ORD1984481ORDINANCE #481 (As Amended) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 3, SECTION 3.10 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE (Sewer Service District and Rates for Holding Tanks) AS FOLLOWS : THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN SECTION 1: That all subsections of 3.10 shall remain the as fOllOWS and except that nubsection 3.1 O(5) (J) shall be added same except that the title in subsection 3.10(5) shall be amended as follows: A. The title in subsection 3.10(5) shall be amended to read as follows: (5) Sewer Service Charges, Rates - Except in Sewer System Holding Tank District B. That subsection 3.10(5)(5) is added to section 3.10 and shall read as follows: 3.10(5)(5) Establishment of Separate Sewer Service District and Rates for Holding Tanks (A) The Common Council of the City of Muskego is hereby granted the authority to establish holding the City where needed. Holding tank sewage tank sewage di.stricts from time to time throughout districts sha1.l only be permitted by the Council on the following terms and conditions: (1) That all appropriate governmental agencies either approve or disclaim necessity of approval ; a.nd from the City of Muskego Plan Commission; and (2) Approva.1 and recommendation is received designed so as to be readily connectable to the (3) Said holding tank system shall be so City's sewer system at such time that sewer is available; and holding tank system at their expense and in (4) Land oGner or owners shall install said conformity with the law, rules, and regulations of all applicable government bodies and agencies and will dedicate the same to the City immediately upon acceptance by the City; and ORDINANCE U481 (As amended) Page 2 (5) The owners will pay all rates and fees on the same basis as those paid by other users of holding tanks connected to the City's sewer system; said rates and fees shall be the same as those eatablished by ordinance for other users of the City sewer system until otherwise established by amendment to this ordinance; and (6) Said holding tank system shall contain automatic .alarm systems to adequately notify the City by a dedicated telephone line to the City of Mu.skego Police Department; and (7) Any easements necessary for dedication of any portion of the holding tank system to the City will l3e dedicated immediately subject to the requirements contained above; and property btznefited by said holding tank system (8) At any time the City may assess against all any reserw capacity assessments or other be established by the City. Application for a assessments on such terms and conditions as may holding tank system shall constitute a waiver of any right to object to any special assess- ments by l.snd owners benefiting therefrom. SECTION 2: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage .and publication and approval by the Waukesha County Park and Planning Commission and the approval of any other governmental agenm-ies. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 10th ATTEST: ++& a Charlotte L. Stewart, Clerk J SECTION 3.10 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE AN ORDINANCB TO AMEND CHAPTER 3, (Sewer Service Distxict and Rates for Holding T.anks THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO 0 AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That all subsections of 3.10 shall rem same except that the title in subsection 3.10(5) shal as follows and except that subsection 3.10(5)(J) shal as follows: A. The title in subsection 3.10(5) shall be nded to read as follows: (5) Sewer Service Charges, Rates - Exc System Holding Tank District 6. That subsection 3.10(5)(5) is added t section 3.10 and 6hall read as follows: 4 3.10(5)(5) Establishment of Separate Sewer Service District and Rates for Holdinq Tanks (A) The Common Council of City of Muskego is hereby granted .the authori eetablish holding tank sewage districts to time throughout the City where needed. tank sewage districts shall only by the Council on the following terms (1) That all agencies either Y ,svs_tem i3+ -