ORD1988616aAN ORDINANCE TO CREATE ORDINANCE NO. 616 AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER PROTECTION IN THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 CHAPTER 32 - FIRE PREVENTION CODE The Common Council of the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, State of Wisconsin, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: An Ordinance entitled CHAPTER 32, Fire Prevention Code, Automatic Sprinkler Protection is hereby created for the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego to read as follows: CITY OF MUSKEG0 Official Notice SECTION 32 AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER PROTECTION FIRE PREVENTION CODE 32.01 32.02 32.03 32.04 32.05 32.07 32.06 32.08 32.09 32.10 32.1 1 32.12 32.13 32.14 Purpose Definition Installation-Required Type of System and Approval of Plans Application to Existing Building New Additions, Remodeling and/or Change of Use Maintence of Equipment Fire Department Hose Connections Fire Department Stand Pipes Exempt ions Fire Hydrant Requirements Substitution Interim Installations Security Key Vault System .\ .. a 32.01 32.02 (1) 0 PURPOSE To provide the means for the automatic extinguishment of fire in buildings or parts of buildings which because of their size, construction or occupancy or lack of suitable protective equipment, constitute a special fire hazard to life or property or an excessive burden upon the fire extiguishing capabilities of the Fire Department. DEFINITIONS definitions shall apply. For the purpose of this subsection, the following (a) - NFPA For the purposes of this section NFPA means the current editions of the National Fire Protection Association Codes and Standards. (b) "Approved", as applied to automatic fire sprinkler equipment and devices, means approval by a recognized testing laboratory. (c) "Area" means the maximum horizontal projected area on main floor of building or structure within the exterior walls or between approved fire walls. Appproved fire walls will not be used as a determing factor to defray from the overall exterior walls when classifying a building or structure for the installation of an approved sprinkler system. The square foot determination as to the requirements of this fire prevention code for the installation of approved sprinkler systems will be determined by the square usable floor area. footage of the exterior walls, and total square feet of (d) "Automatic fire spr.inkler equipment" means a system of piping connected to an adequate water supply and provided with approved automatic fire sprinklers and/or devices so arranged and located as to discharge water automatically to the seat of the fire. Installation shall comply with the National Fire Protection Codes standard for the installation of sprinkler systems. (e) Basement" means as per state of Wisconsin Code 51.01. (f) "Fire resistive" means that type of construction in which the structural members including walls, noncombustible materials with fire resistance ratings partitions, columns, floor and roof construction are of not less than those specified in the following table. The two classifications are identified by the required fire resistance of floors as a matter of convenience. Fir@ Raeistance Rating of Structural Members in Hours Classification 3 hour 2 hour Bearing walls or bearing portions of walls, exterior OK interior 4 3 Bearing walls and bearing partitions must have adequate stability under fire condtions in addition to the specified fire resistance rating Nonbearing walls or portions of walls, exterior or interior NC NC NC-Noncombustible. Fire resistance may be required in such walls by conditions such as fire exposure, location with respect to lot lines, occupancy or other pertinent conditions Principal supporting members including columns, trusses, girders and beams for one floor or roof only 4 Principal supporting members including columns, trusses, girders and beams for more than one floor or roof 4 Secondary floor construction members, such as the beams, slabs and joists not affecting the stability of the building 3 2 Secondary roof construction members, such as beams, purlins and slabs, not affecting the stability of the building 2 1 '/z openings through floors Interior partitions enclosing stairways and other 2 2 One hour noncombustible partitions may be permitted under certain conditions "Fire wall" means a wall which has a fire resistance rating of not less than four hours, and which divides a building or separates buildings to restrict the spread of fire. A as part of a fire wall in all non-fire-resistive buildings. three foot parapet wall will be required above roof level "Ground floor" means as per state of Wisconsin Code 51.01. "Multifamily house" means a building OK portion thereof containing four or more dwelling units having a common houses. Row houses with fire walls extending from basement entrance, such as tenements, apartments or rooming to three feet above roof line separating each living unit are exempt. "_ (j ) Places of Assembly Theaters ; Assembly halls Motion picture theaters Auditoriums Exhibition halls Museums Bowling lanes Mortuary chapels Courtrooms Churches Restaurants Clubrooms Dance halls Skating rinks Gymnasiums Poolrooms Conference rooms 1. "Places of assembly" include, but are not limited to, all buildings or portions of buildings used for gathering together fifty or more persons in commercial places of assembly and one hundred or more persons in noncommercial places of assembly. Places of assembly shall include those facilities used for such purposes as deliberation, worship, Assembly occupancies include, but are not limited to: entertainment, amusement or awaiting transpor-tation. 2. Occupancy of any room or space for assembly by less than one hundred persons in a building of other occupancy and incidental to such other occupancy shall be classed as part of the other occupancy and subject to the provisions applicable thereto. 3. Educational occupancies included all buildings used for the gathering of groups of six or more persons for purposes of instruction. Educational occupancies include : (a) Schools (b) Universities (c) Colleges (d) Child day care facilities (e) Academies (f) Nursery schools (g) Kindergartens 4. Other occupancies associated with educational parts of this code. Exception: Licensed day care institutions shall be in accordance with the appropriate facilities shall include those of any capacity. 5. In cases where instruction is incidental to some other occupancy, the section of this code governing such other occupancy shall apply. (k) "Story" means that part of a building between a floor and the floor or roof above. (1) "Subbasement" means any level below basement. (m) "Theater" means all buildings or parts of buildings, containing an assembly hall, having a stage which may be equipped with curtains or movable scenery, or which is otherwise adaptable to the showing of plays, operas, motion pictures or similar forms of entertainment. (n) "Occupancy clasification": has that meaning as defined in Chapter 4, NFPA 101, 1976 edition. 32.03 INSTALLATION REQUIRED Approved automatic fire sprinkler equipment shall be installed and maintained as follows: (a) Buildings Used for the Manufacture, Storage or Sale of Combustible Goods or Merchandise. 1. Fire resistive buildings b. Over one story in height and 6,000 sq. ft. or more in a. One floor 10,000 sq. ft. or more in area. area. .. c. Over 3 stories in height, regardless of area. 2. Non-fire resistive buildings a. One floor 6,000 sq. ft. or more in area. b. Over one story in'height and 4,000 sq. ft. OK more on a floor. c. Over 2 stories. (b) Multi-Family 1. Fire resistive buildings a. Basements, stairways and corridors in buildings up to 4 b. Throughout in buildings 3 stories or more. 2. Non-fire resistive buildings a. Basements, stairways and corridors b. Throughout building if 3 stores or more c. Buildings over 3,000 sq. ft. (c) Office Buildings, Motels and Hotels stories. 1. a. b. C. 2. a. b. C. Fire resistive buildings None required for single story without basement if less than 10,000 sq. ft. Basements, stairways and corridors in buildings of 2 stories up to 3 stories. Throughout in buildings 3 stories or more. Non-fire resistive buildings None required for single story without basement if less than 6,000 sq. ft. Throughout in buildings over 2 stories. Basements, stairways and corridors up to 2 stories. (d) Theaters and Places of Assembly 1. Fire-resistive buildings a. Less than eight thousand square feet in area. b. Stage, under roof of stage, gridirons, fly galleries and bridges, dressing rooms, property rooms and on the stage side of the proscenium opening. 2. Non-fire-resistive buildings a. Throughout all buildings (e) Hospitals 1. Fire-resistive buildings a. Throughout all buildings 2. Non-fire resistive buildings a. Throughout all buildings (f) Nursing, Convalescent, Old Age and Institutional Buildings 1. Throughout all buildings (9) Schools, Colleges, Universities, Medical Centers, and Day Care Centers 1. Fire-resistive Buildings a. Basements, workshops, laboratories, stairways, corridors, janitor closets and/or storage closets, kitchens, cafeterias, sleeping areas and all places where combustible materials are handled or stored, including all storage rooms 2. Non-fire resistive buildings a. Throughout all buildings (h) Dormitories, Fraternity and/or Sorority Houses 1. Fire-resistive buildings a. Linen rooms, storage rooms, boiler or heater rooms, kitchens, stairways, corridors and all areas where combustible materials are handled or stored. a. Throughout all buildings 2. Non-fire resistive buildings (i) Hazardous Properties 1. Throughout every building which by reason of its construction or highly combustible occupancy involves a severe life hazard to its occupants or adjoining property or in the judgment of the authority having jurisdiction, constitutes a fire menace. 2. Sample occupancies which are considered highly combustible: a. Chemical Works or storage b. Explosive or pyrotechnic manufacturing c. Linseed oil mills, storage or manufacturing d. Linoleum and oil cloth manufacturing e. Oil refineries or storage facilities f. Paint shops h. Shade cloth manufacturing g. Pyroxylin plastic manufacturing or processing j. Varnish or paint manufacturing i. Solvent extracting k. All occupancy involving processing, mixing, storage and/or dispensing volatile liquids and/or toxic gases 1. Air craft hangers (j) Garages 1. b. a. 2. a. b. 3. 4. Fire Resistive Buildings 10.000 square feet or more in area. Thiee leiels or more in height. Non-Fire Resistive Buildings 6,000 square feet or more in area. Exceeding three levels in height. Basement or sub-basement garages containing spaces in excess of three (3) passenger vehicles above or below other occupancies. Garages used as passenger terminals (k) Other Properties Requiring Protection 1. Bowling alleys. Throughout buildings of 8,000 square feet or more in area. 2. a. b. 4. 3. Restaurants Throughout buildings of 8,000 square feet or more floor All kitchen exhaust hoods and ducts for cooking area equipment must be sprinklered or an approved type of automatic extinguishing system installed. All subbasements, required throughout. All buildings 35' in height above outside grade at any point, required throup,hout. 32.04 APPLICATION TO EXISTING BUILDINGS Where the Fire Department finds that existing buildings are used in whole or part in such a way as to constitute a severe fire hazard to its occupants or adjoining property, the Fire Chief may require compliance with the provisions of this s.ubchapter as they relate to new construction. 32.05 TYPE OF SYSTEM AND APPROVAL OF PLANS a. Automatic sprinkler equipment shall be installed and connected to an adequate water supply. Sprinkler heads, valves and auxiliary equipment of standard types suitable for the individual building shall be determined by the authority having jurisdiction in effect at the date of installation. b. No automatic sprinkler equipment shall be installed or altered in a building until plans have been submitted to and approved by the fire department and city building department. Two copies of the plans and specifications shall be submitted for review and approval. Approved plans shall be stamped approved by the fire department and city building department and the date of approval. shall be returned to owner, one copy kept on file One in cOpK t e fire department. 32.06 NEW ADDITIONS, REMODELING AND/OR CHANGE OF USE OF EXISTING S a. All buildings in this sub-section shall adhere to the following: 1. If more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the gross interior area of the building is remodeled and/or added to, the entire building shall be provided with the requirements of this ordinance. 2. Change of Use: If the use of any existing building is changed, the building shall comply with this ordinance. "" 3. The Fire Department may approve the equivalent of a sprinkler system, in a building where such system is equivalent shall depend on the type of occupancies, and impossible or impracticable to install. The said the type of structure. Smoke detectors and/or other fire protection devices may be required. 32.07 MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT a. Sprinkler systems, standpipe systems, fire alarm systems maintained in operative condition at all times as per the and other fire protective or extinguishing systems shall be requirements of this code. It is unlawful for any owner or occupant to reduce the effectiveness of the protection so required, except this shall not prohibit the owner or occupant from temporarily reducing or discontinuing the protection where necessary to make tests, repairs, alterations or additions. The fire department shall be notified before repairs, alterations or additions are started and shall be notified again when the system has been restored to service. b. Periodic inspections shall be performed in accordance with requirements of the authority having jurisdiction. 32.08 FIRE DEPARTMENT STANDPIPES a. The installation of a sprinkler system will not supersede the requirements for the installation of fire department standpipes. b. A Class Three standpipe will be installed in all buildings three stories or more, or in any building with an occupancy of one hunderd or more, and any building with one floor of building over one story in height and six thousand square twelve thousand square feet or more in area and any feet or more in area on a floor. c. All devices and materials used in standpipe systems shall be of approved type. d. All other standards and specifications will be taken from the current edition of NEPA #14 Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems. 32.09 FIRE DEPARTMENT HOSE CONNECTIONS Every automatic sprinkler system installed in new or existing hose connection at a location approved by the Fire Chief and/or buildings shall be equipped with at least one Fire Department appointed representative(s). 32.10 EXEMPTIONS a. Exemptions shall be as follows: 1. Safe deposit or other vaults 2- Rooms or buildings devoted to the manufacture or storage of aluminum powder, calcium carbide, calcium phosphide, metallic sodium or potassium, quicklime, magnesium powder, sodium peroxide orlike materials where the application of water may cause or increase combustion 3. Any other locations where the installation of sprinklers may increase the occupational hazard as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. b. When approved by the fire department and concurred by the automatic protective equipment may be installed in place of fire chief and/or appointed representative(s), other automatic sprinkler systems. 32.11 FIRE HYDRANT REQUIREMENTS a. Owner-installed hydrants required when: substantial portions of a building are set back two hundred fifty feet hundred feet from a city hydrant, the owner shall install or more from the street or highway or are more than three at his expense approved water hydrants. Hydrants shall be free standing and be installed not more than fifty feet or less than twenty five feet from the building. One hydrant shall be located at the main entrance to such building. Additional hydrants shall be provided around the perimeter of the building so that no hydrant is more than two hundred normal access routes. fifty feet from any other approved hydrant measured by b. "Approved water hydrant" means a water hydrant connected to a city water main with 1 four-and-one-half-inch and 2 two- and-one-half-inch fire department connections. The connection waterline between the city water main and the approved water hydrant shall be not less than six inches and need not be more than twelve-inch pipe where the city water main is eight inches or larger, the connection line shall be not less than eight inches in size. A11 water hydrants shall be approved by the fire chief and/or appointed representative(s) and the city water department, and shall be installed in compliance with the standards of the city water department. All water hydrants shall be accessible at all times to the fire department. installed in such a manner and location so as to be 32.12 INTERIM INSTALLATIONS a. Unless or until such time as a municipal water supply is available to serve a building in which installation of an automatic sprinkler is required, connection of the system to a high volume water supply shall not be required; il .. 0 however, all design characteristics of systems installed under this section shall include provisions for eventual connection to a municipal water supply. In addition, such interim installations shall also include: 1. One or more fire department connections with 2 female couplings with National Standard Threads attached to a header of adequate size in accordance with fire protection engineering standards, but not less than 4" to supply the system. 2. On interim installations, the system shall be connected to the buildings local water supply. The water supply shall have enough capacity to supply two (2) open sprinkler heads. 3. An automatic fire detection and alarm system of a type approved by the authority havinR jurisdiction. b. All fire sprinkler systems installed under the requirements of this section shall be connected to a municipal water building are available for use. Installation of hydrants, system within 6 months after water mains to serve the if required, will also be installed at this time. 32.13 SUBSTITUTION When approved by the Fire Chief and/or appointed representative(s), other automatic Life Safety Early Warning Equipment may be substituted for automatic sprinkler systems. 32.14 SECURITY KEY AND VAULT SYSTEM a. The KNOX BOX vault system has been adopted for use by this Fire Department. A Knox Box shall be installed in all automatic alarm system which is monitored. existing or newly constructed buildings which have an b. The Knox Box shall be installed, at owner's or occllpant's expense, at such locations as designated by the Fire Chief and/or appointed representative(s). SECTION 2: The several sections of this ordinance are declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall be declared unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, sections, or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in conflict with the Drovisions of this ordinance are herebv repealed as full force and effect. Any other ordinance whose terms are in 4 to those terms that conflict. , _. ~ 0 and after its passage and publication. SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from Passed and approved this lJih day of TkLv , 19@. - CITY OF MUSKEG0 &zs WAYF G. SALENTINE, MAYOR ATTEST: City Clerk , PUBLISHED THIS A/'+DAY OF ca ""