ORD1984511ORDINANCE # 511 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 7, SECTION 7.05 and SECTION 7.05(1) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE (Parking Res,trictions/Fire Lanes) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF T:HE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, Do ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Chapter 7, ,Section 7.05 of the Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 7.05 PRRKING RESTRICTIONS. No person shall stop or leave any vehicle standing upon any portion of a highway where and at the time when parking is prohibited, limited, or restricted by official traffic signs. SECTION 2: Chapter 7, ;Section 7.05 of the Municipal Code is hereby amended to create the following subsection: 7.05(1) FIRE LANES. No person shall park, stop or leave any time within a fire lane which shall be so standing any vehicle whether attended or unattended at designated by appropriate sign or other marking. 0 inconsistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby SECTION 3: All ordinances or parts of ordinances repealed. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF ko,&,l , 198d. ATTEST: &E SALENTINE, Mayor J RestrictiondFire Lanes) THECO~ON_C~CII.OFTHECl'lY ' OF MUBKFAIO, W18CCINBIN, DO ORDAIN A9 F0Lu)WS: Municipal Code in hereby amended to d SEmION 1 : Chapter 7, Mion 7.05 ofthe 7.05 PARKINQ RESPRICflON. No per- non shall stop or leave my vehicle standing the time when parking is prohibited. lim- upon nny portion ofa hiqhway where and at id. or metriaad by offi:cial tee nip. Municipal Code is hereby amended to -fa SECTION 2 Chapter '7, Seaion 7.06 of the the following subsection: 7.05(1) FIRE LANES. No pemn shall park, stop or leave stnnding any vehicle whether attended or unattended at any time within o fim lone which shall be M dmi@ntad by appmprrcte sign or othor M fOll0WS: marking. SECTION 3: All ordinanms or Dart6 of . ~. ~ ordinnneea inconsistent with or mntraven- ing thin ordinanat are hllreby repealed. MI rm and end nom and aftar IU ? SECTION 4: Thia ordlinsnm ohall bs in pas~ge and publication. ' PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 11th i -