ORD1989654COMMON- COUhTIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE /I654 ORDINANCE TO REPEAL AND RECREATE SECTION 3.01 AND CREATE: SECTION 3.015 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (Tax Roll & Property Tax Collection) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION 1 - Section 3.01 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego entitled Preparation of Tax Roll and Tax Receipts is hereby repealed and recreated to read as follows: 3.01 PREPARATION OF TAX ROLL AND TAX RECEIPTS. (1) Pursuant to 670.65(2). Wis, Stats.. the Clerk shall enter local taxes in the tax "~ ~ ~ . ,, roll, according to the-format prescribed by the Department of Revenue. The Clerk shall begin preparation of the tax roll at a time sufficient to permit timely delivery of the tax roll to the Treasurer as provided in 374.03, Wis. Stats. (2) The Treasurer is not required to prepare tax receipts unless a receipt is s ecifically requested by a person paying taxes, as provided in i 74.09(3)(g), Wis. Stats. If the Treasurer receives the request for a receipt, then the Treasurer shall prepare a receipt on the form provided by the County Clerk. SECTION 2 - Section 3.015 entitled Collection of Property Taxes, Special Assessments, Special Charges and Other Taxes is hereby created to read as follows: CHARGE~T"KT Pursuant to 9/4 3.015 COLLECTION OF PROPERTY TAXES, SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS, SPECIAL .12, Wis. Stats., the City of: Muskego hereby authorizes payment of real property taxes in three (3) installments. Each installment shall be for one-third of the total real property taxes due. The installments shall be due as follows: (a) The first installment shall be paid on or before January 31. (b) The second installment shall be paid on or before April 30. (c) The final installment shall be paid on or before July 31. (2) All special assessments, special charges and special taxes that are placed in the tax roll shall be paid in full on or before January 31. (3) In the event that any installment on real property taxes is not unpaid taxes on that parcel is delinquent as of the first day of the paid on or before the date due, the entire amount of the remaining month after the payment is due. Ordinance 11654 * Page 2 -i (4) In the event that any special assessment, special charge, special tax or personal property tax is not paid in full on or before January 31, the amount unpaid shall be delinquent as of February 1. and special taxes that become delinquent and are paid on or before (5) Any real property taxes, special assessments, special charges July 31, and all delinquent personal property taxes, whenever paid, shall be collected by the Trcasurer, together with interest of 1.0% per month or fraction thereof charged from the preceding February on the tax roll that remain unpaid through July 31 shall be returned 1. Any taxes, special assessments, special charges or special taxes to the County Treasurer for collection on or before August 15. SECTION 3: The several sections of this ordinance are declared declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction $0 be to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specifid in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, sections, or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any 'sther ordinance whose terms are in as to those terms that conflict. conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage a-nd publication. Passed and approved this " 27t.h day of June , 1989 . - CITY OF MUSKEGO WAYNE G. SALENTINE, MAYOR ATTEST: City Clerk PUBLISHED THIS 7th DAY OF July ,19*. jz STATE OF WISCONSIN ) Milwaukee Counly ) ) ss. " OfticZTTotice CITY OF MUSKEGO COMMON COUNCII, ORDINANCE # 654 ORDINANCE TO REPEAI:AND,RECRE- TION 3.015 OF THE MUNICIPAI. CODE ATE SECTION 3.01 AND CREATE SEC- OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (Tax Roll & Property Tai Collection) THE COMMON COtJNCll. OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO. FSCONSIN DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Code of the City of Muskego entitled SECTION 1 -Section 3.01 oftheMunicipal Preparation of Tax Roll and Tax Receipts is hereby repealed and recreated to read as follnwc- . -. . . . -. 3.01 PREPARATION OFTAX ROIL AND TAX RECEIPTS. (1 I Pursuant to 870.65C21, Wis. Stats.. theClerk.shall enter local taxes prescribed;by-,the Department of Revenue. in the tax foil, according to the format The Clerk shall begin preparation of the tax roll at a time sufficient 'to permit timely delivery of the tax roll to the Treasurer as provided in $74.03, Wis. Stats. prepare, tax. receipts unless a receipt is (2) The Treasufer is not required to specifically requested by a person paying laxes. as provided in $74.09(3I(gl, Wis. Stats. If the Treasurer receives the request far n receipt,' then the Treasurer shall prepare a receipt on the foorm provided by the County Clerk. Collection ofPrpperty Taxes, Special Assess- SECTTON 2 - Section 3.015 entitled ments, Special Charges and Other Taxes is hereby created to read as follows: TAXES, SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. SPE- 3.015 COI.I,ECTION OF PROPERTY CIAI. CHARGES AND OTHER TAXES (1 Muskego hereby authorizes payment of real Pursuant to $74.12, Wis. Stars., the City ai property taxes in three (31 installments. Each installment shall be for one-third ofthe total. real property taxes due. The install- ments shall be due~as follows: (a) 7ne firs1 installment shall be paid on or before January, 31 (b)The second installinentshall be paid,on or before April 30. (e) The final installment shall be paid on or before July 31 12) All ,special qssessrnents, special charges and special taxes that are placed in the tax roll shall be paid in full on or before January 31 '"1 1- +.Lu"-xL+hst. .I-.. ins+n!lmollt. On JUDITH ZlOLKOWSKl bein)! duly zworn. dolh depose -Id 'y lllal he is a11 aitti:Ii?d represen!ative $1 1 he . MUSkEGO . . . . . . . SUN. a newspaper published a1 MUSKEG3 Vlisconsin and lhat an advertisernellt of which the annexed is a true copy, laken lrom said pnper. was nublished therein 011 I*, 111 .,le F .-... ..al" "'., ... I"_. .-,"~ real property taxes if not paid 0" or bef& that date. the entire amount ofthe'rerhain- as of (he first day of^ the month' aller ing urmpaid taxes on thai parcel is'dkljnqueni paymmt is due. (41 'In the event that,any speeial assess. ment. special,charge. special tax or personal property tax i8 not'paid in full'on.br.before. January 3l.,.the. emount'unpaid 'sliall be delinquent 88 of Febrimj,f., ~ , , , .. assessmenta,. special chaiges md,, sbial' (5) Any real Rioperty' taxes, .special, taxes that home deIiriqrieht.dfid'ar6 paid on or before July 31. and.<all' delinquent personal property taxes, wheievei piid, shall be co!leced by the Tr&sure<, @&her, thereoP charged from the prece+b:Febru- with interest of l.O%, per mqnth,or fraction ay .1. .Any- keq special special' charges or special tax rdl tb84-n unpaid'th shal1 ba returned to the County %ensurer for colliztion in or before August 15: ' ' ordinarlee are declared to be severable. If SECTION 3: The several sections of this any section or portion the-f shall be declare3 by a decision of a murt of compe- tent jurisdiction to'be invalid. unlawful. or unenforceable. such decision shall apply only ta the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision;and not 'affect the validity of all other provisions, ,section:;, or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force.and'effect. Any other ordinance whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hewby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. June. 1!)89. Passed and approved this 27th day of