ORD1985525ORDINANCE 11525 AN ORDINANCE TO REPEAL SECTION 12.18 FALSE ALARMS AND RECREATE SECTION 12.18 FALSE ALARMS IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO SECTION 1: Chapter 12, Section 12.18 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin, is hereby amended and made a part of the Municipal Code as adopted by Ordinance 525. SECTION 2: A copy of said ordinance has been on file in the office of the City Clerk and open to public inspection for not less than two weeks prior to the date of this ordinance and of the City. said ordinance is hereby incorporated into the Municipal Code SECTION 3: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. 0 SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be in effect upon passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS q&, DAY 0 ATTEST : /I Published on the 1985. ORDINANCE NO. 525 AN ORDINANCE-TO REPEAL SECTION 12.18 FALSE ALARMS AND RECREATE SECTION 12 -18 FALSE ALARMS IN THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 The Common Council of the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, State of Wisconsin Do ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section 12.18 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego entitled FALSE ALARMS for the City of Muskego is hereby repealed. - SECTION 2. An Ordinance entitled FALSE ALARMS, Section 12.18 is hereby created for the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego to read as follows: J * 12.18 ( 1) INTENT Although the City of Muskego recognizes that alarm systems establish standards and regulations for all alarm systems as serve a public service, it is the intent of this section to defined in this section in the City of Muskego in order to prevent responses by the Police or Fire Department when an emergency situation does not exist due to carelessness, improper maintenance or any other cause which results in false alarms from privately owned, commercially owned, leased or contracted alarm systems in that a large number of such false alarms have been received by the Police and Fire Department. Such false alarms initiate police and fire personnel and vehicle response which result in unnecessary expense to the City, increases the risk of damage to property or injury to persons and dilutes the police and fire protection available to other areas of the City. Such false alarms, therefore, penalized. constitute a public nuisance which must be abated and/or (2) DEFINITIONS (a) Private alarm system is defined as any device, designed and installed solely for the purpose of detecting and signaling the Police or Fire Department, directly or via a central alarm station, to make an emergency response to the signal's location. (1) Direct private alarm system is any private alarm or Fire Department. system which is in any way linked to the Police (2) Indirect private alarm system is any private alarm system which is in any way linked to a central alarm station. (b) False alarm is a signal, regardless of how received, resulting in a response by Police or Fire Department Personnel when an emergency situation does not exist. An emergency situation exists when an emergency response is substantiated to the satisfaction of the Police or Fire Department. (c) Local alarm system is any system which emits either an audible or visual signal, or both, on the exterior of any property, and is not connected to any other location by any means. This does not include any device designed solely for the purpose of alerting a building's occupants of fire, smoke or illegal entry, or any alarm devices on automobiles. (d) Person shall mean any individual, partnership, corporation or other entity whether singular or plural. (e) Central alarm station shall mean any facility other than the Muskego Police or Fire Station which receives signals from alarm systems and alerts the Police or Fire Department of the need to make an emergency response to the signal. (f) Alarm location is defined as any premises or property delineated on the application. No single alarm location may be granted more than one alarm permit. The Common Council reserves the right to designate a specific premises or property as one alarm location. (g) Applicant shall be person filing for permit. (3) ALARM PERMIT REQUIRED (a) The owner, occupant or person in control of premises protected by any type or number of alarm systems as defined herein is required to obtain an alarm permit. No owner, occupant or person in control of property shall cause to be placed in operation any alarm systems for which a permit has not been issued or for which a permit has been cancelled. (b) All alarm systems defined herein must be applied for one time for the life of the specif'ic system or systems and applicant as applied for in the applica- tion. The fee for this permit shall be $50 .OO. (4) APPLICATION - FOR PERMIT (a) All applications for a permit shall be made to the City Clerk's Office on a form prescribed by the Chief of Police. (b) The applications shall contain the following information: (1) Name, address and status of applicant. (2) Types and number of alarm systems on alarm location. (3) Name and address of alarm location. (4) All names, addresses and telephone numbers of persons able to respond to the alarm location within 1/2 hour after activation. (5) Identification of the firm or person installing the alarm system. (6) Name of the central alarm station if applicable. -2- (7) Agent for applicant if same is corporation or or partnership. (8) Any other information deemed necessary by the Chief of Police or Fire Chief. (c) No information contained in an application for an alarm permit shall be deemed to be public information. Unauthorized release of permit information is deemed to be a compromise of public safety. (5) TIME TO ACQUIRE All persons having an alarm system currently on premises shall obtain a permit within sixty (60) days of the effective date of this section. For all false alarm systems in operation on the effective date of this Ordinance, no permit fee shall be charged if a permit is obtained within sixty (60) days of the effective date of this Ordinance. (6) DUTIES OF ALARM SYSTEM PERMITTEE Any person, company, organization or other entity granted of having a service representative or other authorized key an alarm permit covered by this section shall be capable holder respond to the alarm location within thirty (30) minutes after activation. (7) ALARM PERMIT ISSUANCE CONDITIONS (a) The Common Council may issue an alarm permit to any owner, occupant or person in control of premises protected by an alarm system as defined herein that meets the following conditions: (1) The applicant has properly prepared and filed an application for the same. (2) The applicant has paid all applicable permit fees. (3) The alarm system has the approval of the Underwriters Laboratories or other nationally recognized testing service. (4) The alarm system has or will be installed in accordance with any applicable requirements of the City of Muskego Electrical Code, including necessary permits. (5) The local alarm system has or will have a device - 3- which will shut off any audible signal automatically within fifteen (15) minutes after activation. (6) The applicant agrees to pay any additional fees for false alarms as set forth under 12.18(10). (7) The applicant holds the City of Muskego harmless for any and all damages or losses resulting from the existence of the applicant's alarm system. (8) The applicant agrees to follow alarm testing procedures set forth by the Chief of Police and Fire Chief, and will assume any expenses for testing the alarm system. (9) The applicant accepts that a violation of any provision or condition of this chapter is cause for revocation of the permit by the City of Muskego. (b) Additionally, any applicant for a direct private alarm system permit agrees to the following conditions: (1) Equipment must meet at least minimum standards as set forth in the Federal Bank Protection Act of 1968. (2) Applicant agrees to install at his or her expense at the Police or Fire Department switchboard termination point, equipment which is designated by the Chief of Police or Fire Chief. (3) Applicant agrees to assume all costs of installation, maintenance and monthly rental of telephone lines used by the applicant for such alarm. (4) The applicant assumes responsibility and expense for the removal of the alarm system when the service is disconnected or the permit is revoked. (8) INTERFERENCE WITH POLICE OR FIRE DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE TRUNK LINES PROHIBITED No person, firm or corporation shall use or cause to be which automatically selects a public primary telephone used, any telephone or electronic device or attachment trunk line of the Police or Fire Department, and then reproduces any pre-recorded message to report any intrusion, robbery or other emergency. Nor will the installation or a private telephone and trunk line for this purpose be allowed. -4- (9) APPEAL PROVISIONS Any person aggrieved by any administrative determination of the Common Council under this ordinance may have such determination reviewed as provided by Chapter 21, City of Muskego Municipal Code or by Writ of Certiorari, to the Circuit Court within 30 days of final determination, or as further outlined in the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego. (10 ) PENALTIES (a) False Alarms. The owner, occupant or person in control of alarm location protected by any alarm conviction is subject to the following penalties system or alarm systems as defined herein upon regardless of cause each time a signal, regardless of how received, results in a response by the Police or Fire Department when an emergency situation does not exist. (1 - 3 false alarms) - No fine or costs imposed. (4 - 6 false alarms) - $20.00 plus court costs. (7 - 9 false alarms) - $50.00 plus court costs. (10 - 12 false alarms 1 - $100.00 plus court costs. (13 or more false alarms ) - $200.00 plus court costs. The above schedule is per calendar year. In default of payment, said fees shall be included as a special charge against the property tax on the subject property. Additionally, said conviction shall be a basis for revocation or denial of any alarm permit. (b) Any other violation of this section. Any owner, occupant or person in control of alarm location protected by an alarm system in violation of this section other than those offenses defined in section of not less than $25 .OO nor more than $100.00 and the (a) shall upon conviction be subject to a forfeiture costs of prosecution, and in default of payment of such forfeiture and costs, shall be imprisoned in the county jail until such forfeiture and costs are paid, such imprisonment not to exceed thirty (30) days. Additionally, said conviction shall be a basis for revocation or denial of any alarm permit. Every day upon which any such violation exists constitutes a separate offense . -5- SECTION 3. the several sections of this ordinance are declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, sections, or portions thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any other ordinances whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon passage and posting or publication as provided by law. Passed and adopted this 1 day of 1985. CITY OF MUSKEG0 WaynV G. Salentine, Mayor ATTEST : - Charlotte L. Stewart, Clerk Published and posted on the \y day of ,) u‘v , 1985. o~~~ oar). 4sa5 I CITY OF BlWZEGO ORDINANCE Nb. 525 AN ORDINANCE TO REPEAL SECTION 12.18 FAISE ALARMS AND RECREATE SECTION 12.18 FAISE ALARMS IN THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN. DO ORDAIN THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY As DOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Chapter 12. Sectmu 12;18 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego. W-nsin, is hereby amended and made a parr of the Municipal Code (UI adopted by ordinaace 525. baEaonflIeintheoffieeoftheCityCkrLd SECTION 2: A copy of said oh bps opn to public in~pection for not 1- than two weeh prior to the date of tbis odumna? and said ordinrow ia hby inanvmatld into the Muniapal Code of the Cib. pXlON3:AUordinanoesorpar(sd ingthisOrdinance ordinancpa inmnsistent with or eollk¶veU- effect upon pas~gs and publication. DAY OF July. 1%. - .. BIP hereby repealed SECTION 4: This ordinaria aull be in PASSED AM) AF'PROFD THIB B& IdWayne G. Sddm