ORD1986553ORDINANCE #553 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 12, 12.19 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE (Cable TV Ordinance) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1 : Chapter 12, 12.1 9(6) (c) of the Municipal Code is hereby amended to add the following: 12.19(6) 4(c) 3. That the Finance Committee may delete the requirement of a bond as stated in 1 and 2 above. SECTION 2: Chapter 12, 12.19(7)(b)l.a. of the Municipal Code is hereby amended to add the following: 12.19(7)(b)l.a. CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network) SPN (Satellite Programming Network) SECTION 3: Chapter 12, 12.19(7)(b) of the Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 12.19(7)(b) 4. Educational Access Channel: Upon the subscriber service, the Grantee shall inauguration of the cable system's provide one fully operational channel be provided without charge for a period for educational use. This channel shall of fifteen (15) years, said time commencing at completion of the cable of this channel shall be determined by system basic trunk line. Continuation the Common Council. {Grantee will provide such a channel on a 24 hour per day basis. $ SECTION 4: Chapter 12, 12.19(7)(b) of the Municipal Code is hereby amended to add the following sentence at the end of said paragraph: 12.19(7)(b) 5. Grantee will provide such a channel on a 24 hour per day basis. SECTION 5: Chapter 12, 12.19(7) (c) of the Municipal Code is hereby amended to add the following sentence at the end of said paragraph: 12.19(7)(c) 4. Grantee has no obligation to provide an operator for said equipment. 0 Ordinance #553 - Page 2 SECTION 6: Chapter 12, 12.19(9)(a) of the Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 12.19(9)(a) Rate Schedule. 1. The rate charged subscribers shall be fair and reasonable except that rate charged to senior citizens for basic service shall be at a discount of 20% of said basic rate. Said rates shall also be nondiscriminatory, except as provided in Subsections 2., 3., 4., 6., and 7., below. SECTION 7: Chapter 12, 12.19(9)(a)(i) of the Municipal Code is hereby amended to add the following sentence at the end of the paragraph: 12.19(9)(a)(i) The Grantee shall be permitted to charge by resolution of the Common Council. rates not exceeding those as set forth is hereby amended to change the forfeiture from $200 to $500. SECTION 8: Chapter 12, 12.19(12)(a) of 'the Municipal Code SECTION 9: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 10: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication and provided it is accepted by the Grantee as required by the Cable Television Code of the City of Muskego and will take effect 20 days after made the formal acceptance required by the Code. said final passage and publication provided that the Grantee has d &c-, . Salentine, Mayor ATTEST : n Published on day of \ / STATE OF WISCONSIN ) Milwaukee County ) ) 5s. Crne&W.@&mGO Official Notice ORDINANCE #553 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEM) CHAPTER 12. 12.19'OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY (Cable TV Ordinance) As FOLLOWS: OF MUSKEGO. WI$CONSIN,~DO ORDAIN SECTION 1: Chapter 12.12.19(6Xc) ofthe Municipal Code is hereby amended ta add. the following: ?=e may delete the requirement of a bond as 12.19(6)5(c) 3. That the Finance Commit- stated in 1 end 2 above. SECTION 2: Chapter 12. 12.19(7Xb)l.a. of the Municipal Code is hereby ainended 'to add the following: .~ ing Network) SPN (Satellite Prommrnina 12.l%~Kb)I..a. CBN (Christian Bmadcast- Network) . SECTION 3: Chapter 12.12.19(7l(b) ofthe , MuniciDal Code is herebv amended to read - as follows: Upon the inauguration of the cable system's 12.19(7Kb)4. Educational Access Channel: one fullyiiperatio~al channel for educational ' subscriber service, the Grantee shall provide .me. Thigchannel shall be provided'without charge~for a period of fifteen (15) years; said- time.cudencing at completion of thejcable systernJdsic trunk line. Continuationdfthis &anpei:nhj$l bir deterini<"%@mob @uncil:Grantee will provide sich h ,and :On qq~hbur per.% bmis. ! I SECI'fbN I: CGdpter 12.12.19i7xb; ofthe.:; LM ' lhe following sentence at the end 'of said uucipal Code is hereby amended to add.. I' 1 5. Grantee Will provide suc'h a channel on a 24 hour per day basis. ~ SECTION 5: Chapter 12. 12.19(7)(c)5of the Municipal'Code is hereby amended ta add- the following sentence at the end OC said ' 12.19(7Xc) 4. Grantee has no obligation to paragraph: doth depose and say that he is an authorized representative of The.. ...... Muskeg?. s?.n. ................... a newspaper published at . M.?keg?. .............. Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a true copy, taken from said paper, was published therein on ~1 <qqP Ijli >J :d;3 .. '2 u i-. ................... ................... ... ............ ...................... .......... ........ (Signed) ...