ORD1984508O3DINANCE #SO8 AN ORDINANC,E TO AMEND CHAPTER 17, SECTION 17:4.05 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE (Sa.tellite Dishes) ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO Code is hereby amended to create the following subsection: SECTION 1 : Chapter 17, Section 17:4.05 of the Municipal 17:4.05(2) Satellite Cishes. Subject to Pia;- Commission approval, satellite dishes may be permitted as accessory we in any district provided it does not exceed 15' in height and is located within the offset and setback regulations of the particular district. In no case shall it be closer to the base setback line than the principal building and shall be properly screened on three sides. All plans must be submitted to the Plan Commission. SECTION 2: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. This ordina.nce shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS /Ic?&!'7 DAY OFWA . 1984. ATTEST: n J (Setellite Dhl THE COMMON C,OUh'CtL OF THE CITY b.- OF MUSKEGO. WlljCONSlS. DO ORDAIN As FOLLOWS: of the Municipal Co3e is her+ emended to SECTIONI 1: Chspter 17. Section 17:4.05 create the foliowing subsection: 17:4.05(2)SeLelliteDishesSubjffttoPlan Commission approval. satelhe dishes mag be permitLed (16 ecaessory IL- in any dietrid pronded it dws not ,exceed ISin height and . regulstiona dthe p:uticulardishiCtlm m is :-Led within the om and,.sethsk easeshallitbedosel-tothebaseaetbacklin~ than the principal building and shall be properly screened on three ddes. All plans must be submitted In the Plan Cammission SECTION 2: All ordinanat, or parta of +, prdinances inconsistent with or contraven- 1% this ordinance €.re hereb?npealed full force and efkt From and after its SECTION 3. This ordimre shall be in ~, PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 13th /&a)m G. Salentine pnssage and publietition. DAY OF NOVEMBER. 1984. .. Mayor AlTEST: IdCharlotte Stewart Clerk