ORD1984505ORDINANCE #505 (As Amended) AN ORDINANCE TO CREATE CHAPTER 21 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 ENTITLED "SEWER UTILITY" COUNTY, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA SECTION 1: Chapter 21 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby created. Said chapter creates the Sewer Utility Code of the City of Muskego as adopted as Ordinance #505. office of the City Clerk and open to public inspection for not SECTION 2: A copy of said Code has been on file in the less than two weeks prior to the date of this ordinance, pursuant to Wisconsin Statute 66.035, and said Code is hereby incorporated into the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego. SECTION 3: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. effect from and after its passage and publication. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be in full force and ~ PASSED AND APPROVED THIS & DAY OF 1 984 - 3, i Official Notice ORDINANCE NO. SDS TER 21 OF THE MUNICII’AI. CODE OF AN OHDINANCE TO CREATE CHAP- THE CITY OF MUSKEGO F:NTITI.EI) OF MUSKEGO. WAUKESAA COUW. THE COMMON COUNCII. OF THE CITY WISCONSIN. DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Chapter 21 of the Municipal Code of the City of Waukesha in hereby created. Said chapter crealea the Sewer Utility Code of the City of Muskego an adopted ~d Ordinance No. 5805. SECTION 2: A copy ofsai,d Code has teen on file in the oflice or the Citv Clerk snd open to public inspection for not less than two weeh prior to the dale of this ordinance. pursuant to Wisconsin Stmute 66.035. and said Code ie hereby incorporated into the Municipal Code of the City of MunkeKo. ordinances inconsistent with or contraven- SECTION 3: All ordlnalrces or pnrte of ing this ordinance am herehy rnpnnlnd. SECTION 4: This ordinance ahall he in lull Tom and efkt rmrn end aRer itn pas~ege end publiention. DAY OFOCTORER. 1984. AWEST /dCharlotte 1.. Stewart. City Clork PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 9th /d Wayne G. Salentine. Mayor f * ORDINANCE 8505 AN ORDINANCE TO CREATE CHAPTER 21 OF THE OF THE CITf OF MUSKEG0 ENTITLED "S3WER UTILITY" THE COMMON C0UNCI:L OF THE CITY OF MUSK COUNTY, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1 : Chapt,2r 21 City of Muskego is hereby create Ordinance #505. Sewer Utility ordinance of .the C SECTION 2: A c0p.y of in the office of the City Clerk not less than tm weeks prior to said ordinance is hereby incorpo the City of Muskego. SECTION 3: All Ordinances parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravenin repealed. SECTION 4: This 'Jrdina shall be in full force and effect from and after its passag PASSED AND APPR0V:ED DAY OF 1984. May@ Wayne G. Salentine ATTEST: 9/84 September 28, 1984 '0 Tiis Amended) OFDINANCE # 505 AN ORDINANCE: TO CREATE CHAPTER 21 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 ENTITLED "SE:WER UTILITY" SECTION I. Be it ordained by the Common Council of the City of Muskego that Ch,apter 21 of the Municipal Code of Ordinances of the City of Muskego is hereby created to read as follows: SECTION 11. SE:WER UTILITY 21.01 21.02 21.03 21.04 21.05 21.06 21.07 21.09 21.08 21.10 21.11 21.12 21.13 21.14 21.15 21.16 21.17 21.18 21.19 21.20 21.01 CREATION Creation Application Management Rules and Regulations Definitions Sewer Service Charges and Reserve Capacity Assessment Annual Budget: 6 Method of Payment of Charges Accounts and Funds Accidental Discharges Prohibited Di.scharges Pretreatment Facilities Sand and Grease Trap Installations Wastewater Measurement and Sampling Industrial Waste Analysis Wastewater Di.scharge Permit System Admission to Property violations Confidentiality of Critical Information state Regulat.ions MMSD Regu1ati.ons The Common Council of the City of Muskego pursuant to the provision of Sec. 66.067 Wisconsin Statutes, does consisting of the wastewater treatment plants, collec- hereby declare the City of Muskego owned sewer system, tion system (as hereina€ter defined), waste collection -1- '0 and disposal operations, system of sewerage and all other appurtenances and equipment used for such pur- public utility as of the date of this Ordinance. poses, or Wastewater Works (as hereinafter defined) a 21.02 MANAGEMENT (1) The operation, management and control of the util- City of Muskego pursuant to the provisions of Sec. ity is hereby vested in the Common Council of the 66.066 (1) Wisconsin Statutes and hereinafter re- ferred to as the "Approving Agency". All records of the utility shall be kept by the Clerk, Treasur- er and Superintendent in the City Hall or other officially designated place. (2) The rules, reguLations and rates hereinafter set forth shall be considered part of the contract with water Works. Said rules, regulations and rates may every individual or entity connected to the Waste- City Council and the right is reserved to make be changed from time to time as determined by the special rates and contract in all proper cases. (3) The Common Council shall cause an annual audit of the books of the utility made by a private firm of books and record!; relating to the utility available Certified Public Accountants and shall make the for inspection during regular business hours. 21.03 APPLICATION The application to this Section, its rules, regulations and rates shall apply to all individuals, firms, cor- porations and institutions residing within the corpor- ate limits of the Ctty of Muskgo or its sewer service area and any person, firm or corporation, by attachment or otherwise coming in to locate within the City of Muskego subsequent to the effective date hereof. 21.04 DEFINITIONS OF TERMS The meaning of terms used in this ordinance shall be as follows: (1) "Act" shall mean the Federal Water Pollution Con- trol Act (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.) as amended by the -2- Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 (Pub. L. 9i:-500) and Pub. L. 93-243, or modi- fied by Chapter 147, Statutes of the State of Wisconsin or appropriate section Wisconsin Admini- strative Code ad,spted pursuant to Chapter 147. (2) "Approving Authority" shall mean the Common Council of the City of Muskego or its duly authorized deputy, agent or representative. (3) "BOD" shall mean the quantity of oxygen expressed in milligrams Fer liter (mg/l), utilized in the bio-chemical oxidation of organic matter under standard 1aborat.ory conditions for five days at a temperature of ;!O degrees centigrade. The labora- with procedures set forth in "Standard Methods". tory determinations shall be made in accordance (4) "Building Sewer", "Lateral" or "Service Pipe" shall mean a sewer wh:ich carries only Sewage and Indus- trial Wastes from the building plumbing to the Public Sanitary Sewer. This pipe shall also be defined as one cm3nnection per pipe. (5) "Collection System" shall mean the system of sewers and appurtenances for the collection, transporta- tion and pumpinq of domestic wastewater and indus- trial waste. (6) "Debt Retirement" shall mean all annual principal and interest requirements and obligations of the City for the Wastewater Works, including the capi- tal charges from the contract for service with the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District dated May 19, 1983, and anvended from time to time. (7) "Domestic Wastewater" shall mean water-borne wastes normally being discharged from the sanitary conven- office buildings, factories and institutions, free iences of dwellings, apartment houses, hotels, of industrial !wastes and in which the average concentration of suspended solids is established at or below 250 mg/'l and the BOD is established at or below 200 mg/l. (8) "Flow Proportional Composite Sample" shall mean a sample consisting of portions of waste taken in proportion to the volume of flow of said wastes. -3- (9) "Industrial user" shall mean any nongovernmental, nonresidential user of publicly owned Wastewater Works which discharges more than the equivalent of 25,000 gallons per day (GPD) of sanitary wastes and whose activiti,?~ are identified in the Standard Management and 13udget, as amended and supplemented, Industrial Classification Manual, 1972, Office of under the following divisions: 1) Division A. Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing. 2) Division B. Mining. 3) Division D. Manufacturing. 4) Division and Sanitary Services.. 5) Division I. Services. In E. Transportation, Communications, Electric, Gas determining if a user is in the industrial classi- fication, the City may exclude domestic wastes or discharges fro~n sanitary conveniences. After applying the sanitary waste exclusion, dischargers in the above divisions that have a volume exceeding 25,000 GPD or the weight of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) or suspended solids (SS) equivalent to that weight found in 25,000 GPD of sanitary waste are considered industrial users. Sanitary wastes, for purposes of this calculation of equivalency, are the waste discharges from residential users. Any nongovernmental user of a publicly owned Waste- Wastewater Work!: which contains toxic pollutants or water Works which discharges wastewater to the poisonous solids, liquids or gases in sufficient quantity either singly or by interaction with other wastes, to contaminate the sludge of any municipal system, or to injure or to interfere with any hazard to humans or animals, creates a public sewage treatment process, or which constitutes a nuisance, or creates any hazard in or has an ad- verse effect on the waters receiving any discharge from the treatment works, shall be an industrial user, even if it does not discharge the equivalent of 25,000 gallons per day of sanitary waste. - (10) "Industrial Waste" shall mean any water-borne solids, liquids or gaseous wastes other than do- mestic wastewater, resulting from discharging from, flowing from or escaping from any commercial, industrial, manufacturing or food processing opera- natural resource, or any mixture of these with tion or process or from the development of any water or domestic wastewater. -4- ,. (11) "Intercepting Sewer" shall mean a sewer constructed to receive the dry weather flow of untreated or inadequately treated sewage from one or more ex- dwelling or building that presently discharges or isting sanitary system terminals other than from a formerly discharged flow directly into any waters of the state, and convey the flow to a treatment works, or is to serve in lieu of an existing or proposed treatment works. (12) "Natural Outlet" shall mean any outlet into a watercourse, pond, ditch, lake or other body of surface or ground water. (13) "Normal Sewage" shall mean sanitary sewage in which B.O.D., Suspended Solids, or phosphorus concen- trations do not exceed normal concentrations of: (a) A five-day 20 degree C., B.O.D. of not more (b) A suspended Solids concentration of not more (c) Phosphorus not more than 12 parts per million. than 200 parts per million; than 250 parts per million; or (14)"Operation and Maintenance Cost" shall mean the actual sums spent by the utility in the operation and maintenance of its Wastewater Works consisting of but not limited to, each and all of the follow- ing purposes: a. Wages and salaries and employees related ex- penses of operating', maintenance, clerical, laboratory and supervisory personnel, together with fringe benefits and premiums paid on such wages and s.3laries for the State of Wisconsin workmen's compensation coverage. b. Electrical power. c. Chemicals, fuel and other operating supplies. d. Repairs to and maintenance of the equipment associated therewith. e. premiums for hazard insurance. -5- f. Premiums for insurance providing coverage against liability for the injury to person and/or property. 9. Rents and leasing costs. h. Operation, .Licensing and maintenance costs for trucks and heavy equipment. i. Consultant and legal fees. j . Replacement. (15) "Per Flow Portion" shall mean the estimated dis- charge flow of sewage from all users of the system divided by the t.otal flow of the system. (16) "Per Connection Portion" shall mean the estimated the total flow clf the system. infiltration/inflow portion of the flow divided by (17) "Persons" shall mean any and all persons, natural or artificial, including any individual, firm company, municipal or private corporation, associa- tion, governmental agency or other entity and agents, servant:. or employees. (18) "pH," shall mean the logarithm (base 10) of the pressed in moles per liter. It shall be determined reclprocal of the hydrogen ion concentration ex- Methods". by one of the procedures outlined in the "Standard (19) "public Sewer" shall mean a sewer in which all owners or abutting properties have equal rights, and is controlled or owned by public authority. (20) "Replacement" shall mean expenditures for obtaining tenances which are necessary during the useful life and installing equipment, accessories and appur- of the treatment works to maintain the capacity and performance for which such works were designed and constructed. (21) "Residential Equivalency Charge" shall mean a charge levied 01-1 users for operation, maintenance and replacement costs. -6- (28 (29 (22) "Residential Equivalent Connection" (REC) shall mean the amount of normal sewage discharged by one average household. The flow associated- with one residential equivalent connection shall be computed gallons per capj. ta per day. by multiplying the City occupancy factor times 62 (23) "Sanitary Sewer" shall mean a sewer that conveys domestic wastewtxer or industrial waste or a combi- nation of both, and into which storm, surface and ground waters or unpolluted industrial wastewater are not intentionally passed. (24) "Sewer use Charge" shall mean a charge levied on users for Operation and Maintenance and Replacement costs, based on a cost per Residential Equivalent Connection and number of connections. (25) "Slug" shall mean any discharge of water or waste- water which in concentration of any given consti- tuent or in quantity of flow exceeds for any period longer than fift.een (15) minutes more than five (5) times the averge twenty-four (24) hour concentra- tion or flows Iduring normal operation and shall adversely affect the collection system and/or performance of the wastewater treatment works. (26) "Standard Methods" shall mean the examination and edition of "Standard Methods for the Examination of analytical procedures set forth in the latest Water and Wastewater" as prepared, approved and published joirtly by the American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and the Water Pollution Control Federation. - (27) "Storm Sewer" shall mean a sewer which carries storm and surface drainage but excludes domestic wastewater and i.ndustria1 wastes. "Superintendent"' shall mean the Superintendent of the Wastewater 'iorks who shall be in charae of and supervise the operations and functions of the utility. "Suspended Solids" shall mean solids that either water, sewage or other liquids, and which are float on the surface of, or are in suspension in removable by a laboratory filtration device. - -7- Quantitative dstermination of suspended solids shall be made in accordance with procedures set forth in "Standard Methods". (30) "Unpolluted Water" is water of quality equal to or better than the effluent criteria in effect or water that would not cause violation of receiving water quality standards and would not be benefited treatment facilities provided. by discharge to the sanitary sewers and wastewater (31) "User" shall mean any person discharging domestic wastewater or industrial wastes into the collection system. (32) "Utility" shall mean the City of Muskego sewer utility established by this Ordinance (Chapter 21). (33) "Waste" shall mean any solids, liquid or gaseous material or combination thereof discharges from any residences, business building, institutions and industrial establishments into the collection system or storm sewer. (34) "Wastewater" shall mean a combination of the water- -carried waste discharged into the collection system from residences, business buildings, insti- tutions and industrial establishments, together with such ground surface and storm water as may be present. (35) "Wastewater Pumping Station" shall mean a pumping facility utilized to pump wastewater within the collection system. (36) "Wastewater Trc!atment Facilities" shall mean any Utilitv owned facilities, devices and structures .. used for receiving and treating wastewater from the utility collection system. (37) "Wastewater Works" shall mean all facilities for collecting, pumping, treating and disposing of domestic wastew.3ter and industrial wastes. (38) "WPDES Permit" shall mean a permit to discharge pollutants obtriined under the Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) pursuant to Chapter 147 of the State of Wisconsin Statutes. -a- 21.05 RULES AND REGULATIONS (1) Declaration of Policy: The Common Council of the City of Muskego finds and declares that the public hanced by the provisions of the Wastewater Works in health, comfort and safety is preserved and en- the promotion of a clean and healthful environment and that the failure to connect to the Wastewater Works is contrary to minimum health standards. (2) Connections: a. To assure preservation of public Health, com- fort and s.sfety, the owner of any houses, buildings, or properties used for human occu- pancy, employment, recreation, or other habita- tions, situated within the City and adjacent to a Public Sewer or in a block through which a public Sewer extends, is hereby required at his expense to install suitable toilet facilities therein, and to connect such facilities di- rectly with the proper Public sewer in accor- dance with the provisions of this Ordinance, within nine (9) months after the Public Sewer first becomes operational or if an immediate ceipt of notice from the Health Officer or City health hazard exists within 30 days upon re- Building Inspector. b. Where the costs for connection exceeds the benefit accruing to the property because of t5e availability of sewers, the Common Council shall have the option of granting a hardship deferment for connection. c. ~f a person fails to comply with the said notice to connect within the given period of time the City may, at its option: 1. Cause such connection to be made and bill the property owner for such costs. If such costs are not paid within 30 days, such costs shall be assessed as a special tax lien against the property, unless the owner within 30 days after the completion of the work, files a written option with the City Clerk stating that he cannot pay such -9- amount in one sum and asking that it be levied in not to exceed 5 equal annual collect8.d with interest at the rate of 9% installaents, and the amount shall be so per annum from the completion of the work, the unpaid balance to be a special tax lien; or 2. Impose a standby charge for the period that such failure continues, after 10 days written notice to any owner failing to make a connection to the Wastewater Works or an amount equal to 150% of the Residential Equivahncy Charge payable monthly for the period in which the failure to connect continues, and upon failure to make suzh payment said charge shall be levied as a tax against the lot or parcel to which sewerage service was furnished. (3) Alternative Disposal prohibited a. NO person shall construct or maintain any privy vault, septic tank, cesspool, or other facility intended to be used for the disposal of domesic wastewater, if a public sewer is available. b. No person s'hall discharge to any Natural Outlet within the (City or in any area under the juris- diction of the City, sewage or other polluted waters, except where suitable treatment has been provimjed in accordance with subsequent provisions ,>f this Ordinance. (4 ) plumbers : No plumber, pipe fitter, or other person will be permitted to do any plumbing or pipe fitting work first receiving a license from the State of wiscon- in connection with the Wastewater Works without direction of the City this requirement is not sin. If the >work is performed by or under the applicable. (5) Maintenance of services: All sewer services within the limits of the City from the street main to the property line and in- cluding all cc.ntrols between the same, shall be -10- maintained and repaired without expenses to the City except when they are damaged as a result of negligence or carelessness on the part of the City of the City. A11 Building Sewers and all facili- in which case they will be repaired at the expense ties throughout the premises served must be main- tained free of defective conditions, by and at the expense of the owner or occupant of the property served. If any repairs are made by the City, the City will issue a statement for the expenses of the repairs to the property owner who shall pay said statement within 30 days of receipt. Failure to pay shall result. in the charges being placed on the tax roll as a special charge under 66.60(16). (6) users: a. Application for service: Every person request- ing connection to the Wastewater Works shall in such form as is prescribed for that purpose. file an application in writing to the utility, Blanks for :such applications will be furnished at the office of the City Clerk. The applica- tion must :state fully and truly all the use which will be presently made. 1f any change in use from that set forth in this application is contemplated, the user must obtain further application and permission from the utility. If the applicant is not the owner of the pre- mises, the written consent of the owner must accompany the application. The applicat.ion may be for service to more than one building, or more than one unit of service through one service connection; and, in such case, charges shall be made accordingly. If it appears that the service applied for will not provide adequate service for the contem- plated use, the Utility may reject the applica- tion. If the utility approved the application, it shall issue a permit for services as shom on the application. wastewater works shall be paid by the applicant All expenses relating to the connection to the or owner. -11- b. Tap Permits:: After sewer connections have been introduced into any building or upon any pre- mises no plumber shall make any alterations, ordering such tapping or other work shall extensions, or attachments, unless the party obtain and exhibit the proper permit for the same from the City. c. User to Keep in Repair: All users shall keep protected Erom frost, at their own risk and their own service pipe in good repair and expense; and shall prevent any unnecessary overburdening of the Wastewater Works. The user is responsible for their service pipe from the sewer main through their premise. d. user use Only: No user shall allow other persons to connect to, or permit other uses to be made of, the Wastewater works through his lateral. e. user to Permit Inspection: Every user shall permit the City or its duly authorized agent, at all reasonable hours of- the day, to enter their premises or building to examine the pipes and fixtur'es, and the manner in which the must at all times, frankly and without conceal- drains and sewer connections operate; and they ment, answer all questions put to them relative to its use. f. Responsibili2: No claim shall be made against the City or Its agents or employees by reason of the breaking, c-logging, stbppage, 0; freez- arising from repairing mains, making connec- ing of any service pipe: nor from any damage be deemed necessary by the City absent gross tions or extensions or any other work that may The City may cut off the service at any time negligence clf the City its agents or employees. for the purpose of repairs or any other neces- sary purpose, any permit granted or regulation to the contrary notwithstanding. Whenever it shall become necessary to shut off the sewer service within any areas of the City, the City shall, if practicable, give notice to each affected user. -12- a. b. C. In making excavations in streets or highways for laying service pipe or making repairs, the manner that will occasion the least inconven- paving and earth moved must be deposited in a ience to the public. No person shall leave any such excavation made without barricades; and during the night, in any street or highway open at any time warning lights must be maintained at such excavations. All services within the public right-of-way shall have their trenches backfilled with material is ,approved by the City; and this work compacted sand and gravel unless the excavated paving must Ibe done so as to make the street as together with the replacing of sidewalks, and good, at least, as before it was disturbed, and streets for tapping the pipes will be permitted satisfactory to the City. NO opening of the when the gro;und is frozen. (8) Laterals a. All laterals on private property will be in- stalled in accordance with state of Wisconsin Administration Code Chapter ILHR 82 04(4) "Building Sewers" as from time to time amended. b. The Building Sewer shall be inspected by the City Plumbing Inspector or his designee upon completion of placement of the pipe and befoie backfilling; and tested before and after back- filling. (9) Tapping the Mains: - a. No persons, except those having special pennis- sion from the City or persons in their service any circumst.ances to tap the public Sanitary and approved by them, will be permitted, under with the public sanitary Sewers shall be that Sewers. The kind and size of the connection specified in the permit or order from the City. -13- b. Pipes shoulmj always be tapped at the top, and not within six inches (15 cm) of the joint, or within 24 inches (60 cm) of another lateral connection. c. When any Lateral is to be relaid and there are all but one of the parcels shall be discon- two or more parcels connected to the Lateral, nected from such lateral and new Laterals shall be installed for the remaining Parcels. 21.06 SEWER SERVICE CHARGES, CONNECTION CHARGES AND RESERVE CAPACITY ASSESSMENTS (1) Basis for Sewer Service Charges: parts, the operation, maintenance and replacement The Sewer service charge shall be based on two charge plus the debt service charge. (2) Operation, Maintenance and Replacement: a. A residential equivalency charge is hereby imposed upon each lot, parcel of land, building or premise served by the Wastewater Works or otherwise discharging sewage, including non- domestic and industrial wastes, into the sys- ment charge shall be payable as herein provided tem. Such operation, maintenance and replace- and shall b'e on the basis of one unit for each residential equivalent unit and one connection for each lateral or service pipe. b. On or before September 1st of every year the City Clerk of the City of Muskego shall recom- pute the assignment of residential equivalent units and number of connections to all users within the system. Said assignment method shall apply only to buildings that are attached mation of residential equivalent units will to the sanitary collection system. Said sum- then be divided into the billable per flow portion of the yearly operation, maintenance and replacement costs to arrive at the flow charge per residential equivalent unit. The divided into the per connection portion of the summation of the number of connections will be -14- D operation, maintenance and replacement costs to arrive at the charge per connection. The total charge to an individual user shall be the sum of the number of assigned REC's times the charge per :?EC plus the number of connections times the charge per connection. (3) Debt service Cha- A debt service charge is hereby imposed upon all users of the Wastewater Works based upon debt Muskego shall recompute the debt service charge service costs. The City Clerk of the City of annually by dividing the proposed net yearly debt service budget as provided in Section 21.07 of this Ordinance into :I flow portion and a per connection portion. The billable flow portion of the debt service charge shall be divided by the total number of residential equivalent units to arrive at the charge per residential equivalent unit. The con- divided by the total number of connections to nection portion of the debt service charge shall be arrive at the charge per connection. The Resi- dential Equivalency Chart is attached as Appendix "A" of this Ordinance. (4) Total Sewer Service Bill The total sewer service bill a user will receive will be the summation of the various elements maintenance charge from either the Town of Norway previously described; that being the operation and plus the City operation, maintenance and replace- or the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District ment charge per REC plus the City operation main- tenance and replacement connection charge plus the debt service charge per REC plus the debt service charge per connection. (5) Industrial and Commercial Charges for Other Than Domestic Wastewater Charges made far Wastewater other than Domestic Wastewater shall be based on Flow, B.O.D., Sus- pended Solids, Phosphorus and such other consti- treatment. All persons discharging wastes into the tuents which affect the cost of collection and Wastewater Works are subject to a surcharge, in -1 5- b addition to any #other wastewater service charge, if their wastewater has a concentration greater than Domestic Wastewater concentrations. The volume of flow used for computing waste surcharges shall be the metered water consumption, or the actual volume of waste as determined by an industrial waste metering installation. The amount of surcharge shall reflect the cost incurred by the City or The Milwaukee Metropolitan sewerage District (MMSD) in removing B.O.D., Suspended solids, Phosphorus, and other pertinent constituents. The commercial or industrial charge shall be made up of the actual wholesale user #charge from the MMSD submitted to the City pursuant to Chapter 17 of the MMSD rules plus the REC and connection charges for the City's debt service costs. operation, maintenance and replacement costs and (6) Initial Construction Fee For each new lateral or service connection there shall be charged a fee of $500.00. This fee shall be paid to the City at the time of building permit or plumbing permit issuance. (7) Reserve Capacity Assessments There is hereby levied and assessed upon each lot or parcel of larld currently with the City, but not Works and upon land subsequently attached to the having an existing connection to the Wastewater City, a Reserve Capacity Assessment (RCA). Such RCA charge shall be payable as herein provided and residential equivalent connection connected to the shall be on the basis of one RCA charge for each Wastewater Works. For the purpose of this chapter, sewer reserve capacity assessments in the City shall be classi- fied as existing users and future users. a. Existing users - 1. Property owners whose improved lot has been connectes3 to City sewer prior to January 1, 1985 will pay a reserve capacity assessment of $250 per residential equivalency connec- t ion. -16- * 2. Properties being served prior to public sewer connection by septic systems, mounds and holding tanks will pay this assessment on or before November 1 in the year the plumbing permit is obtained to connect to the sewer except if said permit is obtained assessment will be paid on or before Novem- after November 1 in any calendar year, the ber 1 of the next calendar year. This $250 assessment shall increase by $22.50 per residential equivalency connection per year commencing January I, 1986. b. Future Users 1. Properties where public sewer connection takes place or additional capacity is made available after January I, 1985 and whizh are not being ser'ved by a septic system, mounds or holding tank, will pay a reserve capacity assessment of $1,500 per residen- November 1 of the year of connection or the tial equivalency connection on or before available except if said connection or year when additional capacity is made additional capacity is made available after sessment will be paid on or before November November 1 in any calendar year, the as- 1 of the next calendar year. This reserve capacit!! assessment will increase by $135 each January 1 commencing on January 1, 1986. 2. The number of residential equivalency units for all categories of future users reserve capacity assessment purposes shall be determined by the City Engineer at the time of issuance of a building permit based as far as possible on the residential equiva- lency, which determination may be appealed to the City of Muskego Public Sewer Commit- tee within 60 days of said determination. All determinations of the number of resi- dential equivalency units shall take into consideration potential future use a.ld necessary capacity. -17- c. Installment ~?ayments 1. The assessments for those connecting to the City of Muskego sewer system on or before September 7, 1984 may be paid in cash in full on or before November 1, 1984 or in five (5) equal annual installments of principal together with 12 months interest per installment at the rate of 9% per annum on the unpaid balance commencing on Novem- ber I, 1984 and said first installment being due on the date when real estate taxes ars? due and annually thereafter. All paid by (the date specified shall be extend- assessments or installments which are not ed upon the tax roll as a delinquent tax against (the property and all proceedings in relation to the collection, return and sale of property for delinquency real estate taxes shall apply to such special assess- ment, except as otherwise provided by statute. Existing users as defined above who are not connected will be given the five installment method provided, however, payable on or before November 1 in the year the first installment shall be due and the plumbing permit is issued except if said permit is obtained after November 1 in any calendar year, the assessment will be paid on or before November 1 of the next calendar year. 2. Future users may pay their assessment in five (5) equal annual installments of principal together with 12 months interest per installment at the rate of 9% per annum commencing on November 1 in the year of connection or in the year additional ca- pacity .is made available except if said connection or additional capacity is made available after November 1 in any calendar next cahndar year and said first install- year, then commencing on November 1 of the ment being due on the date when real es- tate taxes are due and annually thereafter. All assessments or installments which are not paid by the date specified shall be extended upon the tax roll as a delinquent -18- tax against the property and all proceed- ings in. relation to the collection return and sale of property for delinquency real estate taxes shall apply to such special assessment, except as otherwise provided by statute. (8) Ready-to-Serve Charge: The owner of each premise to which sewer service has been provided by the City but not connected to the Wastewater Works for sewer service shall pay for the availability there- of a "ready-to-serve charge" equal to the raLe provided by Section 21.06 (3). Any "ready-to-serve charge" becoming effective during any year shall be charged on a pro rata basis for that year in which such charge becomes effective. (9) Vacant Buildings - a. The sewerage service charge for any previously connected vacant commercial or industrial building shall be equal to the operation, main- tenance and replacement connection charge plus the debt service connection charge. Such quarterly period in which such building becomes charge will! become effective at the end of the owner, or his agent, notifies the City Clerk in vacant and only upon the condition that the writing of such vacancy and upon inspection thereof by the Building Inspection Department to determine that such building is vacant. The sum of $30.00 shall be paid by the owner, or The fee for said inspection shall be paid prior his agent, to the City for such inspection. to the inspection being made. b. It shall be the duty of the owner of any va- cant commercial or industrial building to notify the City Clerk in writing within fiJe any portion. thereof, is re-occupied. The sewer (5) days from the date any such building, or user charge for the quarter that any such building or any portion thereof is re-occupied shall be prorated for such quarter. c. If such owl-,er fails to notify the City Clerk of re-occupancy. of said building, or any portion thereof as herein provided, then 200% of the -19- a I sewer user ,:barge shall be assessed against said building until such notice is received. The notice to be given shall describe the premises and uses involved and the date the premises are re-occupied. (10) Special Rates: It is understood, however, that the approving authority may at any time hereafter, set special rates for any large commercial service, industrial use or any other unique user that does not readily fit into other categories of users. 21.07 ANNUAL BUDGET & METHOD OF PAYMENT OF CHARGES Annually before September lst, the City Clerk shall prepare a budget for the following fiscal year which shall be separated into sections, the first for operation, maintenance and replacement and second for debt service. Revenues for the operation, maintenance and re- placement budget shall include any projected year end balance (excluding depreciation funds), operat- permit fees, special rates, and sewer user charges. ing fund investment income, contract revenues, Expenditures for the operation, maintenance alld replacement budget shall include all costs defined year end deficit. in Section 21.04 (14) ordinance plus any projected The operation and maintenance budget shall balance with the sewer use charge so that projected reve- nues equal projected expenditures. Revenues for the debt service budget shall include any projected year end balances in the special mental Financing Fund, projected Residential Equiv- assessments funds, transfers from the Tax Incre- alency Charges,, connection charges sinking fund interest income, Reserve Capacity Assessments, and property taxes. Expenditures f.3r the debt service budget shall include principal, interest, capital charges paid to the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District and -20- the Town of Norway Sanitary District, premiums, debt. paying agency fees and other expenses related to (7) Projected revenues for the debt service budget shall exceed projected expenditures by 25% with ditures. charge increased until revenues are 125% of expen- (8) Sewer Service charges may be billed yearly, quar- terly, or monthly and shall be payable at the City Clerk's office or at any other officially desig- assessments 1evim.d and assessed in accordance with nated location. Statements for such charges and 45 days from and after the date of the statement. this Ordinance shall become due and payable within In the event that any such statement or statements added thereto. are not paid when due, a penalty of 10% will be (9) Billing: The property owner is held responsible for all sewer bills on premises that he owns. All the sewer service, will be addressed to the owner sewer bills and notices of any nature, relative to first class mail. and/or occupant and delivered to the addressee by (10) Failure to Receive Bill NO Penalty Exemption: Everv reasonable care will be exercised in the proper delivery (of sewer bills. Failure to receive a sewer bill, however, shall not relieve any person of the responsibility for payment of sewer rates within the prescribed period, nor exempt any person payment thereof. from any penalty imposed for delinquency in the (11) Delinquent Bills: On October 15 in each year, notice shall beTiven to the owner or occupant of all lots or parcs?ls of real estate to which service has been furnished prior to October 1 and payment for which is owing and in arrears at the time of giving such notice. The sewer utility shall fur- nish the City Treasurer with a list of all such lots or parcel,; of real estate, and the notice shall be given by the Treasurer. Such notice shall be in writing and shall state the amount of such arrears, including any penalty assessed pursuant to the rules of such City; that unless the same is -21- paid by November 1, a penalty of 10% of the amount of such arrears will be added thereto: and that unless such arrears and penalty is paid by November 15, the same will be levied as a tax against the lot or parcel of real estate to which service was furnished and for which payment is delinquent as above specified. Such notice may be served by delivery to either such owner or occupant person- ally, or by letter addressed to such owner or occupant at the post office address of such lot or parcel of real estate. On November 16, the Trea- with the City C:Lerk a list of all lots or parcels surer issuing the notice shall certify and file of real estate, ‘giving the legal description there- of and the amount of unpaid arrears and penalty. Each such delinquent amount, including such pen- alty, shall thereupon become a lien upon the lot or parcel of real estate to which the service was furnished and payment for which is delinquent, and against such 1cmt or parcel of real estate. All the City Clerk shall insert the same as a tdx proceedings in relation to the collection of gener- al property taxes and to the return and sale of property for delinquent taxes shall apply to said quired by law for payment of taxes upon real tax if the same is not paid within the time re- estate. 21.08 ACCOUNTS AND FUNDS (1) The operation :maintenance and replacement fund shall be used for payment of any items defined in 21.04 (15) (2) The debt servic,e fund shall contain all revenues transferred from special assessments, Tax Incre- mental Financing Funds, property taxes, Residential Equivalency Charges, Debt Service Charges, Initial other sources intended for debt. This fund shall Construction Fees, Reserve Capacity Assessments and be used only for the payment of principal and interest, MMSD and Town of Norway sanitary District Capital Charges,. and fees directly related to debt payment. (3) The depreciation fund shall be used for the fol- lowing purposes. e -22- a. b. C. d. e. f. Cost of the replacement of existing sewer mains. Cost of subs,titution of larger size for exist- ing mains. Cost of new primary sewer mains and instal- payable by sratutory assessment. lation of same in excess of such charge or cost Cost of road repair required by such construc- t ion. Cost of contracted engineering service to insure a planned program. Renewals or expansion of the Wastewater Works in excess of $5,000.00. 21.09 PROHIBITED DISCHARGES (1) NO person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any storm water, ground water, roof runoff, yard overflow into the collection system: unpolluted drainage, yard fountain, swimming pool or pond sewers or to a natural outlet. water or waste shall be discharged to only storm (2) No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged to the collection system either directly or indi- rectly any of the following described wastes or wastewater: a. b. C. Any liquid having a temperature higher than 150 degrees Fahrenheit (65 degrees Centigrade). Any wax, grease, or oil, plastic or any other substance th.st will solidify or become discern- ibly viscous at temperatures between 32 degrees to 150 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees to 675 degrees Centigrade). Any solids, liquids or gases which by them- selves or by interaction with other substances may cause Eire, explosion, hazards, create toxic fumes or in any other way be injurious to persons or property involved in the operation or maintenance of the Wastewater Works. -23- d. Solid or viscous substances in quantities or of such size capable of causing obstruction to the flow in sewers, or other interference with the proper operation of the Wastewater Works, such as, but not limited to, ashes, cinders, sand, mud, straw, shavings, metal, glass, rags, feathers, tar, plastics, wood, unground gar- bage, whole blood, paunch manure, hair and containers, etc., either whole or ground by fleshings, entrails, paper dishes, cups, milk garbage grinders. e. Any garbage that has not been properly commi- nuted or shredded to such a degree that all particles will be carried freely in suspension in the municipal sewers. (100% passing 1/2" screen, 90% passing 1/4" screen). f. Any noxious or malodorous substance, which either sinqly or by interaction with other substances .is capable of causing odors objec- tionable to persons of ordinary sensitivity. g. Any wastes or wastewater having a pH lower than property capable of causing damage or hazards 5.5 or higher than 9.0 or having any corrosive to the Wastewater Works or personnel. h. Any wastes or wastewater of such character and quantity that unusual attention or expense is Works. required to handle them in the Wastewater i. Any wastewater or wastes containing a toxic or poisonous substance such as plating or heat treating w.3stes in sufficient quantity to injure or i.nterfere with wastewater treatment animals, to create any hazard in the Wastewater process, to constitute a hazard to humans or Works, or which would cause the Utility Waste- water treatment facilities to discharge any of excess of the limitation as established in the the following pollutants in quantities in Wisconsin Administrative Code or WPDES Permit: cyanide, - hexavalent chromium, trivalent chromi- urn, copper, nickel, cadmium, phenols, iron and tin. - -24- j. Any radioactive wastes greater than allowable releases as specified by current United states Bureau of Standards Handbooks dealing with the handling and release of radio-activity. k. Free or emulsified oil and grease exceeding on analysis an average of 100 mg/l of either or both or cornbinations of free or emulsified oil tendent it appears probable that such wastes or and grease, if, in the opinion of the Superin- wastewater: 1. Can deposit grease or oil in'the collection system in such manner to cause it to clog. 2. Are not amenable to bacterial action and will therefore pass to the receiving waters without being affected by normal wastewater treatment processes. 3. Can have deleterious effects on the waste- water treatment process due to the exces- sive quantities. 1. Any cyanides or cyanogen compounds capable of excess of one-half (0.5) mg/l by weight as liberating hydrocyanic gas or acidification in cyanide in ,the wastes. m. Wastes or wm3stewater which: 1. 2. 3. 4. Cause unusual concentrations of solids or suspended solids of inert nature (such a composition: as for example, in total solids (such as sodium chloride, or sodium Fuller's Earth) and/or in total dissolved sulfate). Cause e:rcessive discoloration in the waste- water t:ceatment facilities discharge. Has BOE in excess of 900 mg/l based upon a 24-hour composite sample. Has a ts2tal BOD or suspended solids loading in excess of the wastewater discharge permit ,described in section 21.15. -25- 0 5. Is discharged without application for a wastewater discharge permit or contractual agreement as required under Section 21.15. 6. Cause damage to the collection system or impair the treatment process. (3) No person shall allow the discharge of slugs of water or wastes to the collection system which may be harmful to the operation of the Wastewater Works. Where, in the opinion of the Superinten- dent, slugging does occur, each person producing such a discharge into the collection system shall construct and maintain at his own expense, a stor- age reservoir of sufficient capacity with flow control equipment to insure an equalized discharge over a 24-hour period. (4) No person shall discharge any waste or wastewater which would cause the wastewater treatment facili- of their WPDES permit. ties to be in vtolation of any of the requirements (5) No person shall. connect to and discharge to the collection system, unless there is capacity avail- Works as determined by the City Engineer. able in all downstream components of the Wastewater 21.10 ACCIDENTAL DISCHARGES Any person who accidentally discharges wastes or waste- water prohibited under Section 21.09 shall immediateiy report such discharge to the Superintendent. 21.11 PRETREATMENT FACILITIES (1) The Approving Authority may require pretreatment facilities of an!! person discharging or planning to discharge industrial waste, if the waste or waste- water: a. Could cause damage to the collection system. b. Impair the treatment process. -26- C. d. e. Cause the Ci.ty to incur treatment costs exceed- ing those of domestic wastewater. Have any of the characteristics of the "Prohibi- ted Discharges" described in Section 21.09 Ordi- nance. Cause the wa.stewater treatment facilities to exceed its total design loading for volume, BOD, suspended solids or any pollutant. (2) Construction, operation and maintenance of pretreat- ment facilities shall be at the expense of the person discharging the industrial waste. ' (3) Plans, specificat,ions and any other pertinent infor- mation relating 'to proposed pretreatment facilities and City Engineer prior to the start of qonstruc- shall be submitted for review of the Superintendent t ion. (4) In accordance with Wisconsin Administrative Code NR 114, all pretreatment facilities shall be operated by qualified personnel holding a license of the proper class issued by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources;. 21.12 SAND AND GREASE TRAP INSTALLATIONS Grease, oil and sand interceptors shall be provided at repair garages, gasoline stations, car washes and other handling of liquid we.stes containing grease in excessive industrial or commercial establishments for the proper amounts, oil, flammable wastes, sand and other harmful accordance with the Wisconsin Plumbing Code and shall be ingredients. All interceptors shall be constructed in located as to be rea'jily and easily accessible for easy cleaning and inspection. All grease, oil and sand expense, in continuous, efficient operation at all interceptors shall he maintained by the owner, at his times . 21.13 WASTEWATER MEASUREMENT AND SAMPLING (1) Wastewater flow:; shall be assigned in accordance with the Residential Equivalency Charge Chart in Appendix A. unless: -27- (a) The owner of any lot, parcel of land, building or premises discharging domestic wastewater or industrial waste into the collection system be installed as approved by the superintendent requests that the necessary metering equipment discharged to the collection system. All costs to measure the quantity of water pumped or for metering equipment, installation, readings, calibrations, and verifications shall be paid for by the user. The user charge shall be based on the quanttty of water so measured. Whenever the person fails to install such metering equip- ment, or where it is not practicable to measure the water consumed on any premises by a meter or meters, the Superintendent shall determine the estimated vol.ume of water discharged into the Wastewater Works. (b) The user shall be required to verify the ac- curacy of the water metering equipment at the following minimum intervals: Water Meters size In. Test Interval - Yr. 5/8, 3/4, 1 8 1-1/2 and 2 4 3 and 4 2 6 and over 1 (c) Sewer meters shall be tested and certified every 6 months. (d) The meter testing shall be performed by an approved meter manufacturer and results shall be issued to the City. (e) The City shall establish a yearly charge for each metered user to recover its costs for readings, records and billing costs. (2) The Superintendent may require the installation of devices for metering the volume of waste discharged if those volumes cannot otherwise be determined or day. The meterilig devices shall be owned and main- if the user discharges over 25,000 gallons on a?y tained by the pe:cson and may not be removed without consent of the Superintendent. -28- D b D Control Manholes: All persons discharging indus- trial wastes into the Wastewater Works shall con- struct and maintain control manholes in suitable and accessible positions on public property or easement to facilitate Ikhe observation, measurement and sampling of all his wastes or wastewater. Control manholes shall be located and constructed in a manner approved by the Superintendent. Plans shall be submitted and approved by the Superintendent prior to construction. 21.14 INDUSTRIAL WASTE ANAL.YSIS The utility will collect samples and perform lab: oratory tests on industrial waste discharges as necessary to ve:cify the quantity of flow and char- The utility test results shall be used to determine acter and concentration of an industrial waste. the applicable surcharge. Waste or wastewater discharge may be sampled man- ually or by the use of mechanical equipment as necessary to obtain a representative 24-hour com- posite sample. Samples shall be taken at intervals to be established by the discharge permit under section 21.15. When Wisconsin Administrative Code Sections NR 101 or NR 202 require the submittal of the character, and concentration of wastes, waste volume, and production information to the utility or Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR), the user shall have the waste character and concentration determined by an independent testing laboratory. A copy of the test results and DNR reports shall be submitted to the Superintendent. All measurements and test analysis of the charac- teristics of industrial wastes shall be determined in accordance wi.th “Standard Methods”. 21.15 WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT SYSTEM (1) Wastewater Discharge Permit: A wastewater dis- charge permit is required under this section if a person’s discharge into the utility Wastewater Works has any of the following characteristics: -29- D a. A BOD greater than 200 mg/l. b. A suspended solids concentration greater than 250 mg/l. c. A volume of 25,000 gallons per day or greater is discharged by any user at one or more points of discharge. d. Any of the characteristics listed under Section 21.09. Any such persons planning to discharge, changing discharge permit has expired shall make applicatiQn the characteristics of their discharge or whose to the Superintendent within 60 days prior to the discharge. All persons currently discharging shall make application to the Superintendent within 60 days after passage of this ordinance and must have an executed permit within 60 days of application to discharge or discontinue discharging. A discharge permit will be required for each separate point of discharge into the Wastewater Works. NO person shall discharge waste or wastewater into the Waste- water Works without a wastewater discharge permit, ifthis section. (2) Permit Application: Users seeking a wastewater discharge permit shall complete and file with the Superintendent an application on the form pre- application, the user shall submit the following scribed by the Superintendent. In support of this information: a. Name, address and standard, industrial class- ification number of applicant. b. Average daily volume of wastewater to be dis- charged. c. Wastewater constituents and characteristics as determined by a method approved by the Super- intendent. d. Time and duration of discharge, e. Average and peak wastewater flow rates, in- cluding daily, monthly and seasonal variations, if any. b k -30- t. f. Site plans, floor plans, mechanical and plumb- ing plans and details to show all sewers and appurtenances by size, location and elevation. 9. Description of activities, facilities and plant processes on the premises including all ma- could be, discharged. terials and types of materials which are, or h. Each product produced by type, amount and rate of production. i. Number and type of employees, and hours of work . j. Any other information as may be deemed by the superintendent to be necessary to evaluate the permit application. The Superintendent will evaluate the data furnished by the user and may require additional information. After evaluation and acceptance of the data fur- discharge permi.t subject to terms and conditions nished, the Sup'srintendent may issue a wastewater provided herein. (3) Permit Conditions: Wastewater discharge permits shall be exoresslv subiect to all Drovisions of charges and fees established by the Approving this ordinince anh ali other reguiations, user Authority. The conditions of wastewater discharge permits shall be uniformly enforced by the Super- applicable State and Federal regulations. Permit intendent in accordance with this ordinance, and conditions will include the following: a. The Residential Equivalency Charge, Connection Charge, Sewer use Charge and Schedule for Sur- charged to t.he Wastewater Works. charge fees for the wastewater to be dis- b. The average and maximum wastewater constitu- tents and characteristics. c. ~imits on rate and time of discharge or re- quirements for flow regulations and equali- zation. -31- e D b P F. d. e. f. 9. h. i. Requirements for installation of control man- holes. Pretreatment. requirements. Requirements: for maintaining plant records by the Superintendent, and affording the City relating to wastewater discharges as specified access thereto. Average and maximum pollutant concentrations and total daily average and maximum pollutant discharges for all pollutants subject to limit- ations and prohibitions which are present in the user's wastewater discharge, All persons required to make application for a wastewater discharge permit shall before issu- ance of the permit, enter into a contractual agreement with the City. agreement shall contain the conditions set The contractual forth in the discharge permit, requirements for industrial cost recovery charges and other items deemed necessary by the Approving Au- thor i ty . Other conditions as deemed appropriate by the Superintendent to insure compliance with this ordinance. (4) Duration of permits: A permit shall be issued for one (1) year and shall be automatically renewed on a year to year basis, thereafter, unless the person is notified by the superintendent within 60 days prior to the expiration of the permit or any r2- newal thereof. After such notification by the Superintendent, the permit shall expire on the end of that year. The terms and conditions of the by the Superintendent during the life of the per- permit shall be subject to modification and change mit, if so required because of any ordinances, statutes, or rules and regulations of the Approving Authority or any applicable state or federal body. The person shall be informed of any proposed chang- es in his perrait at least 60 days prior to the effective date of change. Any changes or new conditions in the permit shall include a reasonable time schedule f,>r compliance. '0 -32- B 'a 21.16 21.17 21.18 Transfer of a Pf'rmit: Wastewater discharge permits are issued to a specific user for a specific oper- ation. A wastewater discharge permit shall not be new user, different premises, or a new or changed reassigned or transferred or sold to a new owner, operation. Revocation of Permit: Any user who violates any of the conditions of his permit contractual agreement, or this ordinance: or of applicable State and Federal regulations, is subject to having his permit revoked. ADMISSION TO PROPERT't' The City shall be permitted to gain access to such properties as may be necessary for the purpose of in- spection, observation, measurement, sampling and test- ing, in accordance with provisions of this ordinance. CONFIDENTIALITY OF CRITICAL INFORMATION When requested by the user furnishing a report or permit or other document, which might disclose trade secrets or application or questionaire, the portions of the report, secret processes shall not be made available for use by the City or any State agency in judicial review or enforcement proceedings involving the person furnishing the report. VIOLATIONS (1) Any person who fails to comply with any of the provisions of {this ordinance or with an order of the approving authority issued in pursuance of this pling, shall be liable to the City for any expense, ordinance, or shall tamper with metering or sam- cluding reasonable attorney's fees and other ex- loss or damage occasioned by such violation in- violation of this ordinance, shall be fined not penses of litigation and upon conviction of any less than $10(1.00 nor more than $2,500.00 per violation, plus damages. Each day a condition is allowed to exist which is contrary to all or any part of this 'ordinance shall constitute a new premises delinq,uent under the provisions of this violation. Change of ownership or occupancy of ordinance shall not be cause for reducing or elim- inating charges due and penalties for violations. -33- (2) If any user shall discharge a waste or wastewater with a BOD concentration of 900 mg/l or greater, as pay a penalty of $200.00 per violation. Each day a defined in Section 21.09 (m)(3), said user shall violation occurs shall constitute a separate vio- lation. Said penalty shall be added to the month- ly, yearly or quarterly billing statement. (3) In addition to the court proceedings and penalties described in the foregoing sections of this ordi- nance, whenever a person violates any provision of this ordinance or fails to comply with any order of the Approving Authority, the Approving Authority may order that an action be commenced on behalf of the City in the: Circuit Court for Waukesha County for the purpose of obtaining an injunction re- straining the person violating the ordinance or failing to comply with the order, from making any further discharges into the Wastewater Works of the City. 21.19 STATE REGULATIONS The City shall operate the sewer utility and enforce this Ordinance in accordance with Section NR 128.13 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code. The main items included in NR 128.13 are as follows: (1) The City shall maintain a proportionate distribu- tion of operation, maintenance and replacement costs among users and user classes. (2) The City shall generate sufficient revenues to pay total operation, maintenance and replacement costs. (3) The City shall apply excess revenues collected from a class of users to the costs of operation and maintenance attributable to that class for the next year and adjust the rate accordingly. (4) All user charges specifically collected for re- placement shall be deposited in a separate and distinct fund which shall be used exclusively for replacement. (5) users discharging toxic pollutants shall pay for any increased operation, maintenance and replace- ment costs caused by the toxic pollutants. -34- (6) users shall be notified at least annually, in conjunction with a regular bill, of the rate and butable to the sewer utility services. that portion of the user charges which are attri- (7) This Ordinance shall take precedence over any terms or conditions of agreement or contracts between the City and users which are inconsistent with the requirements of NR 128.13. 21.20 MMSD REGULATIONS The following sections and related appendices of The Milwaukee Metropolitan sewerage District (MMSD) Rules and Regulations, Chapter 17 promulgated by MMSD, as now time hereafter, are hereby incorporated by reference and in effect and as the same may be amended from time to shall be of full force and effect as though set forth in their entirety herein. 17.102 17.104(2) 17.104(1) 17.104(4) 17.105(1) 17.105(2) 17.105(3) 17.105(5) 17.105(4) 17.105(7) 17.105(6) 17.201 17.202 17.203 17.204 17.401 17.402 17.403 17.404 Definitions Municipal Transfer of Data Estimated volume of Discharge Collection Terms user Transfer of Data Wastestrength Certification Discharge Factor Certification Certification procedures verification Appeal provision Audit Control of User Connections User Charge Billing Basis Purpose of the User Charge System wholesale user Charge Billing Basis unit Costs of Treatment Purpose of the Industrial Cost Recovery (ICR) sys tern ICR Billing Basis Wholesale ICR Billing Basis unit Costs. of ICR SECTION I11 - severabililty If any provision of this ordinance is invalid or uncon- person or circumstances is invalid or unconstitutional, stitutional or the a,pplication of this ordinance to any such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect -35- , which can be given effect without the invalid or un- the other provisions or applications of this ordinance constitutional provisions or applications. SECTION IV - CONFLICTING ORDINANCES Any existing ordinances that conflict with any provi- ordinance shall supersede previous ordinances. Where sions contained within this ordinance, the terms of this this ordinance does not conflict with the terms of any existing ordinances those ordinances shall continue to be effective as if incorporated herein. SECTION V. - Effective Date This ordinance shall take effect upon passage and publi- cation as provided by law. City ClerR Date Adopted: 10/9/84 Date Published: 10/18/84 (by cover Ord, 505) Effective Date: 10/19/84 -36- RESIDENTIAL EQUIVALENCY CHARGE CHART FOR RESERVE CAPACITY ASSESSMENT EXHIBIT A (AS Amended and Adopted - 7/10/84) RESIDENTIAL zondominiwn Duo1 ex "x REC 2.0 Huitiple Family (2 Bedroom) Hultiple Family (1 Bedroom or less) Single Family -75 Vacant Land 1 .o 0 1 .o CIAL/ INDUSTRIAL C"ERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL (Based on Employee Count) @iscellaneous) RFC 10 or less employees -0 11 to 15 employees 16 to 20 employees 1.25 Each additional 5 employees .25 1 .5fO Advertising Agencies Auto & Supply Stores Banks Buildin Materials Dealer City Ha f 1 Commercial Printing Drug Stores Employment Services Dry Cleaners Garage Factory/ Industry (Non-Metered) General Contracting Offices CreenhousefGarden Center Hardwre- Uholesale/Retail Library Insurance Companies Off ice Buildings Liquor Scores Offices of Actorneys Police Department Photographic Studios Real Estate Offices Retail Stores Savings & Loan Telephone Exchange Service Station Toys & Hobby Stores U. S. Postal Service Variety Stores NOTE: a) 1 REC MINIMUM (Including Commercial and Industrial). An:? be assigned a REC by the City category of user not listed shalt1 Engineer. If said applicant diaputes such assignment, he ma:? Sewer Committee within 60 daye of appeal the decislon to the Public said determination. b) - All fractions of RECs shal.1 0.25 REC be established to the next highest Amusement Parks Barber Shops Beauty Parlors Bowling Alleys Car Wash Churches Club House Factory/Industry: Dance Hall (Xetered) Fire Station Funeral Homes Home/ Bus. Comb. Laundromat ?(all (Public Facility) Offices: Nursing Homes Dentists Osteopaths Physicians Chiropractors Photo Lab Parka Res taurant: Normal Operation 24 Hour Elementary High Personnel Tavern Swimming Pools Theater Schools: .75/full-time manned station manned station .75/pair alleys Upon application. 1.25 (under 500 2.00 (over 500 members) Upon application members) Upon application 1.00/192 gal./day 1-00 Upon application 1 .OO/home, plus if applicable, .25/ea. 5 empl., or REC Chart. .333 per machine . _" 2.50 .75 per bed 1 .OO/fdl-time practitioner I, 1, I, 1 .oo .4 per employee .04 per seat .06 per seat .04 per student .OS per student Upon application .05 per person 2.50 per screen .04 per seat Suggested Amendments to Ord. 505 as first read at Council on 9/25/84: 21.05 (4): Add "If the work is performed by or under the direction of the City this requirement is not applicable." 21.05 (5): Remove "by the City" after "maintained and repaired". Delete the sentence "The City will issue a statement for the expenses of all necessary repairs to the property ovner who shall pay said statement within 313 days of receipt", and replace with "If any repairs are made by the City, the City will issue a who shall pay said statement within 30 days of receipt". statement for the expenses af the repairs to the property owner 21.05 (6) c.: Amend "lot line" to read "sewer main". 21.05 (9) b.: Amend "trapp?d" to read "tapped". 21.05 (9) c.: Replace existing sentence witn "When any Lateral is to be relaid and there are two or more Parcels connected to the Lateral, all but one of the Parcels shall be disconnected from such lateral and new Laterals shall be installed for the remaining Parcels." 21.1 3 (1 ) (a): Amend first sentence to add at start "The Owner of", and after "collection s.vstem" delete "the owner or occuuant of such property shall cause-to be installed necessary" and A sentence to read "All costs for metering equipnent, installation, replace with "requests that the necessary". Amend second the user. readings, calibrations, and verifications shall be paid for by 21.13 (1): Create (b), (c), (a), and (e) as follows: (b) The user shall be required to verify the accuracy of the water metering equipment at the following minimum intervals: Water Meters 3 and 4 6 and over Test Interval - Yr. B 4 2 1 (c) Sewer meters shal:! be tested and certified every 6 months. (d) The meter testing shall be performed by an approved meter manufacturer and results shall be issued to the City. (e) The City shall establish a yearly charge for each metered user to recover its costs for readings, records and billing costs. AN ORDINANCE TO CREATE CHAPTER 21 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO ENTITLED mSI?WeR UTILITY. SECTION I. Be it ordai of Muskego that Ordinances of the C read as follows: SECTION 11. 21.01 Creation 21.03 Application 21.02 Management 21.04 Definitions 21.05 Rules and 21.06 Sewer Serv . 6 Method of Payment of Charges 2 1.09 Prohi 21.10 Accid nd Grease hap Installations ater Measurement and Sampling ustrial Waste Analysis violations State Regulations 20 MMSD Regulations The Common Council of the City of nuskego pursuant to the provision of Sec. 66.067 Wisconsin Statutes, does hereby declare the City of nuskego owned sewer eystem, consisting of the wastewater treatment plants, collec- tion system (as hereinafter defined), waste collection -1- . ?. . t 0 and disposal operations, system of sewerage and all other appurtenances and equipment used for such pur- poses, or Wastewater Works (as hereinafter defined) a public utility as of the date of this Ordinance. 21.02 MANAGEMENT (1) The operation, management and control of the util- City of Muskeg0 pursuant to the provisions of SeC. ity is hereby .vested in the Common Council of the 66.066 (1) Wisconsin Statutes and hereinafter re- of the utility shall be kept by the Clerk, Treasur- ferred to as the 'Approving Agency". All records er and Superintendent in the City Hall or other officially desiNgnated place. (2) The rules; regulations and rates hereinafter set forth shall be considered part of the contract with every individual or entity connected to the Waste- water Works. S,aid rules, regulations and rates may be changed from time to time as determined by the City Council and the right is reserved to make specia-l rates and contract in all proper cases. (3) The Common Courcil shall cause an annual audit of the books of the utility made by a private firm of books and recorsds relating to the utility available Certified Public Accountants and shall make the for inspection during regular business hours. 21.03 APPLICATION The application to this Section, its rules, regulations and rates shall apply to all individuals, firms, cor- porations and institutions residing within the corpor- area and any person, firm or corporation, by attachment ate limits of the ICity of Muskgo or its sewer Service Muskego subsequent to the effective date hereof. or otherwise coming in to locate within the City Of 21.04 DEFINITIONS OF TERM8 The meaning of term5 used in this ordinance shall be a8 follows: (1) -Act* shall mean the Federal Water POllUtiOn Con- trol Act (33 u.3.c. 1251 et seq.) as amended by the -2- 0 0 Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 (Pub. L. 92,-500) and Pub. L. 93-243, or modi- f ied by Chapter 147, Statutes of the State of Wisconsin or app:ropriate section Wisconsin Admini- strative Code adopted pursuant to Chapter 147. (2) 'Approving Author= shall mean the Common Council of the City of Muskego or its duly authorized deputy, agent or representative. (3) "BOD' shall mean the quantity of oxygen expressed in milligrams per liter (mg/l), utilized in the bic-chemical oxidation of organic matter under standard laboratory conditions for five days at a temperature of 20 degrees centigrade. The labora- tory determinations shall be made in accordance with procedures set forth in "Standard Methods". (4) 'Building Sewer., "Lateral" or "Service Pipe" shall mean a sewer which carries only Sewage and Indus- trial Wastes from the building plumbing to the Public Sanitary Sewer. This pipe shall also be defined as one cctnnection per pipe. (5) "Collection System" shall mean the system of sewers and appurtenancesfor the collection, transporta- tion and pumping of domestic wastewater and indus- trial waste. (6) "Debt Retirement" shall mean all annual principal and interest reazirements and obliqations of the City for the Wastewater Works, inclcding the capi- tal charges from the contract for service with the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District dated nay 19, 1983, and amended from time to time. (7) "Domestic Wastewa.ter'. shall mean water-borne wastes normally being discharged from the sanitary conven- office buildings,, factories and institutions, free iences of dwellings, apartment houses, hotels, of industrial wastes and in which the average concentration of suspended solids is established at below 200 mg/l. or below 250 mg/.l and the BOD is established at or (8) "Flow Proportional Composite Sample" shall mean a proportion to the: volume of flow of said wastes. sample consisting of portions of waste taken in -3- i. (9) 'Industrial User" shall mean any nongovernmental, Works which discharges more than the equivalent of nonresidential rEer of publicly owned Wastewater 25;OOO gallons per day (GPD) of sanitary wastes and. whose activities are identified in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1972, office of Management and Budget, as amended and supplemented, under the following divisions: 1) Division A. Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing. 2) Division B. Mining. 3) Division D. Manufacturing. 4) Division E. Transportation, Communications, Electric, Gas and Sanitary Services. 5) Division I. Services. In determining if a user is in the industrial classi- fication, the City may exclude domestic wastes or discharges from sanitary conveniences. After applying the sanitary waste exclusion, dischargers in the above divisions that have a volume exceeding 25,000 GPD or t.he weight of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) or suspended solids (SS) equivalent to that weight found in 25,000 GPD of sanitary waste are considered industrial users. Sanitary wastes, for purposes of this calculation of equivalency, Any nongovernmental user of a publicly owned Waste- are the waste discharges from residential users. water Works which discharges wastewater to the Wastewater Works which contains toxic pollutants or quantity either singly or by interaction with other poisonous solids, liquids or gases in sufficient wastes, to contaminate the sludge of any municipal sewage treatment process, or which constitutes a system, or to injure or to interfere with any hazard to humans or animals, creates a public nuisance, or creates any hazard in or has an ad- verse effect on the waters receiving any discharge user, even if it does not discharge the equivalent from the treatment works, shall be an industrial of 25,000 gallons per day of sanitary waste. (10) 'Industrial Waste" shall mean any water-borne solids, liauids or aaseous wastes other than do- mestic-wastewater, resulting from discharging from, flowing from or escaping from any canmercial, industrial, manufacturing or food processing opera- tion or process: or from the development Of any water or domestic: wastewater. natural resourcss, or any mixture of these with -4- (11) "Intercepting Sewer" shall mean a sewer constructed to receive the dry weather flow of untreated or inadequately treated sewage from one or more ex- dwelling or building that presently discharges or isting sanitary system terminals other than from a formerly dischazged flow directly into any waters of the state, and convey the flow to a treatment works, or is tct serve in lieu of an existing or proposed treatment works. - (12) "Natural Outlet." shall mean any outlet into a watercourse, pcrd, ditch, lake or other body of surface or ground water. (13) "Normal Sewage" shall mean sanitary sewage in which trations do not aexceed normal concentrations of: B.O.D., Suspended Solids, or phosphorus concen- (a) A five-day 20 degree C., B.O.D. of not more (b) A suspended Solids concentration of not more (c) Phosphorus not more than 12 parts per million. than 200 par.ts per million: than 250 par.ts per million: or (14)"Operation and Maintenance Cost' shall mean the actual sums spent by the utility in the operation and maintenance of its Wastewater Works consisting of but not limited to, each and all of the follow- ing purposes: a. Wages and salaries and employees related ex- penses of operating., maintenance, clerical, with fringe benefits and premiums paid on such laboratory and supervisory personnel, together wages and salaries for the State of Wisconsin workmen's compensation coverage. b. Electrical power. c. Chemicals, fuel and other operating supplies. d. Repairs to and maintenance of the equipment associated therewith. e. Premiums for hazard insurance. e -5- f. Premiums for insurance providing coverage and/or property. against liability for the injury to person g. Rents and leasing costs. h. Operation, :Licensing and maintenance costs for trucks and heavy equipment. i. Consultant amd legal fees. j . Replacement. (15) 'Per Flow Portion' shall mean the estimated dis- divided by the t.ota1 flow of the system. charge flow of :sewage from all users of the system (16) 'Per Connection Portion' shall mean the estimated the total flow of the system. infiltration/inflow portion of the flow divided by (17) 'Persons' shall mean any and all persons, natural or artificial, including any individual, firm company, municipal or private corporation, associa- tion, governmental agency or other entity and agents, servants or employees. (18) 'pH." shall mean the logarithm (base 10) of the pressed in moles per liter. It shall be determined reciprocal of the hydrogen ion concentration ex- by one of the procedures outlined in the 'Standard Methods'. (19) 'Public Sewer' shall mean a sewer in which all owners or abutt'ing properties have equal rights, and is controlled or owned by public authority. (20) 'Replacement' shall mean expenditures for obtaining and installing equipment, accessories and appur- tenances which are necessary during the useful life of the treatment works to maintain the capacity and constructed. performance for which such works were designed and (21) 'Residential Equivalency Charge' shall mean a charge levied on users for operation, maintenance and replacement costs. '0 -6- (22) 'Residential Equivalent Connection" (REC) shall mean the amount of normal sewage discharged by one average household. The flow associated with one '. residential equivalent connection shall be computed by multiplying the City occupancy factor times 62 gallons per capita per day. (23) 'Sanitary Sewer" shall mean a sewer that conveys domestic rastewaFer or industrial waste or a combi- nation of both, and into which storm, surface and ground waters or unpolluted industrial wastewater are not intentionally passed. (24) 'Sewer Use Char= shall mean a charge levied on users for Operation and Maintenance and Replacement costs, based on a cost per Residential Equivalent Connection and numhr of connections. (25) 'Slug' shall mean any discharge of water or waste- water which in concentration of any given consti- tuent or in quantity of flow exceeds for any period longer than fifteen (15) minutes more than five (5) times the averge twenty-four (24) hour concentra- tion or flows during normal operation and shall adversely affect the collection system and/or performance of the wastewater treatment works. (26) 'Standard Methods' - shall mean the examination and edition of 'Standard Methods for the Examination Of analytical procedures set forth in the latest Water and Wastewater. as prepared, approved and published jointly by the American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and the Water Pollution Control Federation. (27) .Storm Sewer' :;hall mean a sewer which carries storm and surface drainage but excludes domestic wastewater and industrial wastes. ( 28 (29 'Superintendent' shall mean the Superintendent of the Wastewater biorks who shall be in charge of and utility. supervise the operations and functions of the 'Suspended Solids. shall mean solids that either water, sewage or other liquids, and which are float on the surface of, or are in suspension in removable by a laboratory filtration device. -7 - C' 0 Quantitative determination of suspended solids shall be made in accordance w..ith procedures set forth in .Standard Methods". (30) "Unpolluted water' - is water of quality equal to or better than the effluent criteria in effect or water that would not cause violation of receiving by discharge to the sanitary sewers and wastewater water quality standards and would not be benefited treatment facilities provided. (31) 'User" shall mean any person discharging domestic wastewater or industrial wastes into the collection system. (32) 'Utility' shall. mean the City of Muskego sewer utility established by this Ordinance (Chapter 21). (33) "Waste' shall mean any solids, liquid or gaseous material or combination thereof discharges from any residences, business building, institutions and industrial establishments into the collection system or storm sewer. (34) "Wastewater" shall mean a combination of the water- -carried waste discharged into the collection system from residences, business buildings, insti- tutions and industrial establishments, together with such ground surface and storm water as may be present. (35) 'Wastewater Pumping Station' shall mean a pumping collection system. facility utilized to pump wastewater within the (36) .Wastewater Treatment Facilities" shall mean any Utility owned facilities, devices and structures used for receiving and treating wastewater from the utility collection system. (37) "Wastewater Works' shall mean all facilities for collecting, pumprng, treating and disposing of domestic wastewater and industrial wastes. 7 (38) "WPDES Permit" shall mean a permit to discharge pollutants obtained under the Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) pursuant to Chapter 147 of the State of Wisconsin Statutes. -8- i. 21.05 RULES AND REGULATIONS (1) Declaration of :Poficy: The Common Council of the City of Muskego flnds and declares that the public health, comforl: and safety is preserved and en- hanced by the provisions of the Wastewater Works in the promotion of a clean and healthful environment and that the failure to connect to the Wastewater Works is contrary to minimum health standards. (2) Connections: a. To assure preservation of public Health, com- buildings, or properties used for human occu- fort and safety, the owner of any houses, pancy, employment, recreation, or other habita- a Public Se.wer or in a block through which a tions, situated within the City and adjacent to Public Sewer extends, is hereby required at his expense to install suitable toilet facilities therein, and to connect such facilities di- rectly with the proper Public Sewer in accor- dance with the provisions of this Ordinance, within nine (9) months after the Public Sewer health hazard exists within 30 days upon re- first becomes operational or if an immediate ceipt of notice from the Health Officer or City Building Inspector. b. Where the costs for connection exceeds the benefit accruing to the property because of the availability of sewers, the Common Council shall have the option of granting a hardship deferment for connection. c. If a person fails to comply with the said notice to connect within the given period of time the City may, at its option: 1. Cause such connection to be made and bill the property owner for such costs. If such costs are not paid within 30 days, such costs shall be assessed as a special tax lien against the property, unless the owner within :IO days after the completion of the work, f:tles a written option with the City Clerk stating that he cannot pay such -9- " . .. 'a amount in one sum and asking that it be levied in not to exceed 5 equal annual installments, and the amount shall be so collected with interest at the rate; of 9% per annum from the completion of the work, lien; or the unpaid balance to be a special tax 2. Impose a standby charge for the period that such failure continues, after 10 days written notice to any owner failing to make a connection to the Wastewater Works or an amount equal to 150% of the Residential Equivalency Charge payable monthly for the period i,n which the failure to connect continues, and upon failure to make such payment said charge shall be levied as a tax against the lot or parcel to which sewerage service was furnished. (3) Alternative Disposal Prohibited a. No person shall construct or maintain any privy vault, septic tank, cesspool, or other facility intended to be used for the disposal of domesic wastewater, if a Public Sewer is available. b. NO person shall discharge to any Natural Outlet within the City or in any area under the juris- diction of t:he City, sewage or other polluted waters, except where suitable treatment has been provided in accordance with subsequent provisions of this ordinance. (4 Plumbers: No plumber, pipe fitter, or other person will be permitted to do ;any plumbing or pipe fitting work first receiving a license from the state of Wiscon- in connection with the Wastewater Works without sin. (5) Maintenance of services: All sewer services within the limits of the City from the street main to the property line and in- cluding all cont.rols between the same, shall be -10- maintained and repaired by the City without ex- penses to the City except when they are damaged as a result of negligence or carelessness on the part of the City in which case they will be repaired at all facilities throughout the premises served must the expense of the City. All Building Sewers and be maintained free of defective conditions, by and at the expense of the owner or occupant of the property served., The City will issue a statement for the expenses of all necessary repairs to the property owner who shall pay said statement within 30 days of receipt. Failure to pay shall result in the charges being placed on the tax roll as a special charge under 66.60(16). (6) Users: a. Application for Service: Every person request- ing connection to the Wastewater Works shall in such form as is prescribed for that purpose. file an appllication in writing to the Utility, Blanks for s:uch applications will be furnished at the offic:e of the City Clerk. The applica- which will b.e presently made. If any change in tion must state fully and truly all the use contemplated, the user must obtain further use from that set forth in this application is application and permission from the Utility. If the applicant is not the owner of the pre- mises, the 'written consent of the owner must accompany the application. The application may be for service to more than one building, or more than one unit of service through one service connection; and, in such case, charge:s shall be made accordingly. If it appears that the service applied for will plated use, the utility may reject the applica- not provide adequate service for the contem- tion. If the Utility approved the application, on the application. it shall issue a permit for services as shown All expenses relating to the connection to the wastewater works shall be paid by the applicant or owner. -11- b. Tap Permits: After sewer connections have been mises no plumber shall make any alterations, introduced into any building or upon any pre- extensions, or attachments, unless the party ordering such tapping or other work shall obtain and exhibit the proper permit for the same from the City. c. User to Kec?p in Repair: All users shall keep their own service pipe in good repair and protected from frost, at their own risk and expense; and shall prevent any unnecessary overburdening of the Wastewater Works. The user is responsible for their service pipe from the lot line through their premise. d. User use Only: No user shall allow other persons to connect to, or permit other uses to lateral. be made of,. the Wastewater Works through his e. User to permit Inspection: Every user shall permit the City or its duly authorized agent, at all reasonable hours of the day, to enter their premises or building to examine the pipes drains and sewer connections operate; and they and fixtures, and the manner in which the must at all times, frankly and without conceal- ment, answer all questions put to them relative to its use. f. Responsibilia: NO claim shall be made against of the breaking, clogging, stoppage, or freez- the City or its agents or employees by reason arising frcm repairing mains, making connec- ing of any service pipe; nor from any damage tions or extensions or any other work that may negligence of the City its agents or employees. be deemed necessary by the City absent gross The City may cut off the service at any time for the purpose of repairs or any .other neces- sary purpose, any permit granted or regulation to the contrary notwithstanding. Whenever it shall become necessary to shut off the sewer service within any areas of the City, the City affected user. shall, if practicable, give notice to each '0 -12- (7) Excavations: 0 a. b. C. In making ercavations in streets or highways for laying siervice pipe or making repairs, the manner that will occasion the least inconven- paving and earth moved must be deposited in a ience to the public. No person shall leave any such excavation made in any street or highway open at any time warning lights must be maintained at such without barricades: and during the night, excavations. All services within the public right-of-way shall have their trenches backfilled with compacted salnd and gravel unless the excavated material is approved by the City; and this work together with the replacing of sidewalks, and good, at least, as before it was disturbed, and paving must be done so as to make the street as satisfactory to the City, No opening of the streets for tapping the pipes will be permitted when the ground is frozen. (8 Laterals a. All laterals on private property will be in- stalled in accordance with State of Wisconsin Administration Code Chapter ILHR 82 04(4) "Building Sewers. as from time to time amended; b. The Building Sewer shall be inspected by the City Plumbin,g Inspector or his designee upon completion of placement of the pipe and before backfilling; and tested before and after back- filling. (9) Tapping the Mains: a. No persons, except those having special permis- sion from the City or persons in their service any circumstances to tap the Public Sanitary and approved by them, will be permitted, under Sewers. Thf! kind and size of the connectim with the Public Sanitary sewers shall be that City. specified in the permit or order from the -13- b. Pipes shou1,d always be trapped at the top, and within 24 .inches (60 cm) of another lateral not within ,six inches (15 cm) of the joint, or connection. C. When any Building Sewer service is to be relaid and there are two or more buildings on such service, each building shall be disconnected from such service and a new Building Sewer shall be ins;talled for each building. 21.06 SEWER SERVICE CHARGES., CONNECTION CHARGES AND RESERVE CAPACITY ASSESSMENTS (1) Basis for Sewer Service Charges: The sewer^ service charge shall be based on two parts, the operation, maintenance and replacement charge plus the debt service charge. (2) Operation, Maintenance and Replacement: a. A residential equivalency charge is hereby or premise served by the Wastewater Works or imposed upon each lot, parcel of land, building otherwise discharging sewage, including non- domestic and industrial wastes, into the sys- ment charge shall be payable as herein provided tern. Such operation, maintenance and replace- and shall be on the basis of one unit for each residential equivalent unit and one connection €or each lateral or service pipe. b. On or before September 1st of every year the City Clerk of the City of Muskego shall recorn- pute the assignment of residential equivalent units and number of connections to all users within the system. said assignment method shall apply only to buildings that are attached mation of residential equivalent units will to the sani.tary collection system. Said sum- then be divided into the billable per flow portion of the yearly operation, maintenance and replacement costs to arrive at the flow charge per residential equivalent unit. The divided into the per connection portion of the summation of the number of connections will be -14- . operation, maintenance and replacement costs to arrive at the charge per connection. The total charge to an individual user shall be the sum of the number of assigned REC's times the charge per 13EC plus the number of connections times the charge per connection. (3) Debt service ChaE A debt service charge is hereby imposed upon all users of the Wastewater Works based upon debt service costs. The City Clerk of the City of Huskego shall recompute the debt service charge annually by dividing the proposed net yearly debt service'budget a,s provided in Section 21.07 of this Ordinance into a flow portion and a per connection portion. The billable flow portion of the debt service charge shall be divided by the total number of residential equivalent units to arrive at the charge per residential equivalent unit. The con- nection portion #of the debt service charge shall be divided by the total number of connections to arrive at the charge per connection. The Resi- dential Equivalency Chart is attached as Appendix .Ag of this Ordinance. (4) Total Sewer Service Bill The total sewer service bill a user will receive will be the su~rmation of the various elements previously described; that being the operation and maintenance charge from either the Town of Norway or the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District ment charge per REC plus the City operation main- plus the City operation, maintenance and replace- tenance and replacement connection charge plus the debt service cha,rge per REC plus the debt service charge per connection. (5) Industrial and Commercial Charges for other Than Domestic wastewater Wastewater shall be based on Flow, B.O.D., SUS- Charges made for Wastewater other than Domestic pended Solids, Phosphorus and such other consti- tuents which affect the cost of collection and Wastewater Works are subject to a surcharge, in treatment. All persons discharging wastes into the - -15- addition to any other wastewater service charge, if their wastewater has a concentration greater than Domestic Wastewater concentrations. The volume of the metered water consumption, or the actual volme flow used for computing waste surcharges shall be of waste as determined by an industrial waste metering installation. The amount of surcharge shall reflect the cost incurred by the City or The Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MSD) in removing B.O.D.,, Suspended Solids, Phosphorus, and other pertinent constituents. The commercial or industrial char,ge shall be made up of the actual wholesale user charge from the MMSD submitted to plus the REC a'nd connection charges for the City's the City pursuant to Chapter 17 of the MnSD rules operation, maintenance and replacement costs and debt service cos,ts. (6) Initial Construction Fee shall be charged a fee of $500.00. This fee shall For each new lateral or service connection there be paid to the City at the time of building permit or plumbing permit issuance. (7) Reserve Capacity Assessments There is hereby levied and assessed upon each lot or parcel of land currently with the City, but not, having an existing connection to the Wastewater Works and upon land subsequently attached to the City, a Reserve Capacity AsSessment (RCA). Such RCA charge shall be payable as herein provided and shall be on the! basis of one RCA charge for each residential equivalent connection connected to the Wastewater Works. capacity assessments in the City shall be classi- For the purposc? of this chapter, sewer reserve fied as existing users and future users. a. Existing users - 1. Property owners whose improved lot has been connected to City sewer prior to January 1. of $250 per residential equivalency connec- 1985 will pay a reserve capacity assessment t ion. -1 6- 2. Properties being served prior to public and holdlng tanks will pay this assessment sewer connection by septic systems, mounds plumbing permit is obtained to connect to on or before November 1 in the year the the sewer except if said permit is obtained assessment will be paid on or before Novem- after November 1 in any calendar year, the ber 1 of the next calendar year. This $250 assessment shall increase by $22.50 per residential equivalency connection per year commencing January 1, 1986. b. Future users 1. Properties where public sewer connection takes place or additional capacity is made available! after January 1, 1985 and whizh are not being ser'ved by a septic system, mounds or holding tank, will pay a reserve Capacity assessment of $1,500 per residen- tial equivalency connection on or before November 1 of the year of connection or the year when additional capacity is made available except if said connection or additional capacity is made available after November 1 in any calendar year, the as- sessment will be paid on or before November 1 of the next calendar year. This .reserve capacity assessment will increase by $135 each January 1 commencing on January 1, 1986. 2. The number of residential equivalency units capacity assessment purposes shall be for all categories of future users reserve determined by the City Engineer at the time of issuance of a building permit based as far as possible on the residential equiva- to the City of Muskego public Sewer Commit- lency, which determination may be appealed All determinations of the number of resi- tee withiin 60 days of said determination. consideration potential future use a.ld dential equivalency units shall take into necessary capacity. '0 -17- . . c. Installment :Payments 1. The assessments for those connecting to the City of Muskego sewer system on or before September 7. 1984 may be paid in cash in full on or before November 1, 1984 or in principal together with 12 months interest five (5) equal annual installments of per installment at the rate of 9% per annum on the unpaid balance commencing on Novem- ber 1, 1984 and said first installment being due on the date when real estate taxes arc? due and annually thereafter. All paid by the date specified shall be extend- assessments or installments which are not ed upon the tax roll as a delinquent tax against the property and all proceedings in of property for delinquency real estate relation to the collection, return and sale ment, except as otherwise provided by taxes sh,all apply to such special assess- statute. Existing users as defined above who are not connected will be given the five installment method provided, however, payable on or before November 1 in the year the first installment shall be due and the plumbing permit is issued except if said pernlit is obtained after November 1 in any calendar year, the assessment will be paid on or before November 1 of the next calendar year. 2. Future users may pay their assessment in principa:l together with 12 months interest five (5) equal annual installments of per installment at the rate of 9% per annum commenci,ng on November 1 in the year of connection or in the year additional ca- pacity is made available except if said available after November 1 in any calendar connection or additional capacity is made next calendar year and said first install- year, then commencing on November 1 of the ment being due on the date when real es- tate taxes are due and annually thereafter. All assessments or installments which are not paid by the date specified shall be extended upon the tax roll as a delinquent -18- e 1 tax against the property and all proceed- and sale of property for delinquency real ings in relation to the collection return estate taxes shall apply to such special assessment, except as otherwise provided by statute. (8) Ready-to-Serve Char e The owner of each premise to which sewer -++ serv ce has been provided by the City but not corlnected to the Wastewater Works for sewer service shall pay for the availability there- of a 'ready-to-serve charge- equal to the rate provided by Section 21.06 (3). Any 'ready-to-serve charge- becoming effective during any year shall be charged on a pro rata basis for that year in which such charge becomes effective. (9) vacant Buildings a. The sewerage service charge for any previously connected vacant commercial or industrial building shall be equal to the operation, main- tenance and replacement connection charge plus the debt service connection charge. charge will become effective at the end of the Such quarterly period in which such building becomes owner, or hi:s agent, notifies the City Clerk in vacant and only upon the condition that the writing of :such vacancy and upon inspection thereof by the Building Inspection Department to determine that such building is vacant. The sm of $30.00 shall be paid by the owner!- or The fee for said inspection shall be paid prior his agent, to the City for such inspectron. to the inspection being made. b. It shall be the duty of the owner of any va- cant commercial or industrial building to notify the City Clerk in writing within fi.ge (5) days from the date any such building, or any portion (thereof, is re-occupied. The sewer user charge for the quarter that any such building or any portion thereof is re-occupied shall be prorated for such quarter. c. If such owne:c fails to notify the City Clerk of re-occupancy of said building, or any portion thereof as herein provided, then 200% of the -19- D D said building until such notice is received. sewer user charge shall be assessed against The notice to be given shall describe the premises are re-occupied. +. premises and uses involved and the date the (10) Special Rates: It is understood, however, that the approving authority may at any time hereafter, set special rates for any large commercial service, not readily fit into other categories of users. industrial use or any other unique user that does 21.07 ANNUAL BUDGET h METHOD OF PAYMENT OF CAARGES Annuaily before September lst, the City Clerk shall prepare a budget for the following fiscal year which shall be separated into sections, the first second for debt service. for operation, maintenance and replacement and Revenues for the operation, maintenance and re- placement budget: shall include any projected year end balance (excluding depreciation funds), operat- permit fees, special rates, and sewer user charges. ing fund investment income, contract revenues, Expenditures fcrr the operation, maintenance and replacement budglet shall include all costs defined year end deficit. in Section 21.04 (14) ordinance plus any projected The operation arid maintenance budget shall balance with the sewer use charge so that projected reve- nues equal projected expenditures. Revenues for the debt service budget shall include any projected year end balances in the special mental Financing Fund, projected Residential Equiv- assessments funds, transfers from the Tax Incre- alency Charges,, connection charges, sinking fund interest income,, Reserve Capacity Assessments, and property taxes. Expenditures for the debt service budget shall to the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District and include principal, interest, capital charges paid -20- . i the Town of Norway sanitary District, premiums, debt. paying agency fees and other expenses related to (7) Projected revenues for the debt service budget shall exceed projected expenditures by 25% with charge increased until revenues are 125% of expen- ditures. (8) Sewer Service charges may be billed yearly, quar- Clerk's office cr at any other officially desig- terly, or month1:y and shall be payable at the City assessments levied and assessed in accordance with nated location. Statements for such charges and this Ordinance shall become due and payable within 45 days from and after the date of the statement. In the event that any such statement or statements added thereto. are not paid whten due, a penalty of 10% will be (9) Billing: The property owner is held responsible for all sewer bi.Lls on premises that he owns. All sewer bills and notices of any nature, relative to the sewer servicme, will be addressed to the owner and/or occupant and delivered to the addressee by first class mail., (10) Failure to Receive Bill No Penalty Exemption: Every reasonablc care will be exercised in the proper delivery of sewer bills. Failure to receive a sewer bill, however, shall not relieve any person of the responsibility for payment of sewer rates within the prescribed period, nor exempt any person from any pena1t:y imposed for delinquency in the payment thereof. (11) Delinquent Bills: On October 15 in each year, notice shall be ziven to the owner or occupant of all lots or parceis of real estate to which service has been furnishmed prior to October 1 and payment giving such notimce. The sewer utility shall fur- for which is owing and in arrears at the time of nish the City Treasurer with a list of all such lots or parcels of real estate, and the notice shall be given by the measurer. Such notice shall be in writing and shall state the amount of such arrears, including any penalty assessed pursuant to the rules of such City; that unless the same is -21- of such arrears will be added thereto; and that paid by November 1, a penalty of 10% of the amount unless such arrears and penalty is paid by November 15, the same will be levied as. a tax against the lot or parcel of real estate to which service was furnished and for which payment is delinquent as above specified. Such notice may be served by delivery to either such owner or occupant person- ally, or by lctter addressed to such owner or occupant at the post office address of such lot or parcel of real estate. On November 16, the Trea- surer issuing the notice shall certify and file with the City Clerk a list of all lots or parcels of real estate, giving, the legal description there- of and the amolunt of unpaid arrears and penalty. Each such delinquent amount, including such pen- alty, shall thereupon become a lien upon the lot or parcel of real estate to which the service was furnished and payment for which is delinquent, and the City Clerk shall insert the same as a tax proceedings in relation to the collection of gener- against such lot or parcel of real estate. All a1 property taxes and to the return and sale of property for delinquent taxes shall apply to said tax if the same is not paid within the time re- quired by law for payment of taxes upon real estate. 21.08 ACCOUNTS AND FUNDS (1) The operation maintenance and replacement fund 21.04 (15) shall be used for payment of any items defined in (2) The debt service fund shall contain all revenues transferred from special assessments, Tax Incre- mental Financing Funds, property taxes, Residential Equivalency Cha.cges, Debt Service Charges, Initial other sources intended for debt. This fund shall Construction Pees, Reserve Capacity Assessments and be used only :Eor the payment of principal and interest, "SD and mwn of Norway sanitary District Capital Charges, and fees directly related to debt payment. (3) The depreciation fund shall be used for the fol- lowing purposes ,, -22- a. b. C. d. e. f. mains. Cost of the replacement of existing sewer Cost of substitution of larger size for exist- ing mains. Cost of new primary sewer mains and instal- payable by statutory assessment. lation of same in excess of such charge or cost t ion. Cost of road repair required by such construc- Cost of contracted engineering service to insure a planned program. Renewals or expansion of the Wastewater Works in excess of $5,000.00. 21.09 PROAIBITED DISCHARGES (1) No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged drainage, yard fountain, swimming pool or pond any storm water, ground water, roof runoff, yard overflow into the collection system. Unpolluted water or waste shall be discharged to only storm sewers or to a natural outlet. (2) No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged to the collectioln system either directly or indi- rectly any of the following described wastes or wastewater: a. Any liquid having a temperature higher than 150 degrees Fahrenheit (65 degrees Centigrade). b. Any wax, grease, or oil, plastic or any other substance that will solidify or become discern- ibly viscous at temperatures between 32 degrees to 150 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees to 675 degrees Centigrade). C. Any solids, liquids or gases which by them- selves or by interaction with other substances may cause fire, explosion, hazards, create persons or property involved in the operation toxic fumes or in any other way be injurious to or maintenance of the Wastewater Works. -23- .' . 0 d. e. f. 9. h. i. Solid or viscous substances in quantities or of such size capable of causing obstruction to the proper operation of the Wastewater Works, such flow in sewers, or other interference with the mud, straw, shavings, metal, glass, rags, as, but not limited to, ashes, cinders, sand, bage, whole blood, paunch manure, hair and feathers, tilr, plastics, wood, unground gar- containers, etc., either whole or ground by fleshings, c?ntrails, paper dishes, cups, milk garbage grinders. Any garbage that has not been properly cmi- nuted or shzedded to such a degree that all particles will be carried freely in suspension screen, 90% passing 1/4. screen). in the munitcipal sewers. (100% passing 1/2. Any noxious or malodorous substance, which either singly or by interaction with other substances is capable of causing odors objec- tionable to persons of ordinary sensitivity. Any wastes OK wastewater having a pH lower than 5.5 or higher than 9 .O or having any corrosive property capable of causing damage or hazards to the Wastewater Works or personnel. Any wastes or wastewater of such character and quantity tha.t unusual attention or expense is required to handle them in the Wastewater Works. Any wastewat.er or wastes containing a toxic or poisonous substance such as plating or heat treating wa.stes in sufficient quantity to injure or interfere with wastewater treatment process, to constitute a hazard to humans or animals, to create any hazard in the Wastewater Works, or which would cause the utility Waste- water treatment facilities to discharge any of excess of the limitation as established in the the following pollutants in quantities in Wisconsin Administrative Code or WPDES Permit: cyanide, - hex,avalent chromium, trivalent chromi- urn, copper, -nickel, cadmium, phenols, iron and Tn . - -24- j. Any radioactive wastes greater than allowable releases as specified by current United States Bureau of Standards Handbooks dealing with the handling and release of radio-activity. k. Free or emulsified oil and grease exceeding on analysis an average of 100 mg/l of either or both or combinations of free or emulsified oil and grease, if, in the opinion of the Superin- tendent it appears probable that such wastes or wastewater: 1. Can deposit grease or oil in the collection system i!n such manner to cause it to clog. 2. Are not amenable to bacterial action and will therefore pass to the receiving waters without being affected by normal wastewater treatmen.t processes. 3. Can have deleterious effects on the waste- water treatment process due to the exces- sive quantities. 1. Any cyanides. or cyanogen compounds capable of excess of one-half (0.5) mg/l by weight as liberating hydrocyanic gas or acidification in cyanide in the wastes. m. Wastes or wastewater which: 1. Cause unusual concentrations of solids or composition; as for example, in total suspended solids of inert nature (such a solids (such as sodium chloride, or sodium Puller's Earth) and/or in total dissolved sulfate). 2. Cause excessive discoloration in the waste- water treatment facilities discharge. 3. Bas BOD in excess of 900 mg/l based upon a 24-hour composite sample. 4. Bas a total BOD or suspended solids loading in excess of the wastewater discharge permit described in section 21.15. -25- b 5. IS discharged without application for a wastewater discharge permit or contractual agreement as required under Section 21.15. 6. Cause clamage to the collection system or impair the treatment process. NO person shall allow the discharge of slugs of water or wastes to the collection system which may be harmful to the operation of the Wastewater Works. Where, in the opinion of the Superinten- dent, slugging does occur, each person producing such a discharge into the collection system shall construct and maintain at his own expense, a stor- age reservoir of sufficient capacity with flow control equipment to insure an equalized discharge over a 24-hour period. NO person shall1 discharge any waste or wastewater which would cause the wastewater treatment facili- ties to be in violation of any of the requirements of their WPDES permit. No person shall connect to and discharge to the collection system, unless there is capacity avail- able in all dow~nstream components of the Wastewater Works as determined by the City Engineer. 21.10 ACCIDENTAL D1SCAARGE:S my person who accidentally discharges wastes or waste- water prohibited under Section 21.09 shall immediateiy report such discharge to the Superintendent. 21 .ll PRETFtEAlWENT PACILIT:[ES (1) The Approving Authority may require pretreatment discharge industrial waste, if the waste or waste- facilities of any person discharging or planning to water: a. Could cause damage to the collection system. b. Impair the treatment process. -26- c. Cause the Citty to incur treatment costs exceed- ing those of domestic wastewater. 'd. Have any of the characteristics of the "Prohibi- ted Discharges. described in Section 21.09 Ordi- nance. e. Cause the wastewater treatment facilities to exceed its total design loading for volume, BOD, suspended solids or any pollutant. (2) Construction, operation and maintenance of pretreat- ment facilities shall be at the expense of the person discharging the industrial waste. (3) Plans, specifications and any other pertinent infor- mation relating to proposed pretreatment facilities and City Engineer prior to the start of construc- shall be submitted for review of the Superintendent t ion. (4) In accordance with Wisconsin Administrative Code NR by qualified personnel holding a license of the 114, all pretreatment facilities shall be operated proper class issued by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. 21.12 SAND AND GREASE TRAP INSTALLATIONS Grease, oil and sand interceptors shall be provided at repair garages, gasoline stations, car washes and other industrial or comme~rcial establishments for the proper handling of liquid wastes containing grease in excessive amounts, oil, f lammiable wastes, sand and other harmful ingredients. All interceptors shall be constructed in accordance with the Wisconsin Plumbing Code and shall be cleaning and inspection. €111 grease, oil and sand located as to be readily and easily accessible for easy interceptors shall be maintained by the owner, at his expense, in continuous, efficient operation at all times . 21.13 WASTEWATER UEASUREMENT AND SAMPLING (1) Wastewater flows shall be assigned in accordance with the Residential Equivalency Charge Chart in Appendix A. unless: -27- 0 a e (a) Any lot, parscel of land, building or premises discharging domestic wastewater or industrial occupant of such property shall cause to be waste into the collection system, the owner or installed necessary metering equipment as ap- proved by thte Superintendent to measure the quantity of water pumped or discharged to the collection s:ystem. All costs for metering equipment, readings, calibrations, and veri- fications sha.11 be billed to the user. The user charge shall be based on the quantity of water so measured. Whenever the person fails to not practicable to measure the water consumed on install such metering equipment, or where it is any premises by a meter or meters, the Super- intendent shall determine the estimated volume of water discharged into the Wastewater Works. (2) The Superintendent may require the installation of devices for metering the volume of waste discharged if those volumes cannot otherwise be determined or day. The metering devices shall be owned and main- if the user discharges over 25,000 gallons on any consent of the Superintendent. tained by the person and may not be removed without (3) Control Manholes: All persons discharging indus- trial wastes into the Wastewater Works shall con- accessible positions on public property or easement struct and maintaftn control manholes in suitable and to facilitate the observation, measurement and sampling of all his wastes or wastewater. Control manholes shall Ibe located and constructed in a manner approved by the Superintendent. Plans shall be submitted andl approved by the Superintendent prior to construct:ion. 21.14 INDOSTRIAL WASTE ANAL!CSIS (1) The utility will collect samples and perform lab- oratory tests on industrial waste discharges as acter and concentration of an industrial waste. necessary to verify the quantity of flow and char- The utility test results shall be used to determine the applicable surcharge. (2) Waste or wastewater discharge may be sampled man- ually or by the use of mechanical equipment as -28- posite sample. samples shall be taken at intervals necessary to obtain a representative 24-hour com- to be establish>ed by the discharge permit under Section 21 -15. (3) When Wisconsin Administrative Code Sections NR 101 or NR 202 require the submittal of the character, and concentration of wastes, waste volume, and production information to the utility or Wisconsin shall have the waste character and concentration Department of alatural Resources (DNR), the user determined by an independent testing laboratory. A copy of the test results and DNR reports shall be submitted to the Superintendent. (4) All measurements and test analysis of the charac- teristics of ind,ustrial wastes shall be determined in accordance with 'Standard Methods'. 21.15 WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT SYSTEM (1) Wastewater Discharge Permit: A wastewater dis- charge permit is required under this section if a person's discharge into the utility Wastewater Works has any of the following characteristics: a. A BOD greater than 200 mg/l. b. A suspended solids concentration greater than 250 mg/l. c. A volume of 25,000 gallons per day or greater of discharge. is discharge'd by any user at one or more points d. Any of the characteristics listed under Section 21.09. ~ny such persons planning to discharge, changing discharge permit has expired shall make application the Characteristics of their discharge or whose to the Superintendent within 60 days prior to the make application to the Superintendent within 60 discharge. All persons currently discharging shall days after passage of this ordinance and must have discharge or discontinue discharging. A discharge an executed permit within 60 days of application to permit will be required for each separate point of -29- D D b I P discharge into the Wastewater Works. water Works without a wastewater discharge permit, if required by this section. shall discharge waste or wastewater into (2) Permit Application: users seeking a wastevater discharae Dermilr shall caadete and file with the Superintenbent an application on the form pre- application, the user shall submit the following scribed by the Superintendent.. In support of this information: a. Name, address and standard industrial class- ification number of applicant. b. Average daily volume of wastewater to be dis- charged. c. Wastewater constituents and characteristics as determined by a method approved by the Super- , intendent. d. Time and duration of discharge. e. Average and! peak wastewater flow rates, in- cluding daily, monthly and seasonal variations, if any. f. Site plans, floor plans, mechanical and plumb- ing plans and details to show all sewers and appurtenances by size, location and elevation. g. Description of activities, facilities and plant processes on the premises including all ma- terials and types of materials which are, or could be, discharged. h. Each product produced by type, amount and rate of production. i. Number and type of employees, and hours of work . j. Any other information as may be deemed by the Superintendent to be necessary to evaluate the permit application. -30- - " D 9 D by the user and nay require additional information. me Superintendent will evaluate the data furnished After evaluation and acceptance of the data fur- nished, the superintendent may issue a wastewater discharge permit subject to terms and conditions provided herein. (3) Permit Conditions: Wastewater discharge permits shall be expressly subject to all pnovisions of charges and fees established by the Approving this ordinance and all other regulations, user Authority. The conditions of wastewater discharge permits shall be uniformly enforced by the Super- applicable state and Federal regulations. Permit intendent in accordance with this ordinance, and conditions will include the following: a. The Residential Equivalency Charge, Connection Charge, sewer Use Charge and Schedule for Sur- charged to the Wastewater Works. charge fees for the wastewater to be dis- - b. The average and maximum wastewater constitu- tents and ch,aracteristics. C. Limits on rate and time of discharge or re- quirements for flow regulations and equali- zation. d. Requirements, for installation of control man- holes. e. Pretreatment requirements. f. Requirements for maintaining plant records relating to wastewater discharges as specified by the Superintendent, and affording the City access thereto. g. Average and maximum pollutant concentrations discharges for all pollutants subject to limit- and total daily average and maximum pollutant ations and prohibitions which are present in the user's wastewater discharge. h. All persons required to make application for a wastewater discharge permit shall before issu- ance of the permit, enter into a contractual -31- e b 0 agreement with the City. The contractual agreement shall contain the conditions set forth in the discharge permit, requirements for industrial cost Eecovery charges and other items deemed necessary by the Approving Au- thor ity . i. Other conditions as deemed appropriate by the Superintendent to insure compliance with this ordinance. Duration of Permits: A permit shall be issued for one (1) year and shall be automatically renewed on a year to year basis, thereafter, unless the person is notified by the Superintendent within 60 days prior to the expiration of the permit or any re- newal thereof. After such notification by the Superintendent, the permit shall expire on the end of that year. The terms and conditions of the by the Superintendent during the life of the per- permit shall be subject to modification and change mit, if so reqluired because of any ordinances, statutes, or rules and regulations of the Approviilg Authority or any applicable state or federal body. The person shall be informed of any proposed chang- effective date of change. Any changes or new es in his permit at least 60 days prior to the conditions in the permit shall include a reasonable time schedule for compliance. Transfer of a Permit: Wastewater discharge permits are issued to aspecific user for a specific oper- ation. A wastewater discharge permit shall not be reassigned or transferred or sold to a new owner, new user, different premises, or a new or changed operation. Revocation of Permit: Any user who violates any of or this ordinance; or of applicable State and the conditions of his permit contractual agreement, permit revoked. Federal regulations, is subject to having his 21.16 ADMISSION TO PROPERTY properties as may be necessary for the purpose of in- The City shall be permitted to gain access to such ing, in accordance with provisions of this ordinance. spection, observation, measurement, sampling and test- -32- r7 0 . 21 -17 21.18 CONFIDENTIALITY OF CRITICAL INFORMATION when requested by the user furnishing a report or permit application or questionaire, the portions of the report, or other document, wh,ich might disclose trade secrets or secret processes shall not be made available for use by enforcement proceedings involving the person furnishing the City or any Stalte agency in judicial review or the report. VIOLATIONS (1) Any person who fails to comply with any of the provisions of this ordinance or with an order of the approving au.thority issued in pursuance of this ordinance, or shall tamper with metering or sam- pling, shall be .Liable to the City for any expense, cluding reasonable attorney's fees and other ex- loss or damage occasioned by such violation in- penses of litigation and upon conviction of any violation of this ordinance, shall be fined not less than $lOO.,OO nor more than $2,500.00 per violation, plus damages. Each day a condition is allowed to exist. which is contrary to all OK any part of this ordinance shall constitute a new violation. Change of ownership or occupancy of premises delinquent under the provisions of this ordinance shall not be cause for reducing or elim- inating charges due ynd penalties for violations. (2) If any user shal.1 discharge a waste or wastewater with a BOD concentration of 900 mg/l or greater, as defined in .Section 21.09 (m)(3), said user shall pay a penalty of $200.00 per violation. Each day a violation OCCUKS shall constitute a separate vio- ly, yearly or quarterly billing statement. lation. Said pemalty shall be added to the month- (3) In addition to 1.he court proceedings and penalties described in the foregoing sections of this ordi- this ordinance o:c fails to caply with any order of nance, whenever a person violates any provision of the Approving Authority, the Approving Authority may order that a.n action be commenced on behalf of the City in the Circuit Court for Waukesha County for the purpose of obtaining an injunction re- straining the person violating the ordinance or . -33- e failing to c0mp:ly with the order, from making any further discharges into the Wastewater Works of the City. 21.19 STATE REGULATIONS The City shall operate the sewer utility and enforce this Ordinance in accordance with Section NR 128.13 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code. The main items included in NR 128.13 are as follows: The City shall maintain a proportionate distribu- costs among users and user classes. tion of operation, maintenance and replacement The City shall generate sufficient revenues to pay total operation, maintenance and replacement costs. The City shall apply excess revenues collected from maintenance attributable to that class for the next a class of users to the costs of operation and year and adjust the rate accordingly. All user charges specifically collected for re- placement sha1:L be deposited in a separate and distinct fund which shall be used exclusively for replacement. users discharging toxic pollutants shall pay for ment costs caused by the toxic pollutants. any increased operation, maintenance and replace- users shall be notified at least annually, in conjunction with a regular bill, of the rate and that portion of the user charges which are attri- butable to the sewer utility services. This Ordinance shall take precedence over any terms or conditions of agreement or contracts between the City and users which are inconsistent with the requirements of NR 128.13. 21.20 UMSD REGULATIONS The following secti'ons and related appendices of The Uilwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) Rules and Regulations, Chapter 17 promulgated by MMSD, as now in effect and as the same may be amended from time to time hereafter, are hereby incorporated by reference and -34- -r SECTION V. - Effective Date This ordinance shall take effect cation as provided by law. Date Adopted: Date Published: Effective Date : i' -36-