ORD1985532:. .‘ ORDINANCE 11532 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 2 SECTION 2.09 (1) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO SECTION 1: SECTION 3: Chapter 2, Section 2.09 (1) of the Municipal Code is hereby amended to add the following subsections: Committee On Public Water All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. This ordinance shall be in full force and publication. effect from and after its passage and PASSED AND APPROVED THIS J,%& DAY OF -cCy, , 1985. ATTEST : Published this day of , 1985. U STATE OF WISCONSIN ) Milwaukee County ) ss. CyTY OF MuslKl& . OffiEiWNotice -. , -0-RDlNANCE NO. 532 AN ORDlNANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 2 SECTION 2.09(1) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE THE COMMON COUNCIL OFTHE CITY ' OF MUSKEGO. YSCONSlN. DO ORDAIN As FOLLDWS: the~Munidpal Code is hereby mended to , SECTION 1 ; Chapter 2; Seetion 2.~1) of - 2:09(1Wg) C+rnrnittee On mblie Wad-! add the foUowing eubsectiom: SECTION 2: All ordinances or'pirt6fof i ord@anw inmnsistent with or mntiaGen- ' . ing this Ordinance ire hereby repedd. ! 7 SE~ON~ a: his ~Ordjwnce SMI in full force and effeet from and &F'i& paasage and publication. ,DAY OF May. 1985. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 28th JNayne G. Salentine, Mayor IdCharlotte Stewart AmST CITY CLERK I (StAL) "1 I:, . .,!\. /J ..,, \;!?.a g;:?!y?Fi being duly sworn, ~- doth depose and say that he is an authorized representative of The .kGkeg?. .sur? ............... a newspaper published at .. VY.Sk.e.s?? ............. Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a true copy, taken irom said paper, was published therein on .../... 6 /..VK.. .... ........ ... .... ........... ......... .................... (Signed). ;- .'>Yc$ A:. i-~~&~e. .... . (,">, i/,' c; -%"" '. BOOKKEEPER, Subscribed and sworn to before me this . A&?. . day of . . ........ My Commission expires FEB. 8, 1'987