ORD1990667COMMON COUS,CIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO OF.DINANCE #667 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 2 1 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE, CITY OF MUSKEGO (::ewer Usage) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION 1: Section 21.06(1), (2), (3), and (4) is amended to read as follows: 21.06 SEWER SERVICE CHARGES, CONNECTION CHARGES AND RESERVE CAPACITY ASSESSMENTS (1) Basis for Sewer Service Charges: The sewer service charge shall be based on two parts, the operation, maintenance and replacement charge plus the debt service charge. (2) Operation, Mahtenance and Replacement a. A residential equivalency charge (REC) is hereby or premise served by the wastewater works or imposed up’sn each lot, parcel of land, building otherwise discharging sewage, including non- domestic and industrial wastes, into the system. S-uch operation, maintenance and replacement charge shall be payable as herein provided a:nd shall be on the basis of one unit Appendix A (Revised 12/13/88). for each residential equivalent unit as shown in b. On or before September 1st of every year the City Clerk of the City of Muskego shall recompute the assignment of residential equivalent units and number of connections to all users .within the system. Said assignment method shall apply only to buildings that are attached to the sanitary collection system. Said summation of residential equivalent units will then be divided into the billable per flow portion of the yearly operation, maintenance and per residmtial equivalent unit. The summation replacement costs to arrive at the flow charge of the number of connections will be divided into the per connection portion of the operation, maintenance and replacement costs to arrive at the charge per connection. The charge per connection will be used to compute the wastewater charges for industrial and commercial users. The total charge to an individual user shall be t:he sum total of the number of assigned REC’s times the charge per REC for residential users. A residential user shall be defined as - . .. -2- any single family, duplex, apartment, multi- family or :residential condominium units. The total char.ge to an industrial, commercial, institutional and any other non-residential user times the ,charge per REC plus the number of shall be tl2e sum of the number of assigned REC's connection,s times the charge per connection. 0 (3) Debt Service C17arge A debt service charge is hereby imposed upon all users of the W,sstewater works based upon debt Muskego shall recompute the debt service charge service costs. The City Clerk of the City of annually by dividing the proposed net yearly debt Ordinance. The billable flow portion of the debt service budget as provided in Section 21.07 of this service charge shall be divided by the total number of residential equivalent units to arrive at the charge per residential equivalent unit. The connection portion of the debt service charge shall be divided by the total number of connections to arrive at the charge per connection. The Appendix "A" of this Ordinance (revised 12/13/88). Residential Equivalency Chart is attached as Residential Debt Service Charges shall be based upon the sum total of the assigned REC's times the charge per REC. Industrial and commercial Debt Service Charges shall be based upon the sum total of assigned REC's plus the connection charge. (4) Total Sewer Service Bill The total sewer service bill a residential user will receive will be the summation of the various elements previously described; that being the Town of Norway or the Milwaukee Metropolitan operation and maintenance charge from either the maintenance and replacement charge per REC plus the Sewerage District plus the City operation, debt servie charge per REC. The total sewer service bill an Industrial or Commercial user will receive will be the summation of the various elements previously described; that being the operation and maintenance charge from Metropolitan Sewerage District plus the City either the Town of Norway or the Milwaukee operation, maintenance and replacement charge per REC plus the City operation maintenance and replacement connection charge plus the debt service charge per REC plus the debt service charge per connect ion. ...- : .. .i;- r > -~ / ~ - 3 " 2,G , E. -. SECTION 2: The several sections of this ordinance are declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a deckion of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only tm3 the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, sections, or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any other ordinance whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 3: This ordin.snce shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage ,and publication. 1 9 8%. Passed and approved this /sf day of 0 VE~BLK, CITY OF MUSKEG0 WAYNE G. SALENTINE, MAYOR ATTEST : PUBLISHED THIS 9+k DAY 01' N&v , 19&. . I. 7. EXHIBIT A Duplex (3 Bedroom) 1 .o Duplex (2 Bedroom) .75 Duplex (1 Bedroom or Less) .50 Multiple Family (2 Bedroom) -75 Multiple Family (1 Bedroom or Less:) .50 Single Family 1 .o Vacant Land 0.0 COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL (Based on Employee Count) (Miscellaneous RET: -,I- 10 or less Employees 1.00 11 to 15 Employees 1.25 16 to 20 Employees 1.50 Each additional 5 Employees .25 Advertising Agencies Auto h Supply Stores Banks Building Materials Dealer City Hail Commercial Printing Drug Stores Dry Cleaners Employment Services Garage Factory/Industry (Non-Metered) General Contracting Offices Hardware-Wholesale/Retail Greenhouse/Garden Center Library Insurance Companies Liquor Stores Office Buildings Offices of Attorneys Photographic Studios Police Department Real Estate Offices Retail Stores Savings h Loan Service Station Telephone Exchange Toys h Hobby Stores U.S. Postal Service Variety Stores NOTE: a) 1 REC MINIMUM (Including Commercial and Industrial). Any category of user not listed shall be assigned a REC by the City gineer. If said applicant esputes such assignment, he may appeal the decision to the Public Utilities Committee within 60 days b) - All fractions of RECs shall of said determination. be established to the next highest 0.25 REC. Amusement Parks Barber Shops Beauty Parlors Car Wash Bowling Alleys Churches Club House Dance Hall Factory/Industry: (Metered) Fire Station Funeral Homes Home/Bus.Comb. Mall (Public Laundromat Facility) Nursing Homes Off ices : Dentists Physicians Osteopaths Chiropractors Photo Lab Parks Res taurant : .75 full-time manned station manned station .75 pair alleys Upon Application 1.25 (under 500 2.00 (over 500 Upon Application Upon Application members) members) 1.00/122 gal. /day 1 .oo Upon Application l.OO/home, plus if applicable .25/ea.5 empl. or REC Chart 2.50 .333 per machine .75 per bed 1.00 full-time practitioner 1, I, I, 1 .oo ~.4 per employee Normal Operation .04 per seat 24 Hour .06 per seat Elementary .04 per student High -05 per student Personnel .05 per student Schools: Swimming Pools Upon Application Theater Tavern .04 per seat 2.50 per screen STATE OF WISCONSIN 1 Milwaukee County ) ) ss. COMMON COUNCIL ~ CITY OF MUSKEGO' AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTI';R.. ORDINANCE 667 ' 21 .gF THE MUNIC1PAL:CODE OF THE!'. CITY OF MUSKEGO . ,.. ..... I THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY ~ ~ (Sewer Usage1 ' ~3.. : ,. OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section 21.06111. (2). (3'l;and' (41 is amended to read as follows:' 21.06 'SEWER SERVICE CH,ARGES, i CONNECTION%HARGES ANn RESERVE ~ CAPACITY ASSESSMENTS (I) Basis for Sewer Service Charges; , ~ ' The sewer service charge shall be b;asec,'.on- ' two parts;the.operation~maintenarice.and_- charge. replacement ctiarge plus- the"debt service - (2) Operstion, Maintenance and Replace: ment _I a. A~residential equivalency ch.arge (REC) is hereby ,imposed upon each lot. parcel of land. buildinrr or memise served bv the ~ . ~~ wastewater w'brks dr otherwise 'discharging sewage, including non-domestic and jnduW, rial wastes, into the system: Such opeyation, be payable as herein provided and shall be maintenance and replacement charge shall equivalent unil shown in Appendix A on the basis of one unit for each residential ' lRev5ed 12/13/881. the City Clerk of the City of Muskego shall equivalent units ,a"d'number of connections recompute the asiignment of resjdeniial to all users within the svster;l. Said asskn- ..... b,OnorbeforeSeptemberlstofeveryyear-!, men1 method shall apply only to buildings that are attached to the sanitary collection system. Said summation of resiaential equivalent units will then be divided into the billable per flow portion of the yearly emts to ariive at the flow charge per operation. maintenance and replacement residential equivalent unit. The summation ofthe number ofconnections will be divided into the per connection portion of the operation. maintenance and replacement The charge per connection will be used to costs to arrive at the charge per conneBion. compute the.yastewater charges.F_ar.inilust- rial and commercial users: The,total charge of the number of assigned REG'S times the to an individual user shall be,the sum @tal charge per REC for residential users. A residential user shall be defined as any single family. duplex, apartment. multii The total charge to sn'industrial, eornmef- family or residential ednd&ninium units: cial. institutional and any other non-resi- Judith Ziolkowski being duly sworn, doth depose and say that he is an authaized representative of The. .Y~ak.e.gq .Suo.. ........................ a newspaper published at ... Muskega ............... Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a true copy, taken from said paper, was published therein on .......................... .......................... ........ ,NDV ...... P. f9.8.t ....... ........................... .......................... ... .....*.... ............. (Signed). .... BOOKKEEPER, Subscribed and sworn to before me this ... .q&. .... day of. hd.Grn.&W. MY Commission expires ... AP.RLL .11 ..... 19.9.3 .. "uallnal-U,ier~s"alI be;thesum ,jfthF"ufibF PIUS the. number of^ connections times the Ofasaignrd~REC's times th'e charge pir REC charge'per connection. 131 DeblvSeivice Charge upon all users of the Wastewater works A,debt service charge is hereby imposed Clerk of the City of Muskego'shall recam- based upm debt service costs.. The City wte, .the debt,service charge annually by dividing ttNeflroposed net yearlj. debt service ,ided in Section 21.07 of this, total number of residential equivalent units' debt service charge shall be divided by the to amid at the charge per residential p'debt &!rvice charge shall be divided by eq+deht .unit:, connection portion of e total n)lm>er of connections to arrive at the charge.per connection. The Residential Equivalen<Y Chait is attached.as Appendix *A". of the Oidinance (revised 12/13/88). . -Residenilat DebtSeivice Charges shall be REC's times,~the charge pef REC.hd+trial. ~ based U6or~ the sum tatal of the assigned and commercial Debt Service Charges shall be jbased .~pon the: sum total 'of assighed R-EC's PIPS the connection charge. billable flow porLion of the 141 TotaI.%wer.Seviee Rill user will receive will be the summation of The, total sewer service_ bil! a residential the various elements pwviously described; charge from, either the Town of Noway or that being the operation and maintenance trim plus the City operation, maintenance the Milwa~see Metropolitan Sewerage Dis- debt service charge per REC. and replacement charge per REC plus the The total 5ewer service.bill an Industrial or Commercial user will receive will be the summation of the various elements previ- and mainklance charge from either the ously described; that being the operation Town of Noiwar or the Milwaukee Metiopo- litAn s~,.,~~~~~ rxC..:-& -I..- .L. n. ,. nance and replacement co,,. the debt service charge per'eannection. plus the debt,servie&ha@per REC p~; SECTION 2: .?e several sections of thi I .ordinance are declared to be, severable. I any section.or poition th+af shall b declared. by a decision of a coun ofcompe tenf.jurisdiction to be. invalid, unlawful. p unelforceable. &h decision. sh*all appl! only to the,specjfic.section or.portion the760 " di.rectly-specified in 'the decision. and no, affect the validity of all otheiprovisions i whidi shall remain in fvll force and effect. SectionS,'or pocion thereof of the ordinaria '.Any'othei oidinance whose, terms are in i are hereby repealed as to those ,terns that conflict yith the provisions ofthis ordinance " SF!cTION 3:-.This ordinance shall be in ,'full .?rce arid effect from and after its ,paasage and publication. Passed and. approved .this 1st day .of ;'November 1989. CITY OF MUSKEGO IdWayne G. Salentine MAYOR . conflict;: ' ATT~ST. ~ ~~ /dJean K. Marenda CITY CI.ERK PURIJSHED THIS 9th 'DAY OF November, .I 989.