ORD1985526ORDINANCE # 526 AN ORDINANCE M AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 (RS-2 and B-2 to 1-1 [Industrial Park District]) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, Do ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION 1: The following described property is hereby rezoned from RS-2 and B-2 to 1-1 (Industrial Park District): All that part of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 16, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, and all that part of the Southeast 1/4 of Section Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the East 17, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, algng the East 1/4 line of Section 17, 1351.15 feet: thence South 1/4 corner of said Section 17; thence South 88O 19' 54" West, OOo 58' 30" East, along the 1/8 line, 1327.69 feet; thence North 88 21' 30" East, along the South line of the Northeast 1/4 05 the Southeast 1/4 of Section 17, 655.22 feet: thence South 00 59' 13" East, 1329.13 feet to She South line of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 17; thence North 88 35' 07" East, along said South lige and the centerline of Woods Road, 20.32 fegt: thence North 00 59' 13" West, 1329.18 feet: thence North 88 27' 30" East, along the South line of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 17, 675.86 feet to &he East line of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 17: thence North 88 41' 06" East, along the South line of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 16, 1015.00 feet: thence Northeasterly along the centerline of an existing drainage ditch the following described courses: North 46' 20' 00" East, 425.08 feet: and North 60 39' 08" East, 216.54 feet: thence North 88 41' 06" East, 241.35 feet toothe Westerly R.O.W. along said R.O.W. line, 41.87 ft.; thence North 7 22' 47" West, line of Racine Ave. (CTH "Y" ); thence North 2 12; 21" East, 354.31 ft.; thence along the arc of a curve to theoleft 548.61 ft., radius of 1974.48 ft., and 8 chord bearing North 5 43' 49" West, 546.85 ft.: thence South 88 47' 42" West, along the West 1/4 line of Section 16, 1677.00 ft. to the place of beginning, containing 90.145 acres. Excepting therefrom the following described parcel of land: All that part of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 17, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the East 1/4 corner of said Section 17: thence South 88O 19' 54" West, alogg the East 1/4 line of Section 17, 696.19 feet; thence South 00 59' 13" East, parallel to the East line of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 17, 1329.13 feet to the place of continuing South 00' 59' 13" East, 1329.13 feet to the centerline beginning of the parcel of land hereinafter described; thence of Woods Road; thence North 88O 35' 07" East, along said centerline and the South line of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 17, 20.32 feet: thence North OOo 59' 13" West 1329.18 feet to the South line of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 17; thence South 88 27' 30" West, along said line, 20.32 feet to the place of beginning, containing 0.62 acres. Said parcel subject to rights of the public along Woods Road, and INCLUDING the following described parcel of land: All that part of the SW 1/4 of Sec 16, T5N, R20E, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin bounded and described as follows: West line of the SW 1/4 of Sec 16, 1330.67 ft: thence N88 41'06" COM at the SW corner of Sec 16 thence N OOo 59' 13" W alogg the East along the south line of the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Sec 16, 1015.00 ft. to the place of BGN of the Parcel of land hereinafter described: THENCE Northeasterly along a center line of an existing drainage ditch, the following described courses: N 46°20~00"oEast 425.00 FT and N 60°39'08" East 216.54 FT THENCE N 88 41'06" East 114.85 FT to the Westerly line of Certified Survey Map 3231, recorded on Document #1038137; THENCE Southerly along said Westerly line the following described courses: S 3 24'053" East 166.03 FT, South 2O 49' 39" Best 60.00 FT and South 12 19' 15" West, 167.02 FT; THENCE S 88 41' 06" West 582.44 FT to the place of beginning, containing 3.485 ACRES. 0 SECTION 2: All ordinances or parts of ordinance inconsistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF Q~j-);d , 1985. / L WAYNU G. SALENTINE, Mayor ATTEST : PUBLISHED THE '&-A DAY OF , 1985. -2- STATE OF WISCONSIN ) ) 55. Milwaukee County ) CITYOFMUSKEGO otice ORDMANCE f526 ZONING MAP OF THE, CITY OF AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE MUSKEGO (RS-2 and B-2 to 1-1 (Industrial I Park District) j OF MUSKEGO. WISCONSIN. W ORDAIN THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY FOLLOWS' ~ ~ ~ SECTION 1: The following described pmperty is hereby rezoned from Rs-2 and 8-2 to 1.1 (Industrial Park District): All that part of the Southwest 114 of Section 16. ToWn 5 North, Range 20 East. ' and all that pad of;the Southeast 114 of Section 17, Tom 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County. Wis- , donsin, boupded and described as follows: ~ Beginning at the East 114 comer of.said Section 17; thence Sauth 88" 19' 54" I 1351.15 feet; thence South 00" 58' 30" West, along the East 114 line df Sstion 17, , East. along the 118 line, 1327.69 feet; thence North 88" 27' 30" East, along the- South ' of -Section 17, 65522 feet; thence South line of the Northeast 1l4d the Southeast 114 00' 59' 13" East. 1329.13 feet to the South line of the Southeast 114 of Seetion 17: thence North 88" 35' 07" East, along said South line and the centerline of Woods Road, 20.32 feet; thenee North 00' 59 13" West, 1329.18 feet; thence North 88" 27' 30" East. along the South line of the Northeast V4 ofthe Southeast 114 of Section 17,675.86 feet to the East line of the Southeast 114 of j Section 17; thence North 88' 41' 06" East, I along the South line of the Northwest 114 of ! the Southwest 114 of Section 16,1015.00 feet; thence Northeasterly along the centerline of an existing drainage ditch the following described courses: North 46' 20' 00" East, 425.00 feet; and North.60' 39' 08" East, 216.54 feet; thence North 88' 41' 06" East, 241.35 (eerto the Westerly R.O.W. line of Radne Ave. (CTH 7-y"); thence North 41.87 4.; thence North T 22' 47" West, 2" 12' 21" Eant, along :aid R.O.W. line, 354.31.R.; thence along the arc of a curve to the leA548.61 R., radius of 1974.48 R.. and a chord bearing North 5' 43' 49" Weat. 546.85 R.; thence South 88" 47' 42" West, along the West 114 line of Section 16.1677.00 R. to the place'of beginning mntaining 90.145 acres. - . ,~l._~ "..r7 -. ,,, '1 .I#' being duly sworn, doth depose and say that he is an authorized representative of The .~?u?k?g.? .sur! ................ a newspaper published at . h$Ysk.e.9? ............. Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a true copy, taken :rom said paper, was published therein on .... ....... ............. ..... .. ...... ............. k BOOKKEEP.ER, Subscribed and sworn to before me this Jd. . day My Commission expires Excepting therefrom the following ' .M eat part of the Southeast 1/4 of described parcel of land Section 17, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, mnain. bounded,and desnibed as follows: City of Muikego, Waukesha County; Wis :' Commencing at the East 114 corner of mid ' West, along the East 114 line of Section 17, Section 17; thence 'South 88" 19' 54" I East. parallel .to ;the East line of the 696.19 feet; thence South 00" 59' 13" 'South?aat U4,of Section 17, 1329.13 feet to the ~l~.of beeinnine at the name1 of land . FEB, 15'87 I hemk&er d&cribe& then; continuing centerline of Woods Road thence North South W 59 13" East. 1829.13 feet to the @.' 35' 07" E&. along said centerline and the South line of the sOuthear$1/4 of Section 17. 20.32, feet; thence North 00" 69' 13" Wegt1329.18 feet to the South line'of the Northeast 114 of the Southeast 114 of Section 17; thence South 88" 27' 30" West. dong mid line, 20.32 feet to the place of beginning mntai 0.62 UCES. Said parcel subject to righvof the public along Woods Road, and INCLUDING the following described par- cel of land All that pe of the SW 114 of Sec 16. T5N. Wismnain bounded and described as follows: R20E City of Muskego, Waukesha County. COM et the SW mrner of Sec 16 thence N 00' 59' 13" W dong the west line of the SW 114 of Sec 16, 1330.67 R, thence N88' 41' 06" East along the south line of the NW PI& of BGN of the Pareel of land hereinaf- U4 ofthe SW 114 of See 16,1015.00 R. to the