ORD1983471ORDINANCE # 471
rezoned as indicated:
SECTION 1: The following described property is hereby
SECTION 2: All ordinances or parts of ordinance
inconsistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby
repealed. b
SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and
effect from and after its passage, publication and certification
by the State of Wisconsin.
///e k/ WhYN G. SALENTINE, Mayor
October 17, 1983
FOR: City of Muskego
PARCEL # 1 EA (Exclusive Agriculture)
All that part of Sections 119, 20, 29, 30 and 32, Town 5 North range
ed and described as follows:
20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, being bound-
Commencing at the Northwest corner of Section 19; thence Easterly,
along the North line of the Northwest % of Section 19, 981.75 feet
of the parcel of land hereinafter described; thence Southerly along
to the Easterly R.O.W. line of Crow Bar Drive and place of beginning
Section 19; thence Westerly 990.33 feet along the West % line of Sec-
the Easterly R.O.W. line of Crow Bar Drive to the West & line of
tion 19, to the West % corner of Section 19, thence Southerly along
the West line of the Southwest 5 of Section 19, to the Northerly
right-of-way line of Henneberry Drive; thence Easterly along said
Northerly right-of-way line to a point of intersection wi.th the
Easterly R.O.W. line of Crow Bar Drive; thence Southeasterly along
the Easterly R.O.W. line of Crow Bar Drive to a point which lies
Southerly 585 feet moreor-less from the South line of Section 19;
thence Westerly 24.75 feet to the centerline of Crow Bar Drive;
thence continuing Westerly along the South line of lands desig-
nated by Tax Key No. 2278.1199, 1198.56 feet to the west line of the
Northwest % of Section 30; thence Southerly along the West line of
the Northwest % of Section 30, to the West 5 corner of Section 30;
thence Easterly along the West % line of Section 30 to a point on
Drive; thence Southerly along the Easterly R.O.W. line of Crow Bar
the Easterly line.of Crow Elar Drive at the intersection of Parker
Drive 1335 feet moreorless to the North line of the Southeast % of
along the South line of lands designated by Tax Key No. 2279.999,
the Southwest & of Section 30; thence Easterly along said line and
to a point of intersection with the South & line of Section 30;
thence Southerly along the South line of Section 30, to the North-
erly R.O.W. line of Kelsey Drive; thence Easterly along the South
Southwest & of Section 29 to a point of intersection with the North- line of the Southeast & of Section 30 and the South line of the
South 1/8 line in the Northwest % of Section 32; thence Southerly
along said 1/8 line, being the West line of the Northeast % of
the Northwest % of said Section 32 to the southwest corner of lands
designated by Tax Key No. 2286.999; thence Easterl:? along the proety
line, 1263.86 feet to the Westerly R.O.W. of Racine Ave.; thence
Northerly along said R.0.W line to a point of intersection with
North of the center of Section 29; thence Northerly along the North
the North % line of Section 29; said point lying approx. 565 feet
& line of Section 29 to the North line of lands designated by Tax
Key No. 2274.998; thence WE?sterly along the Northerly line of said
Parcel #1 continued
Northerly along said Secticn line, to the Northwest 5 of Section 29;
lands to the West line of the Northwest of Section 29; thence
thence Easterly along the South line of the Southwest % of Section
20, 1320 feet moreorless to the South East corner of lands desig-
nated by Tax Key No. 2239.997; thence Northerly along the East line
of the Southwest % of the Southwest L, of Section 20, to the Southerly
R.O.W. line of Henneberry Drive; thence Westerly along said R.O.W.
line to the West line of th,e Southwest of Section 20; thence con-
tinuing Westerly along said R.O.W. line 589.4 feet moreorless; thence
Northerly 33.00 feet to the centerline of Henneberry Drive; thence
continuing Northerly along the East line of lands designated by
Westerly along said East % line 451.39 feet; thence Southerly along
2236.999, 1330.37 feet to the East % line of Section 19; thence
the East line of lands desi,gnated by Tax Key No. 2236.998; 295.50
feet; thence Westerly along the Southerly line extended of said
Drive; thence Northerly along the Westerly R.O.W. line of Hillendale
lands 340 feet morurless t,o the Westerly R.O.W. line of Hillendale
Drive to North line of the Southeast % of the Northeast % of Section
19; thence Westerly along s:aid line to the North % line of Section
moreorless to the South line of lands designated by Tax Key No.
19; thence Northerly along the North % line of Section 19, 1050 feet
2234.999; thence Westerly along the South line of said lands, 1049.4
feet; thence Northwesterly 333.30 feet to the North line of the
Northwest %j of Section 19; thence Westerly along said North line,
and place of beginning. Excepting there from all lands lying in
498.6 feet moreorless to the Easterly R.O.W. line of Crow Bar Drive
the West + of the Southeast: of Section 19 and also excepting
there from all public road right-of-ways.
Richard C. Guenther
FOR: City of Muskego
PARCEL # 2 EA. (Exclusive Agriculture)
FOR: City of Muskego
PARCEL # 2 EA. (Exclusive Agriculture)
I All that part of the Southeast % of Section 20, Southwest % of Set-
City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin bounded and described
tion 21, Northeast of Section 29, Town 5 North, Range 20 East,
as follows:
Beginning at the East corner of Section 20; thence Westerly along
the East line of Section 20, 2000 feet more or less to the North-
west corner of lands designated by Tax Key No. 2240.999; thence
Southerly along the West line of said lands to the Southerly R.O.W.
line Henneberry Drive; thence Westerly along said line 670 feet
more or less to the South line of Section 20; thence Southerly along
the South % line of Section 20, 598 feet more or less to the south-
west corner of lands designated by Tax Key N.o. 2240.999; thence
Easterly 1350 feet more or less Southerly 56.31 feet and Easterly
0 thence Southwest along said Easterly R.O.W. line,660 feet more or
624.3 feet more or less to the Easterly R.O.W. line of Racine Ave.;
less to the South line of the Southeast k of Section 20; thence
continuing along said R.O.W. :Line 860 feet more or less to an existing
property line: thence Southeasterly 382.8 feet to the West line of
the East f of Section 29; thence Southerly along said Wdst line,
the Northeast of Section 29;: thence Easterly along said line
600 feet more or less to the Southwest corner of the Northeast ki of
1350 feet more or less to the East line of the Northeast % of Sec-
tion 29; thence Northerly along said East line to the Northeast
Southwest k of Section 21, to the Westerly line of Parker Drive;
corner of Section 29; thence E:asterly along the South line of the
thence Northeasterly along sai.d R.O.W. line to a point on the South
erly 120 feet more or less along the South line of said lands; thence
line of lands designated by the Tax Key No. 2243.992; thence West-
*et to the North line of lani!s designated by Tax Key NO. 2243.992;
Northerly 166.47 feet; Westerl.~, 134.57 feet; and Northerly 173.25
thence Westerly along said Soc:th line 835 feet more or less to the
East line of Section 20; thence South along said East: line, 44.51
feet; thence Southwest along the Southeasterly line of Parcel #l
and Parcel 82, 231.54 feet; thence Northwest along an existing pro-
perty line 340.00 feet to the centerline of Racine Ave.; thence
Northeast along said centerline,730.57 feet; thence North 1135 feet
more or less along the East line of the Southeast L, of Section 20
to the East % corner of Section 20 and place of beginning,eXCepting
there from public road right-of-ways.
Richard C. Guenther
October 19, 1983
FOR: City of Muskego
PARCEL # 3 EA (Exclusive Agriculture)
All that part of the Southeast % and Southwest % of Section 31,
Town 5 North, Range 20 East:, City of Muskego, Waukesha County,
Wisconsin being designated by Tax Key No. 2283.997 that portion
of which is bounded and described as follows:
Commencing a.L: the South % corner of Section 31; thence Northerly
along the South 8 line of 5;ection 31, 25 feet to the North line of
North line of S. Denoon Road 865 feet moreorless to the East line
S. Denoon Road and place of beginning; thence easterly along the
of said lands; thence North along the West line of a private drive,
500 feet moreorless; thence Northwesterly 114 feet to the West line
of lands designated by Tax Key No. 2284.999; thence Northerly along
the West line and West side line extended of said property, 330
feet moreorless to the Sout.herly shore line of Lake Denoon; thence
following said shore line, Northwesterly, Northeast, Southeasterly
and Northeasterly to a point of intersection with the North line
of the Southwest 5 of the 5;outheast % of Section 31, said line
being the North line of larlds designated by Tax Key No. 2283.997;
thence Westerly along said line to the South % line of Section 31;
ri of the Southwest % of Section 31, to the East line of Crow Bar
thence continuing Westerly along the North line of the Southeast
Drive; thence Southerly alcsng said East line to the North line of
S. Denoon Road; thence East.er1y along the North line of S. Denoon
Road to the South % line of Section 31 and place of beginning.
Richard C. Guenther
October 19, 1983
FOR: City of Muskego
PARCEL #4 EA 1:Exclusive Agricultural)
All that part of Section 33, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City
of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin bounded and described as
Beginning at the West ri corner of Section 33; thence Southerly
along the West line of the Southwest % of Section 33, and centerline
of Muskego Dam Road 2663.13 feet to the Southwest corner of Section
33; thence Easterly along the South line of Section 33, 2628.73 feet
to the South Ir corner of Section 33; thence continuing Easterly
along the South lineof the Southeast 1( of Section 33, 230 feet
moreorless to the Northwesterly R.O.W. line of Loomis Road (STH "36");
thence Northeasterly 1700 feet moreorless along said R.O.W. line
to the centerline of an existing canal; thence Northeasterly along
said centerline 2250 feet to the Southwesterly shore line of Big
Muskego Lake; tlence Northwesterly along said shore line to a point
of intersection with the North Ir line of Section 33; thence South-
erly 660 feet mreorless, along said North % line to the North line
of the Southeast 1( of the Northwest k of Section 33; thence West-
erly, Northerly, and Westerly along the Northerly line of lands
designated by Tax Key No. 2290.995 to a point on the centerline of
Kelsey Drive; thence Southerly along said centerline and the West
line of the Northwest ri of Section 33, 2653.40 feet to the West %
corner of Section 33 and place of beginning excepting there from
public road right-of-way.
Richard C. Guenther
October 19. 1983
FOR: City of Muskego
PARCEL # 5 EA (Exclusive Agricultural)
All that part of the Northwest &, Northeast 5 and Southwest of
Section 28, Town 5, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha
County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at the North 1.i ccmrner of Section 28; thence Westerly
Northeast corner of lands designated by Tax Key No. 2270.998;
along the North line of Sec:tion 28, 1310 feet moreorless to the
thence Southerly along the East line of said lands 190.76 feet; thence
Northwesterly along the South line' of said lands, 454.74 feet to
the centerline of Parker Drive; thence Southwesterly along the
centerline of Parker Drive to 'the East line of the West 4 of the
West Jj of the Northwest % Section 28; thence Southerly along saidline to
% line, 222.80 feet; thence Northwest 371.5 feet and North 1194.6
the West 5 line of Section 28; thence Westerly along said West
feet along the East line of land designated by Tax Key No. 2270.994
to the centerline of Parker Drive; thence Southwest along the center-
line of Parker Drive, 393.116 feet; to the West line of Section 28:
thence Southerly along the West line of Section 28 to the Northwest
corner of the Southwest 5 of the Southwest 5 of Section 28; thence
Easterly along the North line of the South 4 of the Southwest l.i of
Northerly along said shore line to the Northeast corner of land
Section 28, to the Westerly shore line of Big Muskego Lake; thence
designated by Tax Key No. 2270.999; thence Westerly along the
South line of the Northeast % of the Northeast 5 of Section 28,
1100 feet moreorless to the North 5 line of Section 28; thence
Northerly along said North line, 1320 feet moreorless to the
North % corner of Section 28, and place of beginning excepting
there from public road right-of-way.
/ Richard C. Guenther
WCUKESHfi,. WISCONSIN 53186-5694
October 19, 1983
FOR: City of Muskego
PARCEL # 6 EA (Exclusive Agricultural)
All that part of the Southwe,st % of Section 27, southeast %
Section 28, Northwest % Sect.ion 34, Northeast % of Section 34,
Town 5 North, Ragne 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County,
Wisconsin described as follclws:
Beginning at the Northeast c:orner of Section 34; thence Southerly
along the East line of Section 34, 815 feet moreorless to North-
erly line of old railroad right-of-way; thence Southwesterly along
said R.O.W. line 1220 feet moreorless to the South line of lands
designated by Tax Key # 2293.999; thence Westerly along said South
line 1570 feet moreorless to the North line of Section 34; thence
Northerly along said North line 1340 feet moreorless to the North % corner of Section 34; thence Easterly along the North line of
Section 34, 2676.53 feet to the place of beginning together with
Muskego Lake and in the Nor.theast Jr of the Northwest Jr of Section
all that land which lies East of the Easterly shore line of Big
34; also all lands designatssd by Tax Key No. 2268.996. Commencing
South line of Section 27, 1300.00 feet; thence Northerly along the
at the South li corner of Se,-tion 27; thence Easterly along the
West line of a 33 foot wide private road R.O.W. 1190 feet moreorless
to the South line of lands designated by Tax Key No. 2268.997;
Big Muskego Lake; thence in a Southwesterly direction, along said
thence Westerly along said South line to the Easterly shore line of
shore line to a point on the South line of the Southwest % of Sec-
tion 27; thence Easterly along said South line 550 feet moreorless
of record.
to the place of beginning, excepting there from road right-of-ways
Richard C. Guenther
October 19, 1983
1.11, ,.z.,,,,
FOR: City of Muskego
PARCEL # 7 EA (Exclusive Agricultural)
All that part of the Southeast % of Section 35, and Southwest % of
Section 36, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha
County, Wisconsin bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at the Southwest corner of Section 36; thence Easterly
along the South line of the Southwest % Section 36, 660 feet
more or less to the East line of the West 4 of the West 4 of the
Southwest % of Section 36; thence Northerly along said line and
to the West % line of Section 36; thence Westerly, 660 feet more
the Easterly line of lands designated by Tax Key No. 2303.996
or less to the West % corner of Section 36; thence Southerly along
the West line of the Southwest % of Section 36 ,-. 1320 feet more
or less to the Northeast c:orner of the Southeast 'i of the South-
east % of Section 35; thence Westerly along the North line of the
Southeast k of the Southea.st of Section 35, 1320 feet more or less
Section 35; thence Southesly along the West line of the Southeast % to the Northwest corner of the Southeast % of the Southeast % of
of the Southeast % of Section 35, 1320 feet more or less; thence
Easterly along the South I.ine of the Southeast % Section 35, 1320
feet more or less to the Southwest corner of Section 36 and the
place of beginning-, except:ing there from public road right-of-way.