ORD1989651COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE 11651 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (Janesville Road) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : rezoned from RS2/0IP/OHS/OOS to B2: A 500' strip of land which adjoins and runs parallel to the north side of Janesville Road and extends from approximately S66 W14300 Janesville Road easterly to approximately S64 W13700 Janesville Road, and which includes the following parcels: SECTION 1: The following described property is hereby Approximately the southerly 500' of: PT NE 114 SEC 2 T5N R20E COM NE COR S 2252.58 FT 588 W980.10 FT N32 W 100.98 FT N59 E 281.84 FT N 326.70 FT S60 W 229.68 FT N1830.84 FT E 990.66 FT TO BGN EX THAT SOLD CHURCH 33.403 AC & EX VOLS 704157, 10841674 ADDRESSED AS S65 W14074 JANESVILLE RD A southerly part of: PT NW 114 SEC 1 T5N R20E COM NW COR S 2251.26 FT E 1386 FT N 2251.26'FT W 1386-FT TO BGN & PT NW 114 SEC 1 T5N R20E EX VOL 555/235,614/364,663/484 6731388 7451121 7951148 1167172 833167 EX VOL 12131278-280-282 CERT SURV 10l150. 151 EX V67iI712 5/85 All of parcel: FT N59 13'E 312 FT N1 W 405.37 FT S89 W270.79 FT TO BGN PT NW 114 SEC 1 T5N R20E COM NW COR S 714.10 FT S1 E 560.39 3 AC R5431174 TJP 5/83 ADDRESSED S65 W13964 JANESVILLE RD All of parcel: PT NW 114 SEC 1 T5N R20E COM NW COR S1 E 1274.49 FT N59 13' E 312 FT THE BGN N59 13E 123.86 FT N1 W 405.37 FT 559 13' W 123.86 FT S1 E 405.37 FT TO BGN 1 AC VOL 104213 DEEDS ALSO PT NW 114 SEC 1 T5N R20E COM NW COR S1 E 1274.49 FT N59 13'E 435.86 FT THE AC R704/87 WD 10185 ADDRESSED AS S64 W13896 JANESVILLE RD BGN N59 13'E 100 FT N14 42'W 366.15 FT S1 E 405.37 FT TO BGN 0.40 All of parcel: PT NW 114 SEC 1 T5N R20E COM NW COR S1 E 1274.49 FT N59 13' E 535.86 FT THE BGN N14 42'W 366.15 FT N59 13'E 125 FT S14 42'E ADDRESSED AS S64 W13838 JANESVILLE RD 366.15 FT S59 13'W 125 FT TO BGN 1.01 AC R7651851 WD 6/86 Approximately the southerly 500' of: PT NW 114 SEC 1 T5N R20E 7.246 AC R33211297-98 ADDRESSED AS S63 W13761 COLLEGE AVE Ordinance #651 Page 2 -: -i declared to be severable. I€ any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion validity of all other provisions, sections, or portion thereof of thereof directly specified i:1 the decision, and not affect the the ordinance which shall renain in full force and effect. Any other ordinance whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 2: The several sections of this ordinance are SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. Passed and approved this " 13th day of June , 1989 - . CITY OF MUSKEG0 r -r WAYNE G. SALENTINE, MAYOR ATTEST : City Clerk PUBLISHED THIS 22nd DAY OF June 9- 1989 . j= STATE OF WISCONSIN Milwaukee Counlv , ss. " I - -5 CITY OF MUSKEG0 Official 'Notice COM?msmJNCIL ORDINANCE # 651 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND-THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The following described property is hereby rezoned from RS2/01P/ OHSIOOS to B2: parallel to the north aide of Janesville,Road ' A 500' strip of land which adjoins and runs W14300 Janesville Road easterly to approxi- and extends from approximately S66 mately 564 W13700 Janesvllle Road, and which includes the following parcels: Approximately the southerly 500' of. m NE 1/4 SEC 2 T5N R20E COM NE COR S 2252.58 FI S88 W980.10 FT N32 W 100.98 FT N59 E 281.84 FT N 326.70 FT S60 W 229.68 FT N1830.84 FT E 990,66 ET to BCN EX THAT SOLD CHURCH 33.403 AC & EX VOLS 704/57,1084/674 ADDRESSED AS 565 W14074 JANESVILLE RD A southerly-ldg-l of: F'T NW 1/4 SEC 1 T5N R20E COM NW COR S 2251.26 FT E 1386 FT N 2251.26 FT W1386FTTOBGN&PTNW1/4SEClT5N RZOE EX VOL 555/235.614/364..663/4R4 ! 6733388 745/121 7951148 1167372 83367 EX, ~ ~ ~~,~ ~~~. ~~ ~~ VOL 1213i278-280.282 CERT SURV 10/150. 151 EXV671/712 5/85 Fi.W 1/4 SEC 1 T5N R20E COM-NW All of parcel: COR S 714.10 FT SI E 560.39 FT N 59 13'E 312 FT N1 W 405.37 FT S89 W270.79 FT TO BGN 3 AC R543/174 TJP 5/83 ADDRESSED S65 W13964 JANESVILLE RD All of parcel: CORSIEl274.49TTN5913'E312FTTHE €T NW 114 SEC 1 T5N RZOE COM Nk' BGN N 59 13E 123.86 FT N1 W 405.37 FT S5913'Wl23.86FTSlE405.37FITOBGN SEC~l T5N WOE COM NW COR S1 E 1 AC VOL 1047,/3 DEEDS ALSO PT NW 1/4 1274.49 FT N59 WE 435.86 FT THE BGN 405.37 FT TO BGN 0.40 AC R704/87 WD N59 13'E 100 FT N14 42W 366.i5 FT S1 E JANESVILLE RD 10185 ADDRESSED AS 564 W13896 AI1 of parcel: ~ COR S1 E 1274.49 FT.N59 13' E 535.86, FI PT,.NW 1/4 SEC 1 T5N R20E COM NW THE BGN N14 42W 366:15 FT.N59 13'E 125 FT S14 42% 366.15 FT S59 13W 125 FT TO ADDRESSED AS $64 W13838 JANES- BGN 1.01 AC R765/851 WD 6/86 VILLE RD Approximately the southerly 500' of: PT W 114 SEC 1 T5N R20E 7.246 AC R332/1297-98rZDDRESSEDM.563 W137.61 cold kvr. . - " - - - . . . - SECTION 2: The several sections of this ordinance are declared to be severable. If any section or potiion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of campe- tent jurisdiction to be invalid. unlawful, or unenforceable, such dedsion shall apply directly specified in the decision. and not only to the specific section or portion thereof affect the validity of all other provisions. sections. or portion thereof of the ordinance Any other ordinance whose terms are in which shall remain in full force and effect. conklict with the provisions of this ordinance conflict. are hereby repealed as to those terns that full force and effect from and after its SECTION 3: This ordinance shell be in passage and publication. . Passed and approved this 13th day of June, 1989. IsWayne G. Salentine, CITY OF MUSKEGO Mayor A'ITEST JUDITH ZIOLKOWSKI beiq duly :worn. dolh 4,aposi and say llial he is a11 xlh:rizd represen!alive 31 The MUsKEGP SUN. a newspaper published al .VUSKEG? Wisconsill and lhal an adverlisemed GI which lhe anrlexed is ;1 lrue copy, laken lrom said paper. was nublished lllereirr 011 IdJean K. Marenda City Clerk 1989. PUBLISHED THIS 22nd DAY OF' June, '! /I