ORD1985517I * ORDINANCE 1/51 7 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8.04 (2) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE (street Opening Permit) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Chapter 8, Section 8.04 (2) of the Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 8.04 (2) APPLICATION FOR PERMIT Such permit shall be issued only upon a written application signed by the applicant accompanied by a permit fee of $20.00 and shall describe the place where such excavation is proposed to be made with such certainty that the same may at all times be readily located and shall specify the purpose for which said excavation is to be made, and when it is proposed to begin making by the City, or any department thereof, then the same. In case such excavation is to be made Superintendent of the Department whose such application shall be signed by the directions the work is to be done. SECTION 2: All ordinances or pa.rts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF FJLtah, , 198 - . /A. A u&" WAYNqG. SALENTINE, Mayor ATTEST : STATE OF WISCONSIN ) ) ss. Milwaukee County Official Notice Cm'" . ' ORDINANCE X517 i :AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAWkR8. SECTION 8.04 (2). OF THI? MUNICIPAI.. CODE , -~ ,, ,I :. THECOMMON COUNCII.OFTHEClTY gF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN :'. SECTlON.1: Chapter 8. S&on'8.04 (2, of the .Mlinicipal Code is hereby amended to ad as follows: ru8.04 (2) APPLICATION FOR PERMIT ~St&tOpPnihg.Peimitl I..., - '+YFOI.~OWS: '<Q+&. i "s&h permit shall be issued only upon a n f$pli&tiQa:sip.ed :tiy:,thd,appliKnt accompanied by a permit fee .of $20..00 and shall de&ibe~the.pla?e wh<reiud.exia+. tion. is @rop"sed to -be, made with such certainty that the &e +y atball'ti&es be for which mid exeevation is to be made, and readily IOeated and shall,ap&ify th; puipse when .it is pmposed to' begin making the sa+. 1n.casesuch eica-vation'ii @be made '. such applkatlon''+haN 'be signed -by 'the b~the;Fltylqr,anydepartment thereof, thsn .~ difWtiQns the work is to bedone: ' Supefintendent of the Department ~wh.0;o.e SECTION 2. All ordinances or barks of . ordinances inconsistent.with, or c6;ltrajen. ing~this ordinance are hereby'repealed. - , full force and effect fmm and aRgr its SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in 1' PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 26th passage end publication. I DAY OF Februsrr. 1985. 1: ~ IdWayne G. Salentlne. AhW /s'Charlotte Stewart, Clerk hblished on thelth day of March. 1985. Mayor The .!?"?keg.? .sur! ................ a newspaper published at . h'l!J.Sk.e.g? .......... Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a true copy, taken irom said paper, was published therein on . . ...... .. .... .... ... ........ ......... ................ ........ My Commission expires FEB. 8, 1?87