ORD1986541OPDIUAUCE #541 I A'; Amended 1 AI! OPDll:JAUCE TO Atmrm CHA.PTEPI.2 SECTION 12.08 (31 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE fJunk Dealers) THE cm"ulOn COUnCI L OF THE CITY OF HUSKEGO, lHSCOUSln, DO ORDAIU AS FOLLO\I\7S SECTIon 1. Chapter 12, Sect1on 12.ns 131 of the tlunicipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows t 31 LICEnSE FEE. The license fee hereunder shall be e75.00 per year or part thereof for each prem1ses at which busines; hereunder is conducted. SECTION 2 All ordinances or parts of ordinances incons 15 ten t 'in th 0 r contra\ren ing this ord inanc:e are hereby repealed. SECTION 3, This ordinance shall be 1n full force and effect from and after lts passaee and publication. PASSED AIID APPROVED THIS 19R5. 30th DA.'{ OF December ATTEST ; I -~PL L~ - -~r- "h~ ~i!~-( Ci t~l . C í ~ r t v I . Jm PUBLISHED THIS 16th DAY DEi' Januarv , 1 98b. ..-