ORD1985516ORDINANCE 115.16 SECTION 8.02 (3) AND (5) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 8, (Ditch Bond & Street Bond Inspection Fee) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Chapter 8, Section 8.02 (3) of the Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 8.02 (3) FEES. Prior to the issuance of a building permit Treasurer a fee equal to the estimated cost of the applicant shall deposit with the City the culvert installation. In addition to the specified fee for culvert installation, a cash deposit of $200 shall be required to insure proper care, maintenance and landscaping of the roadside ditch. The cash deposit shall be specifically applicable to the property for which made, and will be held by the City until the the culvert installation application has been guarantee, provided and upon such request being owner requests a return of the financial made, the Public Works Superintendent shall make an inspection. The fee for such inspection shall be as from time to time established by resolution of the Common Council. Such resolution shall remain on file with the City Clerk and in the has been properly restored and landscaped, then office of the Building Inspector. If the ditch such request has been made after one year, any financial guarantee shall be returned. If no work needed to be done on the landscaping or and that cost shall be deducted from the deposit. restoration of the ditch will be done by the City If the culvert application is for the second driveway after the first driveway and normal then at the discretion of the building inspector landscaping have been completed and approved, the financial guarantee requirements may be waived. SECTION 2: Chapter 8, Section 8.02 (5) of the Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 8.02 (5) DRIVEWAY CONSTRUCTION TO STREETS AND ALLEYS CONTAINING CURB AND GUTTER No driveways shall be constructed connecting any streets or alleys containing curb and gutter unless prior to the issuance of a building permit the applicant shall deposit with the City J .> .: . . Ordinance #516 0 ATTEST : Treasurer a cash deposit of $200 which shall be required to insure proper care, maintenance, restoration, repair and landscaping of the curb and gutter after construction of the driveway. The cash deposit shall be specifically applicable to the property for which the building permit application has been made, and will be held by the City until the applicant requests a return of the financial guarantee, provided and upon such request being made, the Highway Superintendent shall make an inspection of said property. The time established by resolution of the Common fee for such inspection shall be as from time to with the City Clerk and in the office of the Council. Such resolution shall remain on file Building Inspector. If the curb and gutter has been properly maintained, repaired, restored and then the financial guarantee shall be returned. landscaped after construction of the driveway, In any event, if the curb and gutter has not been properly maintained, restored, repaired and landscaped after driveway construction, the Highway Superintendent shall inform the applicant reasonable time to make said corrections. If the of the necessary corrections and give him a time, the City shall make the corrections and the corrections are not made within a reasonable cost shall be deducted from the deposit; any cost in excess of the deposit shall be charged to the within one year after construction of the applicant; if no request is made by the applicant driveway, the balance of the deposit may be returned by the City to the applicant. SECTION 3: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS A[, 4 DAY OF )/J)>,,A h,,, , 1985 L - WA% S#kNTINE, A&& Mayor STATE OF WISCONSIN ) Milwaukee County ) ) ss. CITY IJFmmKECo Official Notice- AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 8. ORDINANCE #516 SECTION, 8.02 (3) AND (5) OF THE MUNICIPAI. COPE (Ditch Bond & Street Rond Inspktion Feel THE COMMON COUNCII. OF TH,E CITY OF MUSKRGO. WISCONSIN. DO ORDAlN AS FOI.I@WS: the Municipal Code is hereby amended to SECTION 1: Chaper 8, Section 8.02 (31 of . 8.02 (3) FEES. Prior to the issuance of 3 reid as foll&: building peiinit and applicant shall deposit with the City'Treasurer afee equal to the estimated mst of the culvert ins!allation. In addition to the specified fee fo: culvert * required to,insqe propel care. maintenance iistallation. a $ash deposit of $200 shall be c+h deposit~shall be,specifically applicable and landscaping of %tie rGdside ditch. The tg the property ,f& which the cul(.elt yijl &,:held by :the City until-the owner in$t+llation application has ken made. and plpv+d and upon such-request b&ing'+ade. requeMa retirn ofthe financial guarantee. ! .r& Publip WoTks .Sbperi+ende& .shall make .an ingwction. The; fee for such insption, shall be as Rom lime 'to ,time establishe&by resolution of the Common driveway, after the first'driveway and If the culkrt application &(or the second^ I normal' landscaping have been completed and approved, than at the discretion of the building inspector the financial guarantee requirements may be waived. the Municipal Code is hereby amended tq 'SECTION 2 Chapter 8. Section 8.02 (5) or read as follows: 8.02, (5) DRmWAY CONSTRUCTION TO STRFETS AND AIJXYS CONTAINING CURB'AND GVER .&,rr!,:: 'i I, I a;-?.'? being duly sworn, doth depose and say that he is an authorized representative of a newspaper published at . "luSk.e.q? ........... Wisconsin and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a true copy, taken :rom said paper, was published therein on The ,!:??keg.? .sun ... ...... .... .... .. ... ... ......... BOOKKEEPER Subscribed and sworn to before me this . . 7& . . day of . My Commission expires j necting any streets or alleys c0ntainin.g curb No driveways shall be constructed con- : and gutter Lnless prior to the issuance of a : building permit the applicant shall, deposit with the City Treasurer a cash deposit of I $200 which shall be required to insure ! proper care. maintenance, restoration. $, repair and landscaping of the curb and Theeash depositshall. be specifically.,applic- gutter aller construction or the driveway. , able to the property for which the building , permit-application has been made. and wnll ' be held by the City until the application requests a return of the financial guarantee; the Highway Superintendent shall make an, pmvided and upon such request being made. inspection shall be as from time to time inspection of said property. The fee for such i established by resolution of the Common ; Council. Such resolution shall remain an file with the City Clerk and in the ofice of the Building Inspector. If the curb and gutter has been properly maintained. repaired. restored and landscaped after cbnstruction of the driyeway. then the financial guaran- tep shall L -a+-s-nd In any' event. iF FEB, 8, 1967 ... .. -~._,~ I."". curb 'and gutter has not been properly maintained. restored. repaired and land. scaped aRer driveway construction. the ; applicant of.the necessary corrections and ~ Highway Superintendent shall inrorm the I give him a reasonable time to make said i corrections. If the corrections are not "lade ! make the corrections and the cost shall be within a reasonable time, the City shall I deducted from the deposit; any cost in excess ! of the deposit shall be charged LO the applicant; if no request is made by'rhe applicant within one year after construction of the driveway, the balance of the deposit mayberet,umed.b tb SECTION 3: dl~&%a%- , ord,nances inconsistent with 01 co*traven- in; this ordinance are hereby repealed. fu,\ force and errwt fmm and after SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be 1" .... .. ~ ..,, ~ ~~ passage and publication. DAY OF February. 1985. PASSED AND APPI(OVED THIS 26th IdWayne G. Salentnne Mayor ~AITEST lslcharlotte Stewart.