ORD1987589COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 ORDINANCE #589 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP AND CHAPTER 17, SECTION 8.17 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE (Wetland/Floodplain) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Amend the Zoning District Map of the City of Muskego to change all "WP" (Wetland-Floodplain) designated areas final wetlands map, and identify them as "W" in accordance with Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (Wetland). SECTION 2: Amend Chapter 17:8.17 WF Wetland and Floodplain District Statement of Intent to read as follows: 8.17 W WETLAND DISTRICT STATEMENT OF LNTENT The district is intended to prevent, in those areas which are not adequately drained, such development as would result in a hazard to health or safety; which would deplete or destroy valuable wetland resources; or be otherwise incompatible with the public welfare. These areas have been identified as "OTHER WETLANDS" on the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (SEWRPC) maps dated September, 1986; on file in the office of the City Clerk. SECTION 3: Amend Chapter 17:8.17 (7) D. 1. to read as follows: D. Specific Prohibition 1. Buildings for human habitation shall be permitted only with approval of the Plan Commission. SECTION 4: The several sections of this ordinance are declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect the the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any validity of all other provisions, sections, or portion thereof of of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that other ordinance whose terms are in conflict with the provisions conflict. Ordinance /I589 Page Two .~ SECTION 5: This ordinance shall be in full force and eff from and after its passage and publication. WAYNE G. SALENT NE, MA ATTEST : PUBLISHED THIS 17th DAY OF December , 1987 . - ! ect \ STATE OF WISCONSIN ) Milwaukee County \ -. , .,> ! cqot._ .$KEG0 ORDINANCE # 589 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE _. I As FOLLOWS: r SECTION 1: AX66d the .%ni<g District '. Map~bf the City of Muskego to chae~ all' 'WF" (Wetland-Floodplain) de,signated areas in accordance with Wisconsin Depart- ment of.Natuial Resources final yetlands . SECTION 2': Amend Chapteril7:8.!7 WF map, and identify them as W" (Wgtland). Wetland and FlwdpJain District,Sta,&ment 8.17WETLAND DISTRICT ~ of Intent to read as follows: 1 STATEMENT OF INTENT The district is' ineitded to prevent, in ' those areas 'which are not 'adequately ~ diained, suchdevelopment as would result in a ha'zard to health or SaCety; which would . ces;~or be otherwise incompatible.with the deplete or destroy val,uable wetland resour- public.w?lfare. These areas, have been identified as Wisconsin Regional Planning Cornmission (SEWPC) maps dated Septernber,,l986; on SECTION 3: Amend Chaptei.178.17(7) I ~. "OTHER WETLANDS" on the Southeastern i7:pli i& the@ice ofthe City Clerk.. .... ! D. Specific Prohibition 0.1. to read as follow: 1. Buildings for human habitation shall be ! per.mit&d only with approval of the Plan i SECTION 4: The several 8ections.of this !~ Commission. ' ordinance a+ declared to be severable. If any ,section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court'of compe- j tent' jurisdiction to be invalid. unlawful, OP , unenforceable, such decision shall apply ' only to the specific,section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision, and not ! affect the validity of all, other"provisions, sections, or portion thereof qf the,ordininnee ; Any other ordinanci who& te& 'are in which shall remain in full fom and effect. conflict with the provisions of thiwordinance are hereby repealed 88 to those te-s that conflict. SECTION 5: This ordinance shall .be. in full force and effect 'frbm .and .&Rer. its passage and publication. December, 1987. Pked and adopted,. this 8th. day of CITY OF'MUSKEGO Id WAYNE C. SALENTINE, MAYOR ATTEST: City Clerk Id Charlotte Stewart JERR I TH K. VAN E IMEREN being duly sworn, do!h depose and say lhat he is an authorized representative of The .MUSKEGO. S.UN ......... a newspaper published at MUSKEGO. .. .* Wisconsin and lhat an advertisement of which the annexed is a ..... ............ (Signed) U BOOKKEEPER, Subscribed and sworn to behe me lhis . ;/,7dy da,y of My Commission cpires