ORD1987572.I . ORDINANCE # 572 c -. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 24, SECTION 24.01, 24.02 h 24.03 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE (Snowmobiles and All-Terrain Vehicles) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, Do ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Chapter 24, Section 24.01 of the Municipal Code is hereby amended to provide as follows: 24.01 STATE LAWS ADOPTED. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Code, the current and future statutory provisions of Chapter 350 and 23.33, Wisconsin Statutes, describing and defining Terrain Vehicles exclusive of any provisions therein regulations with respect to Snowmobiles and All- any regulations for which the statutory penalty is a relating to penalties to be imposed and exclusive of made a part of this Code as if fully set forth term of imprisonment, are adopted and by reference herein. Any act required to be performed or prohibited by any current or future statute prohibited by this Section. Any future additions, incorporated herein by reference is required or amendments, revisions or modifications of the current or future statutes incorporated herein are secure .uniform statewide regulation of traffic on intended to be made part of this Code in order to the highways, streets and alleys of the State. SECTION 2: Chapter 24, Section 24.02 of the Municipal Code is hereby amended to provide as follows: 24.02 HOURS OF OPERATION. NO person shall operate! a the City of Muskego between the hours of 2:O.O a.m. snowmobile or all-terrain vehicle anywhere within and 6:OO a.m. (Note: 5350.10 prohibits snowmobile operation between 10:30 p.m. and 7:OO a.m. within 150 feet of a dwelling in excess of 10 miles per unlawful to use snowmobiles on park lands or hour). That pursuant to §26.02(9)(d), it is designated by the Director. recreation facilities except in those areas Code is hereby amended to provide as follows: SECTION 3: Chapter 24, Section 24.03 of the Municipal 24.03 For purposes of this ordinance, "accompanied" is defined in Wisconsin Statute Statutes §350.05 or STATE OF WISCONSIN ) Milwaukee County ) ) ss. ORDINANCE X572 ORDINANCE TO AMEND' - CHAPTER 24. SECTION 24.01. I .. OF THE MUNICIPAL'kODE 24.'02 &'24.03 'THECOMMON COUNCIL'OFF CITY (Snowmobiles arid All-Terrain Vehicles) OF MUSKEGO, FSC0NSW;DO ORDAIN AS FOELOW~S: .- SEFION 1: Chaptbr 24, Section 24:Ol'of tlie Municipal Code in hereby *ended to pmvide e folloys: as othe- specifdly~pmvided in this 24.01 STA~:~WS.ADOFTED. Except Code; the knt and future statutory Drovisioni of Cha~tei'350 and 23.33. Win- <. .. consin Statutes:he&bing and de'* regulations with res* tb,Snowmotiilea and W-Terrain Vehicles exc!usive -of any provi- sions therein relating to '@naltiea to'be imposed and~&clusive of.any regulationi for 'which .the sta$u+my penalty: in a. term of imprieonment, are adopted and by reference mide.a pat of this Code.* if My set forth pm,hibie by-any ~nt or ut& statu+ herein Any ad,rquiied to peiformed*or 1 or :pmhithd 'tiy this, &+&hy-ftitum .ineOrporaW herein'by refe+,nt+'iS,iequired catidpa :of the:. currerit,:or,.:f+~-~ staptes addition@, &eddmeita, iwisioas or mddifi- 'inmrporrited here@ v&e inended fo be made pait of thia Code in'order ta uniform stitewide'~w'gulati6n of t~wibe on the highways. Streets ind deya of the,State. the.Municipal hie. in he&by amended to SECTION,2i Chapter 24,'Sectioh 24.02 of ; 24.02 HOURS 'OF OPERATION. No ; person sw ope+ a snowmobile or+& tenain vehide anywhere within the,~City of 1 Muskgo between the hours of 200 a.m. and 6100 a.m. (Note: as.350.10 prohibits snowmo- ~ bile operation bitwein 10:30 'p.m. ind 7:OO , am: withii 150 feet ofa dwelling in &cess of 10 /des .'per hour). That pupimt to as26.02(9Xd), iC in pnhwful fo we biles on park 1,Fds or recreation fadlities exFpt .,in those are- designated by the' Directar. . ~ SECTION 3: Chapter 24, Section'24.03 of ! ~ provide an follom: ' - ~ the Muniapal Code in hereby~amended to j 24.03 For purposes to this ordinanke. pmvide an. follo.ys: being duly sworn. doth depose and say that he is an authorized representative of The ...... .M uskego ............................ Sun Wisconsin and that an adverlisement of which the annexed is a true copy, laken from said paper, was published therein on a newspaper published at. . M.'.?k!B? ............. .YAY ?.! ,1887 .......... .............. ... ....... ........ ................... ......... .... ......... ... BOOKKEEPER. Subscribed and sworn to before me lhis ......... A/! dav of . , accompanied" is defmed in Wia~nain state j Statutes ss350.05 or 23.33 respeaively: 'a) Snowinobce: &xompnnied mea bii .on ' 'W-Terrain Vehide accomp@d me'm the she snowmobile an the operator; and b) king subject continuous verbal di&ion or control. SECTION 4: The,aeveral sectiona of'tbia , ordinance are, dedared to be severable. If any section or portion the.kf aha be ,- tent:j+sdiction.to.,h invalid, unlawful, or declared~by a decision of a "urt of mmpe- unenforceable; such- decision 'shall apply ody to tke specitii &ion or portion thereof diredly spechied the decision, add hot affect the,validity of all other ploviaiop, - which shall remain in Full force and 'Hect. seetions. or portion thereof of the ordinance Any'~other ordinance whose tern' afe in codlie with the provisions of,thh ordimunc+ qe hereby repealed an to those tern that confli&. SECTION 4: Thia ordinance shallbe in : full force ,and effect from and +r its , passage and publication, , . Pansed and approved this 12th day of May, ;. 1987. ~" ~- CITY OF MUSKECO' levWayne G. Salentine, eyor IdCharlotte L. Stewart,~Clerk AlTEST 1987 PUBLISHED THE 21st~ DAY OF pY;- _,