ORD1984507ORDINANCE #507 (:As Amended) SECTION 12.01 (2) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 12, (Liquor License Fees) ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: THE COMMON COUNCIL OF ,THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO SECTION 1 : Chapter 12, Section 12.01 (2) of the Municipal Code is hereby amended to rsad as follows: licenses issued by the Coun,sil for the sale of intoxicating liquors and fermented malt 'beverages within the City and said fees shall be paid at the time the application is filed, which fees may be prorated on a yl?arly basis: (2) License Fees. The :following fees shall be charged for (b) Class B Fermented Malt Beverages License - $100 per yr. (a) Class A Fermented Malt Beverages License - $25 per yr. (c) Public & Social Gatherings - $5 per day. (a) Class A Liquor License - $200 per year. (e) Class B Liquor License - $200 per year. (f) Operator's License - $25 biennially. (h) Transfer from one premises to another - $10 per year. (g) Pharmacist's License - $10 per year. (i) Wholesale Beer License - $25 per year or fraction thereof. granted shall be refunded after deducting the administrative costs in the amount of the fee or $25, whichever is less. SECTION 2: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. Fees submitted with license applications which are not SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 9th DAY OF October, 1984. ATTEST : / &&, /&.A& Wayye G. Salentine, Mayor J - .~I - - adlr,l.(?L?y- CITY OF MUSXEW Official Notice ORDINANCE NO. 607 (As Amended) AN ORnlNANCE TO AMEND CIIAPPER C0I)E 12,BECTION 12.01(Z)OFl'll~Ml~lCIPAI~ (I.lquor IScnnnw Fnaa) OF MUSKEGO. WISCONSIN. DO 0III)AIN 7HECOMMONCOUNCII.OFTIlECI~ AS FOLI,OWS SECTION 1: Chapter 12. Section 12.01(2) ofthe Municipal Code is hereby amended ta read BB Follows: be charged for licenses iasued by the Council (2) Licenae Feea. The followinu fees ahall for the sale of intaxicating liquors and fermented malt beverageti within the City and said fees ahsll. bqpaid ,,st, tbp $,me the applicetion ie filed. which fees may be pmrated on II yearly baair: (a) Class A Fermented Malt Reverages License. $25 per yr. (b) Clem R Fermented Mall Reveragees License. $100 per F. - day. - (e) Public & Soeial Gatherings - $5 per (e) Clsas R Liquor Lieenae - 0200 per year. (dl Class A Liquor 1.ieense - $200 per year. 07 Operntor'a License I $25 biennially. (g) Pharmaciat's License - $10 per year. .(IO per year. (h) Tranerer rrom one premises lo another or frsction thereof. (1) Wholeaale fleer I.icenae . W6 per yesr Feea submitted with license applications which om not granted shall be refunded alter deducting the sdminintrotive cos1.a In tho ornoun1 of thc fon or @!n, wltlrhrvnr In 190s. SECTION 2: All ardlnanma or parts of ordinancea inconsistent with nr conwaven- ing Lhis ordinance am hereby repealed SECTION 3: This ordinance shell be in passage and publication. DAY OF Odnbar. 19R4. AITEST PASSED AND APPA.0VF.D THIS 9th MWnynn CI. Rnlmtina. Mnyo. leJCha&te Stewvsrt. Clerk c ORDINANCE # 507 AN ORDINANCII TO AMEND CHAPTER 12, SECTION 12.01 (:2 ) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE (Liquor License Fees) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCON ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Chapter 12, Section 12.01(2) of th Code is hereby amended to read as follows: (2) - License Fees. The Eollowing fees shall licenses issued by the Council for the intoxicating liquor:; and fermented ma the City and said fees shall be paid everages within he time the application is filed, which fees may prorated on a yearly basis: (a) Class A Fermented M, (b) Class B Fermented M, (c) Public h Social Gat' (d) Class A Liquor Lice: (e) Class B Liquor Lice. (f) Operator's License (g) Pharmacist's Licens, (h) Transfer from one p (i) Wholesale Beer Lice Fees submitted with lic shall be refunded after application. SECTION 2: All ordinan inconsistent with or contrav, this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 3: This ordina from and after its passage nd publication. PASSED AND DAY OF , 198-. ATTEST: