ORD1984509'1; -a ORDINANCE #509 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND ORDINANCE #I28 PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE, SALE AND PAYMENT OF CITY OF MUSKEGO AND OTHER DETAILS WITH RESPECT THERETO SEWERAGE SYSTEM MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS OF THE THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The first paragraph and its three subsections of Section 3 of Ordinance 128 are hereby amended to read as follows: Section 3. Income and Revenue Funds. The income and revenues to be derived from the operation of the System, including payments received from the City for services rendered it, shall be set aside into separate and special funds hereby establish'ed and are to be used and applied for the following purposes and in the following proportions: 18% of the income a.nd revenues therefrom is presently necessary and shall be set aside in the "Sewerage System Operation and Maintenance Fund" for the reasonable and proper operation and maintenance of the System; 17% of the income and revenues therefrom is presently necessary and shall be set aside in the "Sewerage System Depreciation Fund" as a proper and adequate depreciation account; 65% of the income and revenues therefrom is presently necessary and shall be set aside in the "Sewerage System Bond and Interest Slecial Redemption Fund" (herein referred to as the "Special Redemption Fund"), and applied to the payment of the principal of and interest on the Bonds. Section 2: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS - DAY OF xm~d,p,\ , 1984. , , .. . Salentine, Mayor _. .. Official Notice ..~. . . . . " - - ORDINANCE NO. 509 N.4VCE NO. 128 PiLOVIDING FOR THE AX ORDINANCE M AMEND ORDI- SEWERAGE SYSTEM MORTGAGE ISW.4NCE. SALE AND PAYMENT OF REVENUE BONDS OF THE CITY OF MUSKECO AND OTHER DETAILS WITH RESP%CT THERETO 7HE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO. WISCONSIN. W ORDAIN. AS FOLLOWS: SBcrion 1: ?%e first paragraph and ita rhree subsections of :'&ion 3 of Ordinance I28 am hereby amended to rend (LB follows: seaion 3. Inmme and Revenue Funds. Tbe inmme and revenues to be derived hm Lhe operstion of the System. including psyrremts received fmm the City for seMcea aad spbcial funds hereby established and rendered it. shall be set aside into aeparate purprxes and in the :following pmporliom: are to be used and nipplied far the following 18% dthe inmme and revenues therefrom is prrsrntly necessary and Bhall be set aside in Ihz Sewerage System operation and MaiDtenance Fund" for the reananable and proper operation and maintenance of ihe SysrCm; is presently neceseary and shall be set aside 174 dthe inmme >ind revenues rf;erefrorn in the 'Sewerage System Depreciation tim amt; Fd s a proper rrnd adequate deprecia- 65% dlbe inmme imd revenues therefrom ia p-dy ne~ssary and shall be set aside in the -erage Syutem Bond and interest S+ Redemption Fund" (herein referred to 1y1 tbe Spffial kdemption Fund' ), md appw UI the payment of the principal of and intmrrt on the Bonds. %d.m 2: All o;&anaa or parts UP incornistent with or mntraven- mP thi= ordinance am hereby repealed. fom anl effect fmm and aRer its passage Section 3: This onlinance shall be in full and ouhkation~ ~-~- DAY OF November, 1984. PAssm AND APPROVED THIS 27th /dWajne G. Wentine. Mayor