ORD1986559ORDINANCE il559 (As Amended) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (Boehm - RS-2 to XS-2 OPD) ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: THE COMMON COUNCIL OF T!lZ CITY OF XUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO rezoned from XS-2 to RS-2 OPD: SECTION 1: The following described property is hereby Tax Rev No. 2218.986 Pt NW~iI4-Sec 15~T5N R20E Corn at NW Cor, Th E 10.24 C, Th S 23.90 Lks to Rd, Th S 45 W 15.18 C, Th N 34.70 C to Bgn. Ex R43411000 Elec RR R/W Ex 933127’0, 9471661 Ex Cert Surv 101300 26 Ac SECTION 2: The several sections of this ordinance are declared t3 be severable. if any section or portion thereof jurisdiction to be invalid, lunlawf111, or unenforceable, such shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect the the (ozdtni-~nce which shall remain in full Eorce and eEEect. Any othec ordinances whose terns are in conElict with the provisions oE this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that con El :-a:?. validity of all otller provisions, sections, or portion thereof of SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full Eorce and effect Xesolution //126-S7, and after all contingencies have been,removed from and after its passage and publication, and after passage of Erom Xesolution #124-87. Passed and approved this 23rd day of June 9 1986. CITY’ OF MUSKEGO PUBLISHED THIS 2nd DAY OF July , 1986. - ORDINANCE #559 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (Boehm - RS-2 to RS-2 OPD) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : rezoned from RS-2 to RS-2 OPD: SECTION 1: The following described is hereby Tax Key NO. 2218.986 Pt NW 1/4 Sec 15 T5 Th E 10.24 C, Th S 23.90 Lks to Rd, Th 34.70 C to Bgn. Ex R434/1000 Elec RR RIW Ex 9331 urv 10/300 26 Ac SECTION 2: The sev ordinance are declared to be severable ortion thereof shall be declared by a d jurisdiction to be inval decision shall apply on1 thereof directly specifi validity of all other pr the ordinance which shal other ordinances whose t of this ordinance are he conflict. SECTION 3: This or from and after its passa Passed and this -25~n day of 1986. I CITY OF MUSKEGO / City Clerk DAY OF , 1986. / SlATE OF WISCONSIN ) Milwaukee Counly ) ) ss. ORDINANCE #559 (An Amended) I AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND TIk .. - . -" .. -. -, ZONING MAP OF THE Cm~ OF MUSKEGO (Boeb - RS-2 to RS-2 OPD) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY Tsr Key No. 2218.986. pt NW 1/4 Sg 15 T5N WOE Corn:at I ._i Cor, ThE 10.24 C, Th S 23.90 Lb to &I. h:: S45W15.18C,ThN34.70CtoBgn!E=Elff RIGRIW Ex 933270. 9471661 Ex CeA Sui. ~~ ~ , ~ SECITON 2: he several seetiom oi thi, ,ordin-+ are declared to be aevereble. If ~ declared by d decision of a~murt of iompe- any s+on or portion thereof shall .be tent jurisdktion to be invalid, unlawful. or unenforceable, such. decision shall apply only the speciric section or portion thereof direcfly. spe&ied~in the decision, and not +ea the validity of all other pmvieiom, sections. or portion thereof of the ordinance wbich.shall remain in full Come and effect. : Any other ordinances who& terms in ,' cnnflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that cnnflict. ' SECTION 9: This ordinance shall be in full ford and effect Fmm and aRer its of.Resolution #126-87, and aflerall eonting- passage and publication, and. aRer passage j @6-87. j encies have been removed fmm Resolution i Paesed .and approved this 23rd .day of ~ June, 1987. ClTy OF MUSKEG0 /d Wayne G. Salentine, Mayor 10/300 26 Ac R4Wl000 1: - AlT73ST /d Charlotte8tiwart PUBLISHED "His 2nd DAY OF July, 1987. City Clerk @WW3 x. ?;x :!.?iw3 being duly sworn, a newspaper published at ... M.!?keg?. .............. JIUL 2 It?? .. doth depose and say that he is an authorized representative of The.. ................................ Muskego Sun Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a true copy, taken from said paper. was published therein on .................... .................. ........ .............. .................. .. ......... Subscribed and sworn to before me this .. J? ... day . of ... ...... "Lee County Wisconsin My Commission expires . FEB 4 7 fgy'