building, shall
be aggregated and and treated as a single
expansion or addition.
(b) Regardless of any percentage set forth in Subsection
(a) above if the additional, expanded or remodeled area
is OE a size, is of a type or is for a use which is
subject to the provisions in this section the
additiona1,expanded or remodeled area must conform to
the requirements of such sections.
(c) Where, at the time of its constuction, a building or
any part thereof is exempt from the requirements of
this section by reason of its proposed intended use and
subsequent to construction the use of such building or
part thereof is changed in such a way that the reason
for the exemption no longer exists, it shall be made to
conform with the requirements of this section.
(d) If the use of an existing building or structure is
changed and the requirementsd for the new use are more
stringent than for the previous use, the building or
structure shall be made to comply with the requirements
for the new use as provided in this Chapter.
(a) Sprinkler systems, staudpipe systems, fire alarm
systems and other fire protective or extinguishing systems
per the requirements of this code.
shall be maintained in operative condition at all times as
- 17 -
It is Unlawful for any owner or occupant to reudce
except this shall not prohibit the owner or occupant
the effectiveness of the protection so required,
from temporarily reducing or discontinuing the
alter-ations or additions. The Fire Department
protection where necessary to make tests, repairs,
additions are started and shall be notified again
shall be notified before repairs, alterations or
when the system has been restored to service.
(b) Periodic inspections shall be performed in
accordance with requirements of the authority having
(a) The installation of a sprinkler system will not
supersede the requirements for the installation of
fire department standpipes.
(b) A Class Three standpipe will be installed in all
buildings three stories or more, or in any building
with an occupancy of one hundred or more, and any
building with one floor of twelve thousand sq. ft.or
more in area and any building over one story in
height and six thousand square feet or more in area
on a floor.
All devices and materials used in standpipe systems
shall be approved type.
All other standards and specifications
will be taken from the current edition of
NEPA /I14 Standard for the Installation
of Standpipe and Hose Systems.
Every automatic sprinkler system installed in new or
exisitng buildings shall be equipped with at least
one Fire Department hose connection at a location
approved by the Fire Chief and/or appointed
(a) Safe deposit or other vaults.
1. Safe deposit 0.r other vaults.
- 18 -
Rooms or buildings devoted to the manufacture
or storage of aluminum powder, calcium carbide
calcium phosphide, metallic sodium or
potassium quicklime, magnesium powder, sodium
application of water may cause or increase
peroxide or like materials where the
Any other locations where the installation of
sprinklers may increase the occupational
hazard as determined by the authority having
(b) When approved by the Fire Department and concurred
by fire chief and/or appointed representative (3).
other automatic protective equipment may be
installed in place of automatic sprinkler systems.
(IO) Hydrants
(a) Owner-installed hydrants required when: 50%
portions of a building are set back two hundred fifty
feet or more from the street or highway or are more
than three hundred feet from a city hydrant, the owner
shall install at his expense approved water hydrants.
Hydrants shall be free standing and be installed not
more than fifty feet or less than twenty five feet from
entrance to such building. Additional hydrants shall be
the building. One hydrant shall be located at the main
hydrant is more than two hundred fifty feet from any
provided around the perimeter of the building so that no
other approved hydrant measured by normal access routes.
(b) "Approved water hydrant" means a water-hydrant con-
nected to a city water main with 1 four 6 1/2 inch 6
2 6 1/2 inch fire department connections. The approved
water hydrant shall be not less than six inches
and need not be more than twelve-inch pipe where the
City water main is eight inches or larger, the connec-
tion line shall be not less than eight inches in size.
All water hydrants shall be approved by the fire chief 6
or appointed representative (s) and the city water de-
partment, and shall be installed in compliance with the
standard of the city water department. All water
hydrants shall be installed in such manner and loca-
tion so as to be accessible at all times to the fire
- 19 -
(a) Unless or until such time as a municipal water supply
of an automatic sprinkler is required, connection of the
is available to serve a building in which installation
system to a hig'h volume vater supply shall not be re-
quired, however; all design characteristics of systems
installed under this section shall include provisions
for eventual co'nnection to a municipal water supply.
In addition, such interim installations shall also
include :
1. One or more fire depaitment connections with 2
female couplings with National Standard Threads
attached to a header of adequate size in accor-
dance with fire protection engineering standards
but not less than 4" to supply the system.
2. On interim installations, the system shall be
connected to the buildings local water supply.
The vater supply shall have enough capacity to
supply one or two (2) open sprinkler heads.
3. An automtic fire detection and alarm system of a
type approved by the authority having jurisdiction.
(b) All fire sprinkler systems installed under the require-
ments of this section shall be connected to a municipal
water system wtthin 6 months after water mains to Serve
hydrants, if required, vi11 also be installed at this
the building are available for use. Installation to
time .
with any section of this chapter, the Fire Chief or
When there are practical difficulties in complying
approve a substitution provided that the spirit of the
an appointed representative oE the Fire Department may
ordinance shall be observed and public safety & justice
secured. The substitution may include but is not limi-
ted to a monitored alarm or alternative fire suppression
The substitution request must be submitted to the Fire
Department in writing stating the reasons and substitu-
tion requested. The request shall include building plan
fire load and explanation. The Fire Department must re-
spond within 30 days.
(a) The KNOX BOX vault system has been adopted for use
by this Fire Department. A Knox Box shall be in-
stalled in all existing or newly constructed build-
ings which have an automatic sprinkler system
(b) The Knox Box shall be installed, at owner's OK
occupant's expense, at such locations as designated
by the Fire Chief and/or appointed representative(s)
- 21 -
Fire and Smoke Detection Systems
systems shall be installed and maintained in operable condition in
Scope- To provide early warning in the event of fire, detection
all occupancies and locations set forth in this Article.
Where Required.- Fire and smoke detection systems shall be required
as follows:
1. Within all new EDUCATIONAL/DAYCARE OCCUPANCIES regardless of
size, a manual alarm system with heat detection installed in
mechanical and storage rooms, smoke detection in rooms, offices and
2. Within all new PASSENGER TERMINALS over ten thousand (10,000)
sq. ft.in size or over one (1) interior story in height, shall be
equipped with a manual alarm system with heat detection in
mechanical and storage rooms, smoke detection throughout the
3. Within all new PLACES OF PUBLIC ASSEMBLY over ten thousand
(10.000) sa. ft. in size or over one (1) interior story, shall be
equipped with a manual alarm system with heat detection installed in
mechanical and storage rooms, smoke detection in offices, halls, and
rest rooms.
4. Within any new HEALTH CARE FACILITY regardless of size, shall be
equipped with a manual alarm system with heat detection installed in
mechanical and storage rooms, smoke detection in halls, living areas
living areas, offices, day rooms, and sleeping areas.
5. Within any new CORRECTIONAL/DETECTION FACILITY regardless of
size, shall be equipped with a manual alarm system with heat
detection in mechanical and storage rooms, smoke detection in halls,
offices, rest rooms, sleeping areas.
a. Multi-Family Common Entrance
1. Manual alarms at exists.
2. Smoke detection in common hallways, stairwells, storage
3. Heat detector in each dwelling unit and attic.
areas and basements.
4. Alarm to be monitored.
b. flultiFamily Private Entrance:
In all residential occupancies that complies with
ILHR 57.17- shall be equipped with:
2. Heat detectors in living areas (1 per floor) attics
1. flanual alarms at exists.
3. Alarm to be monitored.
basement and attached garage.
- 22 -
c. HultiFamily Common and Private Entrance
1. Interconnected A.C. powered smoke detectors in the
areas, bedrooms. This alarm shall not be connected
following locations: stairwells, basements, living
to the general alarm. Photoelectric detectors
recommended in living areas.
d. 57.19 Rowhouses
1. Vertical Occupancy Separations. a. Each living unit
shall be separated from the adjacent living unit by a
vertical occupancy separation of not less than one hour
fire-resistive construction, extending from the founda-
tion to the underside of the roof deck.
b. Piercing of the vertical occupancy separation be-
tween the units by doors or windows shall be
c. Piercing of the vertical occupancy separation by
mechanical, electrical or plumbing elements may be
permitted provided the piercing is as specified in
s. ILRR 51.049 and it does not violate the hourly
rating of the wall.
Note: Mechanical, electrical or plumbing systems may be
located in the occupancy separation wall and components
may penetrate one or both sides of the wall within the
same stud space. See 6. 51.049 (3) for additional re-
quirements pertaining to plastic components.
2. EXITS. Each living unit shall have a separate exit
within 3 feet of the exit discharge grade.
3. ATTIC ACCESS. Each living unit shall have attic access
as specified in S. ILHR 51.02 (18) (a). Compliance with
the provisions of s.ILHR 51.02 (18) (b) is not required.
4. EXCEPTIONS. Where each living unit has a separate
heating system, compliance with ss.ILHR 57.14 and 57.17
is not required.
History: Cr.Register, Dec, 1981,No.312,eff.l-1-82;renum
(1) (a) and (b) to be (1) (b) 6 (c),cK. (1) (a),
Register, August, 1985, No. 356,eff.1-1-86.
7. Any new high hazard occupancy.as deemed a severe life or
property hazard by the Fire Department.
- 23 -
(a) All components of a fire or smoke detector system shall be listed by
The entire installation shall conform to applicable provisions of the
Underwriter's Laboratories (UL) or the Factory Mutual System (FM).
National Fire Protection Association Standards 71,72A,72C, or 72E. 0 (b) The fire alarm system shall monitor the integrity of all alarm
initiating and indicating appliance circuits and shall be provided with
automatically charged standby batteries to maintain system operation for
twenty-four (24) hrs in the normal supervisory mode, plus have
sufficient capacity to operate in the alarm mode for five (5) minutes at
the conclusion of this supervisory time period. Batteries shall be
supervised for connection to the system and a low voltage threshold.
The automatic battery charger shall be capable of charging fully
discharged system batteries to one hundred percent (100%)
(c) A remote annunciator shall be provided at the main entrance of the
building to indicate each of the designated alarm initiating zones via
red LEDs which flash when in alarm and lock in upon acknowledging the
main fire alarm control panel. Space shall be provided on remote
alarm. The remote annunciator shall be electrically supervised from the
describe the location of the zones. Units with point identification
annunciator for custom zone labels. The zone labels shall plainly
shall include display with building map.
(d) Wiring of Required Fire and Smoke Detention Systems.
1. Conduit All electrical wiring in connection with required
0 ffre alarm systems, including accessory devfces such as detectors,
conduit, electrical metallic tubing, flexible metal conduit or
shall be installed in rigid metal conduit, intermediate metal
surface metal raceway.
2 Separate Raceway. Raceua.ys for required fire alarm system wiring
shall contain no other cf.ccuits.
(e) External Devices.
1. The system shall utilize IUL or F?! listed fire alarm initiating
devices (pull stations, smoke detectors, heat detectors, waterflow
switches, duct detectors, etc.) Smoke detectors shall possess an LED
lamp to indicate either ":ready" or "alarm" status.
2. Smoke detectors (photoelectric, ionization) shall be installed
approximately thirty (30) feet on center, located on the ceiling or
wall of the protected areia.
3. Heat detectors shall be installed approximately fifty (50) feet on
center, located on the ce.lling of furnace rooms, engine rooms,
garages and meeting rooms over one thousand (1,000) sq. ft. Heat
detectors shall also be installed as a substitution for smoke
detectors in
- 24 -
locatiions determined by the Fire Department to be unsuitable for smoke
detection installation.
a. Alarm system horns: Horns used as the audible alarm indicating
applicance shall be twenty-four (24) volt DC horns of metal
construction with a minimum sound pressure level output of eighty-seven
(87) db at ten (10) feet. Fire alarm horns shall be UL or FM listed
mounting and be suitable for use within combination audio-visual
for fire alarm use. Horns shall be adaptable for surface or semi-flush
b. Alarm system bells: Bells used as the audible alarm indicating
appliance shall be twenty-four (24) volt DC bells of the vibrating or
single stroke type with a minimum sound pressure level output of ninety
(90) db at ten (10) feet. Bells shall be UL OK PM listed for fire
alarm use. Bells shall be suitable for surface OK semi-flush mounting
and be suitable for use within combination audio-visual systems.
c. Visual flashing lamps: Visual-indicating appliances shall be
comprised o€ a strobe-type flashtube and be entirely solid state.
These devices shall be UL OK FM listed and be capable of elther ceiling
or wall mounting. Visual units shall incorporate s built-in reflector
to improve lighting Characteristics. Visual units shall be
lamps may be required outside the building.
incorporated as part of the horn or bell assembly. Visual flashing
(a) Alarm-initiating devices shall be grouped in zones identified by
Zone Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) on the control panel and st the
remote snnuniciator.
(b) Actuation of an alarm-initiating device shall:
1. Cause the respective red zone alarm LED on the control panel
control panel. Once acknowledged, the zone LED will be
to flash until the "acknowledge" switch is actuated at the
constantly illuminated until the actuating device is restored
to normal and the system is reset OK equivalent operation.
2. The audible alarm indicating appliance shall sound throughout
the entire facility until the system alarm acknowledge/silence
switch is operated.
3. Visual indicating appliances shall flash until the
acknouledge/silence switch is operated.
4. After the acknowledge switch is operated, subsequent activation
of an initiating appliance will cause the alarm bells or horns
to resound and the visual indicating appliances to flash.
- 25 -
(C) Each alarm initiating circuit and indicating appliance circuit shall-be
electrically supervised. An:g disarrangement oE system wiring such as
opens or grounds shall activate the audible and visual trouble indicators
at the control panal. Actuation of the trouble silence switch shall
silence the audible trouble fndicator but the trouble LED will remain
lit. The trouble LED shall 'be non-cancelling, except by an actual
clearing of the trouble condltion and restoring the trouble silence switch 6 to normal.
(d) The alarm system shall be equipped with the fo,llowing:
1. Desired type of sign.31 operation; alarm signal tempos, area
selective codes, zone codes or general alarm codes.
2. UL or FM approved al.arm verification operation.
3. Waterf1ow;sprinkler supervisory operation on a distinct zone.
4. All smoke detection systems shall be equipped with verification
type circuits. This is part of the master control. Verification
type heads are not a'zceptable.
All commercial buildings not occupied 24 hours a day shall
include alarm monitoring to an approved service.
All residential occupancy shall include alarm monitoring
to an approved service.
. Point identification circuits may be required in buildings
that incorporate many rooms b halls or that incorporate
security gates to linit access. Fire Department will determine
zone requirements.
(e) Upon
actuation of a smoke detector, the LED on the smoke detector shall
in constantly illuminatei until the system is reset.
building until plans have been submitted to and conditionally approved by
No fire and smoke detection system shall be installed or altered in any
submitted for review. The plans shall contain drawings containing
the Fire Department. Three (3) copies of the system plans shall be
brief description of hou the system will be connected. Conditionally
locations of detectors, pullstations and horns. The plans shall contain a
approved plans shall be stamped with the date of approval. One shall be
returned to the owner. One (1) copy shall be kept on file at Fire
Department office, and one (1) copy shall be used by the Fire Department
inspector during site inspection.
(a) The system installer must msintaln a service organization within fifty
@). The system installer must be a licensed electrician in order to install
(50) miles of the City of Huskego.
(a) The acceptance test of a fire and smoke detection system shall be
conducted in the presence of an inspector from the Fire Department
prior to being placed in service. All testing shall be conducted by
the installer
test to be conducted.
(b) The installer shall give advance notice to the Fire Department for any
(a) Buildings equipped with a fire and smoke detection system shall be
provided with a standard knox box of a type approved by the Fire
(b) The knox box shall be located in s place approved by the Fire
(C) Properly identified keys to gain access to the building and the
building alarm control panel shall be maintained in the knox box.
Removal of any key by other than Fire Department personnel shall be a
violation of this Chapter.
Failure to comply with the listed items in this Article can result
in enforcement action against the building owner or installer or both.
(.) When a building is expanded or remodeled and the building is of a size,
a type or a use which, if the building were to be constructed new, the
Provisions Of this Article will apply in accordance with the following
The entire building shall be made to conform to the requirements
building is remodeled or added to the building.
if more than fifty percent (50%) of the gross exterior area of the
Only the additional, expanded or remodeled area shall be subject
to the requirements if twenty-five percent (25%) to fifty percent
(502) of the gross extertor area of the building is remodeled or
added to the building.
The requirements need not be satisfied if less than twenty-five
percent (25%) of the gross exterior area of the building is
remodeled or added ta the building unless such remodeling or
expansion creates adjitional living units.
expansions or remodeling, if made within the life time of the
In determining the foregoing percentages, successive additions,
building shall be aggregated and treated as a single expansion or
- 21 -
(6) Regardless of any percentage set forth in Subsection (a) above if the
additional, expanded or rema'deled area is of a size, is of a type or is
for a use vhich is subject t.o the provisions, of this Chapter the
additional, expanded or remdeled area must conform to the requirements of
sect ions.
@(C) If the use of an existing bu.ilding or structure is changed and the
requirements for the new use are more stringent than for the previous
use, the building or structu~re shall be made to comply with the
requirements for the nev use as provided in this Chapter.
Fire alarm systems and other ffre protective or extinguishing systems
shall be maintained in opera,tive condition at all times as per the
requirements of this code. It is unlawful for any owner or occupance to
reduce the effectiveness of the protection so required, except if this
discontinuing the protection where necessary to make test, repairs,
shall not prohibit the owner or occupant from temporarily reducing or
alterations or additions are started and shall be notified again when
the system has been restored to service.
i Periodic inspections shall be performed in accordance with requirements
of the authority having jurisdiction and as described in ILHR 51.24 and
All alarm systems must be tested quarterly and recorded. Monitored alarm
systems that do not have verified phone line connection must be checked
0 monthly and recorded
- 28 -
32.04 Required Access for Fire Apparatus
Suitable Access. All premises, public or private, which the Fire
Department may be called upon to protect in case oE fire and vhich
are not readily accessible from public roads shall be provided
with suitable gates, access roads and fire lanes so that all
buildings on the premises are accessible to fire apparatus.
Fire Lanes. Fire lanes shall be provided on public or private
property devoted to public use for all buildings used for human
habitation or occupancy which are set back more than one hundred
height and are set back more than fifty (50) feet from a (100) feet from any roadway access or exceed thirty (30) feet in
roadway. Fire lanes may also be designated on those private
raodways where it if found by the Fire Chief that such access is
necessary for fire apparatus.
Width. Fire lanes shall be at least twenty (20) feet in width
vith the closest edge of the lane at least ten (10) feet and no
more than thirty feet from the building.
Dead-end Roads. Any dead-end road more than three hundred (300)
feet long shall be provided a turn-around at the closed end of the
roadway. Turn-arounds can be T-type or hammerhead, cul-de-sac or
curved driveway.
Turning Radius. Curves and turn-arounds shall be designed for a
forty-eight (48) foot turning radius.
Designation, marking and maintenance of fire lanes shall be
accomplished as specified by the Fire Chief. The current
Wisconsin Department of Transportation standards for highway
marking shall be used as guidelines in designating and marking any
fire lanes.
Emergency Access. A vritten document, agreeable to the Fire Chief
and for the benefit of the City shall be required for emergency
access over all fire lanes. The document shall define the area
designated as a fire lane and shall specify those methods used to
label or post the area as a fire lane. A copy of the document
shall be kept on file in the Fire Department, Police Department
and City Planning & Development Department.
Designated fire lanes shall be marked vith signs within five (5)
feet of the beginning and within five (5) feet of the end of the
fire lane, with spacing between, signs not to exceed seventy-five
(75) feet. Each sign shall face in the direction of oncoming
traffic. The curb shall be painted yellow; if there is no curb, a
four (4) inch wide stripe shall be painted the full length of the
fire lane. Fire lane signs shall be affixed to a stationary
- 29 -
pole or object. Signs shall be plainly visible.
Roadways identified exclusively as fire lanes shall be
ldentified with approved fire lane signs on each side facing
forward and the pavement area between the signs shall be str
with four (4) inch wide yellow stripes.
Before the requirements may be enforced, the fire lane must be
approved by the Fire Department.
It shall be unlawful for any person(s) or firm(s) to post a fire
lane without the approval of the Fire Department.
Vehicles parked in fire lanes shall be cited with a notice of
violation on a standard "Wisconsin Uniform Municipal Court
Citation" form. This may be issued by a member of the Police or
Fire Department who has been granted citation authorization.
Vehlcles will be permitted to stop in a fire lane while actively
loading or unloading provided the driver is present. When this
requirement is met, a reasonable amount of time may be allowed
for the completion of the transaction.
lane designated and marked in accordance with this Section may
Fire Lane Parking. Any vehicle that is parked within a fire
be removed at the vehicle owner's expense. Vehicles will be
towed away under the following circumstances:
1. When a vehicle repeatedly violates fire lane regulations by
habitually parking in a fire lane.
2. When a vehicle blocks the ingress/egress of a business,
of public assembly.
theater, night club, apartment complex, gymnasium or a place
3. When the vehicle's presence threatens the safety of the
public by impeding the ability of fire apparatus and/or
emergency medical equipment to respond to an emergency.
4. Removal of a vehicle under such circumstances may be
authorized by the person in lawful possession of the
The Police Department may order the towing of a vehicle
property or by the Fire Chief or his/her representative.
at any time that the above conditions exist.
Obstructions Other Than Veh.icles. An inspection report with
warning notice shall be issued to the property owner, occupant
or responsible party requiring that if the obstruction is not
removed with the specified time period, the Department may cause
the removal of the obstruction with the cost of removal billed
to the person(s) responsible for the obstruction.
- 30 -
When it Becomes Necessary to Obstruct a Fire Lane, i.e.,
Construction Remodeling or Repair. A site approval shall be
required and permission obtained from the Fire Department. A
copy of the authorization shall be posted at the site.
Fire lane signs posted without the approval of the Fire Department shall be
removed or the fire lane shall be formally established and posted as
required by this Chapter.
Every building shall be acce.ssible to Fire Department apparatus
by way of an access roadway.
Prior to the delivery of any combustible construction
materials, an access roadway shall be in place and accessible
to fire equipment.
Access raodways sha.11 be extended to within thirty (30) ft. of
the closest edge of the building.
Access roadway shall be not less than twenty (20) ft. of the
unobstructed width and shall have a minimum of thirteen (13)
feet six (6) inches of vertical clearance.
Access roadways in excess of three hundred (300) feet in length
adequate €or Fire Department apparatus.
shall be provided with approved provisions for a turn-around
maintained at all t,imes in order that all-weather integrity is
A driving surface cmf at least roadbase quality gravel shall be
The roadbase shall be capable of supporting the imposed loads
of fire apparatus.
During winter months, the roads shall be maintained by the
developer to include proper and timely snow removal.
Failure to comply with these requirements shall result in
revocation of build,ing permits and/or refusal to issue permits.
No person shall park any motor vehicle within ten (IO) feet of any fire
hydrant or otherwise interfere with the accessibility of any fire hydrant by
piling, dumping or placing any c~ther obstructive material OK object within
ten (10) feet of a fire hydrant without first obtaining written permission
- 31 -
from the Fire Department. Every day during which such interference
continues shall constitute a separate offense.
Fire hydrants shall be marked with the curb painted yellov. The curb shall
be painted to produce a twenty (20) foot stripe extending ten (10) feet to
each side of the hydrant. Areas without a curb sh.all have a twenty (20)
foot four (4) Inch wide yellow stripe placed on the pavement.
- 32 -
32.05 High Rise Buildings
This Article shall apply to all buildings, each having
floors located more than sixty (60) feet above the lowest
interior level or exceeding five (5) stories.
(a) General Construction. The building shall be constructed
of Class 1 - Fire Resistive Construction as defined in
Wisconsin Administrative Code ILHR 51.03.
(b) Stairway Doors and Telephones. Doors from stairways to
floors may be locked only if provided with remote release
from the building control station. Stairways must have
least every three (3) floors if locked. Locks must
telephone or intercom to the building control station at
release on power failure and doors must remain unlocked.
(C) Smoke Control. Openable windows,tempered glass or
openable panels must be provided to accomplish ventilation
during fire operations. Tempered glass shall be marked
with two (20 inc.h etched circle. A mechanical air
conditioning syaitem may be substituted if the system is
designed for smcmke removal.
(a) An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed in
accordance with NFPA13 .
(b) A standpipe syst.em shall be installed in accordance with
State ILHR 51,21. Standpipe and Hose
(C) Shut-off valves and water flow detection devices for the
standpipe and sprinkler systems shall be provided for each
continuously manned station or central station.
Standpipe and sprinkler valves shall be supervised by a
accordance with NFPA 72A
Fire and smoke detection systems shall be installed in
Systems. The following is in addition to ILHR 51.245
, Fire and Smoke Detection
(a) At least one (1:I approved smoke detector, suitable for the
intended use, shall be installed:
- 33 -
Within every mechanical equipment, electrical
machine or simi1,ar room.
transformer OK control, telephone equipment, elevator
Within the main return and exhaust air plenum of each
air conditioning system and located in a serviceable
area downstream of the last duct inlet.
These detectors shall activate an alarm or signaling
where automatic smoke control is indorporated in the
system and shut down the ventilation system except
Approved heat detection equipment shall be installed
detection equipment.
in boiler rooms and furnace rooms in lieu of smoke
The alarm and communic:ations system shall be installed in
compliance with NFPA i2F, Emergency Voice/Alarm
Communications Systems:, and the following:
(a) Design. The alarm and communications systems shall be
designed and installed so that damage to any terminal
unit or speaker will not render more than one (1) zone
of the system inoperative.
(b) Voice Alarm System. The operation of any smoke
alarm station shal.1 automatically sound an alarm signal
detector, sprinkler, water flow device or manual fire
to the desired areas, followed by voice instructions
giving appropriate information and direction to the
occupant. The voi.ce alarm and public address system may
be a combined system. When approved, the Fire
Departnent communi,cations system may be combined with
the voice alarm system and the public address system:
1. The central c:ontrol station shall contain controls
general voice al.arm may be manually initiated.
for the voice alarm system so that a selective or
activation of an audible trouble signal in the central
2. The system skiall be supervised to cause the
control station upon interruption or failure of the
audiopath, including amplifiers, speaker wiring,
switches and electrical contacts, and shall detect
opens, shorts and grounds which might impair the
function of the system.
3. The alarm shall be deslgned to be heard clearly by
all occupants within the building or designated
portions thereof as is required for the public address
sys tem.
(c) Public Address Sy$:tem. A public address communications
system designed tcm be clearly heard by all occupants of
the building shall operate from the central control
statlon. It shall. be capable o€ directing messages
selectively or on a general basis to the following
terminal areas: - 34 -
(d 1
Elevator lobbies.
Exit stairways.
Rooms and tenant spaces exceeding one thousand (1,000)
sq. ft. in area.
Duelling units.
Hotel guest rooms ,and/or suites.
control station for Fire Department operations shall be
Fire Department Co.nmunications System. A central
provided in a location approved by the Fire
Department. This station shall Contain:
1 0.
1 1.
Voice alarm ani public address system control
Two-way communicatlons between the control station
and all elevat,>rs, elevator lobbies, exit access and
stafrvays at each floor. The type of equipment
Fire Department.
proposed for t'his function shall be approved by the
Fire detection and alarm system annunciator panels.
Annunciator visually indicating the location and
status of each elevator.
Status indicat,>rs and controls for air-handling
Controls for u.alicking all stairway door3
Sprinkler valve and water flow detector display
Standby power controls and status indicators.
A telephone for Fire Department use with controlled
access to the public telephone system.
Small-scale 1a:yout plan of the buflding showing all
peraanent partitions, identifylng permanent areas
and doorways, maxterior wall openings suitable for
use in smoke ventilation, elevator locations and
stair location,s.
Diagrams to idicate the location of the main
shutoffs for sprinkler or standpipe systems,
electrical, water, gas and steam systems with an
indication of the area(s) served by each of these
main shutoffs.
A list of names indicating all key building
operating pers~nnel and where may be reached.
personnel responsibilities defined.
An emergency plan of action for the building with
An approved, perma'nently installed standby power
generating system shall be provided. The system shall
be equipped with suitable means for automatically
starting the generator set upon failure of the normal
electrical service and for automatic transfer and
operations of the required electrical functions at full
power within sixty (60) seconds of such normal service
failure. System supervision with manual st'art and
transfer features shall be provided at the central
control station. - 35 -
An on-premise fuel supply, sufficient for not less than
twelve (12) hours Eull demand operation of the system
shall be provided.
The power requirement shall be determined so as to
provide service to but not limited to:
2. Exit and other emergency lighting.
1. Fire alarm system
4. Mechanical ventilation equipment.
3. Fire protection equipment.
5. Elevators
6. Communications systems.
All communications, fire protection, detection and suppression
systems required under this Article shall be tested and maintained
in an operable condition. All installed equipment required under
this Section shall be mafntained pursuant to the appropriate adopted
standards of the National Fire Protection Association.
All stairways shall have each floor level or story
identified on both sldes of the door leading to the stairway
as to its name or number with a permanent sign having
letters or characters at least two (2) inches in height.
All elevators shall have each floor level or story
identified on both sides of the door leading to the elevator
shaft as to its name or number with a permanent sign having
letters or characters at least two (2) inches in height.
Upon activation of the building fire alarm system, the
elevators shall return to the elevator lobby.
A smoke detector shall be identified in the elevator lobby
connected to the elevator controls. Upon activation of the
lobby detectors, the elevators shall proceed to another
floor of refuge as approved by the Fire Chief.
provided in a standard lock box of a type approved by the
Elevator control and building control station keys shall be
Fire Department.
Lock boxes shall be installed in the elevator lobby or other
location approved by the Fire Department.
- 36 -
(c) Properly identified keys for emergency elevator control and
keys required to gain access to the building control station
shall be maintained in the lock box. Removal of any key by
other than Fire Department personnel shall be a violation of
this ChaDter.
The several sections of this ordinance are decla.red to be severable.
If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of
a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or
unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section
or portion thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect
the validity of all other provisions, sections, or portion thereof of
the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any other
ordinance whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this
ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict.
- 31 -
SECTION 3: The several sections of this ordinance are
declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof
shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent
jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such
decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion
validity of all other provisions, sections, or portion thereof of
thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect the
other ordinance whose terms are in conflict with the provisions
the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any
of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that
SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect
from and after its passage and publication.
Passed and approved this " 12th day of June , 1990. -
PUBLISHED THIS 21st DAY OF June , 19 90 . -
jz * Short version of Ordinance published in paper