ORD1983477ORDINANCE #477 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 17 SECTION 8.01(7)A.3.b. OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE (Livestock in an RCE District) ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS; THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby amended to read SECTION 1 : Chapter 17, Section 8.01 (7)A.3.b. of the as follows : 8.01(7)A.3.b. The ke,?ping or raising of poultry and domestic livestock, except for hogs and fur bearing animals, the raising of which is absolutely prohibited in this district, shall ural use of the premises on farms of at least be permitted as part of a principal agricult- than 1 head of livestock per acre nor more 10 acns in area on the basis of not more than 51) fowl per acre, nor more than 2 goats on one farm. SECTION 2: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsist- ent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF JfiNVCIRy. 1983. ATTEST: