ORD1983474i . -. ORDINANCE (1474 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 30 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 (The Building Code) w ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO SECTION 1 : Chapter 3cl of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby amended in accordance with Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. SECTION 2: Table No. 1 of Chapter 30 is hereby amended to add: V. State Building Seals $25 .OO SECTION 3: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. 0 SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS P~R'DAY OF ?/p&&&tJ, 1983. ATTEST : B 11 f83 jm ,i . -. (Exhibit "A") Wisconsin Uniform Building Code Corrections of typographical errors and misspelling. 30.19 (3) Wood pressure treated. 30.20 (1) (a) - laying of the brick or impair the strength - 30.23 (4) (c) - in final po::ition within 2% hours after mixing. 30.29 30.29 30.29 2) (a) Allowable stresses --- Lumber used --- The word "For" be eliminated. 3) (a) "Design Values for Joists and Rafters," 8) (b) - Supported with two by fours spaced not - "2 x 4) inches" be eliminated. Code Comnittee 1982 Review and Material Acceptance 1. Best Tuff- additive to mortar. 2. Tyvek Building Paper - Ai:: infiltration barrier. 3. Supaflu - now has State Approval Interpretations 1. Solid fuel connection to #chimney. N. F. P. A. No. 54. 2. Unvented gas-fired room h,?aters. 3. Accessory buildings - Geis - Aire 4. Kitchen and bathroom exiiaust requirements. 21.05 (a) and (b). 5. Insulation reference. 22.06 6. Garage slab thickness. 7. Factory bcilt fireplaces. BIASEW Code Committee Report 1982 Revisions Page 2 30.39 (6) Change "Flue" Pipes for Incinerators to "Smoke" Pipes for Incinerators. 30.39 (6) (a), (b), & (c) Change "flue" pipes to "smoke" pipes. " 30.43 (7) (a) Reword - Separation from Dwelling Areas --- Attached garages shall be separated from the dwelling unit by at least: 1. TWO (2) inch brick or stone veneer. 2. Metal lath or perforated rocklath and three-fourths inch of plaster. 3. Five-eighths (5/8) inch of vermiculite plaster board. 4. Five-eighths (5/8) inch fire code gypsum plaster board. Table ..No. 1. :K:. .Reword K. Heating and Air Conditioning $ .50 per 100 square feet Distribution Systems of conditioned area. ($5.00 Minimum) Add: Table NO. 5 Nailinc Schedule Table J - 1 Floor joists 40 Lbs. per square foot Table J - 4 Ceilinll Joists 20 Lbs. per square foot Table J - 6 Ceilinq Joists 10 Lbs. per square foot Table R - 9 Low Slope Rafters, Slope 3 in 12 of less 40 Lbs . per square foot Table R - 11 High Slope Rafters, Slope over 3 in 12 30 Lbs. per square foot . .I BIASEN Code Committee Report 1982 :Revisions Natural light - all habitable rooms, except those located in basements, shall be, etc. Remove -, “ex’zept those located in basements,” Exhaust Fan Vznting - Reword - Exhaust fans are required in all bath rooms which have bath tubs, shower or water closets and in utitity rooms when no openable window is available. Reword There shall be provided on the premises, disposalof sewerage without health hazards or for each dwelling unit, means for a sanitary nuisance, and in conformity with general accepted standards. Reword - Protection of adjoining property. Any property owner (owner of an interest made to a depth of 12 feet or less, below the in land) making or causing an excavation to be grade, shall protect the excavation so that the soil of adjoining property will not cave in or settle, but shall not be liable for the expense of underpinning or extending the foundation of buildings on adjoining properties where the Before commen.cing the excavation the person excavation is not in excess of 12 feet in dppth. making or cat.sing the excavation to be made shall notify in writing the owners of adjoining buildings not less thar. 30 days before such excavation is to be made ar:d that the adjoining buildings should be protected. The owners of the adjoining property purpose of psotecting such adjoining buildings. shall be givm access to the excavation for the Exception. The 30-day limit for written notification may be waived if such waiver is signed by the owner of adjoining properties. Property owners (owners of an interest in land) making or causing an excavation to be made exceeding 12 feet in depth below the grade shall protect the excavation so that the soil of adjoining property will. not cave in or settle, and shall extend the foundation of any adjoining buildings below the depth of 12 feet below grade at their below grade at their own expense as provided in own expense. The buildings to a depth of 12 feet preceding paragraph. - Joist to sill or girder, toc nail Bridyi'ng to joist, toc nail cach cnd 1" x"6" subfloor or less to each joist, facc nail Widcr than 1" x 6" subfloor to cach joist, face nail 2" suhfloor to joist or girder, blind and face nail Solc plate to joist or blocking, face nail ZSlJ r sole plate to stud, end nail to sole platc, toe nail Doubled studs, facc nail Top plates, laps, :and intersections, face nail Doubled top plates. face nail Continuous header, two pieces Cciling joists to plate, toe nail "9 nuous hmdcr to stud, toe nail lg joist, laps over partitions, face nail Cel ing joist to parallel rafters, facc nail Rafter to plate. toe nail 1" bracc to each stud and plate, face nail 1" x 6" shcathing to each bearing. face nail IVider than I" x 8" sheathing to each bearing, face nail 1" x 8" sheathing to each bearing, face nail Built-up. corner studs Built-up girder and bcams . Roof raftcrs to ridge, valley or hip rafters, toe nail 2-inch planks Roof raftcrs to ridge, valley or hip rafters, fat,: nail Collar ties to rafters, face nail Plywood subfloor. roof and wall sheathkg (to framingl6 112-inch to 5116-inch @/B-inch to 514-inch 7/8-inch to I-inch 1 118-inch to 1 114-inch . IfZ-inch Fiberboard sheathing7 G&xm sheathing, 1/ZqV8 Particleboard ua11 sheathing (to framing)6 3/8-inch to IlZ-inch 5/8-iuch to 314-inch Insulated sheathing Combination subfloor underlayment (to framing)6 3/3-incl1 and lcss 718-inch to 1-inch 1 118-inch to 1 114-inch Panel siding (to framing)lO 1/2-inch or lcss DWinch 2-16-d.3-Sd 2-6d or staplc 2-Ed or '2 staplcs, 1 3/4" 3-8d or 4 staples. 1 3/4" 2-165 16d at 16 0. c. 2-163 4-8d or 3-16d 16d at 24" 0. c. 16d at 16" 0. c. 2-16d 16d at 16" 0. C. along each edge 4 -8d 2-16d. 3-8d 3-16d 3-16d 2.16d, 3-8d 2-8d or 2 staples, 1 314" 2-8d or 2 staples, 1 314" 2-8d or 3 staples, 11314" 3-8d or 4 staples, 1 314" 163 at 30" 0. c., 16d at 24" 0. C. 20d at 32" 0. c. at top and bottom and stagzcred 2-206 at ends and at each splice 4-16d over 6" 2-16d under 6" 2-16d at each bearing 3-16d 3-8d 6ds or staple 8d smooth or common, 6d deformed. or staple 8d5 10d smooth or common, or 8d deformed 6d common or sta le, 1 118'' long or roofing nail 1P or roofing nail 8d commom or sta le, 1 l/Ztt long or 6d corninon staple 1 1/2" galvanized roofing nail 6d common 8d common or staplc or staple 11 guage roofing nails, 6d. 8d. 63 dcformcd 8d deformed 8d deformed9 10d smooth9 or comnon or 66 See 30.34 (3) 8d 1P ]All nails are smooth-common, box or dcfor~ncil shank exccpt where othcrwisc stated. ZNail is a gcneral description and may be 'I"hcad, modificd round hexi or round hmd. 'Staples arc 16-guagc wire and haw a minimlrnl 7116-inch 0. d. crohm width. 4Common or box nails may be used exccpt \4Icr(: otherwise stated. SCommon or deformed shank. 6hi1~ spaccd at 6 inches on center nt edpcs, 12 inchcs at intermediate supports (10 inches at intcrmcdinrc supports for floors). exccpt 6 inches at all supports whcrc spxns are 48 inchcs or more. 7Nails spnccd at 3 inrhcs on center at cdgcs,, 6 inches at intcrmcdiatc supports. 9Nails spaccd at G incllcs on ccntcr nt cdgcs and at intcrnicdintc sttpprts. 8N3iIs spaccd at 4 inchcs on ccnter at cdgrs,, 8 inches nt intcrn~cdi;itc supports. locorrosion-resistant siding and casing nails, 11Galvnnircd roofing nails with 7116-inch di;111ctcr head 2nd 1 112-inch length for 112-inch shcatllin,c and 1 314-inch for Z!i/32-incll shcathing. - B c P x u .. L 3, . e 0 0. $ I i a. 5 .. r I