ORD1989660CORRECTED AMENDED ORDINANCE #660 COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 AN ORDINANCE 'ro AMEND CHAPTER 28.05 OF THE MUNICIPAL C:ODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 (Well Testing) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE cI'ry OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION 1 - Section 28.35(2)(a) is repealed and recreated to read as follows: (2) MANDATORY HOOKUP. (a) 'The owner of each parcel of land presently occupied and servi'ced or capable of being serviced by such water system shall be hooked up to the water system within hookup shall be before occupancy. Such mandatory hookup shall 30 days after notification b:y the Committee. If unoccupied, apply to all buildings located within the City capable of being served if said property is not served by a private well which tests "safe" according to st.sndards of the Wisconsin State Department of Natural Resources and the Waukesha County Health Department, and to all new construction. properties are capable of being served by Municipal Water shall The owners of property ,whose wells test "safe" and whose on or before July 1, commencing the first test year following the year said property is capablm? of being served, file with the Public Utilities Committee test results performed by the Waukesha County Health Department or recognized private testing bacteriologically safe. Tes.ting such well shall be performed by laboratory, showing that the water from such well is a person working for the testing laboratory from a sample obtained from the well and ht? shall certify the test results. If a well test indicates contamination, chlorination or other methods may be taken to corrI?ct the problem. A second well test must be taken within 60 days. If that test indicates within 60 days. If that test indicates no contamination, no contamination, the property lnust be connected to the water system further action is necessary. with 1989 being the first "tl?st" year. If such test is not performed by July 1 of the t'est year, or the test results show be immediately disconnected ,and the property immediately the water to be bacteriologically unsafe, use of such well shall be permanently sealed within 90 days of notification to abandon connected to the Municipal Water System. Such unsafe well shall by the Utility. Failure to permanently seal such well shall subject the owner of the premises where such well is located to the penalty section of this subchapter. Such well tests shall be required every three (3) years, recreated to read as follows: SECTION 2: Section 28.115 (4)(b) and (c) are repealed and Ordinance 8660 Page 2 SERVICE. (4) USE OF PRIVATE WELLS UPON CONNECTION TO MUNICIPAL WATER (b) The owners of those wells testing "safe" and being utilized for outside chores not involving human consumption of water shall year of severance, file with the Public Utilities Committee test on or before July 1, commencing the first test year following the results performed by the Waukesha County Health Department or recognized private testing laboratory, showing that the water from such well is bacteriologically safe. Testing such well shall be performed by a person working for the testing laboratory from a sample obtained from the well and he shall certify the test results. If a well test indicates contamination, chlorination or other methods may be taken to correct the problem. A second well test must be taken within 60 days. with 1989 being the first "test" year. If such test is not (c) Such well tests shall be required every three (3) years, performed by July 1 of the test year, or the test results show be immediately discontinued. Such unsafe well shall be the water to be bacteriologi'sally unsafe, use of such welX,shall permanently sealed within 90 days of notification to aban,don by the Utility. Failure to perlnanently seal such well shall subject penalty section of this subchapter. the owner of the premises wh,?re such well is located to the SECTION 3: The several sections of this ordinance are declared to be severable. I.€ any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decisfton of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, lunlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, sections, or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any other ordinance whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. Passed and approved this - 22nd day of August ,. ' 1989 - . CITY OF MUSKEG0 ATTEST : h 4?L- WAYP G. SALENTINE, MAYOR PUBUSHED THIS 7th DAY OF September 1- 1989 . I STATE OF WISCONSIN ) Milwzukee County ) ) ss. .Official Notice CITY nv MUSK.EGO CITY OF MUSKEGO (Well Testing). THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO. WISCONSIN DO ORDAIN AS FOI.IKIWS: SECTION I - Section 28.05(21(at is repealed and recreated to read as follows: I21 MANDATORY HOOKUP. (a1 The owner ofeach parcel ofland presently occupied and serviced or capable of being serviced by such water system shall be hooked up to the tion by the Committee. if unoccupied, water system within 30 days after notitica- hookup'shall be before occupancy. Such manadory hookup shall apply to all build- served if said property is not served by a ings located within the City capable of being private well which tests -safe" according to standards of the Wisconsin State Depart- sha County Health Department. and to all rnent of Natural Iteesourees and the Wauke- new construction. , "sare" and whose properties are capable or The owneis of property whose wells test being served by Municipal Water shall on or followtng the iear said property is capable of before July 1, commencing the first test year belng served. file, with the Publlc Utilities Committee test results performed by the Waukesha County Health Department or recogni7,ed private testing laboratory, show- ing that the water from such well is shall he performed hy a person working For bacteriologically safe. Testing such well the testing laboratory from a sample obcained from the well and he shall certify the test results. If a well test indicates contamination, chlorination OF other methods may be taken to correct the problem. A second well test must be taken contamination. the property must be con- wnthin 60 days. If that test tndicates nected to the water system within 60 days. If that test indicates no contamination, no further action is necessary. Such well tests shall be required every three (3) years. with 1989 being the first July 1 of the test year, or the test results "test" year. If such test is not performed by show the water to be bacteriologically unsafe. useofsuch wellshall be immediately disconnected and the property immediately Such unsafe well shall be permanently connected to the Munieipa1,Water System. sealed withm 90 days 01 notification to abandon by the Utility. Failure to perma- of the premises where such well is located M nently seal such well shall subject the owner the penalty section of this subchapter. SECTION 2: Sectlon 28.05 (4)Ibl and (c) follnws: are 'repealed and recreated to read as being duly sworn, d,othdepme and say that he isan authorized representative of The.. . Muskego.Sun.. ....................... a newspaper published at ... Mwhego ............... IYisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a Iwe copy, taken from said paper, was published therein on _. ........................... ....... .!E!. .7. !am.. ...... 1 ........................... ........................... ........................... (Signed) BOOKKEEPER Subscribed and sworn to before ng this ... *2 . . day COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #660 OF 'THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO AN ORDINANCE TO AMENU CHAPTEK 28.05 (Well Testing) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKtiGO, WISCONSIN FOLLOWS : SECTION 1 - Section 28.05(2)(a) is repealed read as follows: (2) MANDATORY HOOKUP. (a) presently occupied and serv such water system shall be 30 days after notification hookup shall be before occu apply to all buildings loca served if said property is vate well which tests "safe" according to s lsconsin State Department of Natural Kesou Department, and to all new constructio The owners of property whose test "safe" and whose properties are capable of b by Municipal Water shall year said property is capab on or before July 1, commencing t Public Utilities Committee County Health Department or laboratory, showing that the bacteriologically safe. Te a person working for the te obtained from the well and shall certify the test results. declared to be/severable. If any section or portion thereof shall be decla,red by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to-be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only t:o the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, sections, or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that other ordinance whose terms, are in conflict with the provisions conflict. *. -i- Ordinance a660 Page 2 SECTIUN 3: This ordin.snce shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage ;and publication. Passed and approved this day of , 1Y8-. CITY OF MUSKEG0 WAYNE G. SALENTINE, MAYOK ATTEST : City Clerk PUBLISHED THIS DAY OF # ’9”. jz STATE OF WISCONSIN ) Milwaukee County ) 1 =. Offickt Notice CITY OF MUSKEGO AdFNnrn ............... COM~TON COUNCIL CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE # 660 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAWR 28.05 OF THE MUNICIPAI. CODE TO THE CJTY 2F MUSKEGO THE COMMON COUNCII. OFTHE CITY (Well Testing) OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1 - Section 28,05(2Ma) is repe- aled and recreated to read as follows: (21 MANDATORY HOOKUP. (a) The occupied and serviced or capable of being owner of each parcel of land presently serviced by such water system shall be hooked up tn the water-system within 30 days aRer notification by the Committee. If pancy. Such mandatory hookup shall apply unoccupied, hookup shall 'be before occu- to all buildings located within the City capable ofbeing served ifsaid property is not served by a private well which tests '"safe" according to standards of the Wisconsin the Waukesha County Health Department, State Department of Natural Resources and and to all new construction. '"safe" and whose properties are capable of The owners of property whose wells test before July 1, commencing the first test year rollowing the yearsaid property is capable of being served, file with the Public Utilities Waukesha County Health Department or Committee test results performed by the recognized private testing laboratory, show- ing that the water from such well is bacteriologically safe Testing such well shall be performed by a person working for the testing laboratory from a sample obtained from the well and he shall certify contamination, chlorination or other the test results. If a well test indicates methods may be taken to correct the problem. A second well test must be taken withln 60 days. If that test indicates contaminatlon. the property must be con- that test indicates no contamination, no neeted to the water system within 60 days. If further action is necessary. Such well tests shall be required everv three (3) years, with 1989 being the first "ksv year. If such test is nor performed by July 1 of the test year, or the test results show the water to be bacteriologically disconnected and the property Immediately unsafe. use ofsuch well shall be immediately connected to the Municipal Water System. Such unsafe well shall be permanently abandon by the Utility. Failure to perma- sealed within 90 days of notification to nently seal such well shall subject the owner of the premises where such well is located to the penalty section of this subchapter. SECTlON 2: Section 28.05 (4Xbl and (e] follows: are repealed and recreated to read as " .... being served by Municipal Water shall on or being duly sworn. doth depose and say that he is an authorized representative of The .. fluskeao. .S u 4 .......................... a newspap.. published at. .. Muskega ............... Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a true copy, taken from said paper, was published therein on ........................... ........................... ......... Au6 ..! .I. )?89 ..... .......................... ........................ ................. (Signed). ..... BOOKKEEPER. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .. .3). s"c- x. .. dav Lty Commission expires .... AP.RLL 11 ... .19.9.3 (41 USE OF PRWATE WELLS UPON CONNECTION TO MUNICIPAI. WATER SERVICE. and being utilized for outside chores not (bl The owners ofthose wells testing'safe" on 01 before July I, commencing the first test involving human consumption ofwater shall year following the year of severance. file with the Public Utilities Committee test Heallh Department of recognized private results performed by the Waukesha County testing laboratory, showing that the water from such well is bacteriologically safe Testing such well shall be performed by a persm working for the testing laboratory from a sample obtained from the well and he shall certify the test results. If a well test other methods may be taken to correct the indicstes contamination, chlorination 01 problem. A second well test must be taken with," 60 days If that test indicates contamination. the property must be con- that test indicates no contamination, no nected to the water system wlthrn 60 days. I1 lurlhm?r aclion is necessary. three (3) years. with 1989 being the first 1c1 Such well tests shall be required every "test" year. If such test is not performed by July I of the test year, or the test results show the water to be bacteriologically unsafe, useofsuch well shall be immediately disconnected and the property Immediately connected to the Municipal Water System Such unsafe well shall be permanently sealed within 90 days of notification tv abanc:on by the Utility. Fanlure to perma- of rhe premises where such well is located tu nentl? seal such well shall subject the owner the penalt), section of thts suhchapter ordinance are declared to be severab SECTION 3: The several sections 01 any section or mion thereof sha declared by a decision of a murt of eo tent jurisdiction to be invalid. unlawfi only to the specific section or portion th unenforceable, such decision shall : directly specified in the decision, ant affect the validity of all other provi! .sections, or portion thereof of the ordir which shall remain in full force and P Any other ordinance whose terms a conflict with the provisions of this ordlr are hereby repealed as to those terms conflict. full force and effect from and afte SECTION 4: This ordinance shall i passage and publication. Passed and approved lhis 22nd d; August. 1989. CITY OF MUSK Id Wayne G. Sale k Id Jean K. Marenda ATPEST- City Clerk PURI.ISHED THIS 31st DAY OF Au 1989. c COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO AMENDED ORDINANCE W660 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 28.05 (Well Testing) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY W MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : .. / SECTION 1 - Section 28.05(2)(a) is repealed and Eecreated / to read as follows: / (2) MANDATORY HOOKUP. (a) The presently occupied and servic:ed 30 days after notification by the such water system shall be hooked hookup shall be before apply to all buildings served if said property Department of Natural tests "safe" according Department, and to all new cc'nstructi on or before July 1, County Health laboratory, by the Waukesha the penalty section of this subchapter. SECTION 2: Section 28.05 (4)(b) and (c) are repealed and recreated to read as follows: r Ordinance 8660 Page 2 SERVICE. (4) USE OF PRIVATE WELLS UPON CONNECTION TO MUNICIPAL WATER (b) The owners o s testing "safe" and being utilized for outside chore ing human consumption of water shall year of severance the Public Utilities Committee test on or before July ng the first test year following the results performed esha County Health Department or recognized privat boratory, showing that the water from such well is ically safe. Testing such well shall he performe n working for the testing laboratory from a sample obt he well and he shall certify the test results. If indicates contamination, problem. A secon must be taken within 60 days. If chlorination or o may be taken to correct the to the water syst days. If that test indicates no that test indicat tion, the property must be connected contamination, no ion is necessary. with 1989 being t st" year. If such test is not (c) Such well te required every three (3) years, performed by July st year, or the test results show the water to be b ally unsafe, use of such well shall be immediately di d the property immediately be permanently sealed within connected to the Municipal Wa Such unsafe well shall by the Utility. Failure to seal such well shall the penalty section of notification to abandon subject the owner of the such well is located to or portion thereof of competent such conflict. Aueus t , 1989. - ATTEST: City Clerk PUBLISHED THIS 3lst DAY OF Aueus t . 1989.