ORD1983476ORDINANCE #476 (AS Amended) a m SECTION 3.10(5)(f) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE AN 0RDINANC:E TO AMEND CHAPTER 3 (Sewer Connection Fees) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Code of the City of Muskego is hereby amended to read as follows : SECTION 1: Chapter 3:. Section 3.10(5)(f) of the Municipal 3.10(5)(f) For each :Lot, parcel of land or premises for will be made available, there shall be charged which sewage disposal facilities have been or and collected a sewer connection charge in the sum of $750 for existing dwellings and $2,000 apply to ,311 properties actually connected to for new construction, that said charge shall the system prior to further amendment of this ordinance. SECTION 2: All ordinances or parts of ordinances repealed. inconsistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 22nd DAY OF November, 1983. WAYNE G. SALENTINE, Mayor ATTEST: I. City Clerk - 11 /83 jm December 1, 1983 TO : MEMBERS OF THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 COMMON COUNCIL RE: VETO OF ORDINANCE #L.76 FROM: MAYOR WAYNE G. SALEPITINE - Dear Aldermen: I have chosen to Veto Ordinance #476 (As Amended) which was adopted on November 22, 19E83, for the following'reasons: 1. An alderman has requested that Ord. #476 be placed on the 12/13/83 Cc'uncil agenda for reconsideration. 2. The Veto eliminated the publication required in the event any changes are made when the ordinance is reconsidered. 3. The rules were suspended at the 11/22/83 Council meeting which peruitted the action to be taken without allowing additional time for review. If been acted on at the December 13th Council meeting. only the first reading had been given it would have 4. The suspension of rules changed the adoption time table and prevented the special Committee of the Whole Meeting scheduled for 12/8/83 to discuss this subject to be held prior to the adoption. 5. Developers make an investment in our community knowing the various costs of the City, such as land division and park dedication fees, curb and gutter, storm sewer, road costs, sign requirements and phase in an increase in sewer connection fees would sewer connection fees. A reasonable time table to allow the present growth to continue and developers to plan around that increased fee. After reviewing this Veto message, I would request your upholding this Veto and allow the ordinance to be reconsidered as requested. e Sincerely yours, CITY OF MUSKEG0 Wayne G. Salentine Mayor WGS/ jm W182 58200 RAClNE AVENUE MUSKEGO. WISCONSIN 53150 B November 23, 1983 D I, Jean K. Marend?., Deputy City Clerk of the City of Muskego, do hereby certify that on the Mayor of the City of ,Mus6go submitted { ,' ' An 0,rdlnance to I. Code (Sewer Codnection , - -. i r -~ -. f ,, ,:,> 1 00 I i /' 1 kc. ;.>~ ,: d. -r , ". I I .\ ~, / _' / /.' ' Y ORDINANCE # 476 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 3, (Sewer Connection Fees) SECTION 3.10(5)(f) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE/ AS FOLLOWS: THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, W SCONSIN, DO ORDAIN J SECTION 1: Chapter 3, Section of the Municipal Code of the Clty of Muskego is hereby as follows: 3.10(5)(f) For each lot, and or premises for which sewage have been or will be made available, collected a to further all properties 0 with or SECTION 2: inconsistent WAYNE G. SALENTINE, Mayor ATTEST : / CHARLOTTE STEWART, Clerk